Author's note:
Hello, fans of Saiyan's love and (hopefully) my other fanfictions.
After managing to balance school life, writing and my social life I have remastered the Saiyan's love story.
I made a few adjustments to fix it here and there and also retconning my own thing fanfiction, I have also increased its length.
Needless to say, I hope you enjoy.
Saiyan's Love Remastered
Chapter One: Betrayal of a Saiyan's Hearts
A short girl lied, She wears a low cut magenta top, low-set purple bell bottoms, and dark grey bracelets on each wrist. Her hair is long, wild and spiky.
She tossed and turned in her warm, soft bed, she was happy. She could stay like this forever.
However, a certain Saiyan doesn't want to; 'Caulifla, you need to get up, or else you won't get the chance to met Goku'
Caulifla rises her hand our from the bed cover and throws a golden energy blast cutting through the air towards the sleep disturber, Cabba side steps and let the blast destroy the wall behind him.
'Sis, you need to get up or you'll have to wait for Vados to come back and you know how much you hate to wait' says shyly Kale peeking around the corner.
Caulifla groans as she slowly falls out of bed still wrapped in her bed cover; 'Fine, but I'm doing this for power not to congratulate that idiot for winning the tournament of power'
The three walk out to Vados who is waiting while floating on her staff; 'Finally, what took you so long?'
'Doesn't matter, so are we going or what?' says Caulifla crossing her arms.
'Don't be so hasty, but fine it will take around an hour so if there's anything you want to do beforehand I suggest you do it now' asks Vados with a smile but no one buggies, not even an inch.
'Let's just hit the road' says Caulifla.
'C-calm down sis' says Kale over Caulifla's shoulder.
'Don't worry Caulifla, we'll get there soon enough' says Cabba with a forced smile.
'Tch, I just want that idiot to show me how to become a Super Saiyan God' says Caulifla with a smile just thinking of such power.
'Fine just place your hand on my back and we'll be on our mary way' says Vados with a joyful smile.
The group did as they were told a placed their hands gently on her back just to be thrust across space.
Meanwhile in Universe 7
Goku landed outside his happy household to find a dark and damp heavy atmosphere awaiting him, Goku looks around himself curiously and in complete confusion to want to happen.
'Hello. ChiChi, Goten anyone home?' shouts Goku still looking around.
As he goes up to the door the door slams open smashing Goku in the face leaving him flustered.
'Oh Goku your here. Well I guess there's no point trying to cover it, you can come out now' says ChiChi turning away from the visually confused Saiyan.
Then a familiar face emerges from the dark shadows inside the house while carrying two or three suitcases, it was Yamcha but why is he here thought Goku.
'Huh, oohh Hello Goku' says Yamcha with a hint of fear.
'Yamcha met at the hovercraft I won't be long' says ChiChi letting Yamcha escape the fear that was bubbling up inside him 'Goku I've decided we should get a divorce, with you out training or fighting in massive tournaments, leaving me alone I can't do it anymore, it doesn't feel right'
ChiChi began to move away and followed Yamcha's path leaving Goku even more confused; 'Wait! what do you mean?'
'I'm leaving you Goku permanently' says ChiChi walking away.
Goku didn't understand fully but understand to leave him wide-eyed and had a sudden feeling of emptiness filled his body.
Goku did the only thing he that he thought would make him feel better, feel whole.
He started to do a little shadow spar which rose in intensity and soon the ground was kicked up, rocks destroyed and obliterated in the form of sand and his home was half destroyed leaving half the kitchen bare.
This wasn't enough though Goku needed more he had to do more training to fill the emptiness left inside, Goku knew who would help him, Goku flew off in a burst of energy.
Goku found himself in front of Bulma rushing around with people carrying luggage with Vegeta cross-armed and leaning on a wall, Vegeta spotted Goku who seems different he doesn't have his usual happy go lucky attitude nor smile which surprised him but he's a little relieved.
'Goku, what I pleasant surprise. Tell how's ChiChi nowadays?' asks Bulma spotting Goku.
'I don't know she's…...well…' says Goku unable to answer the question but Bulma manages to take the hint.
'Sorry, nothing can be down about it, just don't let yourself get down and out about it' says Bulma with an infectious smile, leaving Goku to have a slight grin 'Well do you want to come along with us, we're going to a resort island'
'I don't know, I think I have to talk to Goten about ChiChi' says Goku seeing that he has a bigger responsibility to his own child now that Goten only has one parent, like himself.
'No worries, When we go Goten and Trunks will be playing around. let him have fun before the news, take it from a mother' explains Bulma.
'Kakarot, just accept the offer. I want a sparring partner' says Vegeta walking up to Goku.
'Fine, I'll do it. Let's go' says Goku managing to smile.
Goku, Vegeta and Bulma soon took off for the resort, while passing around jokes the group end up at the resort which is just off south city giving them the room they need to laugh, joke and more importantly. Fight.
Goku and Vegeta floated above the surface of the water and stare each other down, but then two familiar energies emerge out of nowhere.
'Wait might you two be up two?' asks Beerus landing near Bulma but closer to the foot plater.
'You two must be having fun' says Whis with a smile, landing by Beerus's side.
'Yo Beerus and Whis, why did you drop by?' asks Goku breaking his and Vegeta glare.
'Bulma said something about delicious food so I couldn't possibly hold the temptation to come here and try the food' says Beerus his mouth waters from the thought of the food.
Vegeta huffed and such a stupid reason but Goku didn't really mind since his reason for being here is on the same level, Goku and Vegeta soon started their glare once.
Suddenly, Goku and Vegeta both blasted off towards each other letting the clam water turn into a massive roaring wave as they collide with an earring smash.
Meanwhile, Caulifla left eye started to twitch as she looks upon the destroyed Son house, Cabba and Kale look around confused, Caulifla started to bubble up in rage before exploding letting the golden energy burst out as her hair strikes up in an instant as it fades into gold.
'That damn angel lied to me, he's not here!' shouts Caulifla punching the nearest tree absolutely destroy the trunk on impact and whatever was left crashed to the floor.
'Sis, don't worry he can't be that far away' says Kale next to Caulifla trying to calm her down.
Cabba quickly realises the immense feeling of power not just but two; 'Do you sense that energy? It must be Master and Goku'
Caulifla stares at him in confusion before being able to feel what he was talking about; 'Why they so far away'
Cabba rolls his eyes to the Saiyan's laziness, the group quickly blasted off with Caulifla leading the group forward to the battling Saiyans.
Goku snatches a handful of food and throws it down his throat while grabbing even more with his other hand.
'Seems like you can't resist food even if your sad' says Bulma taking a jab at the unknowing Goku.
Whis smiles at the delight food but then a question pops into his head; 'Tell me Goku, Why do you seek greater strength than you already have to wait, wait don't tell it tells me to do you want to be a destroyer God?'
'What was that? Don't like I take this threat lying down' says Beerus awaking to attention.
'No, that's not it, why would I want to sit around all day' says Goku unknowing jabbing Beerus's pride.
'Now that was uncalled for' says Beerus going back into a resting position.
'I need to fill a hole and strength is the only way to do it, however, the tournament of power opened my eyes to greater feet of strength you saw the fighters there's no way i can stay at the same level. I'm all fired up' says Goku with a smile while briefly transforming into Super Saiyan in a burst of golden energy
'The tournament is barely over and your already setting your eyes onto other universes, your as big as a fool as ever Kakarot. However, your first reason is arguable' says Vegeta turning away from Goku.
'What about you Vegeta why do you seek greater strength despite your current level?' asks Whis innocently.
Vegeta's calm demeanour is throw out the window as he bursts into motion jumping forward a few feet 'to fight Frieza' shouts Vegeta before turning to Goku 'Because you brought back that devil, you DUMBASS!' Vegeta's voices calm down 'Of all the people you returned back to life…'
Goku retaliates by knocking Vegeta's waving hand out the way 'Hey, calm down. If it wasn't for Frieza, us and the rest of the 7th universe might not even be here anymore'
'Wait is that true?' says Bulma holding the sleeping Bulla in her arms.
'Yeah, he helped us save everybody' says Goku smiling at the memory of knocking Jiren out out the arena with Frieza's help.
'You idiot! He only did that because he was looking himself' Says Vegeta as a noticeable vein appears on his forehand 'You remember how strong Frieza was when he came back to Earth, what happens if he archives a newer form?'
'Wait? You say he might get more powerful and come to try and beat us again?' says Goku questioning Vegeta.
'There's no doubt about it' says Vegeta crossing his arms and finally calmed down.
'Well I don't know, we are the ones who brought him back to life' says Goku stating the obvious, which seems the enrage Vegeta.
'You idiot do you really believe that monster thinks he owns us anything?!' shouts Vegeta turning back to Goku.
Goku leans back covering his face from Vegeta rant 'Hey how many times are you gonna call me an idiot today?'
This nearly pushed the prince over the edge 'ARGH, as many times as I need to. IDIOT!'
Suddenly, Bulma smart watch started to ring gaining Bulma's attention, the caller is revealed to be no other than Trunks as Bulma answers both Vegeta's and Goku's attention is quickly stolen and then the situation is quickly revealed, the dragon balls have been stolen...again but this time by Frieza...again.
The group manages to analyse the situation in mere moments and hatch a plan to stop Frieza's most likely evil plan, they promote Beerus to Babysitter God and make their way to the last dragon ball which awaits them in the ice continent.
Caulifla loses sight of the Saiyan's energy and only finds a massive island resort instead of the power she was looking for, Caulifla is the first to land trying to find a clue to where they have gone.
'Damn it! That damn idiot isn't here! Again!' shouts Caulifla kicking a nearby table over.
The table crashing to the floor triggers the sleeping God; 'Shut up, you'll wake the baby'
'Huh, wait aren't you?' says Cabba as a jolt of fear spikes down his back.
'Yes I'm Beerus the Destroyer God if you don't want to die then explain your reasoning for waking me?' says Beerus with a death glare and a cute baby in his arms.
'I'm looking for Son Goku because I want more….Is that a baby?' asks Caulifla who's face has disappeared at the sight of the baby.
'Because, Goku and co. went to the ice continent to find the dragon ball before Frieza get it's' says Beerus lying down.
'Sis, it seems we're just gonna have to wait for them' says Kale but Caulifla is too pissed and anger just to let that idiot Saiyan escape her again.
'Which direction did they go?' asks Caulifla surprising Cabba and Kale.
Beerus closes his eyes and points in the general direction as he attempts to go back to sleep, Caulifla blasts off waking up Bulla in a crying squirm, Kale and Cabba soon follow.
Caulifla eventually finds her target but uncaring to notice the commotion happing around him, Caulifla bursts into a blast of energy to collide with Goku; 'Idiot!'
'Vegeta, it's not the time' says Goku glancing at Vegeta.
'What do you mean?' says Vegeta not breaking the stare between the new Saiyan arrival.
Goku face quickly disappears confusion but is soon taken away as Caulifla slams her fist into Goku's face, which triggers the bulky Saiyan to act.
Goku stumbles for a second before rubbing his swore cheek; 'ow. What was that for?'
'That's what you get for ignoring me dumbass' shouts Caulifla.
'Wait, your Caulifla, the Saiyan from universe 6 right?' asks Goku remembering her.
'Took you long enough' says Caulifla as Kale and Cabbba join her side.
'Sorry for sis's actions please forgive her' bows Kale, respectfully.
'No need no damage done' says Goku light heartedly until his tone becomes serious 'but you guys arrived at the wrong time'
'What do you mean?' asks Caulifla huffing.
Caulifla finds where Goku is looking and sees a random person able to go toe to toe with Super Saiyan Vegeta without even transforming.
'How the hell?' asks Caulifla.
'He's a Saiyan from the universe, but unlike me and Vegeta, it seems he is being forced to fight. For you safety try to stay out the way' says Goku.
'Huh, don't push me to the side like a nobody, do you remember who nearly beaten you in the tournament of power?' says Caulifla as a vein appears on her forehead.
'Yeah, her name was Kafla. But your not her, if you value your life you should watch and learn' says Goku staring at the enraged Saiyan.
Caulifla stops arguing but then the cold air strikes her, she tries a to warm up which the frost is strong and it fails.
'You'll need this' says Goku as his coat hits Caulifla in the face, making her stumble around in confusion.
'Hey, I didn't ask for anything' retaliates Caulifla.
Caulifla struggles to remove the coat but eventually pulls it anyway to witness the raging bull of a Saiyan on a pillar of frozen cold ice, Goku takes his stance with a delighted smile, they stare each at each other as they frosty atmosphere begins to grow heavy.
Suddenly, the two charged towards each other ready to fight, Goku moves his fist ready to smash, Broly pulls his massive fist back ready to crush Goku. the attacks slash through the air creating a blizzard of force...
End of Chapter One
Author's note:
Told you guys I'll revisit this story and I hope you liked the new spin onto it.
But I want to ask you guys, do you want me to continue this remastered series or do you wish for me to move onto other projects.
It's your choice, needless to say, thank you for reading and your support.
See ya later.
Signed, Sparkey