Disclaimer: I don't own or will ever own Marvel or Harry Potter; they are the property of their respected franchises and the brilliant minds that came up with them (and those that bought some of the rights ie Warner Brothers, Fox, Disney, etc).

AN: Okay, so as we all know this is fanfiction which means I am playing in other people's sandboxes. Fanfiction as its definition means anything written is noncanon period since we (fanfic authors) tweak things to suit our needs. So I am not going to mark my work as AU or AR. That being said, I will use anything I fancy from alternative sources of the same franchise be it cartoons, comics/manga, movies, or books, that fit my story as well as anything my brain comes up with obviously.

Stating that, I have moved the HP verse up almost twenty years to suit my needs. I am also not from Europe nor am I from New York or California so please excuse mistakes that I make and I don't mind those of you that are from those places to correct me.

BACKSTORY (or what will hopefully be a prequel titled Chaos Theory that will contain this)

Most everyone knows the story of Harry Potter and what happened once Petunia and Lily learned that Lily had magic and she would be the only one to attend magic school. Petunia crushed that she wouldn't be able to go either had written to Dumbledore only to be told that she wouldn't be allowed since she didn't have magic. That along with the years of Lily being in school bringing home magical things and doing actions which just drove the wedge in deeper that they were vastly different. Petunia began to hate magic (which really hadn't helped that Severus had made a branch fall on her before Lily even went off to school). While Lily was getting a magical education, Petunia was getting a normal one. Once Petunia had graduated she had gotten a secretarial job at Grunnings where she met her future husband Vernon Dursley.

It was in 1994 that Vernon proposed to Petunia who had said yes, it was also the same year that Lily was finishing her last year in Hogwarts and had agreed to date James Potter. The following year James proposed to Lily. The first divergence from canon which starts a chain reaction is that she asks to think about it and to take it a bit slower, James reluctantly agrees but pushes in his own way to try and get her to agree.

In an effort to try mend their strained relationship the four have dinner which did not go well. To try and make up for James (who humiliated Vernon), Lily takes Petunia on holiday and they slowly begin to patch things up. While on holiday Lily meets Tony Stark repeatedly so they have a fling which turns into actual dating. When Petunia marries Vernon to become his wife, Lily brought Tony along for her date and behaves himself as well as he could. James and Sirius come to try and persuade Lily to marry James, in the process they and Tony fight which infuriates Lily who says she's through with both of them. She stays with Petunia until she and Tony reconciled.

There's a huge misunderstanding and some underhandedness that happens where both Lily and Tony think the other cheated on them. Lily and Petunia are both pregnant. James once again asks Lily to marry him even swearing to adopt her child. Shortly after "their" son is born they go into hiding as do the Longbottoms due to the prophecy made and told to the two families.