Hola viewers! I know that it's been a while since I updated and I apologize.

Been really busy working on all the various online projects that I have going on and normal everyday life which has made me a bit distracted when it comes to updating the story.

I will now only be updating once, possibly twice a week from now on but once again, I always appreciate the reviews so keep them coming to let me know how I'm doing.

Dollar Diva

Chapter 6

Walking along the glass corridor in the basement, Shaleene snooped around trying to find anything that would be of any use to her.

After, coming to the end of the corridor she looked around in amazement at how everything had seemed to stay intact from the explosion, but only things that had been within the basement.

Running her hand along the glass wall beside her, Kaitlyn observed the white writing across it, noticing she needed some type of transalation to understood what it meant.

To her surprise, after removing her hand, the glass slid open allowing entrance to another area of the basement.

"Well at least something works in this hell hole." She mumbled to herself as she continued to observe the atmosphere around her.

Feeling a strong force push into the back of her, Shaleene found herself falling to ground, face first.

Startled by what she figured was her own clumsiness, Shaleene was about to gain her balance once more until something glowed from the across the room.

Making her way over to the glowing object, it appeared to be a pair of glasses exactly like the pair that Kaitlyn had been wearing on her face when Shaleene had entered the house.

Curiousity urged her to put them on, which she did and before she could fully figure out what was happening, she felt a powerful force hit her from behind causing her to black out.


Finally removing the pair of glasses from her face, Kaitlyn kept them on hand as her and Randy began to make their way downstairs into the basement.

"So this is interesting, everything is fully intact after an explosion that blew the glass clear off the entire foundation upstairs." Kaitlyn added.

"Look at this writing along the walls, wonder what it means?" Randy questioned focusing his camcorder along the glass walls around them to capture every unknown word for later transalation.

"Well, if the rumors serve as being correct, they're some form of containment spells."

Suddenly feeling himself starting to tremble, Randy frowned.

"I don't want to hear anymore rumors, I'm already spooked enough just being in this place."

Not urging the subject any further, Kaitlyn continued to walk down the corridor with Randy trailing a few steps behind, documenting every little thing on his camcorder along the way.

"Look at that." Kaitlyn pointed out a small red puddle on the floor to the side of the glass.

"I don't want to." Randy added eyeing the puddle as Kaitlyn kneeled down beside it.

"It's blood, and it looks awfully fresh."

"Stop, you're making me feel queasy." Randy commented as Kaitlyn stood up and nodded.

"Sorry, I wonder why it's here?"

"No, it's okay. My nerves are just on edge, being down here just makes me uncomfortable. Something just doesn't feel right about this place."

Changing the subject Kaitlyn continued to walk along the corridor.

"So, Shaleene should be somewhere around here, probably thinking of ways to try and spook us into leaving, hence the whole fresh blood thing we found."

Making their way to end of the corridor, Kaitlyn turned to her right.

"Well, looks like Shaleene left this open for us."

Looking around the area they were standing in seemed to be completely empty.

"Oh Shaleene, where on earth could she be?" Kaitlyn taunted moving around just to hear no response.

"I'm just waiting for her to jump out from the darkness and boo at us or something, if anyone would stoop so low, it would be her."

Randy sighed, "Let's just hope she's all the boo's at us."

Laughing lightly, Kaitlyn stepped ahead just to find herself slide and meet the floor with a loud thud.

"Shit!" She exclaimed as she began to pick herself up from the floor.

Looking down at her hands and pants, she continued to mumble various curse words.

"More of that fake blood shit, I just slipped in it!"

Trying to contain his laughter Randy held his breath, he didn't want to get Kaitlyn anymore steamed up than she already was due to Shaleene showing up and then the sudden practical jokes that seemed to be as if she were playing with them.

He could imagine Shaleene hiding somewhere nearby just laughing victoriously at what she was seeming to have achieved from her own childish antics.

Picking up another pair of glasses that looked identical to the one's Kaitlyn had found in the rubble upstairs, Kaitlyn turned to Randy.

"Here, you get the old broken pair and I'll take these."

Laughing Randy caught the broken pair of glasses with his only free hand.

"Oh wow, now we can both look like a couple of clowns."

Correcting him sarcastically, Kaitlyn mused,

"You mean nerds, Randy. Clowns are the things with the giant red noses and floppy feet."

As both of them slipped the glasses on their faces they continued to look at eachother amusingly.

"You know, I can only imagine how incredibly idiotic I look right now."

Nodding Kaitlyn agreed with Randy.

"You do look incredibly idiotic but that's okay."

Stopping in the center of the room, Randy laid his backpack on the ground and began opening it.

"I'm just going to set some stuff up down here to track any extra movement and so on."

"Oh, come on. Are you that set on finding a ghost in here?"

Shaking his head Randy added seriously, "I'm just being on the safe side, trust me if there were ghosts in here, I'd already be in the car on my way back home whether you left with me or not."

Laughing Kaitlyn shook her head as she watched Randy take out random peices of technology and set it up along the cold concrete floor around them.

"Well, if you're going to set up in here than I guess we can take a small break before we start rummaging around again."

Seating herself on the floor Kaitlyn continued to eye Randy.

She found herself growing more attached to him with every new moment they spent together and here they were now, alone and working together without any talk of their past or feelings they once seemed to share for eachother.

Kaitlyn began to wonder if Randy even thought of her when she wasn't near him, could he remember the little details of their past like the ones that had replayed inside of her mind at the least every other minute of every day.

Sighing to herself she hadn't realized Randy was now finished setting up and was now seated on the floor next to her.