Titles and hierarchies have always fascinated me, and so you can imagine my delight and interest in Samantha Carter's almost compulsive use of the word "sir" throughout most of the Stargate SG1 series.

Captain Carter

She was by far the politest person he had ever met; he had to give her that. He had never been run over by such a proverbial truck full of sirs in his entire life. She seemed nervous and eager to please, so he wasn't going to complain when she wasn't technically doing anything wrong, but he promised himself that sooner or later he was going to talk to her about it. The woman needed to chill out.

During a conversation about the Tollan he once counted the sirs in a ten minute conversation. The tally was thirteen. Thirteen! That couldn't be anywhere close to normal. But as he would soon find out about his favorite scientist, there weren't many normal or average things about Samantha Carter.

Major Carter

"Carter, you don't have to call me sir in every single sentence. I know I'm a Colonel, okay? I don't need you sir-ing me to death at every turn."

He gave a casual grin intended to relax the mood. It didn't work.

"Never mind, Carter, you do what makes you comfortable." He back pedaled, as Sam's features grew tense and confused. Sam's facial features relaxed noticeably at the assurance.

"But a "sure" or a "nope" every once in a while wouldn't kill you." He mumbled, intentionally loudly enough that she could hear him. She smiled brightly.

"No, sir!" She responded happily.

Baby steps, Jack reminded himself. Baby steps.

Colonel Carter

"Yes sir."

Jack threw his hands in the air in exasperation and gesticulated around him.

"Carter, we're at my cabin, we're off duty, for the love of all that is holy, just say yes!" Sam looked at him in surprise, picking up her beer.

"I did say yes." She said in obvious confusion before taking a sip from the brown glass bottle.

"No, you said "yes sir". Just say yes, Carter. One syllable, you can do it. Say it!"

"Yes." Sam parroted dutifully and Jack smiled proudly.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" He grinned.

"No, sir." Sam said, an unmistakably smug smile spreading across her face.

Oh, she was good, Jack mused. She was very good.

General Carter


She jumped off her chair and sprang to attention, still unable to have him walk in to the room without acknowledging him like an officer. She didn't have to do that anymore, in fact when they reached the same rank two years ago he had made her promise to stop "all the protocol stuff". She had argued that he still had seniority, but he had silenced her with a glare. Still, there she was; standing.

"I swear to God, Carter," he sighed, "you have to stop doing that."

He closed the distance between them with a few long strides, and hugged her. She hugged him back tightly.

"It's habit!" she defended herself in to his shoulder. "I can't help it."

"We're friends, Sam. Friends don't do that." He pointed out gently as they let go of each other and met each other's eyes. He smiled at her affectionately.

"They should put your picture in the dictionary next to the word "sir."" He quipped.

"Then they'd think that I'm the one who should be called sir and they'd call me that." Sam objected. Jack chuckled.

"Karma, my friend," he said sagely, "that would be called karma."

I hope you enjoyed it, my friends! All constructive and kind criticisms/reviews are welcome.

Peace out, homies.