AN: I don't own either HP or Star Wars. JK Rowling and Disney own them respectively.

Hari Potter landed on a large, grassy field, her knees buckling in exhaustion and her magic roiling against her control. The elder wand hummed within her pocket and warmed up, making her splutter and throw it out of her coat. She stared at it as it sent out sparks that she had never seen before before stopping a minute later, tucking it back into her pocket and wondering what it meant. Her hair had gotten out of its tie, making it fall willy nilly about her back and shoulders. She grimaced and flicked her fingers, feeling her hair move about her neck and braid itself back together.

She sat up on the grassy hill that she had landed on and looked around, taking in the surroundings. It was a beautiful day, filled with rolling hills and a bright, shining sun and no clouds in sight. She could see a city far off in the distance so she figured she hadn't just landed in the middle of nowhere.

But she couldn't feel any magic or anything else. No one had been with her when she had fallen into the veil or had gotten pulled in. She glared down at the elder wand and patted the pocket where her holly wand was in comfort. Hari sighed and stood up, brushing off her jeans and shirt. She made sure her trunk was still with her, the trunk that she had bought just a week or two after the battle of Hogwarts. It was miniaturized right now and in another of her pockets.

It held all of her worldly possessions in it, including the full copied library of Grimmauld Place and Hogwarts, all of her clothes, all of her wealth from Gringotts, a spare pensieve, a full potions kit and a cauldron, and a greenhouse full of potions ingredients. It also held her broom and goggles, which she pulled out and mounted. She hoped that this was a world of tolerant people, perhaps with technology that mirrored her original world and flew up into the air.

As she flew, she looked around at the landscape around her. There were various homes that looked kind of like farms and at least one lake that was beautiful. It was rather quiet but as she grew closer towards the city, sounds increased and the hustle and bustle of the city calmed her almost. The enforced quiet of being on the run in the last year had gotten to her and being back at Hogwarts and London post war had been nice.

She pulled her broom to a stop as ships came into her view. Ships that could fly. Ships that presumably had engines and the like. They looked slim and gorgeous and she totally wanted to fly one of them. There were all different kinds, ranging from what looked like a ship with only room for one person to transport ships. She watched as some of them took off into the atmosphere and disappeared from her sight.

She smiled widely, glancing down at her broom and then back to the ships. Her heart beat fast at the thought of flying a ship, enough that she rather thought she looked like a crazy woman. Hari grinned and kept flying, keeping an eye on any encroaching ships and entered the city, flying above the rooftops of beautiful buildings and homes.

It was a different kind of architecture to this city, one that combined with the natural earth and the tech that surrounded it. She flew onward, stopping at what looked like a palace and the waterfalls that surrounded it. She stared down at the waterfalls, her eyes widening at the sight and didn't see the two… fighter jets surround her.

"Stop flying and return to the ground! This is a restricted flying zone!"

Hari turned around and eyed the two ships and shrugged. She didn't exactly know where she was or who these people were or whether or not they would make good on the unspoken or else so she circled in for a landing. The two… starfighters followed her and landed with her in the courtyard of what did look like a palace.

Men came out of the building, men dressed in military uniforms, and flanked her. She landed on the ground and dismounted from her broomstick, keeping it in her right hand. The man in the lead looked like a captain, wearing a cap and a vest, with what looked like a gun holster at his waist.

"Who are you?"

"I… Hari. Who are you and what is this place called?"

"Hari. This is the Theed Palace on Naboo and I am Captain Panaka of the Security Forces. What do you mean by those questions? Are you not a citizen of Naboo?"

Hari's eyes widened at the words, realizing that she was definitely not on Earth anymore. The ships had started to clue her in and now… She had never heard of Naboo or Theed or ships that could take off into the sky and fly into the atmosphere.

"I'm not," Hari finally replied. "Naboo? Is that the planet?"

The man raised an eyebrow and looked her over. "Naboo is the name of the planet we are living on and its' Queen would like to see you, Lady Hari. Follow me please."


"She requested to meet the person flying in on your… piece of wood. Queen Neeyutnee is the current monarch of Naboo and would like to understand your place in the war."

"War? Is there a civil war on this planet?" Hari questioned, starting to follow the dark skinned man as he led her into the palace in front of them. She stared at the palace as they ventured into it, eying the various pieces of art, the… She yelped as a small, black rolling… thing passed them by and quickly dodged out of its way.

The captain blinked at her, his lips twitching up into a small frown. "No. There is no civil war on Naboo. The war is happening in our galaxy right now."

Hari blinked at his words. "Galaxy? There are… other planets around here?"

Panaka stared at her and then nodded. "Come. The Queen will explain, if you like. How were you flying then? You were not using a ship."

"I… I'm a witch."

The guy did a double-take, looking at her like she was crazy for a minute and then frowning again. "You must be a Jedi then."


They turned down another hallway and went up a set of stairs and Panaka led her through a door on the left. To the right were a set of windows that looked out over the waterfalls that were at the back of the palace and her heart did a flip in its chest at the sight. If Theed was the name of this city, it was beautiful.

"What's a Jedi?" Hari repeated as Captain Panaka urged her forward into a much bigger room. This room looked like a council room, five small seats in a semicircle surrounding a bigger, throne like seat. The throne held a young woman in it, someone who looked older than Hari but not by much.

There was another guard in the room and one woman flanking the Queen. The woman who flanked the queen had a cloak over her head, hiding her head, and robes that hid her body. Perhaps a Handmaiden or lady in waiting of a sort.

"Am I supposed to bow?" Hari questioned belatedly, glancing to where Queen Neeyutnee was. Captain Panaka had walked around to stand behind the queen, his hands falling to the belt at his waist.

Queen Neeyutnee beckoned her forward, her eyes studying Hari just as much as Hari was studying everything around her. "You do not have to bow. What is your name and where are you from?"

"I am Hari Potter. I… I come from England and I'm starting to think I just traveled through dimensions. I haven't a clue how I got here."

"You certainly made a lot of fuss," Queen Neeyutnee remarked. "Are you a Jedi?"

"I don't know what a Jedi is but I'm pretty sure I'm not one."

Hari watched as the Queen nodded.

"Captain, see to it that she gets whatever she needs. She is not a danger to us or to Naboo."

"Your Grace."

"Hari, you do not have a home in Theed, correct?" Panaka questioned, as they stood in his office. They had moved from the palace to a building that cornered it, a smaller but no less opulent one. It rather looked like a barracks did and Hari could see a hangar in the building on the other side of this one, one that starfighters kept on flying into and out of.

"No, I do not. And I don't know what to do. I just came here after a battle and…" Hari sighed, crossing her arms in defeat. "I'm sure your Queen is a nice one and that the war is difficult-"

"You've fought in a war before?"

"Yeah? Why?"

"If you do not have a job or anything to do, I have a job offer for you. Become a handmaiden to Naboo's senator," Panaka explained, turning to pick up a piece of metal that looked like a tablet. He scrolled through something on the tiny, hand held computer and then turned it to show her.

A young woman, in her early 20's, turned towards the camera, her light brown eyes grim. Her brown hair was curly and lightly bound. Hari watched as she spoke in front of an audience of maybe 50 or more people, in a huge domed chamber and then looked up at Panaka. The woman was very well spoken, speaking to a crowd and keeping their attention.

"What else can you do, other than fly without a ship?" Panaka asked, turning the tablet back towards him.

"Heal. Fight. I can protect people. I can do much more than that but I do want to keep some of my privacy."

"Senator Amidala was Naboo's Queen during the Trade Federation invasion and she is beloved by all. She also needs someone at her back," Panaka continued. "She's had multiple assassination attempts and will probably have more."

"I… Sure. I'll just need… training? I don't know who is who or who you're fighting against."

"You'll get it. All of Queen and now Senator Amidala's handmaidens received self-defense training and some received more. Are you in?"

Hari pondered Captain Panaka's words and turned to look out at the sole window in the office. She didn't even know if she could get back to England, didn't know if she wanted to go back if she could. She knew that if she had stayed in England, if this hadn't happened, she would have been bombarded by paparazzi. She would be their Girl-Who-Lived forever and she… didn't want that.

The wizarding world had made her fight for them without even bothering to ask if she was okay. Sirius had died and so had Remus and so had a lot of other people. She wanted a vacation, something to distract her from not knowing what she wanted to do with her life now. Naboo was beautiful enough and she certainly had the skills to protect other people, given Hermione's talking about her 'people saving thing'.

"Yes, I'm in. Thanks."

AN: Come find me on Facebook, at 'Molmcmahon'[my author name on AO3].

Also, a question for you guys - I'm wavering between doing Anakin/Padme/Obi-Wan or Anakin/Padme and Obi-Wan/Satine. Do you have an opinion or preference?