Been a while since I upload anything from this story, I want to apologize everyone waiting until I finally do another Universe but I want a break from writing just about Jaune and focus other stuff at the moment, Be sure to read my other stories and I'll hope you all enjoy this one

By the way, I was thinking about this for sometimes and Its time to finally said this so we can move on... I'm no longer taking request, I seen other writers has similar problems as well and I decided to do it to

I'm not sure I'm the right guy to say this, But it's not because we don't want to make your favorite stuff like Anime, Games, Misc, Or other stuff, We enjoy anime or other media and we make fanfic of and have fun with it, But with other anime or other stuff that we are not familiar with we don't want to do it and that's the reason why

If someone has a problem with that then sorry but that's the only answers I will give out, Until then see you all around.

I'm also a bit rusty because I kinda forgot that I even have this story so don't judge me okay?

A/N, Is there anyone in FanFiction likes Trump? Because I don't

Inspiration: Saints Row 4

*The Void*

Nothing is again and again searching more Universe to find for the watchers, Until another Universe appears behind him and he goes over and check what is it all about

"What is this?" He said looking the Universe in his hand, Then shrugs and teleport back to where he last saw the groups

He went back and found that they were still here in the Theater Room looking bored out of their mind, So without talking to them he just slide the Universe disk and take a seat between Jaune and Ruby

"So what Universe version of me is it this time?" Jaune ask Nothing but he just shrugs his shoulders as a "I don't know" look at him

"Finally I was getting sick and tired of waiting" Roman begins to smoke his cigar and Neo just eat her Ice Cream

"I gotta ask... Is it really take that long for a new Universe of Vomit Boy to come up?" Yang said to Nothing but again he just shrugs his shoulders

"The Universe is about to start" Blake said to everyone in the room and everyone went quiet and wait

*Universe Start*

The Screen turns on and shows a man or woman wearing a Black Power Armor seating in some kind of a Golden Winged Eagle Throne and was looking bored out of his or hers mind

"I can sell that Throne Chair for a nice price" Roman start having thoughts about selling that Throne for someone looking for a good chair

"But who is that though?" Emerald looking at the person sitting on the Golden Throne

"Must be that Jaune fellow, The only thing I must know is where is me in all other Universe" Cinder begins to wonder why isn't there many of her in Jaune's Universe

"It is a truth universally acknowledge, That every now and again a situation arises that defiles explanation" A voice said inside the Screen

"Who said that?" Ruby begins to wonder who is that women talking too

"Perhaps a Women talking to us about what's going on?" Sun said and wonders if that is the case

"Maybe, or Maybe not" Ironwood was interested in the Black Power Armor on the person he is looking at right now and took notes about it

"And so it was with the ascension of the Third Street Saints, When the Saints made their presence known to the world in 2006, They were decried for being pretenders to the Throne

"Third Street Saints?" Everyone in the room said

"Who the hell are these "Saints?" and why does that matter" Qrow was getting confused on the whole situation then drinks his flask

"The women talking said that these "Saints" are pretenders to the Throne, Perhaps like Protectors in Remnant sort of" Ozpin said then drinks his coffee while thinking about what's going to happened next

"The people were confused, Were the Saints sociopathic killing machines hell - bent on destruction? Or puckish rogues living a life of mirth and whimsy? The Saints needed clarity of purpose and the course was set... More fun, less mercy killing

"This simple choice revitalized the Saints, transforming them from a degenerate street gang into beloved pop culture icons, But even then the Saints were not satisfied, For it's one thing to be reverted as a hero, It is another to be a hero...

"And that my friends, is where our journey begins." The Voice said then the screen turns black again

"Wait... The Saints are a Street Gang?!" Weiss shouted, How dare that these Gang Members called themselves "Saints" What so Saint about them?!

"Calm down Ice Queen, I suppose that these Gang's are the good guy... I hope" Yang said to her partner only be greeted by cold stares coming from Weiss

"Street Gangs are nothing buy Thugs, The Thugs I got are from Juniors and they aren't really the type of doing their "Jobs" correctly" Roman staring at Junior who is seating three feet awhile from him not saying a single word

"It's not really Junior's fault that those Bodyguards he hired is useless" Melanie defending her boss to Roman

"True but his men sucks ass, Good thing I didn't even paid them" Roman was glad that he didn't paid Liens to Junior's Men

*Screen On*

The Screen is back on and everyone is looking at some kind of Quarry in the middle of a desert

"Who is in their mind, Would do a Quarry in the middle of nowhere?" Yang said looking at the Desert

"Maybe someone who has evil plans he need or something?" Ruby responded at her sister's question

"Yeah but who?" Jaune enter the conversation but still looking at the screen

Then a Black Helicopter was flying towards to where the Quarry and was flying into Dangerous territory, Then a mask person with a Black Combat Suit is driving the Helicopter was then seen by the watchers

"Boss, You sure this isn't a set up?" Neptune said to his Boss while wearing a similar suit that is Boss is wearing

"Neptune? So you finally showed up in the screen huh?" Sun said to his buddy

"Finally, I thought that Jaune is going to get all the intentions" Neptune was glad that he's finally in some Universe with Jaune

The Boss was speaking but no voice is coming threw Neptune's earpiece

"Didn't catch that Boss" Neptune said

Boss again tell Neptune about the mission if there is a Set up, But again no voice coming threw

"The Mic is dead? Are you fucking kidding me?" Blake said

"Blake?" Ghria was kinda shock on seeing his daughter in the screen

"Looking good there Blakey~" Yang looking up and down on other Blake's body and approve

"YANG?! Blake screams for Yang to stop looking at her other's body

Sun was getting some nasty thoughts about what he's going to do later...

"I'm sorry, I forgot to check the battery because I was busy coordinating... AN INTERNATIONAL ASSASSINATION!" Weiss said in the earpiece

"Look's like you're their hacker Weiss" Yang said to her and was wondering how her other is doing right now

"A Hacker? What kind of a Universe is this?" Weiss was confused as to why her other is a Hacker

"I wound't mind of having a Hacker in my side" Roman wish that he has a hacker so he can steal more quietly rather than be caught and fight kids sometimes

"Hey, can we go back to the part about this being a set up?" Neptune said in the earpiece

"It's not a set up, The intel is good" Weiss said

"You trust this lady?" Blake said

"Coco's is one of the good guys, Yastu knows her from the KGB days" Weiss said

"KGB? What kind of a name is that?" Qrow said then drink his flask

"Don't know but they seems to be important group" Ozpin wonders if these "KGB" is kinda like Atlas

"Oh~ so she's tight with the KGB, I feel a lot better" Neptune said

"Look, Sun and I worked with her too, She's fine" Weiss said

"Kinda weird a little, Sun and Weiss working together so does Blake and Neptune?" Ruby said while thinking about what happened if the partners is in reverse replacing Neptune with Sun

"Don't know Rubes, But kinda funny what I see it" Yang said to her then puts her hand in her right shoulder

"Oh yeah, I'm sure she's a great at pulling someone in a fucking body bag that doesn't mean that we should..." Neptune was cut off by Boss and he was pointing down the ground for him to see

We then see Coco Adel wearing a Green Jumpsuit and flashing her phone at the Chopper

"I don't like what my otherself is wearing, Where the hell is the expensive clothes at?" Coco doesn't even like her otherself is wearing so bad

"Clothes doesn't even

matter Coco, They are just clothes" Velvet said to her, She remembers that her and Coco goes shopping in Vale, Coco buy all the expensive clothes and make her dress in it of Coco's choosing and she can't say "No" to her no matter how much she tried

Then Neptune and Blake opens the Chopper door's and was ready to leap down into the ground with rope

"Showtime!" Blake said then use the rope on her waist and jump down, Followed by Neptune and Boss

"We're three minutes behind the schedule, We need to move" Coco then leads to group to the mission point

"You're a real people person, aren't you" Neptune said to her

"I'm sorry, is this a counter terrorist operation or a Saints Flow shoot?" Coco said to Neptune

"Wait... so Blake and Neptune is with the Saints?" Sun said kinda surprise that his body is a gang member

"But why is Blake with the group of gangsters in the first place" Ghria was kinda getting pissed that his only daughter is a Gang Member

"We should respect Blake's judgment's honey... Even if she did became a gangster it will be fine... If nothing happens to her anyway" Kail hope that her other daughter is safe even during mission

"Mom..." Blake still felt bad about leaving her home to join the White Fang while her parents was asking her to come home

"I'm Blake" She handed her right hand to Coco and she shake it

"Coco Adel, Follow me" She said then ask them to follow her

The Screen then shows them atop of the Quarry, Looks like they are there

"We're here" Coco said then the Boss move past her and into the Quarry

"Someone is in a hurry" Yang said while looking confused as to why the Boss just wanted to end the mission fast

"He just want the business over with, And I agree with him" Roman wants to finish the mission and head back to his warehouse and collected on how much Liens he stole from

"All Business... Interesting" Raven looking at the Boss with his SMG in his hand ready to use it

"I didn't expect them to be all business" Coco said to Blake

"We know what's at stake" Blake said to her then follow Boss

"Do You" Coco said to them

"Look lady, This Muthafucka knows what how to get shit done, Don'tchu worry about me" Neptune said to her

"Swear?!" Ruby then pulls out a "Swear" Jar and pointed at Neptune

"That wasn't me!" Neptune tries to defend himself... But give up because it was pointless

"Ruby doesn't like Swearing, She got that from Summer" Yang told everyone in the room and Summer was proud that her little Rose is following her examples

The Boss looks at his Binoculars and saw three men in a Truck driving to where the rest of the group is

"What's security looks like?" Blake ask Coco

"My tech guy bought us a 10 minute window, If we move fast we'll only need to worry about the guards on foot" Coco said, Then the Boss get's up and leave while Neptune is talking to Coco

"Man, Let the lady finish first dude?" Sun said to the Boss in the screen

"No time for chit chat, It's all business for him" Qrow was beginning to like this Boss guy

"Sometimes, Information is more valuables than just head right into enemy territory" Winter knows this because of her days in Atlas Academy

"How many of those are there?" Neptune said to Coco

"Don't know about the numbers inside, But there were about eight marching the perimeter... on my signal we... Oh hell" Coco finally noticed that the Boss of the Saints is gone and was running down the Quarry

The Terrorists was getting out of the Truck and was waiting for more of their members, Until one of them spot the Boss running towards them with his SMG in hands

The Boss then shoots bullets from the SMG and it kills the first guy, He then jumps over the Truck and kick the other Terrorist in the way, He then saw another Terrorist carrying a Knife and tries to stab him but miss near his crotch and Boss throws the Knife to the other Terrorist in a another truck and kills the Knife Terrorist with his Silenced SMG and kicks the Truck door where the other Terrorist is hiding and killed his buddy, He then heard another Truck coming and he pulls out a Dual Pistols and shoot them to the oncoming Truck, The Bullets hit the Driver and the passenger, Then the Boss jumps atop the Truck and grab the last Terrorist's neck and slam it into the ground

Everyone in the room got mixed reactions Glad, Fear, Happy, Disgusted, and Lust while looking at the scene in front of them

"I want him" Blake of all people spoke out loud and realize what she just said she blush

"Oh~ You want Mr. Badass huh Blake~" Yang tease her teammates and more blush coming from her partner

"Shut Up?!" Blake shouted at Yang, telling her to stop

"If he was in our Universe, He could train our other recruits to handle themselves" Ironwood was surprise on the outcome, While it is reckless to head into battle without a plan this person seems to like doing his own way

"He could teach the younger and new members of the Tribe with those skills" Raven already seen different Jaune's and how OP they seems, But This Arc has only skills and those skills can be use against other dangerous threat in her Tribe

"So much for subtlety" Coco sigh about what just happened

"Don't worry about it honey, Subtlety's is not really our thing!" Blake said and Coco just shook her head and runs to the location

"Come on, This way!" She said and everyone follows her

A drainage was in front of them and Neptune opens it up, Coco went first, Then Boss, Then came Neptune and Blake

"Base, are you there? What are we walking into?" Coco said

"The Intelligence I'm looking into at suggests-" Matt Miller was cut off by Coco because of a Truck is coming

(This is the only Saints Row Character in this story, I like Matt Miller because of his video game world and stuff and a good hacker too)

"Hold on... Hide, truck on its way" Coco said then the group went to find a place to hide

"Wait a minute, Your handler is- Was that Matt Miller?" Weiss was shock to even hearing Matt's voice again

"It looks like Ice Queen has some beef with this Matt guy?" Yang didn't know why Weiss other is even angry about Matt

"Don't know myself" Weiss was confused as they were but again this is another Universe

"Weiss, be nice, But seriously what the hell?" Blake said

"Matt Miller is a brilliant hacker, a venerated agent of M16 and a key member of our operation" Coco said

"And the fact that he tried to kill us...?" Neptune still remembers that Matt tries to kill him and Boss

"What's past is past, We are all working together now, Let's focus on the job" Coco said

"As I was saying-" Matt was again got cut off

"Hold that thought Matt, Guards ahead" Coco said then sneak run to where the guards is

"Hold Position, Let's take 'em out quietly" Coco grabs one of the Terrorist and snap his neck, While Jaune took the other one and use his Knife to stab the Terrorist over and over again

"Okay, that was kinda scary a little for Boss sneak kills like that?" Ruby said

"The weak dies, While the Strong lives" Raven use her words again that most people already knew about

"Matt, you were saying?" Coco said

"The Nuke is stashed deep in the compound, It's likely primed and ready to go" Matt said to them

"Getting booted from Alas sent James Ironwood off the deep end, But teaming up with terrorists? Seriously?" Weiss said

"Wait what was that?" Ironwood said and demands to know what just happened

"Your otherself is working with the Terrorist Jimmy, I wonder why" Qrow just smirk at him, Ironwood looks in deep shock on his face

Winter was thinking on how her General got this low to join Terrorist

Coco opens a Big Door, Then the Terrorist got their Guns out and shoots them

"Attention, please, Attention, please" Ironwood said in the intercom

"Quiet, let's listen" Coco shush them while shooting at the Terrorists

"Well hello, Saints glad that you could make it" He said to them

"Oum I hate this asshole" Blake was getting irritated by hearing Ironwood's voice

"Don't take it personal..." Coco calms her down

"Why would we?" Neptune said

"I should have killed you in Steelport" Ironwood said

"Or maybe take it personal..." Coco changed her mind about Ironwood

"You ruined Steelport, Ruined Remnant" Ironwood said

"Ughm Monologuing.." Coco was started to getting annoyed by the intercom

"Our leaders failed Remnant by letting you live, Time to destroy Atlas and start over, Nothing can stop me now, Especially you!" Ironwood said

"Looks like Jimmy has finally lost it" Qrow likes to see James even more shock about his otherself plan

"He's going to destroyed Atlas... What has happened to you General?!" Winter shouted at her General making him wake up from his Shock

"I would never in my million years would do such a thing?!" Ironwood was mad about his suppose "Otherself" for trying to destroying Atlas because the Saints

"I hope you won't James" Ozpin said still looking at him then slip his coffee carefully

"Ironwood has seriously lost it" Neptune said

They killed incomes Terrorist they see and heard some explosions in the other side of the room

"Matt, Weiss, what's going on?" Coco said to them

"Shit, Our side's bombing the compound!" Weiss said

"Wait a minute, We're still in here!" Neptune said

The Boss tries to move up forward, But a Bomb got into his face and push him back to where to others is

"Where to now?" Blake said to Coco

"Don't sweat, I got this" Neptune then punch and kicks away the Terrorist coming to check their bodies

"This way people" Neptune said and everyone followed him

"It's weird to see that Neptune is taking the lead for once" Sun said to everyone in the room

"He usually doesn't do that?" Ruby said to Sun

"No I did, Sometimes he just wants to flirt with other females rather than being a leader" Sun said to her

They finally find Ironwood and Boss is running after him, and find him going down a stairs so Boss jumps over the railing to grab him, His Guns drop and Boss tries to get it but was kick by Ironwood

"A showdown" Qrow manage to say then took a long drink from his flask

"A student V.S A General... a weird match I'll say" Cinder said

"Didn't matter to me, If I was in their I would have already killed him" Mercury said to her

Ironwood tries to get away, But Boss cut his legs and slam his head into the ground in three times until Ironwood elbow Boss's face and get's up with a Knife in hand

"C'mere you hoodlum!" Ironwood said tries to slash Boss but dodging, Until he punched him and stab him in the gut

"That's got to hurt" Yang then put her hands in her tummy to where the knife landed

"If it's sharp then it hurt even more, Which is really dangerous?!" Weiss shouted and can't believed that the General of Atlas is trying to kill the Boss

"I'm ending you Saints! Once and for all!" Ironwood said but Boss then combo punch him and judo throw him

"You're not leaving here!" Ironwood said then Boss then jumps over to where his gun is and shoot Ironwood into the Lava, Before dying Ironwood hits the detonator and the Bombs is launched

"Crap! He really did it" Qrow watch in disgust by other Jimmy really launched the damn Missiles

"General?" Winter couldn't believe on what she is seeing, General Ironwood's otherself just launch the Missiles

Then Boss get's up and took his mask off and reviles to be Jaune with fire in his eyes

"JAUNE?!" The Student's said they didn't expect that Jaune is the leader of the Saints

"Your the leader of the Saints?!" Weiss shouted at him and Jaune tries to defend himself

"That's not me!" He said to her

Then Other Jaune begins to run towards the Rockets and get's on it into Space

"He's going to space?!" Ruby always wanted to head into Space!

"Space looks... Pretty?" Yang looking at Space for the first time

"Same" Everyone in the room agreed with her

(I Don't want to miss a Thing) by Aerosmith (Fucking love this song and it's stuck in my head)

"Damn it! He launched the Nuke! The Missile is targeting Atlas!" Weiss shouted in shock

"What are you doing?!" Matt is shouting why is Boss is going after the Missiles

"Don't you get it? The Boss is sacrificing himself to save us all, This is our last final chance to say goodbye..." Weiss said

"Sacrifice..." Ozpin knows this too well and it didn't end well

"Jaune?" His friends said and almost crying to his other for sacrificing himself to protect Atlas

"Man, That's really deep dude" Sun puts his hand into Jaune's right shoulder

Rockets took off with Jaune outside of it, He then climbs up to and destroying the wires and when he finally reach the finally one he ripped it open and took the wires out and jumps off before it explodes

"Boss! Your right in th-" Weiss was cut off by explosions behind Jaune, Then Jaune turns to the camera like he knows that they are watching him and gives them Thumbs Up and desends down

Then the Screen went Black

"D-did he just gives us thumbs up?" Yang manage to say

"How was that possible?! He could't have known to even see us?" Weiss didn't understand as how did he other Arc knew about them watching him

"Don't know but creepy too" Neptune was going to get some shivers about that

The Screen came back and Jaune crash down into a chair and put both of his foot in the desk and relax

*Universe End*

"D-did he just crash down into the Council room?" Ironwood said

"It looks to seems that Mr. Arc is the Leader of the Room and has gained control Remnant" Ozpin was also in shock but hide it very well

'WHAT?!" Everyone in the room said

"Arc is President?!" Weiss thought that this is a nightmare and she needs to wake up

"Must be perfect for him having control in Remnant and its funds" Coco would have fun with those money

"Well, I'm going to find more Universe to find later everyone" Nothing walk past them and teleport to the Universe room

Hey guys sorry for the long wait, As I mention I'm a bit rusty so I hope nothing is a problem again I'm no longer taking request so don't ask and That's all I can say and I'll see you all later.

A/N, Check out my other stories!