Peter waited patiently outside the clothing store in Hell's Kitchen. His idea was simple, dress world famous superheroes as everyday people and try to get within 100 ft of one of the most powerful beings on the planet.

Sometimes the simplest plans are the most effective as far as Peter was concerned.

He saw the pair coming out of the pair and hopped off the wall he was clinging too. The pair stood in front of the bus stop and waited.

Wonder Woman or Diana was dressed in a pair of black jeans, winter boots, a heavy windbreaker and a Yankee ball cap.

Peter tried not to shiver at that. He was a Mets and Oriole fan. He used to be a Yankee fan until the city spent a ridiculous amount of money to build a new stadium that raised the prices of pretty much everything. Seats, food, drinks, everything got overpriced. They had an all you can eat sushi bar. Sushi, AT A BALLPARK!! Peter washed his hands of the organization and moved on.

Captain Atom was dressed in an old school bomber jacket along with heavy duty boots and jeans. He had somehow changed his metallic skin and hair to a normal pink and bright blonde color. He looked like an Air Force pilot who had just gotten on leave. It worked for him.

"Well look at you two. Just like every other New Yorker. But did you have to get a Yankee's hat? It hurts just looking at it." Peter just narrowed his lenses at the headwear.

Diana just raised an eyebrow, "I thought every New Yorker liked the Yankees?"

"Not since the organization became full of shysters and crooks who care more about money than baseball. Anyway you guys look incognito enough to get close to the good doctor without letting loose big, green and mean." Peter cursed and praised.

Atom just raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you gonna go civilian? Your not exactly camouflaged."

Peter was about to agree but he remembered who was on the good captains team was. He wagged a finger in the atomic man's face. "Nice try, mon capitaine. But I'm not showing you the money maker so you can tell your pointy earned friend. Not gonna happen, no sir." Peter enjoyed the scowl that appeared on the hero's face. "Besides I have camouflage." Peter hopped on the nearby brownstone. He then activated the OctoCamo and immediately disappeared from sight as his suit changed its color and texture to match the building's.

The two took that as their cue to walk towards the tenement building that Banner resided in. Peter followed as quietly as possible leaping from building to building without web-swinging.

The building came soon came into view and holy hell what a hole it was. The building looked to be falling apart, broken windows and several abandoned cars in the parking lot.

Peter leaped down on the wall next to the lobby blending in with the drab, tan wallpaper. Diana and Atom walked up to the door, and looked towards the older woman in at the counter.

She was in her early 60s, graying hair and wrinkled face. She was in a drab yellow dress stained with various liquids. She looked at the two good looking people. "Can I help you?" Even her voice was rough and cracked with age.

Diana just smiled, "Hi, do you know this man?", she asked holding a picture of Banner.

The old woman gained a shady look in her eyes. "Who wants to know?" She tried hunching on herself to make herself look smaller.

'She's scared. Either for herself or Banner.' Peter thought.

"Ma'am, we're not going to hurt him. We just want to talk." She slid up her jacket revealing her silver bracers. The woman gave a look of recognition and slowly nodded.

"Room 10. Third floor. Last room on the right." The duo nodded and headed up the stairwell.

"Please don't hurt him. He's not a bad guy." The woman said as the heroes walked away.

Diana grimaced. She looked at the woman and gave a painful smile.

"That's not why we're here." With that they continued.

Peter jumped up the stairwell and made it to the door before the duo could.

Using his suits sensors, the room was clean of radiation. Other than the slight gamma signature that came from Banner himself, nothing stood out.

Wonder Woman and Captain came up and saw him perched on the railing.

"I'm not picking up any extra power usage in his room and the only gamma signature is Banner. The room is completely scrubbed." Peter answered.

"Well at least he's not building a bomb." Atom said shedding his human skin tone and reverting back to his silver coloring.

"Give the guy some slack. He's always been provoked before Hulking out. Let's try not to start something and bring out the other guy. Kay, Captain?" Peter lightly defend the radiated scientist.

Atom looked to say something back but Diana stepped between the two, hands on their chests separating them.

"Ok boys, let's focus on the task at hand." With that she knocked on the door and waited 30 seconds. After 30 seconds the door creaked open still bound by the chain lock.

"W-who is it?" While the darkness hid his face, his voice was small, humble and quiet.

"Dr. Robert?" They were using an old alias to fool anybody who had the building tapped.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" The gamma scientist hurriedly asked.

"Dr, we are not here to cause trouble. We just want to talk." Diana just held her hands up, letting her jacket slide down her arms showing her silver bracers again.

The doctor was silent. He closed the door again and undid the lock. He opened the door revealing his appearance. He was almost average in looks, pale skin with brown scruffy hair and a stubble that showed he hadn't shaved in a while. The most striking thing was his eyes. They were an emerald green color, but what was amazing was that they seemed to glow with power.

Atom looked ready to rush Banner but Diana stood in his way giving him a stern look. 'Seems she wants to do this peacefully.' Peter thought as he sat on the railing.

"Doctor, we are not here to start a fight we just want to talk." Banner didn't seem any less scared but stepped aside letting the 3 heroes in.

The room was small, only having a double bed, a small TV on a dresser. It was all the same worn down brown color.

Banner just sat on the bed, arms in his lap. His head was down, resigning himself to the interrogation.

"Didn't take you long to find me. So who called the order? Ross, the President? The U.N?"

Atom answered before Diana could. "The U.N at first then General Ross ordered you to be taken in. Alive."

Banner snorted a bitter laugh, "Of course, Ross would want to get to me 1st. He's been trying net me for years." Banner looked at Spider-Man, clinging to the wall. "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to make sure these two don't start a slobberknocker downtown with your other half. I like my city in one piece. So let's just keep calm and not raise any blood pressure. Okay?" Spider-Man raised too placating hands.

Banner just nodded. Diana proceeded to ask the next question. "So why are you in New York? Not exactly the best place to remain hidden."

Banner just looked at the ground and sighed. "Two reasons. First was to see Reed Richards and find a cure for him. Or at the very least suppress him enough to control. I don't want to be trapped in my own body anymore." Banner grabbed his head and grunted in pain. Atom put his hand on Banner's shoulder, siphoning off the excess gamma radiation.

The good doctor just looked at him, "Thank you. He's been able to influence me even when I'm not angry. It's getting worse. I don't know how much longer I can keep him buried."

Diana gained a pensive expression. "You said you were here for two things. Getting a cure was the 1st, what was the second?"

Bruce looked sheepish. "Promise you won't tell the UN or Ross? Especially not Ross."

Spider-Man put his hands up again, "I won't say anything. I'm pretty sure the Amazon won't. Don't count on the silver streaker though, he's a government stooge."

Atom looked ready to pound the wall-crawler, but held his temper.

"I came to see my cousin. She graduated from law school and is looking for a job in one of the judges offices in town to get some experience. I came to say goodbye."

Peter raised an eyebrow at the last statement. "Goodbye?"

Banner steeled his hands in front of his mouth and gained a determined look in his eye. "I don't want to be a monster anymore. And I'm not gonna let anybody make more of him." Banner looked up at Atom, "That's why Ross wants me alive, to make more of the monster. To use it as a weapon." A deep sigh escaped the scientists mouth. "If Reed and I can't find a cure, then I'll find a way to end this nightmare. One way or another."

The lenses on Peter's mask widened as his eyes did. 'He's serious. If he can't stop the Hulk, he's gonna end his life.'

"That's why you were going to see your cousin." Diana sat next to him and put her hand on his other shoulder.

"She's the only family I have left. Haven't seen her since she graduated highschool."

While Diana tried to comfort the irradiated scientist, Peter heard the sound of multiple vehicles approaching the building. The wall-crawler walked over towards the window, opening the blinds with 2 fingers. What he saw gave him a feeling of both anger and fear. Several APCs, military hummers and several squads of U.S troops.

"Uh guys. We might have a problem." Diana got up from the bed and walked over to the window. She saw the same thing Peter did and gained an angry look.

"Ross found him. Dammit." Banner shot up from the bed at the sound of the general's name. He ran towards the window and looked. There was 'Thunderbolt' Ross dressed in his green uniform and ordering his troops to surround the motel. He shouted at one of his men, who promptly aimed a bazooka at the room we occupied.

"Oh shi-!!!!!" Pater jumped back and tackled Banner to the floor.


1 hour later.

"Oh man. That's gonna hurt in the morning" Peter groaned out, pinned beneath the support beams of the building. Banner was nowhere to be found, but the human-like roaring and gunfire in the distance told Peter what the situation was. Dr.Banner had left the building but the Hulk was out in the middle of New York.

Mustering his strength, Peter lifted up the remains of the building and threw them to the side. He suits HUD showed he had several contusions and small fractures. Luckily none of the shrapnel from the explosive had penetrated his suit.

Without a moment's hesitation, Peter swung off towards the fighting. What he saw infuriated him, the Brooklyn Bridge looked like a war zone. Cars damaged, on fire or a combination of the two. People running from the carnage covering their heads or children, trying to protect them from the chaos that was the Army trying to capture the Hulk.

He then saw the green goliath himself, standing over nine feet tall and built like a brick shithouse, the Hulk was one of the most intimidating things Peter had ever seen. While Rhino stood just as high and could hold his own strength-wise, the Hulk had one thing that trumped anything O'Hirn could pull out, pure unfiltered rage.

It's said that the angrier the Hulk becomes, the stronger he gets, which makes him extremely hard to fight. As the battle goes on he gets stronger and stronger with his increasing anger.

It had been an hour since Peter lost consciousness and that meant the fight had been going on for as long. Wonder Woman and Captain Atom pushed the Hulk back with their powerful blows but the brutes concrete like skin and his ridiculous healing factor softens the blows and healed the damage before any lasting injury could be inflicted.

Just as Peter was going to dive into the fray a familiar tingle in the back of his head caused him to dodge the hail of gunfire that came from the street.

Hiding behind a building and activating his suits stealth mode, he saw several Army soldiers looking for him, rifles raised. Peter programmed the web-grenade into his web-shooters and fired it in the middle of the squad. A second later they were all covered in webs and stuck to either the street or each other.

Peter swung down and landed on the epicenter of the adhesive bomb, "Now, that wasn't very nice. Why would you fine band of corrupt schmucks try to pop a cap in me?"

"Cause you belong to this country, freak." Peter turned and saw the instigator of this whole fiasco. General Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross.

"The only person I belong to is about 5'6, flexible and looks great in leather. Not that I don't love this country, but it's a platonic love and I don't want to ruin the relationship." The eyes of Peter's mask narrowed, as soon as Ross's name was brought up, Peter knew this whole situation was going to go south.

"No, you and Banner belong to this country, and you are to be used in anyway it sees fit." Ross walked forward, unafraid of the hero who could rip him limb from limb for setting the Hulk loose.

"Why? So you make more Captain America knock-offs and keep the rest of the world under your thumb? No thanks, besides I don't think the world can take anymore of my mouth." Peter stomped towards the General, fists clenched.

"Look around Ross, all this destruction and chaos, for what? To show the world that Banner's the monster you say he is? So you can take him away and make more of Frankenstein Monster? Was all this worth it?" Peter grabbed the General by the collar and looked him in the eye.

Ross eyes held no fear and his wrinkled face showed no emotion, "To protect and ensure America's power in the world? Yes, yes it was worth it."

"It's never worth it. And now that you're on candid camera, your never going to see the results of them."

God. Peter loved this suit. Ross however wasn't as impressed.

"Do your worst, this country has never failed me before and it won't now." Man, this guy is way to Lawful Evil.

"Okay, General Heinrich, sleepy time." Peter then smacked Ross in the head. Just hard enough to knock the rouge general out with a mild concussion.

"Now for the jolly green giant." With a leap and 'thwip' Peter followed the sound of battle and mayhem.


Kill him!!

Beat him!!

Stone him!!

I….have no excuse. Things have been rather difficult within my life. My boss, and by extension my job, sucks more than the money Congress sucked out of social security.

Also the fact that several things have happened to me. 1. My Brother married a person whose faker than Dolly Parton's rack. 2. I've been rather depressed at where life isn't going where I want it too. 3. I've also hit a roadblock on where to go with this.

Well…..I know where I want to go but the journey ...eludes me.

Also I'm sorry for the lack of editing but as I have said before, I'm writing this from my phone. I'm in need of a beta writer and another set of eyes would be useful. Dm if your interested.

Next time y'all.