Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from either Sonic the hedgehog, they belong to SEGA and not me!

A silver coronation

It was all a horrific situation.

Silver and Blaze felt as though they couldn't breathe, memories of their trauma brought on by Iblis and his cursed flames flooded through their minds like a ginormous tsunami. Neither one of the two could control themselves as they trembled violently and they found they couldn't take their gazes off of the giant beast threatening to destroy their home.

Their minds were racing.

How was this possible? Blaze had sealed Iblis inside of her soul using the chaos emerald! This shouldn't be possible! How could Iblis have returned? And why now!?

It felt as though gravity itself was trying to crush their lungs.

Their eyes had never been wider as they stared at the beast in horror, at was if their worst nightmare was right there in front of them. The beast wasn't as big as when they had first encountered it but it was still big as it burst it's huge reptilian-like, volcanic head. It looked more like some sort of giant lizard made entirely out of lava, rock and magma.

There was no mistaking what was going on here but it was all so unbelievable.

The husband and wife duo were froze on the spot as they stared up at the beast in pure terror, their muzzles were pale as they felt the colour drain from their faces.

Iblis, their old enemy, had reappeared...!

Silver wrapped his arms around Blaze while Blaze wrapped her arms around Silver as they tried their best not to let their fear show.

Blaze didn't look anywhere near as scared as he did (probably due to the fact that she was better at hiding her emotions) but her eyes betrayed the true extent to her horror. Thanks to the beast's presence, the floor started to rumble to the point where not only fragments of the architecture had come loose and had fallen to the ground but also that the new queen was seriously afraid that a fissure would open up in the ground and cause everyone to fall in.

Then, as if to snap everyone out of their states of shock-induced paralysis, the fiery entity raised its head and let out a loud and thunderous roar while flames violently plumed out from the ground.

Blaze, pulling herself out of her daze, was quick to snap her fingers to swiftly extinguish the flames and using her own power over the flames to counteract the ones created by Iblis. Even though she had trouble controlling certain fires (like Iblis', for example) she still had trained a load more since then and had even discovered that she could extinguish them and control them better then when she was a fourteen year old.

Everyone watched in awe as the flames died down, but then they shakily glanced back up at the creature threatening their lives right now.

The beast snarled from the very bottom of its throat and narrowed its glowing, fiery orbs for eyes at the audience. Even though it was made from rock and molten lava and was twisted and shaped to look like some kind of giant beast with a caiman-shaped head with lava dripping from its mouth like spit dribbling from its rocky jaw, it had the body of some sort of god and that imbued pure terror within everyone except the heroes of Mobius (whom just watched in pure shock) and the royal couple (whom just felt a bit less frightened then everyone else).

Everyone shook and trembled with terror and fear, not daring to move a muscle.

That was when this new form of Iblis raised its head and let out an ear-piercing roar.

It made everyone duck down to cover their ears in an attempt to drown out the awful sounds that made the ground quake even more then it ever had before. The floor of the castle and the walls started to crack and shake more, too, and it made more of the ceiling start to collapse above them. Chunks of the polished ceiling broke apart and tumbled to the ground, hitting some of the audience (including Shadow) on the head.

That was when something else happened.

It all seemed to happen in slow motion as the the monster set its sights on the audience.

Iblis started to extend its volcanic arm towards a small group of the people living in Sol and started to make aggressive gestures and sounds down at them all. The group had clustered together for security, a small child included, and Blaze instantly pried herself out of Silver's embrace and threw herself in front of the small koala and the group.

Silver felt his heart drop to his feet and he froze in pure terror, watching with shrunken pupils filled with fear as his wife broke out of his protective embrace and he observed as she dashed over towards the townsfolk with a speed that could have rivalled with Sonic's. His tan muzzle paled and he extended his hand out towards her and cried out before he could stop himself.


Blaze didn't seem to hear him as she threw herself at the front of the endangered group and used one swift movement as she gathered the terrified cub up into her arms and held him close to her chest in a protective manner.

The other adults cowered beneath the huge clawed hand and were too paralysed with fear to move a muscle but had beforehand moved closer to assist their queen.

Blaze barely had enough time to glance back over her shoulder with wide, horrified eyes as the hand came closer to crushing her —she didn't even have enough time to summon her flames, especially since that took time and concentration and her mindset was nowhere near tempered enough. Instinctively she just closed her eyes to brace herself for the end.

...Only to realise that no harm had befallen her nor the child she was cradling in her arms.

She peeled open her eyes reluctantly but let out a stunned gasp at what she saw.

Silver growled, grinding his teeth into fangs as he held out the palm of his hand and stood defensively in front of Blaze and some of the other crowd goers. A teal glow was surrounding him as he used a protective force field to protect his wife and his people. This phantom of his past wasn't going to continue haunting him and, most importantly, he wasn't going to allow it to threaten the lives of his new subjects.


He strained whilst using his Psychokinesis as he had both hands stretched out in front of him.

Silver looked back at Blaze, a stern glint in his eyes.

"I lost you once, Blaze, I refuse to lose you again!"

"Silver..." Blaze murmured softly, eyes watering with tears of emotion.

Silver narrowed his eyes at the beast glowering back down at him. He stuffed all of his previous anxiety deep down because he couldn't even let his anxiety get in the way here, he felt his heart throbbing hard in his chest. Iblis had backed off a bit when the hedgehog had intervened, but wasn't going to tolerate having its vengeance disturbed.

Iblis hissed angrily at the futuristic hedgie and gave a primal shriek of rage and fury as it focused its sight on the small powerful hedgehog. It inhaled before it blew flames out of its mouth and the huge plumes of fire headed right towards him. Thankfully, the fire missed him thanks to him protecting himself and spread apart as the flood of flames narrowly avoid him.

Silver took this moment to try and get the others safe, not even realising that a side of him had suddenly been unleashed.

"Sonic! Get everyone out of the castle where it's safe!" He exclaimed, effort underlying in his tone as he looked back at the blue speedster stood behind him the which Sonic nodded and proceeded to use his speed to dash back and forth through the room and then he added, sparing a quick glance over to the other visiting Mobians, "You guys help Sonic with anyone he can't reach!"

The others nodded and rushed about to help Sonic and do as the futuristic hedgehog told them.

Silver continued trying to fight off the beast.

Silver kept his stance strong as he kept his palms outstretched and gnashed his fangs even tighter, the friction between his teeth practically causing sparks to fly out of his mouth. He felt his brow crease as he tightened his face whilst he strained his mind as much as possible.

He had to protect her!

He had to protect them...!

"GRAAAAAH!" He cried out, his voice giving out as he yelled.

"I can sensssse your uneassse...letssss ssseee if I can snap that sssssensitive mind of yours when I kill your wife..." Iblis hissed, his words echoing through his mind, "KING SSSsssilver!"

Silver, for a split instant, faltered with his mind racing like 100 thousand miles an hour. He felt as though his mind had received a huge smack as he could only focus on that same serpent-like hiss of a voice that bounced around in his head, trying to make him lower his defences —both mental and physical.

Iblis could speak...?!

Since when!?

But then pure rage took over his stunned shock and he steeled his mind, letting the confusion roll over him like an ocean wave. It didn't matter whether Iblis could speak or not, he needed to focus on the here and now. He silently seethed where he stood and snarled as even his quills raised to signify his fury outwards as he breathed in and out. He lowered his hands to his sides and curled them into tight fists.

He wouldn't let anyone get away with threatening those he loved.

Silver, face contorting with pure rage, marched towards the huge fiery monster.

"You wreck my coronation, try and burn my kingdom, scare my friends, threaten my wife and you try and harm my subjects! NO MORE!"

He cried out, eyes narrowing dangerously as he strode slowly towards the dragon-like beast made entirely out of inferno.


Silver's whole body started to glow a bright and magnificent turquoise colour until it engulfed his entire being, he thrust his hand fourth and the ringlet markings emblazoned upon the palm of his gloved hand matching that same colour started to become the source of that same intense glow, which only seemed to have an even stronger glow as the seconds passed. That same turquoise colour seemed to even leak from his golden/yellow irises as he spoke in a powerful shout.

His power was only amplifying his words.


He didn't realise it but everyone in the room had stopped to stare at Silver's epic, awesome moment and observed intently —the priest was especially stunned by the meek and nervous hedgehog turning into a stoic and fearless leader when the time called for it, he wore a gobsmacked expression upon his feathery face as he, too, stared wide-eyed at the spectacle unfolding before his very eyes.

That was when the fiery monster moved to attack once more, but only for Silver to call over to someone to his far right.

"BLAZE, NOW!" He cried.

Nobody had noticed it until now but Blaze, during all of Silver's awesome stand-offish speech, had stealthily moved to one side of the audience hall to collect the Sol emeralds and had moved towards the beast with quick precision, almost appearing as stoic as her husband was moments before. Without another word, Blaze had turned out to have grabbed the Jewelled Septer and hoisted it high into the air, watching the royal artefact glow powerfully and simultaneously with the Sol emeralds that were also carefully bundled in one of her arms.

Her "bunches" turned into flames of power as her lilac fur turned from its pale purple colour to a hot pink.

Blaze performed an electric-slide to get closer to both her husband and the monster he was fighting.

The emeralds collectively glowed and lifted up into the air, out of the queen's protective hold.

Everyone watched as the Sol emeralds all raised high into the air, still glowing ever brighter with a near blinding radiance. Everyone flinched because of the brightness of the shine coming off of the emeralds power —it was becoming brighter still. Everyone tried to shield their eyes from how bright the intensity of the emeralds aura.

That was when the fiery beast known as Iblis started to be sucked into the collection of emeralds, each one of them absorbing fragments of the beast into themselves.

The fiery monster roared in pain as the fires and the volcanic lava started to be swept away like dirt being washed off with water.

Everyone watched as Silver clenched his eyes shut and used his glowing hands to squish and crumple some invisible force together and this made Iblis give out more outcries of pain and anger. As the hedgehog kept focusing all his power and energy on subduing the fiery monster that haunted his past for far too long, everyone's eyes widened to the point where it appeared that their eyes would fall out of their sockets.

Blaze and Silver's collaborative efforts amazed everyone in the room as eventually Iblis had shrunk down to size and was able to be contained in the Sol emeralds.

A long silence fell over everyone in the room.

What in the name of Mobius had just happened?

It was mind boggling to the point of insanity!

Silver fell to his knees in exhaustion, panting and breathing heavily to regain his energy. He hadn't expected to use so much of his energy in one go like that and he didn't know that he could use that much power to begin with. He shakily glanced down at his hands in pure amazement and wonderment, wondering if that power had been within him all along...? He tried to regulate his breathing and get fresh and cool oxygen back into his lungs, his head was spinning as if he had just been on a rollercoaster.

He hadn't expected such a rush of adrenaline like that...!

Blaze had a look of pure shock as she returned to her normal form, she noticed Silver collapse and seemed both shocked and startled by seeing her husband so frail.

He hadn't even noticed that Blaze had rushed to his side and wrapped her arms around him whilst muttering some comforting words in his ear that he couldn't quite hear, thanks to the buzzing in his mind. Blaze closed her eyes and nuzzled her cheek against his in a loving manner and then kissed it, tears trailing down her muzzle with her eyes shut to prevent anymore tears from falling.

Silver finally opened his eyes and looked over at his lover and smiled lovingly at her, still panting heavily as he placed his trembling hand atop hers. He tried his best to pick up his expression to try and give the love of his life some reassurance, but the exhaustion made even this simple of a task difficult. He patted her hand feebly yet soothingly.

"I promise to never leave you as long as you never leave me..." He whispered softly yet breathlessly.

Blaze sniffled, trying to blink back more tears, and smiled warmly at her husband.

"...I promise, Silver."

That was when Blaze proceeded to glomp the hedgehog and her lips crashed against his, Silver closed his eyes again as he returned the kiss. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight as the two shared a passionate kiss. Her tail swished enthusiastically and she could feel the corners of her lips turn upwards as she still hung from Silver's lips.

Everyone watched as the two shared this tender, loving moment.

It took a while for Silver to regain his energy and for everyone to evacuate from the crumbling castle and leave to stand below the balcony so they didn't fall into the large cracks in the flooring and get hurt. The townspeople of the Sol kingdom, Sonic, Amy, Shadow, Rouge, Tails and everyone else had ventured out the door and went to go and stand below the royal balcony where Silver and Blaze were to stand and greet their subjects after being newly-crowned —another Sol kingdom royalty custom.

The only ones who stayed in the broken and left-in-shambles audience room were Silver, Blaze and the priest.

The priest wore a nicer and much more pleasant smile on his beak as he proceeded his attempt to lower the crown on his head for the second time today. He stood over the hedgehog, whom had his head bowed once again, but more out of exhaustion than a necessity to be polite. He sat on his knees and smiled softly, feeling way more confident then he did earlier. He kept himself sat upright, even though it was difficult for him right now.

The priest declared, finally placing the crown on the futuristic hedgie's head, "By the power vested in me and the Sol emeralds, I now pronounce you, Silver Venice the hedgehog, the new king of Sol."


The entire crowd outside cheered, raising their fists high in the air as they watched their newly-crowned monarchs step out on to the upper balcony. Silver had to lean on Blaze a bit for support but still sported his new crown really well as it sat proudly upon his brow. It gleamed like gold in the sunlight as both the new king and queen of Sol presented themselves to their cheering subjects.

Silver just smiled and waved as best as he could.

He didn't feel quite comfortable with being treated like a celebrity but he supposed he would have to get used to it from now on. This was simply one of the perks that came with being a king, after all...right?

He tried not to let the blush raising to his muzzle show, but was failing miserably as he kept waving down to the cheering folk below him. He even saw Sonic nodding up at him whilst giving him a thumbs up that basically dripped with the words that said "I told you so", even giving the biggest self-satisfied smirk in the history of the universe.

Silver did a swift side-gaze, still smiling and waving.


Blaze looked over at her lover and tilted her head a bit in confusion.


"We'll do this together, right? You and me can do this? Rule together?"

Blaze smiled softly and nodded her head, then she leaned forwards and kissed him on the cheek in a reassuring way. It was clear she was trying to quell her husband's fears and, admittedly, it was working as Silver managed to smile weakly at her.

"Of course, Silver..."

Silver and Blaze gave each other a quick kiss and nuzzled each other.

They were going to start running a kingdom together and, while they both knew that they would have challenges, they would always help and rely on each other and if one of them fell the other would help them get back on their feet and on track. They would even have their friends to help them, plus Silver had already proven himself a great leader.

They would be strong.

A/N: Heres the new and last chapter of this story, I hope you enjoyed it.

And I also hope you like the Silvaze sprinkled in there.

I hope you guys enjoy it!
