I really didn't expect so many reviews! 20 is the biggest number of reviews I ever had in a chapter, so thank you guys so much! All of them warmed up my heart, especially CajunBear73 with one of the most beautiful and poetic reviews I've ever received.

And just out of curiosity, Hopeful Puffin is the name of Hiccup's ship in the books, so I put that EasterEgg on the fic, lol. How many of you got that?

So, I couldn't resist and I had to see and write my two favorite boys reuniting once more in this short story.

I'm not following any religion to do this, you can see it as a mix of all of them and that us humans only see parts of it and interpret it differently or not really related to any religion at all. Anyway, don't take this part seriously, read this just if you, like me, want to see them happy together forever… It's supposed to be cute, silly and heart-warming, I hope you'll all enjoy it! :D

Last Reunion

Toothless was angry and scared. He didn't know how he got there, but he remembered being week and he wasn't able to fly for so long he's forgotten what it felt like being on the air, so it was weird that this place felt like a giant cloud embracing him. And how could he walk on the cloud? That didn't make any sense…

From the distance, a human shape appeared. He couldn't see well because there was a strong light behind the human. Toothless growled getting ready to attack; his pupils were slits, focusing on the target ahead. Suddenly, it was like his youthful strength was coming back to him.

The human didn't seem scared; he kept walking closer slowly. There was a familiar clicking sound when he walked; it came from his left leg, which was made of wood and metal. The man was tall and old, but as he came closer,

Toothless saw that something impossible was happening: the man was aging down each step he took. As he came closer, his hair became less gray and more auburn. His beard slowly faded to reveal a young man's face that was somewhat familiar. The man's bright green eyes gleamed and he had a smile on his face. He kept getting younger, and younger, until he stopped right in front of him, looking like a boy.

"Hey, Bud. I missed you."

The Night Fury growled at him, but the boy wasn't scared at all.

"Oh, Toothless, come on. You remember me, don't you? I know it's been a long while, though… I've been waiting for you for a few hundreds of years, you know… After all, dragons live way longer than humans do. I've been looking after you since we last saw each other. I've been looking after my family too, but now they're all here."

He slowly extended his right hand as he looked away. Yes, it'd been hundreds of years since the dragon saw that boy, but he could never forget his best friend. Toothless touched his snout on Hiccup's hand, and then jumped on him, wiggling his tail from side to side and nudging the boy to the floor. Happy coos came from his throat.

Hiccup laughed as he was covered in Night Fury slobber. Toothless stopped licking to look at his best friend; the boy embraced the black-scaled neck.

"Yeah, Bud. I missed you, too. But now we can live in peace here." Toothless growled softly and tilted his head. "Where is this place? Valhalla. Well, more or less, humans have many names for it." He shrugged. "It doesn't really matter what it's called. What matters is that we can be free together here. Let's go?"

Hiccup pointed at the bright spot behind him with his thumb. Toothless grumbled softly and nudged him. Both dragon and boy started walking towards the light side by side.

Yeah, I know it was short, but I wanted to see them reunited and happy again forever. I hope you all liked it and that it had warmed your hearts as much as it had mine.

FUN FACT: Today, March 26th is the anniversary of HTTYD, since its first release was on that day in 2010! So I needed to celebrate my favorite movie by posting something, hehehe

Please don't forget to review! :D