I am free. Camelot's red flags flicker in the breeze, and carry a promise over the city. A new beginning my heart throbs for. A kingdom with no magic, and I am free of my mother. My statchel becomes a gold idol of weight as I finally step into the comerce. Silks flow, grapes shine, and fresh breads crackle. The essesnce of food reminds me I haven't eaten since I finished the last pear in my stachel this morning. I hold my thundering stomach while I scan crowds for sight of an inn or tavern. I suppose I could buy loaf of bread and be fine for the night, or some goat cheese, perhaps both, but a hot meal and a place to rest would comfort me more. Only until my head clears from the journey I have had. To my right, a bright sign sways in the wind. Sunshine Tavern.

The windows shake with laughter and roaring men. I come in to a young boy challenging a knight to an arm wrestle and the victor, the knight, tips away to play a drinking game.

I slink to the nearest empty table and watch my surroundings. The air reeks of ale and body odor.

"What can I get you?" A barmaid fists her hands onto her hips. "Ale? How about a pint?"

"No, thankyou." I wring my fingers of their sweat. "Do you serve any food here?"

"Sure, we serve one of the finest venison stews in Camelot." The young lady puffed a black curl away from her face.

"Yes, that will be fine."

"Anything to drink with it?"

"Water, please." A breath slides out of my lungs when she walks away. This is my first time being out alone in an unfamiliar place, and I fear it will choke me, but struggling alone is better than being surrounded by corrupted monarchs who lust for revenge. The independance is refreshing. I never want to run across magic again, but escaping myself will be difficult.

"Excuse me?" A young man beams down at me, and I smile back, a rather timid attemp, but an attempt all the same. "I noticed you sitting here alone, and I thouht you could use a friend."

His eyes are the heartbeat of the ocean. I can almost see the waves crashing and spraying against the jutting rocks. His hair like a Raven's feathers. My stomach spasms.

"Sure." My throat becomes arid. There is something about his eyes I cannot fathom. They hold authority, peace, kindness, and...a hint of fire?

"I'm Merlin." We shake hands, then my brown boots begin to feel too tight. I have heard his name before, but I don't know where. What if anyone recognizes me? If Merlin does, he doesn't let on; maybe I'm paranoid. He seems nice.

"Tia." I say.

"Are you new to Camelot?" Merlin smirks playfully, which brings a upward turn of my lips.

"Is it obvious?" The anxiety is swept away.

"Yes." Merlin chuckled, then he sipped his ale. "You look like how I felt when I first came here."

"Dazed and clueless?" I venture to have humor, but my voice cracks.

"No...terrified, if I may be honest."

My stomach coils; I am always terrified, but I had owned a mustard seed of hope no one would notice, but Merlin must find me transparent. Annoying reading skills.

I try to avoid his gaze by studying the tavern. Stiff wooden chairs, jagged candle chandelier, sickly aromas, rivers of sweat-stained shirts, muscles, currency rolling everywhere, and venison stews with carrots, peas, and tomatos. Food, sprinkled in pepper...grease slathered savories...lucious venison gravy mixed into the broth. My hunger is ravenous now, that barmaid had better come soon.

"What brings you to Camelot?" Merlin swats at a knight behind him who is stabbing the collar of Merlin's shirt with red feathers.

"Um..." Merlin begins to ignore the knight, and I decide to as well regardless of the chuckle bubbling in my lungs. "I came here to find a different life."

"Doesn't everyone?" The knight smiled, proud of his masterpiece, he fluffed a few uneven plumes before sitting down beside me. Merlin now has a mane of ruby feathers, and he looks adorable, before he snatches them out of place.

The barmaid finally arrives with my nourishment; I almost swoon at the sight.

"Venison stew." She slops it before me, and her brows sew together. "And water." She seems livid, as she glances toward the knight, then back to me. My water cup pounds onto the table. What have I done?

"More ale, sir Gawain?" She snaps her syllables.

"Yes, please." Sir Gawain waggles his eyebrows at her. He doesn't seem to notice the lady's anger when she jerks the cup from his fist. His ignorance is not bliss for the girl. Irritating. Merlin rolls his eyes, and sips his drink once again.