A/N Hello people! Just to let you know: This story is a sequel to my first story Percy Jackson: Mission Marvel. If you like the look of this story, go check my other one out, if you want. Short summary: Percy Jackson and the rest of the seven including Nico join the Avengers and fight Ultron. Now they're gonna be in this one.

As you can probably guess, this follows the events of Captain America: Civil War. It won't be super long because the demigods won't really be involved in the Bucky/Winter Soldier/HYDRA stuff. Sorry for that.

I've had a TON of people on my other story review me and tell me their ideas for who will be on whose side. Apologies, I have already decided and if what I decide disappoints you, sorry about that, but it's just what makes the most sense to me. Please please review I'm begging you they are amazing! I will put a shout out at the end of each chapter to every person who reviewed, but not on this one, because obviously people can't review before stories come out.

Anyway this is a long author's note so sorry about that. On to the story!

Percy P.O.V.

The intercom in Percy's room buzzed. "Hey, kid." Percy groaned. Tony already knew that Percy was anything but a kid, but insisted on calling him that anyway.

"What do you want, Metal-Head." Not Percy's best, but in his defense, he was on short notice. "We're meeting in the dining room. Get over here."

Percy sighed and dragged himself out of bed. Waiting for him were the rest of the team. "Late again, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth smirked. "Frank, Hazel, and Nico have already gotten here."

Frank and Hazel were visiting from Camp Jupiter for the summer, or at least until whatever crisis that just came up was over. "What's up?" Percy asked, sliding in a chair next to Annabeth's.

Steve leaned forward in his chair. "We've received news that HYDRA is going to attack a small town called Lagos in Nigeria. We need to be there before they get whatever they're looking for."

Tony pulled up a picture of the town. "Not much there. Just your classic Nigerian town. Hard to see what HYDRA would want there."

Natasha shrugged. "Regardless, we need to get a team. This is too small a job for everyone. I'm thinking Steve, Wanda, Sam, Percy, Hazel, and I. There are not too many people in that case." Tony brushed some nonexistent lint off his shirt.

"Fine with me. Annie and I have a thing tomorrow." Annabeth started to rise from her chair. "If you call me Annie one more time-"

"Hey, it's easier to say!" Tony defended.

"Would you like me to call you Anthony?" Annabeth threatened. Tony blinked. "Yeah, okay. Fair point."

Leo rolled his eyes. "Come on guys. We need to act professional!"

"Says the guy who just made a boomerang out of tin foil." Piper replied. Steve slapped a hand on the table.

"Okay guys, we're leaving in half an hour. Get what you need. The rest of you stay here." Tony rose from his chair.

"Yes, well, Beth and I have somewhere to be." Annabeth drew her knife. "So help me, Stark-"

"All right, all right!"

Percy chuckled and retreated to his room. He pulled on his suit and steel sword/pen. Half an hour later, he kissed Annabeth goodbye and boarded the jet.

. . .

Percy put on a hat and sunglasses and sat down in a café chair in Lagos, Nigeria. He pretended to be sipping some coffee, but actually he was scanning the area, looking for anything that might be suspicious. Hazel sat to his left, also in a hat and sunglasses. They were supposed to be two teenagers going shopping together.

Percy thought the disguises were unnecessary since he and Hazel didn't look like them when they were fighting anyway, but Natasha had insisted.

Steve talked in their earbuds. "All right. What do you see?" It was Wanda who answered.

"Standard beat cops. Small station. Quiet street. It's a good target." This was supposedly supposed to be a training mission for Wanda, since she was new.

"There's an ATM on the south corner, which means…" Steve said, waiting for someone to answer him.

"Cameras." Wanda replied. Percy resisted the urge to put his face in his hands. Cameras made everything worse. "Both cross streets are one way." Steve said.

"So, compromised escape routes."

"Means our guy doesn't care about being seen, and he isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out. You see that Range Rover halfway up the block?"

"Yeah, the red one? It's cute."

Natasha interceded into their conversation. "It's also bulletproof, which means private security, which means more guns, which means more headaches for someone, probably us."

"You guys know I can move stuff with my mind, right?" Wanda said, a smile tugging at her mouth.

Natasha didn't smile. "Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature." Percy rolled his eyes.

"Has anybody ever told you you're a little paranoid?" Hazel snorted into her cheeseburger. Natasha glanced back. "Not to my face. Why? Did you hear something?"

Steve called them to attention. "Eyes on target, folks. This is the best lead on Rumlow we've had in six months. I don't want to lose him."

"If he sees us coming that won't be a problem." Sam said. "He kind of hates us." Percy glanced across the street and saw a garbage truck pushing its way through traffic without any kind of notice to pedestrians and otherwise.

"Sam, you see that garbage truck? Scan it." Sam nodded and something that looked like a metal mini airplane soared out of his jet back and latched itself to the bottom of the garbage truck.

"That trucks loaded for mass weight, and the driver's armed."

"It's a battering ram." Natasha realized. Steve glanced behind him. "Go now."

"What?" Wanda asked.

"That truck's not hitting the police."

Percy and Hazel looked at each other, blinked, and suddenly they were wearing their suits. Instantly, people started glancing around and murmuring. "Oh my goodness is that the Tsunami? That looks like Platinum!"

"So much for subtlety." Natasha said sarcastically, and she leapt over the railing towards the hospital that said, INSTITUTE FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES.

The truck was now thundering towards the Institute. Hazel raised her hands and the asphalt rose up in an attempt to stop it bursting through. They were too late. At the last moment, the driver jumped out of the car and it slammed into the concrete entrance.

Hazel cursed and darted towards the entrance. Two new trucks drove into the newly made entrance to the Institute.

Soldiers in black armor emerged from the trucks and started shooting at the team. Hazel dodged and drew her steel spatha. She emerged in a fierce battle with one of the men. Steve spoke into the earbuds. "Body armor, AR15s. I make eight hostiles."

The ground rumbled under Hazel and she drew out a huge steel bar. She lifted it up and hit the guy that she was battling with on the head. "I make seven." She said, slightly out of breath.

Sam emerged from the rooftop, flew down, and took out two soldiers. "I make five." Wanda used her telekinesis to lift one soldier up into the air. "Sam," She said.

Sam caught the soldier and slammed him on the ground. "Four. Rumlow's on the third floor." Steve ran towards Wanda. "Wanda, just like we practiced."

"What about the gas?"

"Get it out. Hey Percy, how long can you hold your breath?"

Percy frowned. "Uh, depends. Why?" Steve nodded at Wanda and she lifted them both up and into the Institute.

Percy held his breath, ripped off a soldier's gas mask and shoved it on his face. He saw Steve doing the same.

He saw the gas slowly receding and knew that Wanda was doing her job. Percy jumped behind a pillar to evade gunfire and, peeking over, threw his sword at one of the guys. He heard a grunt of pain and, with a smirk of satisfaction, knew he had done his job.

Steve threw his shield and it bounced off the walls, hitting a bunch of the soldiers. Wanda drew all the gas out and threw it into the atmosphere. Steve and Percy charged into a room that had its door blasted off.

"Rumlow has a biological weapon." Steve said.

"I'm on it." Natasha replied.

Percy ran out to the balcony, Steve on his heels. Rumlow aimed a grenade launcher and a bomb shot through the air. Percy reflexively hit it back with his sword. It bounced of it, landed near a shop, and exploded. He heard screams in the air.

Steve looked at him in horror. Percy felt his face turn white with shock. They didn't have time to ponder on what had happened, however, because Rumlow fired three more times.

Steve's shield protected both of them, but they got thrown back, out the window, and on to a garbage truck. Percy got to his feet, wincing. He would have a ton of bruises and be super sore in the morning, but nothing serious had happened.

Steve put his hand to his ear. "Sam. He's in a AFV heading north." Sam flew across the sky and landed on a rooftop.

"I got four. They're splitting up."

Percy jumped off the balcony and absorbed the impact in a roll. "Hazel. Where're you at?" Her voice sounded in his earbud. "I'm across the street, taking care of the people who got hit by the grenade launcher."

Percy felt a surge of guilt but ran across the block to join her. There weren't any dead, but some were seriously injured. "Anybody got a phone?" Percy yelled. One scared looking teenager handed him one. He dialed nine-one-one and told them where the emergency was.

"They ditched their gear." Steve said in their earbuds. "It's a shell game now. One of them has the payload."

Percy glanced at Hazel. "Hazel, I'll take care of everything here. Go and help Nat." Natasha was standing near two soldiers, one holding a gun and the other holding the vial.

Hazel looked at him. "But-"

"I made this mess. I need to clean it up. Go!" She gave him an apologetic look and ran through the crowd to Natasha.


Hazel rushed through the crowd, pushing people out of the way and ignoring their blinking smartphones that were taking video of her and Percy's massive failures. She ran to Natasha and skidded to a stop. Reflexively, the two goons who were pointing guns at her pointed them at Hazel instead.

She put her hands up and tried to look innocent. Too late, the guys remembered who the larger threat was but Natasha had already taken them down. She plucked the vial out of the hand of one of the soldiers.

"Payload secure. Thanks, Hazel." Hazel shrugged. "All in a day's work." Natasha gave her a dry smile and then turned towards Steve who was now fighting with Rumlow.

"Let's go make sure Steve doesn't, die, shall we?" The two girls darted into the crowd.


Neither of them seemed to have the upper hand, at least until Rumlow got annoyed.

"Come on!" He yelled, and pinned Steve to the side of a building. A knife extended from one of his gloves. "This is for dropping a building on my face." He hissed.

Steve grabbed Rumlow's arm and pulled the glove off, only to see another knife come out of another glove.

Steve glared at him, kicked him in the gut, and knocked off his helmet. A grotesquely scarred face peered up at him. Rumlow grinned, which made him look even more gruesome. "I think I look pretty good, all things considered."

Steve pinned Rumlow on the ground. "Who's your buyer?" He demanded. Rumlow smirked. "You know, he knew you. Your pal, your buddy, your Bucky." Steve felt his face turning white. He froze, and suddenly he felt like the scrawny kid in the nineteen forties again.

"What did you say?"

Rumlow seemed to know that his words had affected Steve.

"He remembered you. I was there. He got all weepy about it. Till they put his brain back in a blender. He wanted you to know something. He said, 'Please tell Rogers, when you gotta go, you gotta go.' And you're coming with me."

Steve realized the trap too late. A bomb activated near him. Steve would have been dead in seconds if it weren't for Wanda's interference.

She used her powers to keep the blast around Rumlow's body whose mouth opened in a silent scream of agony. She lifted him into the air so that she didn't lose control, and the explosion detonated, slamming Rumlow against a nearby building.

Steve watched in shock as flames blossomed around floors in the building. Wanda put her hand over her mouth in horror, realizing what she had done.

Natasha, Hazel and Percy also ran to his side, staring at the building.

Steve put a hand to his earbud. "Sam… we need Fire and Rescue… on the south side of the building. We gotta get up there."

Percy put his hand on Wanda's shoulder as she wiped small tears from her eyes.

A/N Aaaaand that's chapter one! Hoped you all liked that! And no, I'm not making a ship out of Percy and Wanda. Sister/brother love guys. I promise you I will NEVER break up Percabeth.

I won't really be updating at regular times, so just keep an eye on this story and please review! I'll leave a shout-out to you on the second chapter.