Hi so this is my first story I've written, and I'm thinking its gonna be quite a serious one! Its set after book 14 (I havent actually read books 13 and 14, but I know sort of what happens! If I make any major mistakes please tell me! thanks!) and Morgan's still in Scotland and Hunter's with his dad and sister in Dngland. The first couple of chapters will just be setting the scene and stuff, so its not going to be like brilliant, but it should get better once we're into the story! The POVs will change a lot, and it will probably obvious who it is, but i'll tell you anyway! This is in Morgan's POV! I own nothing other than Liz... and possibly other characters that I make up. Everything else belongs to the wonderful Cate Tiernan!! So read on and I hope you like it... and please review!

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Goddess I miss her. If only I could see her, touch her, smell her. Morgan's my Muirn Beatha Dan and I wish I could be with her all the time, but she's at school and I'm here with my family. It's hard without her, but I know it won't be too long before I see her. - Giomanach

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings. This wasn't my room. Where were my coffee-with-cream walls? Where was Dagda?

I sensed someone else in the room with me and I craned my neck to the right. There on a bed, just the same as mine, sat a girl who was about my age, with the straightest blonde hair you've ever seen, and baby blue eyes.

"Forget where you were again?" she asked with a wide grin. I mentally kicked myself.

"Oh yeah!" I laughed "I'm still not used to being here Liz."

It all came flooding back to me and I remembered that I was in Scotland, not Widows Vale, and I was in a school for witches, one of the best.

Liz was my roomie, and she was so cool. She was originally from London but came up to Scotland to concentrate on her studies. I know she's a blood witch, but I don't know what clan, because she's never told me, and its considered rude to ask. She doesn't talk about her past much, i think she had a rough time with her parents. I can relate seeing as my adopted parents very reluctantly agreed to send me here. They're strict Catholics and hate the idea of me being Wiccan. But Liz had been a really good friend to me ever since I got here, and was the only person who looked to the person behind my heritage. As soon as I got here I made heads turn, people knew I was the daughter of Maeve Riodan, because I had changed my name, but at least nobody knew who my father was.

"So tell me more about Hunter." she said while brushing her gorgeous blonde hair. She was crazy over the fact that I had found my Muirn Beatha Dan already, and she was such a romantic, even though shes currently single!

"Well he's absolutely gorgeous!" I began, " and he's got these amazing green eyes, and blonde hair. He's so kind and loving, and he's pefect. When we first met, we absolutely hated each other, but now we're totally in love. And he's my Muirn Beatha Dan."

"Are you sure?" Liz asked, "I mean how do you know?"

"I just know!" I replied truthfully. "It's totally inexplicable, you just know! It's magik!"

"So have you slept with him yet?" She asked. She wasn't exactly shy of asking anything.

Then I felt the sudden urge to throw up. I made it to the bathroom just in time. Urgh, I hate throwing up! This reminded me of the time me and my brother Killian had gone out drinking. I was really drunk, and I was sick, but Hunter came and he looked after me. But we were broken up then. That was one of the hardest times in my life. Never again. We would be together forever.

After cleaning my teeth three or four times, I went back to Liz and sat on my bed.

"Well I guess thats that question answered..." Liz said.

I sat there really confused. What did she mean??

"Huh?? I don't understand!"

"You've been sick almost every day now. You've been eating at weird times, and eating weird things! Remember the skips dipped in chocolate sauce? Need I remind you how disgusting that was?" she laughed "and you also told me you missed your last period. Do I need to spell it out?"

I started weighing things up in my mind. Oh God!! Realisation hit me like a tonne of bricks.

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What did you think?? Hope you liked it! Well please review and I'll post the next chapter soon! xxx Jen