After that class was DADA, and Harry was wondering who the teacher might be. As he followed the class into the room, he chose a seat
next to Dipper. To his surprise, he saw May sit on Dippers another side instead of with the people of Slytherin. She cast a rebellious glare at
Draco, then gave Dipper a smile. Seconds later the door opened again and the new teacher walked in. Harry was stunned. The teacher
was a petite woman with dark brown hair flowed over and around her shoulders like a waterfall. Large aqua eyes shone with excitement
from behind large lashes. A pencil skirt stopped at her knees, and her light blue shirt matched an ocean blue streak in her hair. She looked
to be around twenty. Her smile was as bright as her eyes as she walked to the front of the class and turned to the students. "Hello and
Good morning!" she said. "I am your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and it is my pleasure to teach a group of such remarkable
students!" as she looked over the classroom she got a troubled look on her face. "This will not do…" she said quietly. Then her smile
retuned. "I know that some of you may not like this, but we are going to shake things up this year. And I will start by asking everyone to
switch seats and separate from the house groups and mingle among the others." she looked at where May was sitting with Dipper. "This
girl… whats your name Honey?" May looked startled. "May." "May has the right idea! So if you please, go and mingle with the other houses
please!" Harry was confused. But suddenly Dipper and May stood and walked to where a girl with messy blond hair and large glasses was
staring at her hands. Mable bounded over, and all four smiled at each other and sat next to each other. A special smile came on to the new
teacher's mouth, and it made him feel warm inside, made him want that smile to be aimed at him. The same effect was on everyone in the
room as they started to switch seats, just to please the new teacher. Her smile grew brighter by the second, and the classroom got brighter
too as if the sun had just been let in. after a minute, everyone was seated. "As a thank you for cooperating well, I give Twenty points to each
house!" A small cheer came through the room. She sat at her desk and looked over the class. "Now before we begin class, allow me to
introduce myself. I am Miss Aerwyna Audra, but please call me Ari. And I have had some crazy adventures that I would love to tell you
about. But sadly, it is not story hour." a sly smile came onto her face. "Yet. so I will hold off till I get permission Mr. Dumbledoor. Now, to
begin I will tell you to get our your book, Tales of The Unnatural and Odd. You might be thinking that it is just a storybook about tales and
legends," A playful look came onto her face, and a light shone in her eyes. "But sometimes you must consider that even legends have
some truths to them. And that I might want an excuse to read some fun stories." she giggled, as did the rest of the class. "So, I want you to
go to page 74, which is on the different types of demons." Harry saw Dipper tense out of the corner of his eye, but as he turned, he saw a
hand shoot into the air. "Yes, honey?" Mable gave her an awkward smile. "Can I use the bathroom?" "Of course you can darling, here is a
pass." With that, Mable dashed from the room, the sound of laughter following. "Now, as you know, there are many types of demons. Fire
Demons, Earth demons, Dream demons, Water demons." She glared at the image of a water demon. "I myself had had some unpleasant
experiences with some. But there are some demons that are more powerful than the others. We do not know all of them, but we have
images from ancient architecture that show some images of some." Aerwyna clapped her hands, and the shades came down and a picture
appeared on the screen on the wall. There were pictures that looked like they were taken by a camera. At least twenty pictures littered the
screen. He heard a small gasp and looked over at Dipper. His skin was pale as paper, and his eyes were wide with fear. Worried Harry
followed his gaze to one of the pictures. It had a triangle with an eye floating over people, who were bowing down. They were surrounded by
flames. He looked at Dipper and got a feeling that something was very wrong. He leaned over. "Dude, are you ok?" Aerwyna had continued.
"Now, all of you should know the Demon classifications. First Are the Element Demons, then the Phantom Demons, then the Nature
Demons, and lastly the Dream Demons. The least powerful is the Dream Demons because the worst they can do is give you nightmares."
"no…" whispered Dipper, his eyes full of pain. "They can do much, much worse." Harry heard the room go silent as everyone heard what
Dipper had said. Aerwyna looked at him with concern. "What was that dear?" Dipper looked up and Harry felt a pit grow in his stomach
when he saw cold dark eyes. "The Dream Demons are the most dangerous." Dipper continued. "They can get inside your mind. They can
make you do things you don't want to." his voice was slowly getting louder. "They can mess with your thoughts. They can hurt those you
love. They can play with your mind till you don't know which thoughts are yours or which are his. He tricks you into trusting him, just to use
you to accomplish what he cant. You don't know if you are yourself half the time. OR IF HE IS PLAYING YOU LIKE A PUPPET!"Dipper
stood, his eyes brimming with anger and hurt as looked at the stunned faces around him. "HE WORMS HIS WAY INTO YOUR MIND AND
UP!" Dipper looked Harry in the eye. "Beware the beast with just one eye or your mind might break." Dipper turned and ran from the room,
and as he left Harry heard one last part. "Just like mine."