Slayer: Hi here with the final redux chapter… or at least the last of the edited chapters.

Judan: Then we shalt move onto my story! The much better version of this story!

Argentum: EH… I think I like this story better. If only because there is a whole lot more character development.

Judan: I have character development!

Slayer: Yeah but as much as this story.

Shadow: Slayer has a point. After all Chris changed from a slightly depressed character to a rather happy one.

Judan: Hey at least my story expanded the Dark Guard Omni-verse.

Shadow: I'll give you that at least.

Shirone: I think both stories have their good points, but at least in this one I actually change quite dramatically.

Christopher: She does doesn't she?

Judan: Whatever… we need to end this anyways. So how about it? Could you end us off Shirone?

Shirone: Of course!~ Now then we here at the Dark Guard productions own nothing but OC's and reality building concepts. Everything else belongs to their respective owners. Now without further ado…

Everyone: Here's the story!

Hello= Regular talk

[Hello]= Siena

{Hello}= Ddraig

(Hello)= other sacred gears

'Hello'= Suki talking through thoughts

"Hello"= Lavos

Hello= Thoughts/talking to inner spirits

(J/N)= Judan Notes

(S/N)= Slayer notes

Chapter Nineteen: Here be Dragons!

The Black Dragon

You could say I was pumped for this; it was finally time to end this period of my life. To end the one who's caused so much suffering... so much pain in the lives of so many, not just in this world or even time. But in innumerable amounts of other worlds and times. In front of me Lavos panted heavily in that mutated form of hers. It was an affront to Siena herself, and especially to my sister. Something that I intended to correctly very soon.

[Why thank you Christopher, you're too kind.] I couldn't help but grin and chuckle at Siena's words before bringing my scythe forward. It had changed but I expected that to happen. The back spike had been replaced with an anchor shaped hammer that was edged in yellow. The bottom of it was now sporting a white long diamond shaped blade as well. Already I could tell what the new additions were for and it made me smile.

Oh this is going to be good!~ Lavos on the other hand looked pissed beyond all belief. But for some reason she wasn't looking at me. No rather she was glaring at Shirone with absolute loathing.

When she finally spoke all semblance of calm was gone. "You miserable little cat! You've truly done it now! My powers… my strength… I'll make you pay for taking them away from me! For taking the black dragon away from me! When I'm done I'll devour you and then finally destroy this miserable little world! " My smile faded into a grimace at that point.

Okay… so Lavos really does like me in some strange way… that's kind of creepy. Then again all I did in the other world was sleep and it wasn't like I interfered or anything… but at the same time I've never done anything to make her like me. Shaking my head as well as getting rid of a small headache I brought my guard up. This is no time for me to be getting caught up in my past life. However despite those thoughts, my old memories were threatening to burst to the surface. If they did I would be left vulnerable as billions of years worth of knowledge impacted my mind.

So biting my lower lip I waited for Lavos to attack, thankfully I wouldn't have to wait long as she lunged at me. Teeth which were now like needles bared to chew me up, as you could guess I didn't exactly fancy being lunch. So as fast as possible I sidestepped her lunge and hit her with the anchor hammer on my scythe. As it made contact with the left side of her head I couldn't help but grin. My new toy didn't disappoint as it sent her reeling back as teeth flew out of her mouth. Along with her teeth she herself was thrown back about two hundred feet. Sending the alien through a number of trees behind her.

I can finally understand why Altus loved to hit things with the gravity hammer. It is quite satisfying!~ Of course that satisfaction didn't last long, seeing how she teleported back to her previous location. She even seemed to heal as her teeth pop out of Lavos' gums. As Lavos moved her jaw around and I could hear it pop back into place. But I was mostly unnerved by the feral look she was sending at me.

[Never mess with a ladies looks, even if they look like this. It will always come back to haunt you.] I couldn't help but make a face at that, it really wasn't something I wanted to hear at that moment in time. However before I could form any kind of retort Lavos reared back. Knowing what would be coming next I switched over to my new yellow element.

Using what little control I had over my brand new power, I slammed my left hand down onto the ground. At the same time I sent out a pulse of magic using my instincts as a guide. This caused a large piece of the ground to shoot up right as Lavos breathed out pure gold fire. Thankfully my makeshift barrier was enough to protect me from harm. However I could feel it… I was tiring; absorbing Altus' and Cass' powers may have given me a small boost of energy. But it was only temporary; I could quickly feel my power fading.

Damn it! I need to find a way to end this quickly; thankfully Lavos seems rather tired as well. It was my only solace, but my enemy seemed to be tiring much more slowly than myself. It was an uphill battle but I knew I needed to find some way to win. With that thought in mind I flipped my scythe over so the blade was facing forward. In my head I was already forming a plan.

Taking a chance I waited until Lavos stopped breathing her "holy" flames. As soon as she stopped to catch her breath, I jumped out from behind the rock. Then in one consecutive move I charged her. She of course saw me coming, and raised dozens of rock spikes between myself and her. Just wanting to finish this I sliced any rock spike that got near me. However as soon as I got near her, Lavos took to the sky before I could cut away at her soul.

"Is that the best you can do black dragon?! If so than I suggest you give up now. Don't worry it won't be as bad as you think.~" I only growled in response making her giggle, which let me tell you was actually rather creepy with her voice and current form. However before she could say anything she seemed to notice something. A toothy smirk appeared on her face and she seemed to literally morph. It was rather disgusting actually how her body stretched and thinned.

However when she stopped changing she was back to looking like Siena. Except now I could see the differences between them, Siena was a much brighter white. Plus her wings were a lot more bird like and elegant. Much like angels wings if I were to truly describe them. I also noticed that they were more grey than white, plus her wings were reptilian. In fact based on my memories, this was also what the white dragon looked like in the other world. It was then that I realized that even back then Lavos was in control of the white dragon. On another note I also had no idea why she reassumed this form.

But I felt myself panic at her next words. "Sui can you be a dear and capture those two kittens?" Turning around I saw Sui up and about, though she seemed sluggish and there was blood dripping down the left side of her face. But she was holding my unconscious mate, and a struggling Suki. Gritting my teeth I understood what Lavos was doing. She turned back to ensure Sui stayed loyal to her.

I should've killed that bitch when I had a chance! I couldn't help it at that point I took a step towards them, as it turned out it was a mistake to turn my back on Lavos. For as soon as I did Lavos landed behind me and swatted me to the side. I rolled across the ground before coming to a stop. I groaned in pain and spat out some blood, but I was still able to reverse my injuries.

However Lavos seemed to find the situation amusing. "Oh what will you do now? I now have your… mate… and one of your daughters." As she said mate Lavos spat the word out like a poison. But I didn't really care if she approved of my relationship. Getting up I ran at Lavos again while she just grinned before nodding towards Sui.

Sui seemed to understand what Lavos was conveying because she started biting Suki's left ear. It was hard enough to draw blood, and Suki cried out in pain but they turned to screams as Sui put her hand on my kitten's stomach. Using just her fingers enhanced with senjutsu Sui started stabbing her hand into Suki.

Those screams only made me double, no triple my efforts into saving her. Unfortunately for me Lavos took advantage of that desperation. I soon found myself being battered by her paws, and having holy flames breathed on me. Though I did my best and even got in a few hits myself, it still wasn't enough. I was too distracted from the screams of my little girl.

Seeing me in trouble must've also made Suki a bit desperate, because she turned into a sword. Sui scowled and tried to pick her up, but instead Suki burned her hand causing her to hiss out in pain. Smiling I was about to turn my attention back onto Lavos when Sui looked at Shirone. With that look came a vicious smile and I knew it wouldn't end up well for my Neko Chan. I became fully aware at what she was going to do when she picked up my mate's knife. Or at least whatever was left of it.

Using whatever strength I had left I did everything I could to get Lavos out of my way. However she wasn't budging and Sui held the knife up to Shirone's other eye. I knew I couldn't let what she was about to do happen. So knowing that it would most certainly hurt a lot in my present condition, I gripped my black crystal. I was prepared to crush it and let all consequences be damned.

But before I could enact my desperate plan, a black blur came out of nowhere and slammed into Sui. This sent her flying with a loud yell of both pain and shock. However that's when another blur this time red appeared and slammed her into the ground. At hearing her servant's sound of pain Lavos turned around.

Using this as my chance I charged forward and took a swing at her, finally I was able to get a decent hit. I had cut her chest along with the lower part of her neck.

"AHHH!" As she yelled in pain I pressed forward on my attack and started to make some headway as I cut her front legs. But I couldn't stay on the offensive forever as she turned around swinging her tail at me. I did what I could do and ducked making it sail harmlessly over me. The success of my dodge left her open and I took a swipe at her back legs. Although I only managed to get her back left it was enough to make her collapse. Of course she still had quite a mouth on her.

But not in the way one would normally expect… "Yes! This is why you're the only one worthy enough to become my mate! Your power… your ferocity! It's simply beautiful!" Pursing my lips as I Flicked my scythe, thus quickly ridding it of blood I took the opportunity to look at Sui's attackers. Both happened to be rather beautiful and attractive young women. One was quite a bit more voluptuous than the other. She had long black hair with split bangs, and familiar golden hazel eyes. Her pupils were also slit like a cats and showed off quite a bit of anger and hatred.

Her attire consisted of a black kimono with a yellow obi along with a set of golden beads, and an ornately detailed headband. The kimono features a red interior and it is open at her shoulders, giving view to her enormously large breasts. Which I had to say rivaled Rias' and Akeno's, not that I cared for such things of course! The most distinctive thing about her was the two black cat ears on her head, along with the two black cat tails coming from her kimono. Unfortunately she seemed to be already injured, seeing as she was wrapped in white bandages.

Her chest, tails, neck, and even her face were all wrapped up. Quickly I deduced that she was in a very terrible fight which didn't end well for her. But as she cradled Shirone in her arms protectively I saw her glare at Sui. Immediately I could tell that it was Sui who did that to her.

Speaking of whom… Sui was struggling to get out from under the foot of another Nekomata. She had blonde hair that reached her shoulders, but with short bangs that slightly covered her… admittedly dazzling red eyes. Her cat ears were twitching in vicious glee, and her eyes conveyed some righteous vindication. She also had a black collar necklace around her neck, which was tied in the front with a blood red ribbon.

There was also a red head band in her hair, although it wasn't being used to keep her hair back. Attached to it was also a red frilly bow. She was also wearing a shoulder less blood red dress that stopped at half thigh. The hem of the dress was pure black and slightly frilly and so was the dresses top. She was also wearing pure white tights, and her blonde cat tail was sticking out from under her skirt. Finally she wore simple red slip on shoes that matched her dress.

"Wait… you two! I recognize the both of you!" At Lavos' scream of rage both nekos turned to her and smiled cattily. That's when something else unexpected happened… a person wearing white dragon like armor, fell from the sky and punched Lavos' back making her scream out in pain. Using my aura perception I could tell that whoever just hit her was rather strong. And by that I mean three times stronger than Issei. Now even that wouldn't have been able to even scratch Lavos under normal circumstances.

But seeing how the rest of us had basically worn her down, the armored person's attack actually did something. It had sent her into the ground and created a small indentation of her body. I was quite shocked but before I could say anything Ophis spoke up from behind me.

"The white dragon emperor… what is he doing here?" I couldn't help but look back at her, her dress was slightly torn and it was covered in blood. My poor niece also seemed quite exhausted.

Still I was rather curious. "What do you mean by the white dragon emperor? Is it similar to Ddraig's title?" Ophis nodded her head before explaining.

"Yep and I'm sorry for not telling you about this sooner, but you see he holds Albion. Also known as the vanishing dragon, his sacred gear is called divine dividing. Basically the white idiot divides everything while Ddraig doubles everything. The two of them got into a fight a long time ago during the Great War, and the three factions had a cease fire to get rid of them. In the end that dragon hating god sealed them in sacred gears. Although their feud is still just as strong as it was when they were in real bodies."

Having my question answered I turned back to hear something come from the white emperor. (Divide!) At that point Lavos seemed to become weaker while the stranger got stronger, however I knew it wouldn't last too long. And lo and behold right when I thought that Lavos fired off a proton ray at them. It was too fast and they couldn't dodge and took a direct hit. The attack also destroyed the helmet and blue visor the person had on. With that I could see what that the white emperor was a guy a year older than me at the least.

He had nice facial features with dark silver hair and ice blue eyes, and although they look angry I could see that they were rimmed with a light ultramarine. As he hit the ground the black haired Nekoshou that was holding my mate called out to him.

"Vali Kun! Are you alright Nya?!" He slowly got up and shook his head to clear away any dizziness.

After a small breath he answered his friend. "I'm fine Kuroka… you should know it takes a lot more than that to take me down!" I couldn't help but let my eyes widen at the name he just spoke. It was the name of Shirone's sister, the one who left her to fend for herself. At that I couldn't help but glare at her while leaking out some anger. After all she did wound my Neko Chan's heart in the worst way possible.

Speaking of whom I noticed something off about my mate, it might've been just my imagination. But I could see that the tips of her hair, ears, and tails were turning black. Blinking I rubbed my eyes and looked back, sure enough it was exactly how I first saw it.

What in the world… Shaking my head I turned back to Lavos who was practically foaming at the mouth in rage. Great just what we needed… It was indeed a bad sign… because if she decided to start throwing out more destructive spells outside of the field spell. Well… a lot of people were going to die plain and simple. How you might ask? Well it's only basic logic, seeing how the entirety of Japan would be blown off the face of the planet. A super nova even a weakened one could do that you know.

Speaking of being weakened I could feel my arms starting to drop; I could barely keep my scythe up. Taking another look around me I saw some of my friends start moving around. A good indicator that they were finally waking up, although poor Asia looked exhausted and seemed to be falling asleep on her feet.

It was kind of adorable actually… Shaking my head I turned towards Ulysses who was finally getting up. The bleeding from his wounds had stopped, but I could tell that his mini form was the best he could pull off right now.

But it would seem as if he still had his tongue. "Well Lavos… I think you're about done now, sure all of us are quite exhausted… but you're not in any better condition! Plus with these three strangers I'm sure we can finally get rid of you. If they are here to fight you of course." Both us turned to the one called Vali for confirmation.

He shrugged before answering. "Why do you need to ask that about me? I work with the Grigori remember Ulysses? Also I still want that rematch sometime, and I can't have that if you die on me." I couldn't help but groan at my brother's next actions. He put his spear in the crutch of his right arm, before pounding his right fist into his left paw.

"Oh yeah! I remember you now! I had utterly and completely forgotten about you. Sorry about that Bali!~" Vali's left eye twitched before he yelled at him.

"For literally the hundredth time Ulysses! It's Vali! Not Bali, Cali, Zali, and most certainly not Molly! It's just Vali you daft idiot!" At Ulysses sheepish chuckle Kuroka started giggling making Vali round on her. "You find this most amusing don't you?"

She gave a Cheshire grin before answering. "Whatever do you mean Bali Kun? I'm just giggling at my mate getting flustered Nya.~" As this Vali seethed in anger, I couldn't help but blink at that last part. But it would seem as if Vali wasn't really letting up.

"For the last time… I'm not your mate Kuroka now get your little sister out of the fight." It was at that moment that Suki decided to turn back to normal. Although she was holding onto her bleeding stomach, something I would correct as soon as the fight was done.

"Your Mama's sister Mew?!" I couldn't help but wince slightly at that as Kuroka looked at her in surprise. Hell even Vali and the other blonde girl were looking at her in shock. Of course being evil and rotten to the core, Lavos used that as an opportunity to attack Vali.

Kuroka seemed to notice this because she yelled out to him. "Vali look out!" In shock the white dragon emperor turned back to Lavos. However as she swung her left claws at him Ulysses appeared next to him. Then using his spear he blocked Lavos' attack with a heavy grunt. Using that as my own opportunity I struck by running and jumping onto her back.

"Let's see how you like it!" Using the new white attachment to my scythe I stabbed down into her back. It had the desired effect of literally purifying the evil alien. As she was literally being destroyed from the inside out, Lavos screamed in rage and pain. I couldn't help but smile evilly at this… well until I felt something slam into me.

"Bro!" As I rolled on the ground to a stop I gave me older brother a shaky thumbs up, because although that hurt whatever hit me wasn't too damaging. As I started getting up I felt two sets of arms, one on each side of me help me up. Looking at the two sources made me smile, on my left was a tired but smiling Ravel and on my right was a similar smiling Milly.

I was glad that both of them were now awake. "It's nice to see you two up and moving, I hope you weren't hurt too badly?" Both shook their heads as I looked back to what had hit me. I hissed at what I saw, because let me tell you I really didn't want to deal with it.

It was a giant Dragon with three heads and six great scaly and leathery wings. His scales also reflected the light showing off their deep purple. I had no idea who this was but I knew I couldn't fight him in my condition. Thankfully it would seem as if he was rather caring about Lavos' condition. Although his voice sounded different than any of ours, it was both deep yet it had a kind of a hiss to it. Except he didn't linger on and s' when he spoke.

"My lady Cassandra, I came when I became worried that you were taking too long. It would seem as if my choice was the right one, you're badly injured although I see that you defeated many opponents today so that's understandable."

Lavos hissed at him before speaking angrily. "I told you Aži Dahaka that I would handle this… Alone! I don't need help from you or the others. Now leave before I decide to devour you." The dragon Aži seemed to pale a bit at the threat but didn't back down.

"But my lady you are seriously injured and we need to get lady Sui out of here as well. Please you are still needed for the cause! We cannot succeed without you my lady!" For a second I believed that Lavos would strike him down, in fact it looked like he believed that as well.

But as Lavos let out a sigh he did as well. "Very well… it would seem as if I did go a bit overboard, still I haven't accomplished what I wanted. Instead I lost a good portion of our soldiers, still you are right. Retrieve Sui so we can leave immediately." Aži nodded his all his great heads before turning to the blonde neko. She gulped and very quickly backed away from him.

As he picked Sui up Ophis called out to him. "Aži Dahaka the legendary Evil Dragon also known as the Diabolism Thousand Dragon. What in the world are you doing allying with this monster? I thought even you had more common sense than this! Don't you realize that this creature is a literal world devouring alien?!" At her question the now identified evil dragon turned to Ophis.

"Ahh… Ophis I thought I felt something familiar about you. Still even if you are the infinity dragon what I do is my own business. So back off, because right now even I could take you on. My lady did quite a number on you didn't she?" Ophis growled and stepped forward, but as she was about to pass me I held my arm out in front of her.

"Sorry but as much as it grates on my nerves he's right." She looked at me with slight betrayal, before finally sighing and looking down to the ground. Feeling slightly bad I gave her a one armed hug before looking back at our enemies. "Let me make something clear to all of you, the next time you try and attack us… I will end you."

Lavos scoffed at my words before turning back into her human form. "We'll see about that, though I must agree to a goodbye for now love.~" Then for some reason she blew me a kiss. "Next time I promise that you'll be mine, one way or another." Before I could give a retort a white light encompassed all three of them. Looking away I eventually turned back when the light died down. Like expected they were gone making me sigh.

"So much for trying to settle everything right here and now… speaking of settling things…" Looking forward I glared at Kuroka before making my way towards her. As I neared her she looked up at me.

She gave me a smile before speaking. "So you're the black dragon Nya? You seem rather strong for-" I didn't let her finish as I knelt down and slapped her. All around me everyone became quiet, although I noticed that Vali's aura became rather angry.

But I didn't care about his tsundere crush. "That's for abandoning Shirone without saying anything you no good older sister." At my words her look of shock became one of pure sorrow. At that point I felt slightly bad at having both slapped her physically and emotionally. But I quickly crushed that part of me before gently taking my mate from her. I held Shirone but wrapping my left arm around her middle, all the while I made sure to support the rest of her body with telekinesis. Thankfully Kuroka didn't protest, no she only kept looking down at the ground.

This made me sigh and speak to her again only this time in a much softer tone. "Still you did protect just her so I'll withhold most of my judgment for now."

That made her perk up and look at me with a slight smile. "Thanks Nya… but you should know that I did what I did for a very good reason." I gave her a suspicious look before replying.

"Tell that to Neko Chan when she wakes up, for I'm not the one you need to convince. Because I'll follow whatever path she takes when it comes to you." Kuroka smiled seriously before standing up and dusting off her kimono. That's when a familiar voice spoke up.

"Oh… my head feels as if it was split opened with a sledge hammer…" In relief I turned back to my other brother as he slowly got up. However the blonde nekomata from before quickly walked up to him. As he tried to get up she helped him causing him to smile at her. "Thanks." She blushed a bit but nodded her head. Giving out a sigh I felt someone pull on my coat, looking to my left I saw Suki.

"Can we please go home and take that nap now Papa?" I couldn't help but chuckle at her question while looking at her slightly droopy yet pained expression. Bending over I kissed her forehead while reversing her injury, that's when I finally gave my answer.

"Of course sweetie we just need to get everyone else up. Also please forgive me for not being able to protect you."

She nodded her head before giving me a smile and hug. "It's okay Papa, I know that you did what you could. Plus I'm fine now so all is well." Smiling I picked her up with my other arm, before kissing her nose which made her giggle. She then leaned into me and very quickly fell asleep. However I made a promise to myself, one that intended to keep.

I will never allow Suki or Fuyo to get hurt again. They've been through enough and deserve a happy life. With that I looked around. Already quite a few of us were awake now, although a couple of people were still unconscious. Though I couldn't help but look at Juda strangely when he woke up.

"Ahh! Giant Grasshoppers!" Already Keno was awake and was now looking quite embarrassed. "Umm… I have nothing to say right now so please look somewhere else." I did just that before approaching an unconscious Sera. She was shaking although still unconscious, and I knew why… she was once again hurt severely by Lavos, and I felt bad since I did promise her my protection. Using my mind abilities I quickly sent her images of safety and peace.

The effect was immediate and she stopped shaking as I picked her up with telekinesis. Looking around I saw that Xenovia was unconscious nearby, so with a sigh I also picked her up. It was straining but I could get them back home before I completely ran out of energy.

But I think I will take a nap myself… by my own name I know I need it.

The Black Dragon The White Cat

The White Cat

As I felt myself waking up I felt warmth on both sides of my body. One felt smaller than the other; turning towards the bigger source of warmth, I opened my eyes while bring my lips forward to kiss my mate. Imagine my absolute shock, as well as surprise when I saw Xenovia sleeping peacefully instead of my mate.

Okay… what in the black dragon is going on Nyah?! Thankfully I was able to stop myself from jolting out of bed, and waking up the blue haired swordswoman. Although I had to admit she looked kind of cute when she was sleeping peacefully. Still with a little trepidation I turned to the other person in bed with me. Again I was surprised to see Sera sleeping instead of one of my girls like I expected. But again just like Xenovia she seemed kind of cute. Scratch that she's much cuter Nyah.

Shaking my head I looked around, and eventually saw my mate sleeping in a chair up against the wall. On his lap with his arms around them were Suki and Fuyo. Their heads were touching as they leaned into my mate's embrace. At that point I didn't care if I woke up with two other girls in my bed. The scene before me was just too adorable for me to be mad at him.

However I couldn't help but narrow my eye as I saw, heard, and smelt things a bit more clearly. That's when everything came rushing back to me. For a moment I couldn't help but be sad about not being Rias' rook anymore. But right after I felt a little lighter in a way, I was back to being full Nekoshou and Chri Kun had literally brought me back from the dead.

Smiling while closing my eye I decided to see if anything else about me had changed. So getting out of bed I noticed that I was in my nightgown, although I was shocked to see it a bit tighter around my chest. If I had to hazard a guess they had grown another centimeter and a half. So you could understand why I ran towards the full body mirror near my closet.

What I saw was… rather shocking, my hair, ears, and tails now seemed to be dipped in dark black paint, and my eye seemed a brighter gold. Even the white part of my hair seemed to have become even more snow like, along with acquiring some kind of silver sheen to it. Plus my left eye was bothering me, even though the black bandage was still around it.

Wait a minute… didn't I lose that eye Nyah? With some hesitation and hope I undid my eye patch slowly. When it was off I placed my left hand over my closed eyelid and pushed a bit. Quickly I felt some slight pain from something underneath. Slowly I opened said eyelid, when it was completely opened I couldn't help but start crying a bit. Because although it was as redder than Suki's… my left eye was back and I now had my full vision. Even the scar from Sui's attack was gone. I was back to one hundred percent.

"I can't believe it… he gave everything back to me Nyah… Though I guess I shouldn't be too surprised." Smiling brightly I turned back to my sleeping mate; I noticed that he was wearing his sleepwear along with the girls but I didn't care. I couldn't help myself anymore and walked up to him before shaking him a bit.

"Wha… what's goin…" Eventually his sight cleared up and he focused on me. "Shirone… you'r-" I didn't let him finish as I grabbed his face and slammed my lips onto his. I could see his eyes widen but eventually they softened and he returned the kiss. Let me tell you it lasted for quite some time since I really didn't want to end it. Even when I needed air I just sucked in from the corners of my mouth. But I knew it needed to end eventually so after seven minutes I reluctantly pulled back.

As I did so he took a deep breath before speaking. "Whoa… that was certainly our longest lasting kiss yet." I nodded while keeping my left eye closed, but I still smiled seductively at him.

"Well after what you did Nyah… I think you deserve a little reward don't you think my mighty dragon?~" I said it with a slight purr at the end, making him gulp a bit. This only made me giggle as I walked to my closet. As I did so I swayed my hips in a sultry way and I knew he was watching, I didn't care that much though after all why else would I do it if not to make him watch? Opening my closet I looked around for something to wear, however I couldn't help but frown as I realized that I'd probably need new clothes. Right now there were only three dresses that fit me.

And I wasn't about to put on my Lolita dress, since it would send the wrong kind of message at the moment. Besides that was for special occasions. But only my battle clothes and my white dress would fit me. So with a small smile I pulled out the white dress I wore on my last date with my mate. After all it held some special significance; I did meet my darling Fuyo for the first time while wearing it.

Giggling a bit at that thought I pulled off my nightgown and then put on my dress. I didn't really care anymore if Chri Kun saw me, after all this wasn't the first time. So I was pretty sure it wouldn't be the last time. However I did let out a sigh when I felt that it was a bit tight around my breasts.

I guess I'll just need to have it tailored to my new size or something Nyah. Because I'm keeping this one that's for sure, thankfully I didn't get too much taller. Only an inch if I'm correct which is a good thing… I can't believe I just called myself a tiny midget Nyah! After a small brain rant I walked back over to my mate. Then with a deep breath I decided to hit him hard over the head.

"That's for leaving like you did earlier Nyah! Along with knocking me unconscious and reading my mind without permission!" After rubbing the new bump on his head he bowed his head before apologizing.

"I'm sorry Neko Chan… but this was something that I needed to do, and in the end it turned out for the best. I learned that my sister never betrayed me; I combined with both Fernus and Reaper, and because of you I was able to save what was left of my sister. I was even able to save what was left of Altus and even managed to save Siena the white dragon from Lavos. I can also summon her although I haven't tried that yet. So although I hated doing what I did, I'd probably do it again if I had to."

I can only sigh at the answer he gave me. "Why am I not surprised Nyah?" Despite my tone I couldn't help but smile at him softly. "Well I guess you wouldn't be my Chri Kun if I was." He chuckled sheepishly before I decided to ask about my new "roommates". "Soo… what's up with Sera and Xenovia Nyah?"

He hesitated for a second before answering. "Honestly… for Xenovia I'm not too sure, only that Suki said that I should do it. When I asked her why she said it was a secret, then she fell asleep again. Trust me she's been through a lot today so I decided to let her be. As for Sera she suffered terribly to Lavos… so I kind of wanted to keep an eye on her." He looked at her with sorrow before continuing.

"She already got those other scars from her. Now even after I got rid of her new wounds, she's still thrashing every now in then with fear and pain. She's terrified of Lavos yet Sera fought her to help protect us. I can't help but feel terrible about that, at this point I'm pretty sure that she has some kind of PTSD."

Looking back at the dark angel I couldn't help but feel the same way. "I guess she really did want to prove to us that she turned over a new leaf Nyah." My mate shook his head at that.

"No… I think Sera wanted to convince herself most of all. She'll only grow stronger from this, both emotionally and in heart. We just need to help with her mental trauma, something I plan on doing for what she did." I couldn't help but smile at his words before turning back to him with a look full of thanks.

"Speaking of saving people… you saved me in more ways than one Nyah." I then purposely opened up my left eye making him gasp a bit. "So I guess you didn't know about that… Christopher… not only did you bring me back from literal death. But you also gave me back my eye; I can't even begin to explain my thanks Nyah. There are literally no words I could use to describe even a tenth of how grateful I am. Or even a hundredth of the love I feel for you Nyah."

At my words he looked down guiltily. "Yeah… but if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have lost that eye in the first place. I also separated you from Rias' peerage…" I looked at him lovingly, before grabbing his face with both my hands again before kissing him once more. This time it only lasted a second but I put all my feelings into it.

"Chri Kun while I am sad, I'm also happy beyond all belief Nyah. I'm just glad that I can still stay with you. I love you Christopher and nothing will ever change that Nyah." He looked at me with a small smile before kissing me again. This time he stuck his tongue out which I reciprocated. At that point we could've kissed for a lot longer, but we were interrupted by a few yawns. Looking down we saw both Fuyo and Suki waking up.

Upon seeing me both Suki and Fuyo lunged at me making me giggle as I twirled them around. "Mama I'm so glad you're okay Mew."

"Whath Onee Chan said Mya!" Smiling brightly I kissed them both multiple times all around their faces. They giggled saying it tickled before I finally stopped and spoke.

"Of course I'm okay sillies!~ You should know that I'm a lot tougher than that, especially since I have you two adorable darlings to take care of Nyah. I'm just happy both of you are okay as well.~"

"Oh that's absolutely adorable my Lady!~"

"I have to agree with the strange winged angel on this one." Looking back at the bed I saw that both Xenovia and Sera were awake. Both were wearing nightgowns, although the one Xenovia wore kind of looked like one I saw Glacial wearing once. It was ice blue in color and reached down to her feet and had long sleeves.

Thankfully it still fit her just fine thanks to Glacial's small size. Sera was wearing her own black top and white skirt combo gown. There were also stars in her eyes as she watched me interact with Suki and Fuyo. It was kind of interesting with the way both thought the same thing.

But I still couldn't help but speak to them with a smile. "I'm glad you two are awake, safe, and okay Nyah." Both looked at me in surprise, even a little guiltily in Xenovia's case. "Is there something wrong Xenovia San?" After a bit she got out of bed and gave me a low bow before speaking.

"Please forgive me for my behavior towards you earlier!" To say I was shocked was an understatement, thankfully she elaborated without prompting. "I… I was misguided and small minded in my beliefs. Just trusting that all I did was for god and for heaven. Now I know better… I know that I was only taught by the belief of men not by my lord in heaven." I could see tears fall to the floor as I sat both my girls down. "I kn-know that he's dead now… long bef-fore I was even born. I'm sorry… so sorry."

Before she could continue, I felt something which would've been hard for me to feel as a devil. Compassion for the girl, sure Rias felt sorry for us but that was a bit different. It was more along the lines of pity, this was me truly just feeling sorry for her and wanting to help. So walking over to Xenovia I pulled her up and gave the blue haired girl a hug. She was taller than me but I still pulled her into me chest.

"There, there… I promise you everything will be alright Nyah. I don't hate you and I forgive you, and I'm sure everyone else will as well. So if you want to just cry go ahead, after what you learned you need to just let it out Nyah." With my words the tears started to truly flow and she cried as she gripped my dress. Also seeing how she was becoming weak in the knees, I dropped down to mine pulling her with me.

I can't even imagine what she's feeling… I mean I was shocked when Juda sensei told me Nyah. But I was a devil; Xenovia relied on what she was taught as a life line. I can see that now… I can see many things now Nyah… Hearing a small sigh of relief I turned to Suki who smiled at me brightly. So that's what you wanted her here for Nyah? Hearing a giggle in my mind I knew that Suki thought that she was being clever.

'Of course Mama!~ After all if there was anyone who could help Xenovia Mew… It would be my wonderful and awesome Mama! Also Durandal says thanks as well Mew.' I couldn't help but inwardly giggle at that, before telling Suki to tell Durandal that it was my pleasure. Eventually Xenovia had stopped crying, and calmed down enough for my mate to speak to her as I put her back on the bed.

"I'm sorry you had to find out about god being dead Xenovia, but I want you to apologize to the others as well. Especially Milly and Asia, but don't worry I'm sure they'll forgive you like me and Koneko."

Her eyes widened as she understood what he meant, but then smiled before answering. "Of course, I promise to do so as soon as I can." He smiled softly at her while giving her a small pat on the head, and I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow when I saw her blush. But before I could truly think on it Chri Kun turned to me with a grimace.

"By the way… there's something important I need to tell you." I raised an eyebrow before prompting him to continue. "Well… how do I put this… during the fight three people showed up, apparently they were a part of the Grigori. One of them was another Nekomata name Lucca. Another was the vanishing dragon whose name was Vail… but the last one was…" I was becoming slightly nervous at the way he was hesitating on this. After all the white dragon emperor was bad enough, whoever this was that made my mate nervous must be bad news.

Unfortunately for me Suki got a bit impatient and show off her father's bluntness. "Papa's trying to say that Aunt Kuroka showed up Mew, all the while proclaiming herself as the white emperor's mate. They're all down stairs now talking with some of the others Mew." My mate winced at Suki's tone.

While I myself realized why Chri Kun was nervous. I for some reason felt… calm, well not really calm. But I was certainly not freaking out like I normally would have. But after everything Christopher told me about Cassandra and Lavos… well I figured my issue with Kuroka was quite small in comparison. After all Kuroka wasn't possessed by a world devouring alien, and then forced to try to kill me.

"Huh… well I guess that I better go down and say hello Nyah. Care to join me Chri Kun?" He blinked at me in confusion before nodding his head. I couldn't help but giggle at his reaction; after all I'm pretty sure he expected me to go off the rails a bit.

It's nice to know that I can still surprise him, but now it's time to face my older wayward sister Nyah.

The Black Dragon The White Cat

Walking downstairs with everyone in tow was an interesting experience. Sera looked quite happy, Suki and Fuyo were giggling to one another, Xenovia looked actually kind of happy, but my mate looked like a bomb was going to go off. I also just happened to be said bomb. Eventually we made it to the living room, where I felt everyone who was awake was at. To be honest I wasn't surprised to see that we were missing quite a few people. Though Rias was looking rather livid at two individuals.

Said individuals were currently kneeling down in front of Mom, while she looked angry herself. One was a dark haired silver boy wearing a dark green V-neck shirt with a high-collared black leather jacket over it. He was also wearing burgundy jeans with a silver chain drooping down over them. He also had on black leather chaps with three bands encircling his right calf. Finally he was wearing black shoes with black buckles. He was kind of handsome but my Chri Kun was better looking.

The other one kneeling was someone, who although changed some was still recognizable. Although I did frown at all the bandages she had on. It was enough to make her almost look like a mummy.

"As long as you're in this house than you will not put on such shameful displays of behavior! We have quite a few young ones running about and I don't need your flirting." Mom looked at Kuroka when she said that before turning to silver haired guy. "And I don't need your foul tongue either Vali San. Now have I made myself clear?" They mumbled a yes ma'am which didn't satisfy Mom. "I said did I make myself clear?!"

With a jolt both spoke up this time. ""Yes Ma'am!"" I couldn't help but smirk at this scene, Mom was just that awesome. Unfortunately that shifted the attention onto me. So with a smile Mom expressed her joy at seeing me up and about.

"I'm glad you're alright Shirone Chan. And let me say you definitely changed in more ways than one since I saw you last. You look absolutely ravishing dear.~" I couldn't help but blush a bit at that comment, although I was pleased that my new looks were favorited. However my good mood slightly soured when my sister got up and approached me. I didn't say anything even when Kuroka was just a yard away from me. Neither did she, instead we looked into one another's eyes. I saw regret and sadness in hers.

As for me I'm not exactly sure what my eyes were conveying. But it was enough for the tension in the room to start getting thick and heavy. Behind me I could feel my mate waiting for me to make a decision. I knew that he'd support me on whatever choice I made with my sister, but after seeing how Cassandra never truly betrayed him… well I wasn't too sure about my own sister.

Eventually my sister broke the silence first. "Look… based on what your mate said I know tha-" She was cut off as I slugged her in the face sending Kuroka rolling back a bit. There was a pregnant pause while I looked at my fist curiously.

"Huh… why did I do that Nyah?" Behind me I heard Chris speak a bit quietly.

"That's like asking why I punch Ulysses…" I couldn't help but snort at that while my sister got to her feet with Vali's help. She was rubbing her jaw and Vali was giving her a knowing look. Once on her feet Vali let go of her while she turned to me.

"That hurt a lot Nya?! The least you could've done was warn me before you slugged me!" In response to what she said I just shrugged causing her to sigh. "You really have changed quite a bit haven't you Nya?"

I couldn't help but fold my arms and huff at that. "Well that's what happens when your older sister decides to go crazy, and run off without telling their younger sibling why. It also didn't help that said younger sibling was pretty much slated for execution, and that she was rescued by some crazy red headed siscon at the last second. Yeah… I wonder why I changed?"

"My brother's not that bad." I gave my former king a raised eyebrow at that statement, making her look away a bit embarrassed. That also reminded me that I needed to talk to her later.

Wow I actually have quite a few people I need to talk to after this Nyah… Shaking my head from that thought I turned back to Kuroka, she looked as if she was on the verge of tears. In response I could only sigh before speaking again.

"Look… everything turned out fine in the end okay Nyah." She looked up at me with a small sniffle before I continued. "Because of everything that has happened I met Rias, Chri Kun, Juda sensei, and gained two wonderful little girls along with a kind and amazing new family. So because of that I'm willing to listen to why you did what you did. But you better make it good you hear me Nyah?" Kuroka nodded her head with a serious look before beginning her tale. To say it wasn't what I expected… was a little bit of an understatement.

It began like this… "You remember when I was first approached by my old king?" I nodded my head prompting her to continue. "Then you know he promised us a home, food, and clothing if I joined his peerage. As we were living on the streets at the time, I couldn't help but agree immediately without thinking. That was the first mistake I made… you see he only wanted me to join because he wanted to…" She paused at that point and looked at all the younger ones in the room. "Maybe we should have all those below the age of thirteen leave, I don't want to taint their minds after all."

Mom nodded in agreement before speaking up. "Alright you heard her all of you go and do something else. This is grown up talk now." I heard a few groans from and complaints from Ayame and Fuyo but they obeyed as for Suki…

"What? I am a couple hundred years old Mew." It was funny but I kept on forgetting her actually age. So with a sigh I allowed her to stay as my sister continued her story.

"Okay if that's everyone I'll go on… you see he only wanted me, so that he could experiment on me." At that point I couldn't help but cover my mouth in shock. It was a bit much for quite a few people and I felt Suki wrap her arms around me. But my sister pressed on nonetheless, more than likely she just wanted to get this over with and not linger to long on the memories.

"Yes I know… and I'm sorry for never telling you, but I wanted to protect you. He was always threatening to harm you, so I said nothing and endured his twisted experiments." She wrapped her arms around herself and shivered a bit before continuing. "They were… painful, even now I still have some nightmares about them." Surprisingly Vali wrapped his left arm around her shoulders making her smile at him. "Thanks Vali Kun." He only nodded before she turned back to me to continue.

"For a number of years I put up with the torture. All because I thought you'd be safe and have a life off the streets. But then… one day I overheard that he was going to do to you what he did to me. Only worse…" For a few moments she couldn't speak, but after taking a deep breath she looked me in the eye. "He wanted to turn you, basically into a breeding factory." I couldn't help but take a step back in shock at that, seeing this Chri Kun hugged me tightly from behind. I also felt Suki hug me tighter.

For a few moments all was silent until I spoke with a small voice. "So… so you killed him with senjutsu because… you wanted to protect me?" She nodded her head as I looked to the side. My mouth was moving but no words were coming out. Emotions were raging inside of me, and I didn't quite know how to respond. On one hand Kuroka actually didn't go crazy thanks to senjutsu, so there really wasn't a need for me to be afraid of it. She also killed her king to protect me from something quite awful indeed.

On the other hand… "Then why did you leave me? Why didn't you explain and take me with you?!" There was that and my question made Kuroka's expression even more saddened.

"Because I didn't think they'd put you on trial because of what I've done. Because I didn't expect them to start purging Nekomata left and right! And because I didn't want you to live with me on the run, to live on the streets again only this time… life would've been even harder. I didn't want that for you… my precious imoutou, my precious little Shirone." At this point I felt something else appear in my heart for my sister.

So gently taking Suki's and Chris' hands off me I approached my sister. I looked up at her for a few moments before giving her a hug. At that point we both had tears running down our faces. However I still needed to make something clear to her.

"Nee Chan… I don't completely forgive you yet Nyah, but I am willing to give you this last chance to be my big sister." She hugged me tighter at that point.

"I promise to do my absolute best Nya." Behind me I could feel quite a bit of emotions from everyone, but the feelings of pride coming from Mom, Suki, and especially Christopher brightened my spirit immensely.

Even so we hugged one another, just happy to finally be together again. When we finally let go we dried our tears and smiled at each other. Shaking my head I turned around and looked at Rias… it was time for another conversation that would be emotionally rough.

So with a sigh I started speaking. "Look um… Buchou I need to tell you something Nyah. You see I'm not exactly-"

"In my peerage anymore?" I looked at her in shock, making her give me a sad smile while holding out my old rook piece. "I know that already, Christopher Kun told me what happened and what he had to do to save you. But don't worry, even if you're no longer a part of my peerage. You'll still be my adorable rook Shirone Chan." I couldn't help but run over to her and give her a hug she hugged me back. But eventually spoke in a pained voice. "Um… Shirone Chan… can you please let go? You're starting to crush me."

I quickly let go and laughed a bit sheepishly. "Sorry Nyah, but I guess I don't know my own strength anymore." To the side I heard Kuroka mumble a few words.

"I'll say Nya… that punch and following hug hurt."

I couldn't help but look at her smugly. "Well maybe you should train a bit more Kuroka Nee Chan. After all you don't want your Imoutou to get stronger than you Nyah?" She looked at me a bit shocked before laughing.

"Sorry but you're still ten years to soon to be saying that to me Nya!" I would've said more but a voice interrupted our banter.

"Not that the sibling banter isn't nice… but I think we should discuss what we should do now." As one we all turned to Ulysses who still seemed kind of beat up. What with his left arm in a sling and white bandages wrapped around his chest. "Yes praise your glorious dragon god for I am here once more!" Surprisingly it was Xenovia who shot him down this time.

"Sorry but like I said I'd rather worship Christopher Sam-San then you." There were many nods of agreement which seemed to make "our esteemed" leader die a bit. Although I couldn't help but notice that Xenovia was going say Sama instead of San. But I let that slide for the moment.

Because like usual Ulysses quickly recovered. "Thanks… I really needed that… anyhow let's get to business. First off our exorcist friends, now that you know the truth and the battle is over for now. What will you two do?" From her position next to Issei Irina looked at Xenovia who looked back to her.

Eventually Xenovia spoke up depressed. "I'm not so sure… now that I know god is dead I seem to find myself without any faith in the church. Who knows if I was really killing evil demons and monsters? What if they were actually good people? What if some of the stray exorcists I brought down actually had good reasons for leaving? I don't know what to do anymore… my entire life was built around following god's will, but without him. What can I do? What justification do I have for taking all those lives?!"

At her words Irina looked down at the ground also depressed. It was then that I got a thought, it was a bit manipulative but I knew that it would help her and maybe Irina to.

"Well… if you want to follow a god and his teachings Nyah… why not stay here and follow Chri Kun? He's also a god and he's extremely powerful, Kind, compassionate, and all those other good things. Plus he has Suki who was Excalibur so that has to count for something Nyah. Plus we even have Sera and Milly following him, and despite not being "true" angels they are in fact angels." While Irina looked apprehensive Xenovia was now actually looking at Chri Kun appraisingly.

Although he was looking at me suspiciously. "Shirone… what exactly are you trying to do?" I gave him an innocent smile; in return he looked at me blankly. "Yeah I'm not falling for that." I couldn't help but pout in disappointment at that statement. However before I could say anything else Xenovia spoke up.

"I… I think I'll take Shirone San up on her offer. So please accept me my lord." I looked at my mate smugly at this forcing him to sigh while rubbing the back of his head.

Eventually he spoke but not before mumbling something under his breath. "I'm going to regret this… Okay Xenovia you can stop bowing, you can join my apparent cult. But first you need to apologize to everyone here that you've offended. Also none of this lord business okay?" Xenovia looked up with a true smile before making a comment.

"I agree to your terms, but still you allow Sera to call you my lord, my lord." He groaned a bit while giving Sera a small glare, in return she surprised me by sticking her tongue out at him. I heard Ulysses snort a bit as he tried to keep in his laughter.

Eventually my poor mate caved into her. "Okay fine… just don't go around calling me that in public, things could get awkward." Once again Xenovia bowed although this time it was a short one before she turned to Irina.

"What about you Irina? What shall you do?" As one we turned to her as she bit her lower lip in confliction. That's when with a sigh Issei put his right arm around her before speaking.

"Hey don't worry too much, whatever decision you make will be the right one for you. Just do what your heart is telling you to do." All of us were slightly stunned with the exception of Ravel who was on his left. No the young phoenix was smiling at him proudly before she kissed his cheek. In response Issei scratched his cheek in embarrassment. Although Irina looked a bit jealous at the action.

Thankfully with those words Irina calmed down and she eventually turned back to Xenovia. "I think I'll go back to the Vatican. I still believe in god's teachings, and I think I have to try and change the church if I can. I can't do that if I leave it. But if in the end I can't succeed… I'll come back here." I couldn't help but nod my head in admiration at that conviction of hers. However it was interesting to see that Xenovia wasn't even questioning her choice.

I guess she's made her decision Nyah… but what have I done?! I just created more competition for myself over Chri Kun! After all it's obvious that she likes him Nyah! It was a mistake on my part, but I was just trying to help a person who felt lost. In the end I decided that I'd deal with the consequences later.

That's when Ulysses spoke up again. "Alright with that done onto the next order of business. What are you three going to be doing?" His question was directed to the three newbie's, as in Vali my sister and the other Nekomata whom I didn't know. However it seemed as if Vali took up the mantle of leader as he spoke first.

"To be honest we're just here as an extra guard detail I guess you could say. The old man was worried about things here and sent us, lucky you that we showed up when we did. Azazel also promised me that I could have my rematch with you. So yeah we're here to stay for the time being. Though I am interested in my rival, but that can wait for later."

Rival… oh yeah Ise Nii! With some worry I turned to Issei who was glaring slightly at Vali. I guess he was already told Nyah… you better not do anything stupid Ise Nii. For a second I blinked in confusion. When did I start calling him Ise Nii? Deciding that it didn't matter I tuned myself back into the conversation. It had already moved on and Ulysses was talking to Sera.

"So… Sera… about Aži Dahaka what was an evil dragon doing with Lavos of all people?" I couldn't help but let my eyes widen at that.

"WHAT?! There was an evil dragon?!" Turning to me Ulysses rubbed the back of his head.

"Yeah… sorry that you missed that but you were still unconscious lil sis." I huffed a bit as my mate spoke up.

"You know… you still haven't exactly told me what an evil dragon is, because when it comes to dragons. I can't really think of any of them being actually "Evil"."

After a little humming in thought Ulysses answered. "Well to put it short evil dragons are dragons which even other dragons find quite despicable. That Lavos would gain their allegiance is a terrible thing really, because their power rivals that of the dragon kings. One Crom Cruach is said to match the heavenly dragons in power." Though Chri Kun didn't look too concerned about that, everyone else who was normal seemed rather worried.

Although Vali seemed actually excited. "To be honest I didn't think I'd be able to fight such strong opponents here. Makes me glad I actually took this assignment." I very quickly labeled Vali as a battle nut with that statement. However much to my relief Sera seemed to speak some good news.

"Actually… we were never able to recruit Crom Cruach." As one we turned to her. "You see despite being labeled as an evil dragon he's actually not too bad. He's only one because of his brutal way of fighting, and his love of fighting. Well there is also the thing where most of his opponents don't walk away alive, but well that's an occupational hazard for all fighters." I actually couldn't help but agree with her on that as she continued.

"You see because of that he wasn't interested in whatever Cas- sorry Lavos had to say. He didn't want to end the world, and he didn't want to become someone else's slave. The others… they were completely on board with Lavos' plan, in fact they're the third most loyal to her. The first is Sui, followed by Samuel, but at least they're not as strong as the dragons." At Sui's name both the blonde neko and my sister hissed.

Looking back at her I couldn't help but question my sister. "You know Sui told me that the two of you fought Nyah, what exactly was that about?" Looking back at me Kuroka answered me with a sigh.

"Well… truth is because they thought I was a stray just to gain power they tried to recruit me Nya. But when Sui told me what she did to her family… I couldn't help but call her a monster. After that she attacked me and even though I put up a fight Nya, she was able to beat me. Thankfully my friend Arthur along with Vali here was able to save me." I nodded my head at that before turning to the blonde.

"And what about you Nyah? Any reason you seem to truly hate her?"

She gave out a small hiss before answering. "She killed my entire family right in front of me Ne. That was a year ago, but it still haunts me. She left me alive mocking me for my weakness." I saw her clench her fists before Kuroka spoke to her calmly.

"Lucca… it's not your fault. Sui is not your average Nekomata Nya." Taking a deep breath the one I now knew as Lucca nodded her head sadly. It was beginning to occur to me that Sui was a loose cannon, killing anyone who happened to slight her.

Thankfully Sera seemed inclined to speak about the seven tails. "Truthfully… Sui's always been like that, in a sense she is Lavos' hit woman. Taking out threats left and right with no remorse, I had heard that her childhood shaped her into this. But Lavos has certainly taken advantage of it that's for sure." I couldn't help but frown at that.

Just what kind of childhood did she have to make her like this Nyah? Is it connected to the fact that she abhors being called a monster Nyah? In the end I decided those were questions for later. For now we needed to decide what our next move would be. It was complicated; we had no idea where Lavos was… Wait don't we have someone who used to work for her Nyah? Looking back at Sera I addressed her.

"Hey Sera don't you know where Lavos' main base is? You were forced to work for her for quite some time after all Nyah." At my question everyone turned to Sera, and she seemed to freeze up while touching the scar on her face. When she started trembling, I became rather concerned while I remembered what my mate said about PTSD. But Christopher walked up to Sera, and wrapped his right arm around her calming her down a bit. Normally I would've felt a bit jealous but I knew that Sera probably needed that.

Plus if I was going to try a three way with anyone I'd rather do it with Sera, for um… practical reasons… don't judge me…

Still she was breathing heavily even as he tried to calm her down. "Sera it's okay, I won't allow her to hurt you anymore. Just take a few deep breaths, but do it slowly. Can you do that?" Sera nodded her head before doing just that, thankfully that managed to eventually calm her down before speaking.

"Sorry about that everyone but… Lavos did something to me. When she… when she gave me theses scars Lavos dug into my mind. She forcibly ripped out any memories concerning any locations, plans, training routines, important artifacts, and even the names of any of her backers. Said it was a precaution in case I ever went rogue, though she'd give them back if I proved loyal to her again. In a way you can almost admire her forethought, because well… here I am."

Sighing I nodded my head knowing that the lead was closed in the direction. Still I had decided to try a different lead and turned to my mate.

"How about you Nyah? Did you learn anything by reading her mind, which I know you did." He gave me a hopeless expression before answering.

"Sorry dear… but she had managed to start blocking me out when I was overcome by my anger. I had tried to tear apart her mind during the encounter and it didn't work out so well. In the end she realized what was happening and blocked me out."

Translation Reaper tried to mind rape her Nyah, and she stopped him… great… We were now back to square one, we had no idea where Lavos was and what she might be planning next. With a sigh I once again questioned Chri Kun, after all if anyone knew what to do next he would.

"So what do you think we should do now Nyah?" In response to my question, everyone turned to him as he let go of Sera and adopted a thinking pose. Although Sera pouted a bit at the lack of contact, not that I really could blame her.

Eventually after a couple of seconds he spoke. "Well as unfortunate as it is… we can't go searching the entire planet just to find her. It would simply take too long with the amount of people we have right now. Plus they probably have wards and barriers around their places anyways. So the best we can do is prepare for anything Lavos might throw at us.

I couldn't help but sigh while nodding my head at that. That might not be much Nyah… but on the Brightside at least it's nothing I haven't been doing Nyah. Of course this is when Ulysses decided to speak up.

"Wait a minute… when did Christopher become our leader? I thought I was supposed to be the one in charge?!" Chri Kun pinched the bridge of his nose before trying to speak calmly.

"Ulysses… what does it matter? It's not like you were going to suggest anything different… what's with that look?" Looking back to the red dragon I had to ask the same thing, because on his face was a rather mischievous smile.

Of course he was only too happy to answer. "Oh I was just thinking of recruiting Crom Cruach, he would make an excellent addition to our team." At that point everyone but Vali looked at him as if he was nuts.

"Sounds good to me, having someone who likes to fight as much as I do would be fun." This time it was Kuroka who pinched the bridge of her nose. I couldn't help but giggle a bit at that. In the end we decided to let Ulysses go with his crazy plan. Xenovia also promised to apologize to Milly and Asia tomorrow since they were sleeping. Irina also decided to go back to the Vatican the next day as well. Unfortunately it would be a brief goodbye since we had school to attend. This made me sigh sadly since I actually came to like Irina.

As for Kiba he was "properly" punished for leaving like he did. "Yuuto I've come to a decision about your punishment. I will spank you a hundred times!" At her statement in front of everyone at the time could only stare at her in shock. As for Kiba…

"Of course Buchou! I will use my youthfulness and brave this punishment so I can show you how sorry I am!" At his comment Rias increased the number of spanks to a hundred and fifty. She even coated her hand in magic, truly even thinking of it made me wince in pain.

Of course my mate seemed to pick up on that as we walked back to his room. "Are you okay Neko Chan?" Looking back at him I gave a small smile before answering.

"Yeah just thinking of Kiba Sempai and his punishment, truly I doubt he'll be able to sit for days Nyah." He nodded his head thoughtfully while I got an idea. "Hey can you wait for a bit? I think I want to get something before getting some more rest Nyah." He looked at me suspiciously before nodding his head. Despite the look I gave him a small kiss before running off to my room. It was empty and I ran over to my closet and pulled out my white loli dress.

Grinning I quickly put it on before running to my mate's room. Stopping outside the door I knocked, before opening the door slightly and looking at him. The moment he saw me his face lit up in realization.

"Ah… I see what you truly want my little kitten. And I know it isn't exactly rest, but I believe I at least accommodate you for tonight." I couldn't help but walk in with a giggle while closing the door behind me. Soon I was walking over to him as he sat on the bed. As I sat down on his right I wrapped my arms around his neck. Leaning into him I let my instincts take over a bit and licked his cheek. What happened next well… that's for me and Chri Kun to know.

Element Affinity: person… Dual elements are gained through special means. Such as a sacred gears or reincarnation it can also be gained by linage.

Order of the elements does mater.

Note: Having more than one element doesn't mean you're stronger than those with one. Having more than one only gives you more choices to use.

White: Milly

Black, White, Yellow: Christopher

Green: Juda

Red: Issei

Red: Ulysses

Green, Black, White, Yellow: Shirone

White, Yellow: Lavos

Black, White: Kiba

Green, Yellow: Sui

White: Xenovia

White: Irina

White, Black: Sera

Black, White, Yellow: Suki

Green, Blue: Fuyo

Green, Black: Kuroka

Green: Lucca

Blue, Black: Vali

List will be cleared for characters only shown in current chapter's next chapter.

Dragon ranking system: White/Lavos First, Black second, Ophis third, Red fourth, Blue fifth, Green sixth

Slayer: Alright we are done here!

Shadow: Yep! Now to move onto the Void emperor before going onto TOTDG. Then I'll be back baby!

Neos: And so will I!

Argentum: Yep hopefully we can get the void emperor done faster than this one.

Judan: Oh don't worry I've already made sure of that. For you see! I have already begun editing on all of the chapters!

Slayer: Really? Good job then. Makes everything a whole lot easier for me at least.

Shadow: Yes, yes. In anycase not much to really discuss here. We just hope that you'll keep with us until we are finally finished with this story.

Argentum: Yeah… but hey! Since you're here mind finishing this for us Neos?

Neos: You bet! Alright this has been a Dark Guard production now signing off!

Everyone: Goodbye!