AN: Things that are different in this fic: Danny isn't dead he's at that school in Hawaii, he did visit in 06 same sequence of events, different outcome. I wanted Sam to have someone that was hers other than her job. Also Amelia is non-existent, I hated that bitch. Everyday heroes is still a thing though but its a legit deal, she's not being targeted by a delusional witch lol. Anyways, I have no summary or whatever other than this so onto the fic. Let me know what y'all think.

P.S. I'm sure there's errors and all that good stuff I had to copy and paste onto this and then re-do somethings so if I missed anything, ignore it. I haven't written anything in years lol. NOW onto the fic...

Chapter 1.

Sam had just left a meeting with the heads of the network that produces her show "everyday heroes" in NYC, as she was walking down the street she wasn't paying attention to where she was going, and she bumped into one of the most (if not the most) handsome men she's ever met in her entire life. Did I just walk into heaven? Sam asked herself as she looked into the most beautifully intriguing blue eyes she's ever seen.

"Oh my God" said Sam in a husky voice. Omg did I have to sound like my panties were melting? She asked herself.

"Not God. Just Drew" he said with a sexy smile. "I'm sorry about bumping into you, I was reaching for my phone. Are you okay?" he asked in a soft spoken, yet strong voice. Wow Drew thought to himself as he looked at her.

Sam blinked. "Am I okay? I should be asking you that, I bumped into you not the other way around. You don't have to apologize to me" she said in a slightly surprised but soft voice.

He smiled "You know what? How about we just call it even?" he asked charmingly while holding out his hand.

She looked at him and smiled back "Even it is" she said as she grabbed his hand.

Neither one of them expected the electricity that came with such a simple touch. They both gasped silently.

Damn there goes the panties, Sam thought to herself as she looked at their hands and then into his eyes. Damn...

Wow, Drew thought again as he memorized every inch of her from head to toe, he looked into her eyes and saw desire? He asked himself. Big mistake WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! Release her hand, her soft, silky smooth hand that's currently being swallowed by yours, step away and don't look at her or those tantalizingly gorgeous brown eyes! His mind screamed at him. He couldn't seem to get himself to listen to that voice just yet.

Sam's mind was yelling something similar. DOWN GIRL! Look away from those intriguingly beautiful blue-ish grey eyes of his, let go of his big, strong, yet surprisingly soft and smooth hand. BACK UP FROM THE MODERN-DAY ADONIS SAMANTHA! BACK UP! She too couldn't seem to get herself to listen to that voice just yet, or maybe she didn't want too.

"Ahem" Drew cleared his throat as he tried to clear his mind of the fog this beautiful woman was causing in his mind. "I'm Andrew, but you can call me Drew" he said in a gruff voice, still holding her hand.

"Samantha" she uttered in a soft, low voice. Her mind still clouded, her hand still in his. "Sam" she corrected herself "you can call me Sam."

Eyes staring into each other, smiles on their faces, hands intertwined, time standing still or at least it felt that way until the other people on the street started bumping into them, and the horns blaring from the cars brought them back to reality.

"Sam huh? Nice, do you want to grab some lunch?" he asked with that gorgeous smile of his.

"Yes" she said without hesitation, not even trying to think of how quickly she just answered that and ignoring how good it sounded to hear him say her name.

"Great! I know this little Italian place a few blocks from here, if you want to try it" he said a little unsure about the suggestion, hoping she'd like it.I mean who doesn't like Italian he thought to himself.

"Italian? I LOVE Italian, let's go" she said excitedly.

Happy she agreed "let's" he responded with his arm out. She linked her arm with his smiling shyly, and off they went. As they walked they talked about nothing, and everything, exchanged last names, shared funny stories, laughed, and just enjoyed each other's company. They were so caught up in their laughter that they didn't realize that they had reached the restaurant already. Smiling Drew opened the door for her to enter first.

"After you"

"Thank you" smiling sweetly she walked into the restaurant and was immediately hit with the sweet-smelling aroma of authentic Italian cuisine. "mmmm" she uttered. Nice choice Mr. Cain.

Smiling to himself he followed behind her while subsequently enjoying the view of her in that sexy navy blue belted midi shirt dress of hers, which coincidentally matched the naval uniform he was wearing.Wow...

As they ate their meals they made small talk, Sam had to admit to herself that this was some of the best tasting food she's ever had. She also had to admit that spending time with Drew was making this one of the most fun days she's had in a while. A VERY long while she thought. She couldn't describe what it was about him, but she's felt like she's known him forever and it's only been an hour. Interesting…

When the meal was over they decided to just take a walk, they wound up in central park, deciding to take a break they sat on one of the benches and just enjoyed the view. This is nice they both thought.



"I know this might sound a little weird considering we literally just met, what? Two Hours ago? But are you SURE we haven't met before? I feel as if I've known you forever." She admitted, voicing her earlier thoughts and blushed.

"Believe me, I'd remember if we met before, there's no way I could forget you" he said honestly. As if you could EVER forget someone as beautiful as her his mind taunted. "But it doesn't sound as weird as you think, I feel the same. I've never just met a complete stranger before and had such an instant connection"

Looking into his eyes, she felt as if he could see through to her soul. "Yeah, me either. Crazy right?" she chuckled softly, blushing profusely. OMG, now he's looking at you with those smoldering eyes as if you hang the moon. STOP BLUSHING!

WOW! His mind screamed for the umpteenth time since they met. JUST WOW… God she's beautiful, is she blushing? Yes, she is. Ha-ha somehow, she doesn't strike me as the type that blushes, not from simply being honest. Hmm, she's giving me that look again... Why does it feel like she can see through to my soul, whenever I look into her eyes? Damn she's beautiful… shaking his thoughts he answered

"Crazy? Nah, intriguing? Certainly, but I see it as a good thing. Don't you? It's always nice to simply be able to open up and just talk to someone."

"Don't I know it" she muttered to herself.

"What was that?" Drew asked knowing full well what she said.

"Nothing" she said quietly.

"Really Drew it's nothing" she repeated as she saw his unbelieving look.

"C'mon Sam, I may not have known you longer than a few hours, but I know enough to know that it's NOT nothing. What is it? Where'd you go?" he asked earnestly.

Seeing such a sincerely caring and concerned look in his eyes as he asked her what was wrong, damn near brought her to tears. Who is this man? She asked herself. Someone clearly amazing her mind answered back. Usually she'd take that to mean, that it's "too good to be true" but somehow, she can tell that, that isn't the case with him.

"It's just, I don't have many people in my life that I can TRULY talk to. I can't talk to my brother Danny, not about everything, at least not in depth. My mother HATES me, my sisters are just small children, I don't really have any friends. Jason's friends certainly aren't mine, and Jason well he's more closed off than usual, opening up to him is harder these days. I don't know when it got like this between us… and here I am just rambling on, I'm sorry" she said hurriedly refusing to meet his eyes.

"Sam" he said softly.

"Samantha" he spoke more strongly this time while grabbing her hand. She looked up at him earnestly.

"You don't EVER have to apologize for being honest, or saying how you feel, NOT to me. I'm here to listen, if you ever need it. I won't ever judge you for being too open or invalidate your feelings. If you have something to say don't be afraid to say it, I assure you I'll always be open to hear it. You say you don't really have any friends outside of your brother and your boyfriend, that's not true. From now on you'll always have me, I'll always have your back." He said truthfully, looking at her intently. You'll never be without someone in your corner, not with me around he promised silently.

"Wow" she sighed "I didn't realize how much I needed to hear that from someone... You are simply amazing do you know that?" she asked somewhat shocked. "you truly are, I mean it, it hasn't even been a full three hours and I trust you. ME the woman that has ALWAYS believed that if something is too good to be true, it more than likely is, and I BELIEVE YOU. A man with the most mysterious shade of blue eyes I've ever seen, YOU the navy seal built like a man of steel, with the smile that lights up the room. You my handsome new friend I trust, and for the first time in a while I know I'm right in doing so." she admitted openly still shocked by the realization that she already has so much trust in someone she just met and the intensity of emotion it stirs.

Staring into her teary eyes he smiled endearingly "I trust you too Sam. ME the guy that has learned that trust is a luxury one cannot truly afford. I trust YOU, the tiny little spitfire with those big beautiful honey brown eyes, that literally just bumped into me on the street a few hours ago. YOU a woman with a smile that could disarm the devil himself. I'm honored to have your trust and I proudly give you mine" he said honestly as he reached over to wipe the tear that fell from her eye, trying hard to ignore the spark that came as he did so.

Sam didn't know what was happening to her, whenever he touched her it was like her whole body lit up in flames. She'd been trying to ignore the feeling of his hand on hers and what it was doing to her over the course of this conversation. What is he doing to me? She asked. When he touched her face she damn near melted. Get it together Sam she told herself. He awakened something in her the question is what?

For Drew he was feeling the same way, he didn't know what it was about her, but she made him feel something he's never felt. Alive he said to himself, for as long as he could remember he's NEVER felt more alive than he has in the last few hours. After the trauma in his childhood he's just been existing, not living. He fought for everything he's ever earned in life, nothing ever came easy to him yet meeting Sam, talking to her, TRUSTING her was the easiest thing he's ever done. Why? What is it about HER? He asked himself.

You'll see their minds answered.