I wrote this AN a long time ago so it's kinda moot by now.

AN: Huh. I just got off of watching two videos on Adam by both Legend of Remnant and Unicorn of War. And while I agree more with Eruption Fang's take on the character(mainly because it flows better with this genre of show and story…), I can see where they're coming from and don't dislike canon Adam as much.

But ain't nobody gonna convince his death was deserved. A logical conclusion in the story? Yes. But the issue is it was plot driven, not character driven. If we'd watched his skills deteriorate, or Yang and Blake's skill and strength rise dramatically, then I'd not hate it. But I do, because it was a plot necessity rather than a character finale.

Also, to hell with the heroic music that played while the two stabbed him. I'd be fine if it had had darker sub tones just before it happened and then immediately cut when they stabbed him and they actually felt some horror for taking a life, no matter how much they needed him to die. Even people who kill purely out of self defense, in war or otherwise, feel massive amounts of trauma from the event, especially if they've never done it before.

Sorry, my rant is over, here's the chapter. No omake this time, don't worry.

Hope ya enjoy.-L38

Chapter 5: Accidents and Living

Alicia's POV

I stare up at my first class from the floor of the school arena, Goodwitch currently standing across from me as I address the class.

"Aura Splinters are the worst pain in the ass a Hunter can absorb from another human or Faunus," I lecture, steadfastly ignoring the few on their scrolls. "In general, they'll interrupt your Aura flow and render you incapable of using your Semblance or Aura at all, depending on the severity of the Splinter. To demonstrate why you need to put your best effort into learning how to counter said attack, Professor Goodwitch has agreed to demonstrating the effects of having a Splinter shoved into your Aura." I glance at Goodwitch, who merely nods, before looking back to the stands. "As for rules, we're going by tournament style knockouts, where if one of us falls beneath twenty percent of our total Aura pool, we will stop fighting. Furthermore, I am not allowed to get any closer to Professor Goodwitch, so that I can't make physical contact. Physical contact makes it easier to insert an Aura Splinter, however the distance is merely to show that those of you with long range Semblances are at just as much risk as someone with no range at all."

I turn to Goodwitch as she taps a few buttons on her scroll pad, bringing up our Aura gauges on the wall.

One thing I don't understand is how Remnant has technology to measure Aura percentage, in respect to one's maximum capacity, but not measure Aura with a standard measurement system.


"On your mark, Professor," I state, taking a stance. Goodwitch pushes her glasses up her nose as she stores her scroll, before flaring her whip, several barrels placed around the area for this event starting to fly at me.

I duck out of the way for the first, curling my left hand in close to my body, preparing my Splinter. The second and third come in quick succession, Goodwitch nearly pinning me between them, forcing me to jump over the first and push off the second.

After my feet hit the ground, I jump back to avoid the next one, just in time for one I hadn't noticed to slam into me. I grunt in surprise, nearly losing control of my Splinter, and hit the ground. I glance up to see Goodwitch about to pile the barrels on top of me. I roll away, barely missing them, and start extending my senses to find Goodwitch's aura.

She's got balls, I guess, I think as I see her Aura flaring almost all around me. I glance at the barrels flying at me again. It's strongest with the barrels, so there would be the most effective. Alright then.

I jump up off the ground, and twirl past her next projectiles, before slamming my left hand into the base of the next barrel, lodging the Splinter into her Aura. Immediately, the rest of the buckets flop to the ground, and a groan makes my blood run colder.

I look over to my fellow Professor to see her face turning white, her teeth gritting.

"Xiao Long, Winchester, Daichi, Valkyrie, get your asses down here!" I shout as I sprint at the woman, jumping over the various dropped barrels as the woman's legs crumble beneath her. I drop and slide the last few feet, catching her before she can impact the ground, and position her head on my thighs. "Glynda, I need you to open your mouth for a second."

The woman doesn't respond as her eyes twist in agony. I sigh and apply some Aura into my left arm, grabbing her jaw and forcing it open, before placing my right hand fingers inside.

"Professor, what's happening?" Xiao Long asks as she runs up to us, concern and some amount of fear in her voice. The other three I called reach us moment later.

"I'll explain after, now we need to help her," I order, ignoring how my Aura is pulsing around the fingers inside Goodwitchs mouth. She'd probably bite them off if I didn't have Aura. "Each of you, grab one of her limbs, I need you to hold her down while I fish out the Splinter."

"What'd you do you stupid animal?" Cardin demands, anger in his voice, prompting a few gasps and an incredulous stare from Yang. I meet his glare with equal ferocity.

"Shut up and help me help her, or do you want her to die?" I ask poignantly, which prompts the other three to move and grab hold, Yang and Yatsuhashi taking hold of her arms, while Nora takes it upon herself to hold both legs. Cardin glares while I place my now free left hand on Glynda's clavicle, swiftly pushing my Aura through what remains of hers.

Glynda immediately bites even harder onto my hand and begins to start jerking about, a scream breaking its way out of her mouth.

I ignore all of this and the panicked cries of the students as I continue my search. I search through nearly ninety percent of her Aura for the next ten minutes, with Goodwitch's tremors and struggles getting continuously weaker before I find my Aura, with a hefty buildup of Glynda's own behind it. In a moment, I grab the Splinter and absorb it back into myself, catching her Aura before it can shred her own Aura pathways and slowly filtering it down before gently extricating myself from Glynda's Aura.

The woman stops shaking as my Aura recedes, and the pressure on my fingers finally lets up after the last vestiges leave her system. The woman falls limp as I take a gasping breath. I remove my hand from her mouth, shaking slightly.

"Go to sleep, Glynda," I order gently. "You're going to need it right now." Her eyes fall shut after a moment.

I look up to see the majority of the class standing around us, with Adel positioned next to Valkyrie holding one of Goodwitchs legs, while Winchester is currently slumped against a wall. I pull out my scroll as I take a few deep breaths.

"You can release her. I'll call Ozpin to get someone to come take care of her before explaining what exactly just happened," I inform the group around me, most of whom appear concerned or afraid. A few taps later, and Ozpin picks up.

"Yes, Professor Chrome, how can I help you?" The man asks.

"There was a complication in my demonstration with Professor Goodwitch. She'll need to be taken to the infirmary for observation and rest," I say. "She should be fine with a good rest, but it's always best to be cautious. I'll submit a full report by the end of the day."

"I see," Ozpin replies. "I'll inform the infirmary staff and they should be there to pick her up in a few minutes."

"Thank you Headmaster," I finish before hanging up. I look around at my students. "Forgive me for not standing, but that drained me a little."

"Uh, Prof, what was that?" Nakashima demands, anger in her voice. I lazily turn my gaze to the girl, before answering.

"That, Ms. Nakashima, was what happens when an Aura Splinter meant for an average person gets jammed into an Aura Sensitive," I reply calmly, getting several confused stares. "There are three general categories people with Aura fall into. Aura Sensitives are incredibly aware of their Aura and subtle changes to it, average users who are neither particularly adept or inept at sensing those changes, and Aura Inepts who couldn't feel changes to their Aura if they tried." I gesture to the unconscious form of Goodwitch. "Professor Goodwitch, as well as I, fall into the category of Aura Sensitive, though I didn't realize she was one. While being Aura Sensitive is nothing bad on a normal day, when Aura techniques start getting thrown around, Sensitives are the most affected. Conversely, we are the ones who can counter these attacks most easily."

I take another deep breath as the students part for a gurney rolling in. I gently move Goodwitchs head from my lap and stand to get out of their way. Two of them get Goodwitch up and away, while the last one asks me a few questions on what happened, and I inform him of the events of the demonstration and subsequent mishap.

After he leaves, I continue.

"Aura Splinter is designed to be inserted into Aura pathways and inhibit the movement of one's Aura," I explain, adopting a more professional pose as I turn back to the students. "This causes a buildup of Aura, which can lead to said buildup exploding inside your own body."

The looks on the faces of the students around me seem to convey understanding through horror, though Belladonna looks confused.

"Professor, if it causes a block in Aura pathways, why does being sensitive, inept, or average change anything?" The black haired girl asks. I nod in acknowledgment of the question.

"I don't know," I say simply, getting a mass of incredulous looks, which prompts me to sigh. "I am an Aura wielder, not a scientist. I cannot tell you because there is no science that has gone into studying our Aura and how it works, or what differences there are from person to person." The group exchange some doubtful looks. "You are all welcome to find any research you can, but you will not find answers. I can teach you the techniques, and I can teach you how to use your Aura, but understanding your Aura is mostly beyond me. That said, I can tell you that Aura mostly follows the flow of your major veins and arteries through your body, so if you study your cardiovascular system, you will be able to understand what direction it flows better."

My words do garner a few curious looks, but the majority appear distracted.

"I'll teach you all how to counter Aura Splinters in the next few classes, but considering what happened today, I'll be dismissing you early," I state, turning towards the barrels scattered about. "Be sure to study the cardiovascular system. It will help."

I break off from my students and begin gathering the barrels, hefting them one at a time over to where they had been. I could leave it to the cleaning staff, but since I ended class early I might as well clean up the mess.

The class mostly files out, with Xiao Long and Daichi remaining behind to help me with cleaning up. I'm hardly surprised that Daichi stayed, but Yang? Now that is a surprise.

I wonder what she wants?

With their help, the task barely takes more than ten minutes.

I'm almost glad Goodwitch only attacked me with only fourteen of them, I think as I glance at the stacks against the wall. If she'd used more, that would have taken much longer. Still, I should've checked her sensitivity beforehand, rather than letting it get this out of hand.

"Thank you both for the help," I say, turning to face the two as they place the last two against the wall.

"It's no problem Prof," Xiao Long says with a grin, while Daichi merely nods before proceeding to leave. I give them both a nod before turning to leave. "Ah, Professor?" I turn back to Xiao Long, who's rubbing the back of her head and trying to avoid looking at me.

"Yes, Ms. Xiao Long?" I ask as Daichi leaves. She watches him go before turning back to me, eyes on the floor.

"I, uh," she tries, discomfort showing on her face. I wait patiently as she gets her words in order. "I wanted to thank you." She manages to meet my eyes, but I can read her body language well enough to know she wishes she wasn't there. "For saving me and Ruby back on Patch." I let out a hum. "I nearly got us killed and you saved us, so, thanks." She breaks her gaze almost as soon as she finishes.

"You're welcome, then," I reply easily. "Though perhaps I should apologize for failing to protect your mother." Yang vehemently shakes her head, surprising me.

"No, my mom wouldn't hold that against you, and she didn't raise me to do that either," the blond states, though she doesn't meet my eyes. "Anyways, I heard from Ruby that my dad and uncle Qrow attacked you despite the fact that you saved us, so I wanted to apologize for that." I stare at the top of Yangs head.

It isn't hard normally, seeing as how I have more than half a foot over her, but the fact that she's looking towards the floor makes it very simple.

"It was not you that decided to attack me, nor was it you who decided it would be a good idea to not inform your uncle that I did not commit any crimes," I say calmly, though I feel some annoyance. "All the same, you do not need to thank me for saving you. It was the least I could do." I take a deep breath, before pulling my scroll out to check the time. "I should probably submit my report to the Headmaster. Please have a good day, Ms. Xiao Long."

"Yeah, see ya Professor," she replies before we go our separate ways.

Five Weeks Later

After the incident with Glynda, the woman had a bit of concern being around me for a while, but I eventually managed to soften relations between us by teaching her how to combat the technique. She grasped it far more quickly than any student aside from the star pupil, Weiss, interestingly enough.

Classes had progressed well enough, and most of my students managed to get a basic grasp on the concept at least, with the Aura Inepts like Yang lagging behind in terms of progress. Others had made decent headway, but only Weiss had adequately performed the technique itself. This may have more to do with the fact that team RWBY asks me to train with them the most often. Most of the other team's either content themselves with class time or the videos I put on my teachers page on the Dustnet.

But that team, with some prodding from Weiss, no doubt, absorbs the majority of my office hours and some of my free time during the week. With this, Yang managed to keep pace with average Aura users who only pay attention in class while Blake and Ruby are ahead of the crowd, though not by much.

The students who had been capable of using minor Aura techniques like Aura Blast before coming to class had demonstrated for the class when I felt the need to do so. They are ahead on Aura manipulation and most have nearly completed their studies into dispersing a Splinter, and a few even know how to produce one, however unsteady it is.

Many of them complain on how I personally hit them with the Splinters and that it's hardly fair, but they quiet down when I say few people are as good as me, and if they can refute me, they can refute anyone else.

Soon enough I'll be able to teach them to fish a Splinter out of their Aura on their own.

But for now, I shall enjoy my alone time and drink my tea in peace.

I sit in a traditional seiza pose, gazing out over Beacon from my position near the window of my room. With my race, Ozpin gave me a room with a window that stretches to the ground, so I can bathe in the sunlight if I feel the need, so I'm enjoying it as I watch the students walk about.

Being a Professor is long days, longer nights, and long treks to and from my cave, I think as I take a sip. Why did the god make me unable to sleep in human form? It makes staying in cities and interacting with people such a bother.

I ponder the question to no avail for the nth time and finish my tea. After a moment more of luxuriating in the sun, I rise and take my dishes to the small sink, carefully washing them before placing them up to dry and moving into the bedroom.

I sigh as I take a seat on the edge of the bed I've never used, reaching over and grabbing the book I'd tossed onto it earlier and opening to the marked page, before my scroll rings. I groan as I close the book and stand to get my scroll, walking out into the main room again and answer the call.

"Chrome speaking," I say tiredly, leaning next to the device.

"Hello Ms. Chrome, I hope the morning finds you well?" Professor Port asks, his bellowing voice carrying loudly even through a scroll.

"I'm doing well, Professor Port, how are you?" I reply, already knowing what's coming.

"I'm doing fantastic, thank you for asking," he answers. "I was wondering if you would perhaps like to join Bartholemew, Gylnda, and I for a light lunch out in Vale." I look at the time, noting it to be nearly eleven, and repress a sigh.

I don't like being around too many people. I can stand the students because it's my job and I want them to survive. I didn't get a choice with Silvia, she forced herself onto me. With the other Professors, it's a poor coworker who constantly denies them for no reason. It's for this purpose that for nearly five weeks, I've always made sure to not always do all of my paperwork or to hand out two to three answer quizzes in my class so I can claim I need to finish it rather than hang out. I'd eaten lunch a few times with Glynda, but none of the others.

Unfortunately, I wanted today to be a restful day, so I sorted everything out already. It was simple, especially since the trip to Forever Fall meant a significant portion of my classes hadn't been in attendance on Friday.

"I don't have anything pressing waiting for me, so I will be able to make it," I say calmly, belying the sinking feeling in my gut. "Where did you all wish to meet?"

At least Glynda will be there. Normally it's just Oobleck and Port, maybe Peach on a good day. But with Glynda there will be somebody I might be able to deflect onto.

But if this goes as I anticipate, it will be something of an interrogation.

"We were going to meet at the Bullhead pad in thirty minutes," The man says jovially.

"See you then," I reply before hanging up.

I sigh as I head to my bags in the corner, taking out a plain gray cloak and a pair of fresh and presentable clothes.

Huntress or not, going everywhere looking like I'm prepared to kick ass and take names isn't always the most flattering. I change and look at myself in the mirror of my bathroom, humming. A simple black blouse with a knee length dark gray skirt, and my normal combat boots swapped for a pair of simple gray shoes.

I don't like being out of my combat uniform, it makes me feel exposed.

A scant few minutes later I leave the building and slowly walk along, enjoying the sun and the brisk breeze which makes my cape flutter along behind me. Perhaps not a perfect day, but warm enough that I don't need heat pads.

I make my way over to the landing pads, sitting on a bench and closing my eyes to wait. Barely ten minutes later, I hear the click of heels approaching me, and open my eyes to see Weiss, much to my surprise.

"Ms. Schnee, how may I help you?" I ask, having a fairly good idea what she's going to ask about. She always does ask more and more questions about the applications of Aura.

"Good morning, Professor," she greets with a frown, looking downwards, unlike her normal countenance. "May I ask you a question?" I raise an eyebrow as I gesture to the open seat beside me. The girl sits, not looking at me as she clasps her hands together.

I stare at her for a moment as she sits, clearly thinking, before speaking.

"Has something happened between you and your team?" I ask, making her jump.

"That is one way to put it," she says with a sigh. "We found out something about Blake that is shocking, to say the least." I blink at her statement.

Does that mean I'll have to watch the dockyards for the next few days? It's either that or I'm watching for a Fang meeting. Or is it both? I wonder idly, before refocusing on Weiss.

"Was it the fact that she's a Faunus or that she used to be in the Fang?" I ask bluntly, startling Weiss enough to make her stare at me in shock. "Look up 'Belladonna' on the Dustnet and click the first wiki link. You'll feel rather ridiculous." I wait calmly as the girl does so, only chuckling as she pinches the bridge of her nose with a huff. "Yeah, the daughter of Menageries Chief is hardly a figure any Faunus in the know could miss. What did you want to ask of me, Ms. Schnee?"

The girl looks at her scroll for a few moments before turning to meet my eyes.

"She was a part of the organization that murdered members of my family," she states. I nod in reply. "The ones that killed board members, caused my father to come home, enraged, and make the lives of myself and my siblings terrible." I nod again. A look of confusion glosses in her eyes before she asks her final question. "How should I react to this? Logically, I should report her and have her arrested for being a terrorist, but if I do that, then she'll just run further." I look away from her, seeing Professor Port and Doctor Oobleck approaching. I wave to them and signal to wait.

Thankfully, they oblige.

"If you're asking for me to make the decision for you, I can't do that. Not because I'm unwilling, but I'm not the Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company," I say, making the girl frown. "I doubt you were asking for me to make a choice, so if you're asking for my knowledge, then listen. The White Fang are an unfortunate necessity." I don't need to look to see her scandalized look. "The majority of the missions I take are rather subtle in nature. Infiltration, sabotage, the occasional investigation, and of course, dealing with bandits and Grimm. Over the years, I've learned a thing or two about why the White Fang has become what they have." I look into Weiss's eyes, watching as she struggles between disgust and respect. "Do you know the name Alexander Birch?" She thinks for a moment, before scowling.

"A Pro-Faunus politician in Vale, who was assassinated by the White Fang alongside his family a few months ago," the girl answers. "A perfect representation of the barbarity of those degenerates." I give a nod.

"At first glance, yes," I reply calmly. "Did you know that White Fang recruitment levels have never been higher than now?" Weiss blinks in shock. "All of it due to Representative Birch's execution. Why would the White Fang's recruitment rates spike if the actions of the Fang, publicly demonized across the media and on Menagerie, are inherently bad for Faunus rights?" The girl is frowning, brow furrowing as she tries to understand. "It's because he was running the most prolific Faunus slavery ring on Remnant."

"That's not possible!" Weiss snaps.

"I discovered it myself," I state in reply, my eyes piercing her shocked blue ones. I shake my head with a sigh. "At first I sent what I had found to Professor Ozpin and the Chief of Police here in Vale. No action was taken after several weeks, and I was forced to send it to my contacts in the Fang." Weiss stiffens next to me, making me smirk dryly. "Relax, I'm not part of the Fang or interested in becoming a member, though they'd love to have me." I glance at her. "But if you ever meet a Faunus Hunter, know that they likely have some connection to the Fang, if only tangentially. In any case, they took action. They killed Birch and his family because of the lives they had ruined, of the families they had destroyed. Even now, those that were enslaved are bolstering the ranks of the Fang and many have joined in recruitment pitches. The horrors of what Birch did make it all the more enticing, because he was the most prominent pusher for the idea that we could be fully accepted. Now that they see his real face-."

"They fear they'll never be able to gain what they want without violence," Weiss finishes for me. I incline my head.

"All of this is a long way of saying," I continue as I stand, looking down at her. "I believe Blake did what she believed in. If she has left the Fang, then they have become something she cannot abide. If you trust her enough to believe that, then do what you believe is best. Understand that not every decision must be the most logical, and that sometimes, the people in power aren't interested in helping everyone. Good day, Ms. Schnee." I turn and walk towards my fellow teachers, who finally congregated.

Peach is here too? I think in surprise.

I look at Port as he laughs boisterously at a tale Oobleck told.

"Quite an intriguing answer to a complex situation, but if I'd been there, I probably would've used the shovel to beat back those Nevermore," he boasts as we approach a diner that had opened up recently, which specifically caters more to the Hunter community. Glynda scoffs at Port's comment.

"Of course you would, you search for the most oblique and unheard of ways to solve problems," she replies with a small smile. I can hardly help but chuckle along with the group.

"But Glynda, my dear, finding a new inventive solution to problems only increases my ability to think outside the box and survive!" The portly man answers. "Why, just the other day, I was surrounded by a group of Ursai and had had my blunderbuss wrenched from my grasp after being separated from Ms. Chrome!" I recall the small excursion he and I had taken into the Emerald Forest in order to capture some Grimm and cull the population.

"You threw your axe to me and tore off after the first group you came across, Professor Port," I correct flatly, earning a laugh from Peach and Oobleck, and a polite cough from Glynda as Port himself rubs the back of his head.

"Are you certain? I'm sure it was an Elder Boarbatusk that took my axe from me after you were distracted by a group of Alpha Beowolves," he insists, giving me a wink. I roll my eyes.

"Naturally," I reply, before we enter the diner and I am hit with the AC, making me draw my cloak in around myself even as I draw out my scroll, swiftly switching to a temperature gauge.

Most scrolls don't have built in thermometers, but when you are partially cold blooded it becomes a necessity to have one. I frown at the number on screen as I pocket it and turn my attention back to Port.

I follow the group to the booth he picks out as he boisterously tells the slightly modified tale of how he captured four Ursa Majors whilst I stared on in awe. I take a seat next to Professor Peach, a slender man who wears a simple blue suit, unlike Ports more flowery style or Oobleck's half dressed attire. He has straight brown hair and rather dull black eyes, however he is a respectable Hunter.

After a few more minutes of Ports storytelling, the cafe staff make their way over to us. As he arrives, I glance over to see someone a little surprising.

"Good day, welcome to the Golden Stone, how can I serve you today?" Jaune Arc asks, a polite smile on his face as he studiously doesn't look at me or Glynda while handing out menus.

"Ah, good day!" Port states as he glances at the menu the boy hands out. "I shall have a nice Mistralian steak and a glass of water, please." Oobleck moves through the menu at a light speed pace and answers right after his friend.

"Indeed, I shall have a simple Schnee salad," the Doctor requests, receiving a nod as Jaune writes the order. "I would also like a cup of your Vacuon Roast Coffee!" Jaune looks at Peach next.

"Yes, I think I'll just have a cup of green tea," the man requests politely, receiving a nod in return.

"Certainly," Jaune replies. "What can I get for you two then?" The boy still doesn't look at me.

"I would like a cup of black tea and a serving of chicken Alfredo please," Glynda says, handing her menu to Peach, who'd collected them from myself, Port, and Oobleck already, who hands then to Jaune, who collects them with a small word of thanks. I sigh as it comes my turn to order.

"I'll be fine with nothing, thank you," I say, noting the frown from Port and Oobleck, even as Glynda hums in understanding and Peach glances at me curiously. Jaune himself stiffens a mite.

"Ms. Chrome, it is quite discourteous-," Port begins, before I cut him off.

"Your concern for politeness is noted, Professor, as is your ignorance of my race," I say blandly as I glance at him, before looking back at Jaune. "I would normally order, but it's too cold here, Mr. Arc." The boy looks at me in surprise, probably due to how he had not expected me to remember him. "Due to the temperature, if I were to eat, my stomach would stop digesting in about twenty minutes as my body cools. It's quite uncomfortable to just have it sit there, so please forgive me for not eating." The boy blinks, before he winces.

"Right, my apologies, I'll turn up the temperature a bit," he says with a polite smile. "I should have your drinks out in a few minutes and your meals ready sometime after that." As he departs, I glance back at Professor Port.

"My apologies for the interruption, Professor, however my biology is not something I am capable of controlling," I inform him, prompting a nod from the man.

At least partially, I think as I flick my tongue, tasting the various scents of the place.

It's very clean, if I do say so, and the weapon racks are a nice touch. I can tell the one civilian family here is quite uncomfortable. I wonder what they expected coming into a place that caters to Hunters.

"No, no, it was my mistake. I didn't do any research into your race, so I misunderstood your intentions," he assures me. "I apologize."

"Thank you," I reply simply, allowing the conversation to continue.

We end up staying for several hours, Peach explaining some of the applications that the sap from Forever Fall has aside from attracting Grimm, Port regaling a few more entertaining tales, and generally venting about some of the more ridiculous happenings that our students got up to recently. I even was able to order a nice steak. By the time Oobleck and Port decided to head out, I was quite pleased. Peach departed soon after, leaving just myself and Goodwitch in the diner.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be," I admit to her, receiving a wry grin in reply.

"What, did you think they'd be overbearing and play 20 Questions with you?" She asks with a chuckle. I chuckle as I nod, reaching out to take a sip of my water.

"I don't know or work with many other Hunters. Working at an Academy full of them is certainly interesting, at the very least," I say. Glynda nods.

"It is a departure from field work, and so far you're doing well," she replies, before giving me a mild glare. "But you really shouldn't have team RWBY occupying all of your out of class hours. It doesn't allow any other team to even try to get more time studying with you." I nod in acknowledgment.

It's hardly the first time she's told me, though I've always been able to evade addressing it.

"I might be able to open up time if anyone else bothered to try asking for it," I reply, not for the first time. "The only other team that has asked is team CFVY and I'm almost certain that's because their team leader wants to help Ms. Scarlatina. The girl is a bit of a pushover." Glynda just gives me a look. After a few moments of meeting her stare, I feel the urge to fidget. "What?"

"You're showing too much favoritism. Besides, they need to practice on their own," she comments. "Always getting taught is fine, but they need to practice and experiment a bit on their own. Their way of doing it does not need to match your own." I hum as I take another sip of my water.

"If they mess up out of my supervision, they could end up like Mr. Bronzewing," I reply steadily.

"And like the young man, they will recover and keep going," she states. "Accidents will happen, it happens no matter what new skill is being taught. Whether it be team RWBY or not, you can't always be there. But your other students need your aid as well. Perhaps if you free up some time they might feel they have a chance to practice with you." I sigh as I rub my forehead.

RWBY will end up in situations where my teaching could be vital, I recall. Their development is more useful. That said, it's hardly like I expect much to come from all of this. Perhaps I ought to spread it out. Who knows, some of them might be able to save more people with it.

"Fine. I'll let team RWBY know they shouldn't come quite as often as they do," I concede.

"That's all I ask," Glynda replies calmly, though I can feel the happiness flowing in her voice. I look back at her as I hear her get up. "I need to get back to Beacon. I'll see you there."

I nod as I turn back to my water.

This place has a cozy atmosphere so I don't mind staying a little longer. A few minutes later I feel my phone buzz and open it to see a text from Glynda. I furrow my brow at the message.

'It's a tradition. Sorry.'

I try to puzzle the meaning when I hear Jaune walk over. I look up to see him holding a piece of paper.

"So you're paying for your group then?" He asks, not meeting my eyes as I freeze, eyes narrowing.

"So it would seem," I say in annoyance as I pull out my wallet. I take the bill from him and glance at the price, before passing him a few hundred Lien with a sigh.

He takes it wordlessly and walks off as I finish off my glass. A quick glance reveals the diner to be empty and get up.

I walk over to the counter Jaune is behind, staring at the young boy.

"Jaune Arc, is it?" I call, making him turn in surprise.

"Uh, yes," he says. "How can I help you?" I stare at him for a moment.

"Why did you try to lie your way into Beacon?" I ask. He scowls for a moment as he looks at me.

"I was trying to follow in my father's footsteps," he says simply. "Beacon was the best way to do that."

"Why?" I ask, making him blink.

"Beg your pardon?"

"Why do you want to be a Hunter?"

"Because it is my dream," he reiterates, gritting his teeth.

"It is your dream to be a person who goes into the wilds, expecting nothing but carnage and savagery in exchange for money?" I prod with a raised eyebrow. "I'm not asking if you want to be a Hunter or if it's your dream. Why do you want to be a Hunter? Money, power, fame?" I stare into his eyes, seeing the various emotions boiling in him.

"Because I want to be a Hero, alright?" He bites, narrowing his eyes at me. "Are you happy now?"

"Why do you want to be a Hero, Jaune?" I demand, making his patience end. "What purpose do you chase?"

"I wanted to help people like my father does and his father before him did, alright?" He snarls, slamming his hands on the desk between us. "I wanted to make my father proud, and I wanted to prove I could do it! Is that what you wanted to hear?" I stare at the boy, before sighing.

"No," I admit, making him huff. "But it's good enough." I meet his eyes. "I can help you start that journey, if you want." He blinks as his frustration dissipates. "I couldn't let you join Beacon because you would have died. I will not regret forcing you to leave, but I can at least give you a chance to make yourself into what you want." The boy stares at me, face shifting through shock and anger. "Do you want me to unlock your Aura, Mr. Arc?" He states at me for a few seconds before he nods.

"Yes," he finally decides. I nod as he steps out from behind the counter between us.

"Close your eyes," I order as I put a hand on his shoulder and the other on the middle of his chest.

"Alright," he says somewhat uncertainly as his eyes shut. I close my own as I summon my Aura.

I know back when I wasn't a massive snake there were some heated thoughts on the necessity of the Aura chant done to unlock Jaune's Aura. The chant is not necessary, however the Aura of the unlocked is significantly diminished in comparison to what it can be if the chant is recited. Furthermore, depending on how close the chant is to the person who chants it, the chant has a variance in its level of effect.

In other words, here I chant.

"For it is through struggle that we create change. Through this we become a symbol of truth and hope to those who suffer," I chant, sending my Aura through my hand into the deadened coil inside of Jaune latching onto it. "Eternal through time and free from fear, I release your soul and by my hand, raise you up." I pull and unleash his Aura, feeling extremely fatigued as my Aura is battered out by the wave forcing its way from Jaune's core.

I stagger always from him as my Aura sense is bathed in the presence of his Aura, gasping at my own depletion.

"What the fuck are you kid?" I gasp out as I stare at his awed expression as he looks at the white glow across his arms. The boy looks at me in confusion.

Let me explain my shock. Velvet has around a hundredth of my own Aura size, a normal average human size of Aura.

Jaune's approaches two thirds of my own. This absolutely fucks over my entire understanding of how Aura is stored and how much a normal human can possibly have.

After taking a few more breaths, I stand up and look at him.

"You have a lot of Aura, Mr. Arc," I inform him. "More than anyone else I've encountered." His look of awe returns as he looks at his hands, which have since stopped glowing. "Be sure to train. I'm sure there is at least one student at Beacon who needs some cash, so you might be able to hire one if you can reach them. In any event, I should be on my way." I turn and move towards the door, picking up a butter knife from one of the tables. "Have a pleasant evening, and tell your associate if she puts a blade near my throat again I will take issue."

"Associate?" Jaune asks in confusion, as I throw my butter knife, the sound of shattering glass resounding as Neo catches it in the air. "Neo? What are you doing here?"

I glance at the small woman as she looks at me and turn away, leaving the small diner to see the calm colors of night.

I walk towards the airdocks, checking my scroll for the next airship departure before an explosion reaches my ears. A moment later, I land on a roof and look towards the docks, seeing a small plume of smoke and several bullheads whizzing around.

"What a way to end my night," I murmur as I bolt in the direction of the action.

AN: So. That's a thing.

Yeah. I thought V7 didn't have enough cliffhangers, so here's another one. ;)

Anyways, hope you enjoyed, do leave a review, follow and fav if you're feeling generous. I should be able to write faster than I do, but my inspiration is a fickle thing, so I apologize for how long I'm taking with all of this.

But, I'll see you next chapter. Later.
