A/N: Super early (for me) update, because I actually have the afternoon/night shift today. Unfortunately, that means I only managed to fit one chapter in today.

But hey! This is the part where you find out what Oracular showed Marinette that I promised wouldn't take too long because it was meant to be published on the thirteenth day. Sorry, LOL.

Also, I know I kind of cheated, since the prompt is meant to be about an akumatized version of Marinette, but if I ever do an akuma!Marinette it's going to be the whole fic because you know she'd be the biggest badass ever! So, I took it to mean her tendency to be unfairly targeted by akumas.

Thanks to everyone still reading this fic and who have added it to their alerts and/or favorites!

Day Thirteen: Akumanette. Chat Noir; in which secrets are revealed.

Forget Me Not

13: Falling

A part of him thought he should have seen this coming. Given the fragile, glasslike, melancholy air that seemed to wrap itself around Marinette, it was almost inevitable that Hawk Moth would intervene. She was the perfect target, with enough pent up aggression, he knew, thanks to Lila, and a shrewd intelligence that would probably make her unstoppable in the battlefield.

A part of Chat Noir had been preparing to meet his princess as an enemy for weeks. He would save her, even if he couldn't fight her. He would, at least, make sure Ladybug didn't hurt her too bad while they took her down.

It wasn't all that surprising when the akuma appeared on school grounds. Marinette had marched into the locker room, pulling at her pigtails with enough force Adrien was worried she would pull her hair out by the roots. She was under a lot of stress as things for the dance began to come together, and she had seemed to snap when Lila insisted there needed to be a theme. Which meant that the generic party decorations Marinette had already bought were for naught.

Marinette walked into the locker room, and minutes later, a winged, harpy-like akuma flew out, screeching in anger about too much pressure.

It wasn't that surprising that there was an akuma.

What was surprising was that it wasn't Marinette. He thought it was, but then he noticed the akuma had somebody clutched in their taloned feet. A small girl with pink pants and pigtails. Marinette screamed as the akuma flew up towards the sky through the open courtyard with her in its grip.

Adrien had enough time to transform into Chat Noir before the akuma released Marinette from its grip. Her scream of terror pierced through the school, making everyone freeze for a moment.

Chat Noir extended his baton, lifting himself upwards. He wrapped an arm around her waist where they met in the air, her momentum pulling him down with her. He tightened his grip on the baton to slow their descent, and jumped into a roll before they reached the ground.

He breathed a sigh of relief as they skidded to a stop, luckily with him on the ground and Marinette on top of him. He sat up quickly and Marinette wrapped her arms around his shoulders, burying her face in the crook of his neck. His lips quirked as he wondered if she thought they were still falling.

"It's okay, Marinette, you're safe now."

She didn't respond. Instead, her grip around him tightened.


He couldn't help but worry. He had seen her deal with akumas before, and even if she was smart enough to get out of their way as quickly as possible, she had never struck him as scared. Now she seemed terrified. He could feel her entire body trembling and heard her sniffle quietly.


"I fell," her voice was barely audible. "That's what Oracular showed me. I fell here in the courtyard, and you tried. . . but you weren't fast enough. I fell and I died and you were the last thing I saw."

His stomach plummeted at her words. Oracular was one of the few akumas that had managed to hit Ladybug, and it had seemed to leave her unnerved in a way no other akuma attack ever had. She hadn't wanted to talk about what she saw, but if it was anything like Marinette's vision, it made sense. There didn't seem to be any real consensus as to what Oracular's attack did. Some people insisted it showed them the future, but those tended to be the ones that saw positive things like Mylène. Others insisted that they were just hallucinations and others didn't want to talk about them at all.

But it couldn't be the future.

"It's okay now," he tried to sound soothing, but was surprised when his voice caught in his throat. He ran a hand down her back, "I caught you, it's fine."

"Not now," she insisted. "It wasn't now."

He wanted to ask her how she was so sure, but then Alya was running up to them. For once, she wasn't recording the akuma attack, too focused on her best friend who had been moments away from death. Besides, he still needed to go help defeat the would-be murderer.

He handed Marinette over to the redhead, though it took a little effort to make her give up her grip on him. He gave her hand a quick squeeze and waited until she looked up at him, "Don't worry. I won't ever let you fall, I promise."

A/N: Even though Marinette is incredibly brave (all these kids are, to be honest), I think basically having a preview of her foretold death would leave her shaken. Especially given how on edge she's been throughout the fic.

Also, a few people actually guessed what the vision was, so shout out to: Mayuralover, Katsa Graceling, and at least two guests who all guessed the vison was of Marinette's death.

But, like, don't worry, I am very much in the "there is no fate but what we make" camp.

Please review and let me know what you liked, didn't like, and what could use improvement!

~ Destiny's Sweet Melody