Heeeeyy I'm back with another story but I'll try to regularly update and continue this fic BUT it might be quite a bit hard since I'm currently going to college but I'll still try my best. This is bunny just popped up in my head and wouldn't go away so I had no choice but to write it down. This fic contains a very OC Harry AND THIS IS A HARRY DAPHNE FIC SO PEOPLE WHO DOSN'T LIKE THIS PAIRING NO HATE COMMENTS PLEASE.

Disclaimer: I do not own harry potter all of it belongs to JK Rowling our queen.

So here is my take on what if Voldemort attacked early on during half-blood prince. Harry is Very OC in this fic no angsty Harry. This harry is a bit more mature and he is interested in healing people might turn into a time travel fic. ENJOY DON'T FORGET TO REVIEW.

A lone man walked along the road almost in a trance. Pale hands peaked from a torn and tattered shirt upon taking a closer look one can count the number of bones in his hands. His face or what can be seen from underneath the large hat he was wearing was almost as boney as the rest of him.

He kept walking. His mind empty eyes blank. He let his feet guide him where he wanted for what more could happen to him. He has faced the worst of what the world has more than adults. What could happen in this simple world where magic was nothing but fiction. Or a mere memory. His world was in tatters yet their world flourishes. Where were the once proud witches and wizards who had claimed they were the strongest? Tears blurred his vision as he recalled the terrible day.

The first to fall was the ministry the next was Hogwarts. With Hogwarts being taken most of the wizards and witches had gone into hiding and within the halls of Hogwarts there was a massacre with Dumbledore gone during the ministry raid the wards around Hogwarts had fallen leaving the students exposed with no protection. No one was spared even the slytherins watched in horror as their dark lord walked into the great hall sparing no one. The once prideful pure-bloods were the first to go. The Gryffindor's fought with the bravery which was associated with their house and the Hufflepuffs joined them loyal as ever. The Ravenclaws came up with plan after plan which was thwarted by the more experienced Death Eaters. With Voldemort leading the assault followed by his faithful lieutenants the students who barely knew anything about war fell. The professors fought with fury protecting as many students as they can. Professor Flitwick showed everyone why he was a feared dueling champion. His wand firing spell after spell. Many death eaters fell but they finally managed to disarm him, taking full advantage of that moment all the death eaters attacked all at once. Professor McGonagall and professor Snape stood back to back as they took down almost half of the death eaters but they too ultimately lost.

The surviving students locked the doors of the great hall using enchantments and found refuge in the room of requirements. Harry himself led the students there. The situation was horrible almost all of the remaining students had obtained injuries. They had sent dobby to fetch madam Pomfrey earlier but he had returned saying the hospital wing had been collapsed. Harry asked if anyone knew any medical spells but no one had known any. Looking at Hermione he asked if she knew any first aid. She bit her lips nervously and shook her head. Harry closed his eyes and heaved a sigh before he asked dobby to bring as many muggle medical kits as he can. Dobby nodded and quickly popped away to do as harry had asked. Harry motioned Hermione to follow him, together they arranged the students in a particular order. Marking the ones with the most serious wounds and those with minor wounds. Dobby popped with a loud crash making all the students look on curiously. Harry quickly grabbed one of the kits and looked inside giving a small smile to dobby he rushed to the nearest student who had been marked. Harry quickly looked at her taking note of her injuries. She had a large gash on her hand and had her ankle twisted in a weird angle "probably dislocated" he thought to himself. What was more concerning was the huge cut across her abdomen which was bleeding profusely. Harry mentally thanked those medical classes he took back at the Dursleys. He quickly took out the instrumental tray and poured alcohol in it and place the instruments in the alcohol. Washing his hands with a little bit of water he quickly pulled on his gloves. He cleaned the wound and quickly disinfected it with practiced precision. Taking the appropriate suture he quickly stitched the wound on the abdomen before moving and doing the same to the one on her hand. He expertly bandaged up the wounds with clean white bandage before he moved towards the girl's ankle. He looked towards Hermione who was gaping at him and told her "hold her down this will hurt". Nodding dumbly she moved towards the girls shoulders and firmly held her down. With a swift movement harry twisted the girls ankle while the girl gave out a loud scream and faded into oblivion. He quickly made a splint for her ankle and wrapped it around her leg before moving on to the other students. Unaware of the amazed looks he was getting from everyone he continued to help the students to the best of his abilities. By the time he was finished with everyone he was exhausted. .

The man now identified as harry potter boy who lived felt more tears fall down his face as he remembered what happened next. He had met her. He recalled her voice calling out to him. It was short but he had the memories of the time spent with her burnt in his memories. He remembered the first time he had talked to her it was after Voldemort's attack on Hogwarts.

Harry woke up with a start looking around he saw that almost all the students were asleep he slowly made his way around the students checking on their wounds. He slowly walked up to the girl he had treated first and checked the wound on her leg first before moving to the wound on her stomach. Just as he started unwrapping the bandages around the girls stomach a sharp voice cut through the silence of the night "what do you think you are doing Potter?" looking up from the bandage harry found himself staring at none other than the ice queen of Slytherin. Her cold blue eyes staring at him accusingly. Harry gave a small smile before quietly saying "I'm treating your wounds Greengrass you were in a terrible state, but I managed to suture your wounds and stop the bleeding. I'm trying to see if your wounds have been infected or irritated. Your ankles will be quite painful for a while" seeing the confusion on her face harry understood she didn't know what he was talking about so he gave a sigh and said "it'll be better if I just show it to you" he unwrapped the bandages around her stomach motioned for her to look. The girl lifted her head, her eyes widening as she saw her stomach. Giving harry a menacing look she growled in a threatening voice "what the hell is this potter?" Rubbing his face tiredly he told her "I'm sorry but I don't know any magical methods of healing and madam Pomfrey is dead. No one knew any healing spells so I used the muggle methods" seeing her quizzical expression he gave a small smile and told her "muggle don't have any potions or magic to heal wounds so they came up with their own methods of healing. What I did was close your wound so that you will not bleed yourself to death" Greengrass nodded her head and told harry "I know a little about healing potions and some healing spells tell me more and I might be of some help" Harry grinned and told her more about the methods he used to treat the students with Greengrass interjecting to clarify what he had done and giving the magical method used. He pulled out a notebook and pen and noted down what she had told him. He wrote down the potions in one page and quietly called for dobby. Handing him the paper he told dobby to get the potions necessary and if he couldn't get the potions get the ingredients required for the potions.

Harry sat down next to Greengrass and asked her if she could show him some of the healing spells. Nodding she asked if he could remove the stitches. He grabbed the surgical scissors and tweezers. Slowly and carefully he removed the first stitch seeing her wince he kept talking to her quietly keeping her distracted. When all the stitches were removed from her hand he gave a small smile to her and told her " go ahead Greengrass" she instantly flicked her wand to her hand swiftly before aiming it towards the wound on her arm she almost sang the words "sana quod loquor, loqui". It was a bright blue color almost matching the color of the patronus. Harry watch transfixed as the spell cased the wound to close up completely without leaving any mark behind. Smiling harry pulled out his wand and repeated the incantation and the wand movement. When she gave a nod harry cast the spell aiming it at a wound on his hand. Nothing had happened so he tried again and again until he felt a warm feeling around his wound. He looked on amazed as the wound healed. Giving a sincere smile to Greengrass he said "thank you" softly before he started to move away. Greengrass grabbed on to his hand " whe…where is Astoria?" she asked frantically. A look of realization dawned on his face before he pointed towards a small figure lying on the other side of the room. She had a large shrapnel's of glass embedded deep in her knees and had passed out while harry was removing the glass pieces. "Can you take me to her?" nodding harry helped her stand. She gave a small cry as she put weight on her leg but harry positioned her in a way she was leaning on him but even then she was unable to walk. So harry simply lifted her in his arms before striding across the hall and seating her gently next to her sister. Harry kept his blank as he watched the Ice queen melt before him, her face filled with concern as she took in the state of her sister. "What happened to her?" she asked softly hurt clearly present in her voice. As Harry told her about Astoria's state, her eyes filled with tears but she didn't let them drop. He unwrapped the bandage which he had wrapped around the little girls almost mangled knees and showed them to her sister. Greengrass carefully examined her sister's knee before taking out her wand and started to trace her wounds and clearly recited the spell. The spell almost sounded like a phoenix song to Harry's ears. Harry watched as she healed her sister with a determined look on her face and fire burning in her eyes. Harry was awestruck how did he never notice her.

Ooookkkayyy that's it for now. Ill post the new chapter as soon as im done with it which might take a while as im currently studying in college. Anyways Read Review and Follow. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.