Harry dashed through his house, coffee and nervous energy flooding his veins. Today was his first Auror exam. The first of many, and if he was honest with himself Harry had no idea what to expect. Harry pulled out a study guide on Auror ethics and flipped through it absentmindedly, reassuring himself that he knew most of the material.

After a quick check that he had all his things Harry apparated to the training building with a quiet pop. Harry appeared on the steps to the training hall, sharp looking building that stood out among crooked architecture. All straight lines and cold slate ornamented with twisted statues and winding detailing, like the architectural equivalent of embroidery.

Harry filed up the steps with about 50 other classmates, anticipation, excitement and yet not a small amount of dread united the young not-yet-Aurors. They took their seats and the teacher began.

"Congratulations on making it to your first exam. You may begin."

Meanwhile at Greengrass manor Daphne and Astoria sat in the table by the kitchen. Near the kitchen had always felt the most like home in the otherwise cold and impersonal manor. The chairs were a dull twisted old metal that made them feel ancient and by contrast made the bright wooden table look even newer and brighter.

This kitchen Alcove had been the setting for many a gleeful conversation or sisterly dispute. But today it was the backdrop for a pleading debate.

"I'm just saying I don't mind Daphne. Really." Astoria assured, taking a bite of her jam toast.

"No! I will not let my sister be married off to a crumbling house to distract from their war crimes." Daphne snapped.

"Can this be about me and Draco. Not about houses for once. I got to know him first year and he was nothing but kind to me until sixth," pleaded Astoria.

"And then he became a Death Eater, he fought against everything we tried to protect." Daphne stood very still with crossed arms but her voice betrayed her anger and concern.

"He didn't have a choice. Daphne I like him, and if it helps his house I don't mind marrying for strategy rather than love." Astoria looked at her sister. Pleading eyes begging her to drop the subject.

"Is being a wife really all you want for yourself" Daphne asked earnestly.

"I know it's not what you want, but to me a family life seems like plenty." Astoria reassured her sister with a soft smile.

"If you want this, then I will approve when the time if it does mean more conversations with Narcissa" Daphne uncrossed her arms and reached around to hug her sister from behind the chair.

"Thank you Daphne"


Deep in backwater Scotland Narcissa sat in a rocking chair by the hearth. She looked tired, eyes deeper than they used to be and a long white streak adorned her blonde hair. Despite her tired look she smiled, warmed by the hearth of her sisters home and proud of the cheerful little boy in her lap.

"Thanks for helping with Teddy, I can never get him to settle when he wakes up so early," said Andromeda sleepily. She walked around to sit by the crackling fire with her sister.

"I'll be honest, I didn't think you would come. After all these years" Andromeda admitted, taking her seat.

"You sounded exhausted, and we've all lost enough family" Narcissa said plainly.

Teddy babled happily in the background

"Thank you, I couldn't let this kid down."

Harry exhaled weeks of stress as he left the testing hall. He was fairly sure he did well, most of the questions were things he remembered from training Although there was one question on the ethics of charmed food that completely stumped him.

He strolled casually away from the hall, he still had about an hour before he was supposed to meet Ron and Hermione for a celebratory drink. So he figured he may as well just relax in town. No use going home when he would only have to go out again.

Harry wandered into a trinket shop to kill time. There were all sorts of bits and bobs that tend end up cluttering most wizards shelves. A whole wall was dedicated to intricate looking necklaces and rings that Harry would not have noticed if not for the woman standing by the rack.

"Hey Daphne." Harry called.

"Oh, hi Harry" Daphne said without much enthusiasm.

"Are you okay?"

Daphne smiled, the kind of smile you gave a dumb puppy. As if it was naive to be concerned for her. "I'm fine, just been busy lately. This is actually a bit of retail therapy for me."

Daphne went back to comparing two silver necklaces. One a healix pattern of two interlocking snakes whose mouths met in the center and the other a thin chain holding a cage pendant with a little bird hanging on the inside.

"Actually, which do you like better." she asked.

"It's cliche but get the snakes." Harry decided.

"You know I think you're right." She agreed. Holding the sparkly silver snakes to her neck.

Harry realized he was actually pretty glad to see Daphne right after his exam. He had a great time after she helped him with his taxes and he just wanted to see more of her.

"Hey Daphne, I just took my Auror exam and a bunch of us are going out for a few drinks. Do you want to come?"

"I could be persuaded." Daphne said playfully.