The Night That Yugi Went Crazy

Disclaimer: I don't own yugioh but if I did, well you probably don't wanna know (evil laughter)

Elliot: Ahhhhhhh! Run for your life! Anime_freako (a.k.a. A.F.): Don't run from me! (More evil laughter) Elliot: On with the ficcy! Right yugi? Yugi: (gulp) Yeah. A.F.: *runs around screaming sugar and mountain dew* Elliot: *jumps up and down screaming 'start the fic start the fic!'* A.F.: Alright. MOUNTAIN DEW!!!

******************************************* Yugi: can I trick or treat by my self this year Gramps: Yugi your 5 Yugi: PLEASE? Gramps: NO! Yugi: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE??? COME ON GRAMPA! Gramps: Oh. OKAY! Yugi: yeah! *Dances around joyfully* Gramps: but you can only go around town once! Yugi: okay (mischievous grin)

6 hours later.

Gramps: Yugi where did you get all that candy? Yugi: I got it from the people who live around here. ' And those 4 different costumes I wore. But then I went around without a costume and they still gave me candy, OH WELL!'

Gramps: Okay yugi don't eat it all tonight. Yugi: I wont
Elliot: dun, dun, dum. What will yugi do? Will he eat all his candy? Why did his grandpa let him go trick treating by himself? Will we ever tell you? Have I lost my mind? Will I ever shut up? How many questions will I ask? Tune in next time to find out!

AF: CLIFFHANGERS! I like. I like very much. SUGAR IS GOOD!!! Yugi: what bout MD? AF: yes that too! If your psycho and you know it clap your hands (clap, clap) If your psycho and you know it clap your hands (clap, clap) if your psycho and you know it and you really wanna show it if your psycho and you know it clap your hands (CLAP, CLAP!) Elliot: Please Review!