This was the most important decision Will had ever been faced with.

Coffee or Red Bull.

Red Bull had more caffeine, but coffee tasted better.

Which did he need more.

Coffee...Red Bull...Both?

Fuck it. He thought dumping the Red Bull into his French Press followed by nearly half a cup of coffee grounds.

I got classes today, and work, exams in two weeks, and patrols. I earned this.

'Earned what?' the familiar gruff voice sounded in his head.

'This.' Will thought back, narrowing his eyes at the coffee diffusing through the fizzy yellow liquid.

'Will, are you making coffee with Red Bull?'

Will didn't respond, but the memory sent a subconscious affirmation anyway.

'Will don't you dare drink that you will die, and how dare you deface the holy perfection that is coffee by doing this.'

'Shut up and let me die Halt.' Will responded to his guardian's mental voice as he poured the unholy concoction into a travel mug. Glancing around the counter he spied a tiny red bottle. He looked back and forth between it and the lethal mixture in his mug, and before he could talk himself out of it he dumped the grape flavored 5-hour-energy in with his it-can-barely-be-called-coffee.

'Oh God what did you do?'

Will narrowed his eyes and downed the first quarter of the drink in a single gulp. Then immediately coughed as his tongue was assaulted by the taste of coffee mixed with artificial grape, medicine, sugar, and regret.

'Don't expect me to pay the bills when you end up in a hospital from that.' Halt scolded.

Will walked out the front door of his apartment, stuck in his headphones and flipped to what he knew from experience was a sure-fire way to get Halt to stop reading his mind: Shakira.

The words of the Spanish pop artist flooded Will's ears, and he felt Halt let out the loudest groan and immediately close off the mental pathway to Will's mind.

With a satisfied smirk Will made his way down the stairs and to his first class of the day.