Welcome to a Vixens tale! This will be a Nick/OC pairing so if you don't like then don't read

Disclaimer: I do not own Zootopia or any of its characters or Emmy, Petey or 10-7 the three aforementioned belong to the talented writer BlueLighthouse. Go check out their story Explosive love or a bar a Bunny a Bond!

Tundra town Snowden Apartments

A snow white vixen shot up in her bed with tears streaming down her face. It was just a dream...just a dream... she pleaded, the images haunting her even as she sat awake, as she grabbed her phone. She dialed the number that was at the top of her most recent calls.

"Commander Sharpe..." came a gruff and tired voice.

Amelia didn't speak at first.

"Hello? Snowpaw?" the voice asked.

"Y-yes" she whispered.

"You alright?" he questioned as a voice in the background vaguely asked him to return to bed.

"n-No" she sobbed "i-i can't sleep"

"Night terrors?' he sighed as the sound of buttons being pressed could be heard through the line.

Commander Sharpe was many things, a smartass, a hard ass but above all, he was there for his people whenever they needed him. The painted dog had been with the ZPD for over 12 years.

"Y-Yes, I keep seeing him" she cried.

"Did you talk to Bogo yet?" he asked trying to change the subject.

"He said I could start patrol soon..." she sighed with a sniffle.

"That's good, once you get reacclimated I'll be glad to have you back in a pair of BDU's.." Sharpe smiled softly.

6 months prior

"Officer Warren Tusk to Dispatch...going to be 10-42," the warthog said into the radio with a tear going down his face.

"Hey don't cry big guy, i'll still call you from time to time" his partner smiled.

Beside the warthog sat Zootopia's first ever Fox EOD. Amelia Snowpaw had worked hard for her over two-year career with the ZPD.

"Yeah please don't kit, I'm gonna enjoy my retirement" the warthog chuckled.

"All officers, we here at precinct one would like to thank Officer Warren Tusk for over twenty years of service, he has been here with us at Central for longer than most of us have been out of the academy," Bogo called out through the radio. "I have one final directive for EOD officer Warren Tusk...Go enjoy your life...and know that we have it from here"

"Z-117 to EOD 9" came another call.

"Go ahead Z-117," Warren said.

"Just wanted to thank you once again for all your hard work, you have saved my hide more times than I can count" the call came back.

Warren was fighting back the tears in his front seat. "Gonna tell me who that is Snow or just keep me guessing?" Warren asked trying to change the topic.

"Huh?" she said looking up from a picture on her phone. "Oh him? That's my dad...he passed away last year..."

"What was his name?" he questioned.

"Thomas Snowpaw" she smiled, as she gazed fondly at the picture.

The warthog snorted a bit as he drove them down the streets of Tundra Town.

"Ooh turn right here! And it's the next building on your right" Amelia stated.

"Still don't know why you live in Tundra Town" he scoffed as he cranked on his heated seat.

"How else would I keep my snow white fur?" she scoffed.

"Fur dye, like every other mammal" he retorted.

They pulled up to the complex a short while alter. "I'll be right back alright? Don't Leave without me!" she grinned "the party's at the bar, everyone's gonna be there"

"Sure thing," he chuckled as she ran off up the stairs.

She ran up the stairs of her apartment. She had forgotten his present upstairs in her room. She quickly ran up and opened her door grabbing the small bag off her countertop before returning to the squad car. "Ready?" he snorted.

"Yep! Let's go!" she smiled. The partners drove off towards an all too familiar bar nestled between Tundratown and Sahara square.

A Rhino sat on a stool right outside the building with "10-7" written across the top.

"Snowpaw and if it ain't the old man" the rhino greeted as the two mammals approached him.

"Hiya Petey! Bringing this old man for his final run at the 10-7, he's retiring today" Amelia smiled softly.

"Well Officer Tusk allow me to be the one to say it," he said as he took in a breath "thank you, officer, Warren Tusk, for twenty years of continued service and congratulations on permanently becoming 10-7. Enjoy your drinks with those that served and learned with you"

"Thanks, Petey" Warren snorted "try to keep my partner sober"

"No promises, Em has been serving this new drink that I think our favorite vixen is gonna get addicted to rather quick" Petey laughed as Amelia darted into the building.

"Had to say something" Warren sighed.

Petey just shrugged as the warthog walked inside the bar.

"Congrats on going 10-7 old man!" all the voices shouted as Warren looked out amongst the group of ZPD, ZFD, and EMS officers all raising a glass to him.

"All of you get back to work" Warren laughed as he walked over to the table where Amelia sat beside their commander.

"Snowpaw I have to deal with you on the clock, can I not while you are off the clock?" he sighed.

"Nope! You are stuck with me for life chief!" Amelia grinned.

"Warren Tusk," Came a tender sounding voice just behind the newly retired mammal. They both turned to see a lovely looking otter in a firetruck red 10-7 shirt, the fur around her slender waist revealed for all to enjoy. "When did you plan on telling me you were retiring?"

"Maybe if you weren't representing hose draggers I would have told you" he teased as he sat down.

"Don't even start, we all know when it comes to the ZFD that-" Em began with a playful hint of competitiveness before she was quickly cut off by Commander Sharpe.

"Who won the last ZPD vs ZFD football game? Can I get some cheers?" Commander Sharpe shouted.

"ZPD!" came the callback.

Much to Em and many of the fire mammals annoyance the ZPD patrons at the bar began to cheer.

The ZPD and ZFD had a friendly rivalry when it came to sports but they were brothers and sisters regardless of whether they slid down a pole or across a cruisers hood.

Once the ZPD had their fill of reminding the ZFD of who won the previous match the bar returned to its normal level of rowdiness.

"So what will it be Warren?" Em asked as she gave the mammal in front of her an annoyed look. It didn't last long though as a friendly smile graced her lips.

"He's having a 10-7 special" Amelia stated before Warren could order his usual.

"Alright, this one's on the house" Em smiled as she sauntered off.

"Amelia close your muzzle" Warren stated as he eyed the vixen who was panting as she watched the otter sashay away.

"Can't help it that otter got some steps..." Amelia murred.

Warren just laughed as he shook his head. After several drinks, the officers all brought a gift over to him. Some of them had given him fishing supplies or a book on the best fishing spots from Tundra Town to the Rainforest District. He finally got down to Amelia's gift. He eyed the bag suspiciously before opening it to reveal a photo album.

"Really? A photo album?" one of the officers questioned as Amelia just looked at Warren.

"Warren ever since I joined the EOD you have been my mentor, and at every diffusal, I always took a Polaroid picture...this album has every single one of those pictures in it... I couldn't think of a better gift for you than a scrapbook of every bomb we have diffused...and in the back is my current times for every test you have given me" she grinned proudly.

The other officers' eyes went wide as they looked between her and him.

Warren had been testing Amelia with different bombs maybe one or two a year to improve her skills, now the tests were normally only spoken of between their commander and themselves. Now every mammal was looking at them with questioning glances.

"Officer Tusk was testing Officer Snowpaw on her diffusal skills, to make sure that when he retired she was up to the task of carrying on in his stead..." Commander Sharpe spoke.

"To Warren!" someone shouted from the bar as they raised their glass.

"To Warren" came the reply from all the officers.

Meanwhile at the ZPD

A lone todd stalked into the locker room. He had managed to grease the right paws to make sure he went unnoticed into a place, he had no right to really be. He didn't know why people believed he was a friend of hers but it worked. He was also surprised when he told the front desk that she asked for him to come in to grab something from her locker, asked for them not to make a big deal about it, and even had a locker number. "Let's see locker 69" he smirked as he peaked around before opening the locker. He looked amongst the pictures of a snow white vixen in uniform. "Damn girl I gotta get your number" he chuckled before he grabbed the present inside and set a new one down. He snatched a picture from the locker door before closing it and running off. This is going to be a funny prank he thought with a smirk.

Back at 10-7

"Ready to go Warren?" Amelia asked smiling softly. They had been drinking for hours and she knew that his wife was probably worried about him.

The warthog gave a gruff sound before he got up, reaching for his wallet when a balled up receipt hit him in the side of the snout.

"Don't even think about it, Warren Tusk. your money's no good tonight. It's on the 10-7" Em said as she walked by the pleased looking warren with a drink for another patron in her paw.

Before he could protest the Otter walked back, this time on the bar itself and stopped just in front of him. She reached her arms outward as her lips curled into a sweet smile.

Warren leaned in and gently patted Em on the back as she gave him a quick hug.

"Congrats old timer, you be sure to visit and often," Em whispered before placing a paw on the old mammal's cheek. She then sauntered away to help her other customers.

Warren waved her off as he set down some cash for her. As He turned to walk out to the car, he stopped at a picture of a younger looking warthog with another picture right beside it of the ZPD's first fox, a small smile coming on his lips as he left with the photo album in hoof and Amelia right beside him. He stopped short of the vehicle and produced a pen as he opened the photo album. He wrote just below her last test score. 'Final test:'

"You got one more test Snowpaw...hold onto this until you complete it...it's in your locker," he smirked as he climbed into the cruiser.

"Oh damn you Warren and here I was hoping to go and treat my fur tonight" she huffed with a playful smirk.

"Yeah well do your test and then sign the last time...once you have I'll gladly accept this back" he chuckled as he handed her the book.

She just smiled at him as they drove down the road towards the precinct. "I'm gonna take a Zuber home from the station" he smiled softly as they pulled up to the building. Amelia hopped out of the cruiser as soon as they pulled into the motor depot.

"Gonna grab a quick shower then I'll head off to the bomb room" Amelia smiled softly as she trotted off towards the women's locker room.

Warren walked over to the otter at the little desk. "Keys to car Zulu 221" he stated.

"Gonna be a shame not having you collect the keys anymore" the otter sighed.

"It will be alright and one thing blake? Could you install a seat cooler for Amelia?" Warren asked.

"Sure thing big guy," he smiled softly as Warren turned and walked off after handing the keys over.

He hopped into the Zuber that was waiting out front for him.

"Tusky?" the driver asked.

"Yeah, you can call me Warren, Amelia asked for you?" he chuckled slightly.

"Yeah she paid for your ride," the mammal laughed as they drove off.

Amelia stood in the shower letting the cool water wash over her fur. Her nose twitched slightly as she caught an unfamiliar scent in the locker room. She turned the water off and looked around. "Hello? Is someone else here?" she called out.

Amelia's training kicked in as she followed the scent directly to her locker. She pulled the locker open and looked at its contents. In the center of the locker said a box with a tag that read. "Best of luck on this one! Call me when you are done, love Tusky" which caused her to giggle. She put it back down and grabbed a towel. She quickly dried off her fur and put on her tactical unit uniform as she grabbed the box and made her way towards the Diffusal room which was located directly behind the ZPD main office but three stories down. She tapped her foot impatiently as the elevator slowly made its way down.

"Evening Amelia! What brings you here?" the receptionist asked.

"Not much Sarah just got one final test from Tusk, I'll be in the chamber," Amelia stated smiling slightly at the Molerat.

"What are we dealing with now?"Sarah grinned examining the package.

"Well we haven't done a chemical component yet so assuming that one, I can't open the box without starting the timer so gotta hope for the best" Amelia giggled as she handed her phone to the receptionist. "Gonna put on the chemical gear and enter the airlock chamber, might have some music going as usual so if I'm needed turn on the sprinklers or something"

Sarah just nodded as Amelia went over to the bomb suits and grabbed a chemical suit with her name on it. Since she was the only fox the suit was literally made just for her. Once she got the suit on she entered the chamber and placed the box on the table. She opened the lid to reveal a container of what appeared to be sarin gas with several wires going to a timer. She tapped her pocket lightly as the music began to play.

222 Treefall lane 9 minutes ago

Warren sighed as he walked into the house.

"Welcome home dear? How did it go?" his wife asked.

"Another day, got a bunch of gifts, a lot of fishing supplies and Amelia gave me a photo album.." he smiled softly.

"Well, where is it? I wanna see!" she grinned. "You haven't stopped talking about her for the better part of the past three years"

"I gave it back to her, there was one final test for her, she's gotta be ready for if he resurfaces..." he sighed.

"On my mother's hide, you aren't still on this, are you? He died Warren...let it go..." his wife groaned as she sat at the table.

"He's not dead I can feel it in my bones...he killed my best friend in one of his games..." Warren scoffed sitting down across from her.

"Speaking of friends one of your department buddies swung by, he was a honey badger I think?" she spoke.

"I don't know any honey badgers on the force" Warren protested.

"He said his name was Thomas Snowpaw...he said he was sorry he missed you. He figured he would just check with your partner something about some test?" she stated as his blood ran cold. "Dear, what is it?"

"He said that name? That exact name?" Warren asked as he shot up.

"Yes! Warren you're scaring me what's going on?" she asked.

"That's Amelia's dead father's name!" he shouted as he ran out the front door with keys in hoof. He started up their car and quickly dialed the phone. Come on Amelia...pick up... He groaned as he hit her voicemail. He scrolled through his contacts before hitting the number for the only other mammal he hoped wasn't stone cold drunk.

"Aren't you retired?" the voice asked.

"Commander Sharpe! We have an active bomb inside the precinct! I think Amelia is working on it!" Warren shouted as he heard the mammal on the other end choke on something before coughing it up.

"Under what grounds?" commander Sharpe questioned.

"A honey badger by the name of Thomas Snowpaw stopped by my home...that's Amelia's dead father's name...he mentioned a test...She has an active bomb!" Warren shouted.

Back at the 10-7

"She has an active bomb" the words still rang in commander Sharpes head as he sat at a booth.

"All units! To the precinct, we have an emergency situation! Someone get ahold of the receptionist at Boomtown!" Sharpe shouted as mammals spit out their drinks.

"What in the-" Em began to say from the bar as she watched the different mammals in various ZPD uniforms begin to scramble. She didn't attempt to stop them however as they hurried out the door. She simply looked over at Sharpe, concern etched on her face.

"Put it on the ZPDs tab Em, we got a situation and possibly a dead Vixen" Sharpe shouted as he ran for the door.

Em simply nodded and sat back as she watched her friends hurry out the door. She held an empty drink tray to her small frame and shuddered. "Save our girl Sharpe," The otter whispered as her mind began to wander to worst case scenarios.

Every single squad car was tearing down the streets of Sahara square with lights and sirens blaring.

Boom Town Bottom floor

Sarah watched Amelia as she worked on the chemical test bomb with intrigue. The doors burst open as a tall mass of fur came running forward scaring the receptionist.

"Where is Amelia?!" the wolf asked.

"Jesus Christ Greigh! How did you get down here? Is something wrong with her suit? Did they recall the chemical suit for foxes?" she asked.

"No! That's an active bomb! Wait chemical? Shit...we gotta get her attention..." Greigh said as the armory mammal ran over to the glass and began to bang on it.

"Active bomb?! Shit shit shit! She's got headphones in she won't hear us!" the receptionist retorted as she began making all the necessary calls to try and get mammals in the surrounding area to evacuate.

Amelia was bobbing her head as she sang along to the song playing through her headphones.

"I messed up tonight I lost the fight again!" she sang out as she worked on the bomb.

"Crap...alright Sharpe and Tusk are on their way, get out of here I'll start pulling drives!" Greigh shouted as the receptionist ran from the bomb defusal area affectionately named BoomTown.

Right as the warthog and the commander got down there Amelia had clipped the wire to diffuse the 'fake' bomb. "Ha got it!" she cheered as she slapped her pocket to turn off the music device.

"Snowpaw! Get your ass out of there!" Sharpe shouted as she turned her head.

"Commander?" she asked as she heard a beeping. She turned her head and saw the time counter that had once read 5:00 now at 1:30. Her ears fell back as she began trying to dismantle the bomb. "There's a secondary detonator!" she shouted as she felt arms grab her and throw her back out of the chemical chamber.

"Sharpe get her outta here! I'm gonna back up what Greigh didn't pull!" Warren shouted as the armory mammal ran with several heavy CPUs in his arms.

"Warren! I can't leave you no!" Amelia shouted as commander Sharpe threw her over his shoulder, he paused monetarily and looked apologetically at warren before smashing the emergency lockdown button on his way out

Warren watched the three mammals as they fled the bomb chamber. He quickly began to backup the files on the serial bomber he had tackled years ago as well as sending a quick email to the commander.

Dear Sharpe,

Please Look after our girl, she's gonna blame herself but this wasn't her fault...she couldn't stop the badger and I was too late

Tell her I loved her like a daughter


Warren 'Tusky' Tusk

He smiled sweetly as he walked over to the chair beside the receptionist desk and sat down.

"My old bones aren't up for this fight anymore...Amelia.. I leave this damn badger to you" he stated with a groan.

Sharpe stopped at the top of the stairs and looked down towards the bomb chamber. He wished he could have helped his friend but he knew he could only carry one of them.

Amelia, Greigh and commander Sharpe were running up the stairs as fast as they could to get out of the radius. As soon as they burst through the doors a loud explosion went off from below.

"No! Warren!" Amelia cried as she looked towards the closed door.

A few meters away a russet-furred fox watched with wide eyes. Fear burning in his emerald orbs. A buzzing came from his pocket as he reached down and flipped the phone open.

"Did it work? Is the hog outside?" the voice asked giddily.

"N-No...two canines and a fox..." he spoke softly "that was an actual bomb?" he asked.

"Wait what?! The fox! He gave his life for that fox?!" the voice shot back "of course it was an actual bomb you idiot, I was hoping the fox would die! You're fired, you failed the simplest of jobs!"

The fox hung up the phone and tossed it into a garbage bin as he walked off towards a red van with a decal on the side.

Stupid...stupid...stupid...why did you take the money? Guess it's back to pawpsicles...I knew this deal was a bad one...i hope no one got hurt he thought as he entered the red van.

"How did it go?' a smaller fox asked with a deep voice.

"Drive" he sighed as he leaned against the wall of the van.

"Told ya Nicky... our business is pawpsicles not this crap" the other fox sighed as he drove off.

A few weeks later

The entire ZPD stood around a casket that had a flag on it everyone from the biggest elephant to the smallest mammal was crying. As Commander Sharpe and Lt Bravo folded up a flag. Both were in their dress blues.

Amelia stood with her dress blues on as she saluted the coffin.

Commander Sharpe approached Mrs. Tusk and her daughter and held out the flag. "I am sorry for your loss, Warren was one of my best..." he said through a clenched jaw.

The female warthog just nodded as she took the flag as tears fell down from her face.

"Down!" commander Sharpe shouted as the police mammals behind him lifted up their rifles. "Aim!... Fire!" he responded as seven shots resounded "Fire!" he shouted as seven more shots followed "Fire!" he shouted one last time as the final seven shots rang out.

Commander Sharpe moved over to Amelia who was busy crying her eyes out while biting back sobs. He dropped to one knee in front of her so he could look directly into her eyes. "Officer Snowpaw...this is not your fault...let me take you home," he said as she shook her head.

"I...I can't be here...I...I'm sorry-" Was all she managed to croak out as she suddenly turned and hurried away. A few voices carried after her, trying to convince her to come back, that it would be alright, that it wasn't her fault. These words, however, had little meaning to Amelia at the moment. She ran past all her coworkers. A lone figure stood by the trees. He had an envelope in his paws as he walked over and stealthily dropped it into the mourning warthogs purse before walking back to the red van. "Drive...they deserved it more then we did...especially after what happened.." nick stated as the smaller fox once again drove off with the todd in the back.

It was raining by the time she found herself outside of the 10-7. She couldn't explain what had led her here. But it was where her paws had taken her so she did not protest.

As she approached the entrance of the bar she noticed a solemn-looking rhino was staring at her. She fumbled for her badge, knowing the tradition she must follow in order to enter the bar. Today however it didn't seem necessary.

Petey simply held up a large hoof and shook his head.

"Its ok," He said, his words were filled with a kind sorrow that caused Amelia to shudder. The rhino pushed open the large door and nodded inside, "Come on."

The vixen tried her best to give Petey a smile but her muscles refused to form such an expression at that moment.

She tried to keep her composure as she walked into the bar, her uniform and fur soaked from the rain. It was almost as if the city itself was weeping at that moment.

She stopped at the wall of fame and looked at the picture of Warren from when he graduated from the academy. He looked so young and full of life. Then her eyes drifted onto the picture of her own graduation, where she stood side by side with Warren for the first time. she hurried to the bar in search of a reprieve from the memories now flooding her mind.

Several mammals took notice of Amelia as she made her way towards the bar. A few of them raised glasses in her direction, others gave her encouraging nods. She could tell she wasn't the only one hurting. Everyone had lost a friend that day.

It's all my fault….I should have tried harder….I could have stopped this…

Try as she might she couldn't banish such poisonous thoughts.

She finally made it to the bar. She picked a stool all on its own and eyed the different spirits on the wall.

In the end, it wasn't the drinks that saved her.

"Amelia," Came a saddened but tender voice.

The vixen looked over to see Em in a black 10-7 shirt. A single blue line across the chest along with the 10-7 logo.

"Em….I...Em, he's…" Amelia began but the sight of her friend was what did her in. The vixen began to ball as her emotions poured out.

Em however was not about to let Amelia be alone in her sorrow, not for one second. Like a flash the otter was there, wrapping her small arms around the vixen who continued to sob.

"Its okay Amelia," The otter cooed as she rested her head onto of Amelia's, holding the mourning mammal close. "I got you….I got you."

A/N Read and review! thanks to VinceFangway for pointing out a few errors that ahve sicne been hopefully fixed!