Harry, Luna and Angel were in the Great Hall three days later when Minerva made the official announcement. While some people took the removal of the Flying Class for Wizarding Law and Etiquette as well as expected, that being poorly, it was the announcement that came after about Snape that was far more amusing. At least it was to the trio of future lovers.

Luna giggled at announcement, Angel shot Harry a look that said she knew it was his doing and Harry wasn't even paying attention as he sipped a mug of tea. As for the Hogwarts students, their reactions fell into one of two camps. Three quarters of the school, namely the other three Houses, whooped cheered and clapped as if they all simultaneously won the House and Quidditch cup. The Slytherin population was up in arms at Severus being fired and remaining on only unt the Yule holiday break.

Minerva shot up a harmless firecracker like spell into the air the ecoed a loud boom silencing the students. "As the Headmistress, I cannot and will not look the other way to Professor Snape's behavior towards all non-Slytherin students like former Headmaster Dumbledore did hence his dismissal. When you all return from Yule break the new Potion Professor and Slytherin Head of House will be already here to pick up where Professor Snape left off" she said with a stern hard look. "Much is going to change, some things already are. Tom foolery will not be tolerated with a slap on the wrist. Bullying and abuse of your fellow student in any way, no matter of your House or blood status, will be punished most severely. Sabotaging another students work" her eyes turned to look at the majority of Slytherin but skipped over Harry, Angel and Luna "will see you suspended. Bullying or abusing your schoolmates will see you suspended or expelled with prejudice if the offense is severe enough. Repeat offenders will be dealt with most harshly and swiftly."

Harry smirked silently around his mugs lip knowingly. While many would no doubt try to claim a 'There were no witnesses so you can't say I did the crime' type defense, they'd be in for a rude awakening after his foray around the school last night. Setting the mug down he stood and cleared his throat loudly. "May I add a few words Headmistress?" he asked looking respectfully to the Scottish witch.

Minerva wasn't so sure what Harry had in mind. "As long as it is relevent Lord Slytherin" she replied choosing her words diplomatically.

"They are relevent I assure you" Harry said with a nod. Striding up toward the Head Table he stopped on the step in front of the podium so he could see all the tables. "As the only current Hogwarts Lord, I not only endorse the Headmistresses choice but took the time last night to activate a defense built into the castle by my forefathee Salazar Slytherin and his wife Rowena. As far back as the founding of this institution the walls of the castle have been lined with art, portraits of prominent staff members who contributed to the advancement of magical society and the like. Most of you pass the paintings day in and day out thinking nothing of what you say or do in front of them as you walk to class right?" he asked rhetorically.

There was a murmur of general agreement across the tables.

"From the moment the sun rose this morning, you will get away with nothing. The paintings will report DIRECTLY to the Headmistress as the ultimate eyes and ears around the castle. No longer will the Gryffindors get away with harassing and terrifying First Year Slytherins into nervous wrecks just because they are sorted Slytherins & think it's funny or ok because of a misrepresented legitimate grudge between two dead men who are centuries in the ether! No longer will the Dark Faction children with Death Eater or blood purity supporting parent Slytherins get away with intimidating into subservience their Housemates or members of other Houses. No longer will Ravenclaw be tolerated for their holier than thou attitude over the other three Houses because they possess a pitifully small midgeon of Rowena Ravenclaw's personal archive in their common room. A smidgeon I have half a mind to reclaim as Salazar's only legitimate living descendent" Harry said roving his eyes with a hard glare. "Hogwarts is a school to learn to but what I have seen is appalling! My forefather must be rolling in his grave to see what he helped build as a sanctuary to teach young witches and wizards to learn to control their gifts be turned into a warzone where children carry on family grudges they know nothing about!" His lip curled into a sneer. "In the muggle world, what the Headmistress has put into effect is called a zero tolerance policy. If you want to test how serious the Headmistress is, go for it. Squander your families money they spent on your education. But do keep in mind one thing" Harry's lips curled into a mean smirk "don't think covering the paintings to make them unable to see you committing a wrongdoing will work. The paintings you see on the walls are not the only ones present."

That final sentiment brought worried echoes rising across the hall. Just what could Lord Slytherin mean by the paintings they saw on the walls aren't the only ones present? Did that imply hidden paintings existed in every corridor to watch the student population? Were there hidden painting in the classrooms?

Harry took his seat back between Angel and Luna with a victorious glint in his eyes. "So my lovely ladies, what is our class schedule today?" he asked ignoring the sea of stares and cautious glares from other Slytherins.

"Hmm.. Oh, Transfiguration with Gryffindor and History with Ravenclaw before lunch and then a double Herbology block with the Puffs & a study period in the library before dinner" Luna said with her usual dreamy smile. "Harry, can I ask you something?" she asked.

"You just did Precious Fairy" Angel teased laughing as Luna blushed faintly but smiled a little more.

"Well, can I ask you a second thing?"

"Of course you can. How can I deny either of my beautiful ladies?" Harry asked patting Luna's hand.

"You don't or you sleep on the couch" Angel said with a teasing grin.

Luna ignored the teased comment from her Lady as her blush grew a touch darker. "If it isn't asking too much of me.. Could we..sleep in your Lord Quarters tonight?" she asked softly.

"Sure, I don't think Ange-"

"I meant just.. Us. You and I. The new moon is tonight and when a.. Dark Fae is claimed the pair does a claiming on the night of the new moon. It's usually reserved for those who join in a mate bond but given the circumstances and the letter from my mom, I was informed of the allowed exception. I'm not asking for anything intimate, I'd never dream of smacking your mate in the face so to speak and being the first to be physically intimat-"

"Luna, slow down and breathe" Angel said in s soft and firm but affectionate tone as she clasped one of Luna's hands in her own gently. "Explain what you mean to us."

"Traditionally, a newly mated Dark Fae would take his or her mates purity on the next new moon during a ritual to bond them for life so the mated pair would live equal lifespans and die together. Since I am not Harry's mate the process is different. In the eyes of my kind I will be viewed more or less a concubine while retaining my position as Princess to the Unseelie. What makes the concubine process different from the traditional ritual is that when I take Harry's mark, it will make my already submissive tendencies a bit more apparent. I may ask you both for permission to do things a bit more often but little more than that will change. As much as I would love to have you there Angel so we can be done with it, there is a separate ceremony when it comes to presenting myself to being accepted by masters mate for all contact. It's why I need to do this with Harry, alone" Luna said with big eyes that were sincere and open as she met the rich black eyes of the Dementor.

"I trust you not to do anything untoward Luna." Angel kissed Luna's forehead softly and nuzzled the soft skin. "And even if your people will view you as a concubine, you will always be our equal" she whispered softly as she pulled her lips back.

Luna shivered a little but nodded gratefully at Angel. "Thank you."

By the time lunch rolled around Harry was beyond amused to say the least. The number of nervous eyes in the hallways and in class was staggering. He was reminded of the muggle saying 'walking on egg shells' and, after explaining it to Luna & Angel, his girls were quick to agree. While one solitary person thought he was blowing dragon smoke up his robes, a First Year Gryffindor boy with red hair and freckles did trip a Slytherin girl down the main staircase on the way out of Transfiguration.

The trio of Slytherins, Harry himself Luna and Angel, had cast the momentum halting spell so quick it seemed to escape their wands at the same time the girl began to go arse over tea kettle as the boy laughed. Boy had that been the wrong move. Just as Angel took the girl into her arms and righted her safely away from the steps the booming enraged voice of the Headmistress was behind the boy.

Trying to watch him talk his way out of it claiming ignorance of the culprit was funny to Harry as he and the girls calmed the shaking girl down. "He's obviously lying Headmistress. We" he motioned to his girls, the other Slytherins around them and the Gryffindors "saw him do it. Of course if the Gryffindors want to aid an attempted murderer I have no problem superceding your authority and calling the DMLE and having them arrested alongside Mr. Weasley as accessories to Attempted Murder of a Pureblood Heiress."

The lion patched kids blanched, their skin going paler than pale. Almost as if they were a hive minded being the kids agreed tossing Ron under the raging Hippogriff as it were.

Angel was more concerned about the girl than the redheaded boy being dragged away in conjured chains. "Are you alright?" she asked with an almost motherly tone.

The girls shaking increased momentarily before she lost consciousness in shock.

Harry shifted his bag and picked the girl up in his arms. "I'll be to History as soon as I drop her off to the hospital wing. Poppy should have some calming draughts and what not to help her when she wakes" he said as he kissed both Angel and Luna's foreheads before leaving.

"He makes it impossible not to.." Luna blushed stopping herself.

Angel laughed softly throwing an arm around Luna. "It's alright to say it Luna. You can say you love him" she said with gentle reassurance as the rest of the First Year Slytherin's fell in line behind them. "We have not only accepted your feelings but return them. You can say you love Harry and I won't be upset with you. You can say you love me and I won't be upset. You don't have to censor your feelings or thoughts about me or Harry, Luna. We are all equals, I want to hear you say you love us both because we will most certainly be saying it about you and showing it."

Luna smiled shyly and pressed a quick kiss to Angel's lips. "He makes it so hard not to love him. You do to."


"Hello! Anyone here?" Harry called out as he hip checked the door to open it.

Poppy Pomfrey looked up from some paperwork. "No need to yell. What seems to be the matter with the young lady you're carrying?" she asked setting her glasses on her nose before getting to her feet and making her way to the two Slytherins.

"Besides a Gryffindor trying to murder her by tripping her down the main staircase? Nothing. I'm no Healer obviously but the fact my intended tried to get her to speak after she, myself and another tried to get her to speak & she didn't or couldn't before fainting makes me believe she is in shock" Harry said laying the girl out on the bed the matron pointed to.

Poppy grimaced at that. "I see. You were right to bring her here Mr..?"

"Potter but truthfully I am looking after one of my snakes" Harry said with a tone that suggested a hint of darkness as the stone in his Lord ring shone for a moment. "I will be back after classes to check on her. I will expect privacy to speak with her if she is awake at that time."

Poppy caught sight of the ring and a shiver shot down his spine. The Founders rings were well documented so there was no doubt the Slytherin ring was authentic as the young man left her ward. Even though no other problems or wounds were reported other than the shock, she ran a series of spells to check for any injuries as she was duty bound to do as a certified Healer. Nothing came up in the results before she closed the curtains around the girls bed.


Class was a quarter way through by the time Harry set foot in the classroom their ghostly professor inhabited. More than half the occupants, Ravenclaws included, were asleep or fighting the urge to. If the ghostly professor noticed he made no mention as he droned on about a battle during the First Goblin Rebellion. Quite frankly, he thought the ghost didn't care as he quickly spotted his girls and made his way towards them.

"It's about time you got here" Angel said gently shaking Luna to wake the lightly snoozing blonde. "I can already see trying to stay awake in here will be a huge endeavor."

"Considering the distance between the Transfiguration classroom and the hospital wing you had to expect me to be delayed at least this long" Harry countered sliding between the pair and letting Luna lay her head against him. "Go back to sleep Precious Fairy." While he wasn't about to begin using Luna's submissive nature against her, he did note the slight tired glaze to her eyes.

"It's ok Luna, we'll wake you when class is over" Angel promised reaching a hand around Harry and brushed the thumb across the blondes cheek gently.

Luna yawned, nodded, let out a soft 'love you both' and snuggled a little to be completely comfortable before letting her eyes close again.

The soft rise and fall of Luna's chest made Harry smile softly. He let one arm wrap around her shoulders and toy gently with her hair to help her stay resting peacefully. Even knowing how relaxed the petite fae was around them he was a little surprised at her softly spoken declaration. "That's new for her" he said sparing a glance at Angel.

"She almost said it about you after you left to bring the girl to the hospital wing. I had to tell her it was ok to say it, that she loves us. I think its her submissive side starting to pop up" Angel said quietly enough so only Harry heard. She would be damned if anyone dared to try taking advantage of their Precious Fairy!

Harry nodded kissing his .


By the time the day was over Angel had parted from her partners after dinner was over after giving each a quick but love filled kiss in the shadow of a suit of armor. The girl they had saved from certain death, if not extreme injury at the very least, was released to her parents custody to see the family Mind Healer with the Headmistresses permission. That was, of course, after they all received thanks for saving their year mate.

'She is our classmate and more than that, she is a Slytherin. We protect and help each other. Wretched examples like Severus Snape and the last generation of Slytherin's who joined Voldemort have dug me a hole to clean up my family legacy as Lord Slytherin by enforcing the idea power rules all in these walls but they are wrong. A snake is more dangerous protecting and aiding its nest mates when they are endangered. So shall we be' had been Harry's response with a respectful inclination of his head towards the parents of the girl.

"Be gentle with our Fairy love" Angel said to herself as she curled up in her bed alone clutching two shirts, one being Harry's and the other being Luna's, close breathing in the two scents that brought a sense of peace over her.

In Harry's Lord Quarters he was dumbstruck as Luna began stripoing to her bra and panties as soon as the door closed securely.

"Don...don't stare so much…" Luna's face colored with embarrassment as she looked away.

Striding forward Harry turned Luna's head to face him. "Tell me what I need to do" he said as his nose nuzzled at her cheek gently.

"You have to drink from me and offer a small sacrifice of your own blood to draw runes on my flesh. It will bind us together." Even though she was certain of wanting this, Luna was nervous. She didn't like pain and even if the pain was temporary so she could be bound to the two who showed her nothing but adoration, it was jarring and scary. "Please be gentle…" it was weak, a soft plea.

Harry's eyes softened as he kissed down from Luna's cheek to her neck. It was cliche considering he was technically a vampire but he didn't pay the thought too much mind. For a minute or so he kissed and licked at one particular spot drawing a giggle or two as her arms wrapped around him. As soon as the giggle started he bit down, his canines sharpening at the end to pierce Luna's flesh.

Luna's winced at the sudden sting as one hand clutched Harry's hair. The feeling of her master, the thought flowing through her mind as if it was natural to her, feeding on her blood brought a serenity to her worries. Every time he drank from now on would not hurt her, it was only this once it would hurt. "Feed to your heart's content" she whispered softly in his ear. Harry would stop before it got dangerous for her, his instincts would tell him when.

After a minute or so of savoring Luna's sweet blood did Harry pull back. Automatically he licked the wound, which drew another giggle from the blonde but it sounded suspiciously like a low moan, healing it up but leaving behind a mark telling any future vampires they came across that she was already claimed. Taking a step back he bit own wrist so it bled and offered the bleeding wound to Luna. It wouldn't turn her, the mortals got that wrong, but it would replenish the small amount of blood he'd drank from her.

Luna gave a soft thankful look as her lips wrapped around the wound and her tongue lapped at the flesh. The rich taste of Harry's magic in his blood made her shiver. It wasn't quite dark, she knew what that tasted like, but it was working towards that and she was willing to bet Angel's blood would be the same way. After a few moments her head drew back and drew his free hand to the wound. For five minutes neither spoke as she guided his hand to draw the runes on her skin using his blood like ink. "I can't guide your hand on the last one Harry." Her hand released his and pointed to the spot above her heart that was clean. "The last rune is the one for property."

Harry dipped his finger one last time before he drew the composite rune for 'beloved snake' instead of property. "You aren't property to me or Angel" he said before kissing Luna and flooding the runes with his magic.

The stones beneath the couple cracked as a fierce storm of dark emerald magic surrounded them and blocked them from sight. It almost seemed as Hogwarts itself trembled. For nearly ten minutes the storm raged before it began to wane. Slowly the pair began to become visible. Luna's hair now possessed black and forest green streaks, her eyes were now a blue-green color around the silver band and her canine teeth possessed snake-like tapered fang points.

"You really are a dolt aren't you My Lord Slytherin?" Luna asked, a seeming well of confidence taking the place of her submissiveness.

Harry grinned slightly resting his forehead against Luna's. "Maybe I am but you and Angel love me anyways. When we said you would be our equal, we meant you would be our equal My Lady Slytherin" he said tossing her onto the large bed with a glimmer in his eyes seeing the ring on Luna's left hand that was companion to his while his wrist healed.

What followed would become a rather fond, personal memory just for them as they rolled around the bed content laughing and teasing before the streaked blonde fell asleep in her beloved's arms. Submissive Luna was beautiful but the infusion of Slytherin magic that gave her confidence in its stead made her breathtaking.