Hiya! I'm loving the reviews (47 omg!!!!), keep it up! Lol, and i apoligise for the long wait between updates. I really have no excuse, but here you have an update now! Oh and to Piper, the Sweep Super edition comes out on 25th August in the US and not till the 3rd October in the UK!! Oh and quickly before the chapter, if you haven't seen the matrix reloaded yet, go and see it soon! It's so brilliant! This chapter is in Hunter's POV! ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _______________

It was half 8, and Morgan had been unconcious for about an hour. I wasn't entirely sure what had happened, but it was definately somebody trying to hurt our baby. My dreams that I had been having started to make sense. Our daughter, Moira, was trying to warn us, against things like this. She must be incredibly powerful, like her mum. It's strange, I'd never thought about what I was going to call my kids, but now, I just knew Moira was her name.

As soon as Morgan had fallen to the floor, we had stopped the circle, and Da, Alwyn, Sky and I had put up powerful blocks all around Morgan. I'd asked everyone to leave, but they're a stubbon bunch, and wanted to make sure Morgan was ok.

Although the danger had gone... for now, Morgan was still unconcious. We'd done some healing work but she just wouldn't wake up.

I sent Morgan a witch message, but I doubted it would do any good, or anything at all really.

**Morgan. Morgan love, please wake up. Please be ok.**

Her eyes flickered open and I silently thanked the Goddess. She was awake! I kissed her hand, her forehead and helped her to sit up.

"Wow, what's the audience for?" she joked seeing the whole coven before her. She looked slightly shaky, so she leant on me for support.

"Don't you ever do that to me again!" Bree said tearfully, and she took Morgan's hand.

"Yeah that was really scary Morgan!" Sharon said.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"I don't really know." she said looking around, and then finally settling her eyes on me. "I remember pain in my stomach. And I'm not sure. Just something really bad, something dark. And it was trying to hurt Moira! Thank the Goddess she's ok."

I almost smiled because it was uncanny how we both knew our daughter's name was Moira, even though we hadn't talkied about it yet. But I couldn't, because the both of us were too fearful for her.

I watched Morgan, as silent tears glistened down her cheeks.

"What if she's not ok? What if they managed to hurt her? What if they come back?" She asked me. These were all questions going through my head also, but I couldn't tell her I didn't know. I had to be strong for her.

"We'll get it checked out first thing tomorrow." I told her.

"Um... does anyone think they'll be able to give me a lift home?" Alisa asked.

"Sure." Jenna said smiling. "I have to get home soon anyway."

There was a general murmur, and people started to leave, but made sure Morgan was alright before they left. I saw Alwyn slip out with Matt. Be careful, I thought. Please just be careful. Da went into the kitchen to make another pot of tea.

Eventually it was just Robbie and Bree, and Morgan and me.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Robbie asked. Morgan nodded her response. "If you need anything, just ask. Anything."

"Morgan, we're here for you. Call me." Bree said meaningfully.

"I will." she replied, and I could feel her sense of love for her two best friends.

I thanked the two of them as I opened the door for them.

I went back to the sofa and cuddled Morgan close to me. We'd been through so much together, and whenever something good was happening for us, someone was always intent on ruining it. But I wouldn't let anyone ruin our family.

"We won't let them take Moira away from us, will we?" Morgan asked.

"Of course not." I said tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "I'll look after you." I promised her, and she fell asleep in my arms, looking absolutely perfect.

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ Oops, sorry about the shortness, I'll try and get the next chapter up within the next couple of days! We'll see a few old faces coming back, and a few new ones too! Oh and can anyone think of a good title for this chapter? I really can't! lol And please review! Reviews make me happy, and when I'm happy I write more chapters! :) xxxJen