Hi Everyone! LegionZ here explaining why I haven't posted the sequel, if it isn't that obvious right now! I recently got a message (review) from a guest asking where the sequel was so I decided I would make this short entry to let everyone who doesn't already know where I am and what I'm doing.

So for those who don't know, I am a college sophomore and a very busy one at that. My original plan was only to type up one story at a time and that hasn't changed. What has changed was my story plan. Some time ago (Maybe 2-3 Months?) I elected to have a vote from my fans asking to see what story you all wanted to see next. By an overwhelming majority, you all wanted to see me type up a new betrayal Pokémon fanfiction, and so, that is what I did, and that is what I am currently doing.

Questions I assume I'll be asked: Am I ever going to type the sequel? My answer: Yes. You will likely see the sequel, though because of this new story, nothing is set in stone as of yet.

When will it be? Answer: I have no idea.

How long will it be? Answer: I still have no idea.

Can you ask me more questions? Answer: As long as it's a direct PM or a review that is left with an account that I can respond to, Yes. If it's a guest review, no. I usually don't do this.

What is the story you are currently working on? Answer: The Chosen One's Wrath, a Pokémon betrayal fanfiction that just topped 100k words. If you have any more questions, please do, and if you are interested in a Pokémon betrayal fanfiction, go check out my other story that I'm working on. Thanks all.

To the guest who sent me this review, I hope I answered your question.