Chapter 6

"Alright. That's it. I am coming in. I hope you're decent," Esposito said, started counting to three and then he carefully opened the door, entering the bathroom.

"Castle," Esposito exclaimed, astonished to see Castle there. "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing," Castle answered, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly .

"And what's that, what you're both holding?" he asked, looking at the remote in their hands.

They were still holding the remote so Kate quickly hid it behind her back in order to hide it and give it to Castle but they both let go of it at the same time and the remote fell on the floor.

"It's nothing," Beckett explained and quickly moved, trying to hide it. "Girl's stuff... You don't wanna know about it."

"I got it, I got it" Castle exclaimed, chasing the remote on the floor, trying to catch it and hide it from Esposito at the same time. The second he took it, his hands started shaking a little and the remote quickly slipped out of his clumsy hands and Castle dropped it in the toilet.

"Oops," he exclaimed involuntary, trying to catch it in the air but he totally failed. The remote was already down the toilet.

"Okay, thank you for your help but you can leave now," Beckett asked Esposito and he went out, leaving them alone without further questions. Then Castle quickly followed him.

"Not you," Beckett grabbed him by the collar to stop him. "Castle, I am gonna kill you."

"Kate, it just slipped out of my hands. I am sorry."

"You should be grateful that it wasn't turned on because otherwise I would have killed you by now, Castle."

"It's not my fault, Kate. But I am really, really sorry."

"It's not your fault? What!? Are you saying that this is my fault? Because as I recall, you were the one who gave the panties to me and insisted on putting them on while we were at work. How come that's not your fault?"

"I am sorry. If I had known this would happen, I could have prepared better than that."

"Is that what you call not drawing any attention, Castle? Esposito just caught us in the bathroom. Together. Do you know what he would think?"

"That there weren't any other bathrooms available," he tried to guess, smiling at his own joke. But Beckett looked pretty serious. She wasn't in a mood for his jokes. But at least she was kind of glad that he dropped the remote because that meant one thing - no more games and embarrassing moments for her.

The next morning

"I have a gift for you," Castle declared to Kate, once again excited. "I got you a new pair of vibrating underwear," he said, giving it to her.

"And let me guess, you want me to wear them right now?" Beckett said matter-of-factly.

"Yeah," he nodded excitedly. "This time I promise that I won't use the remote," he promised her, getting closer to her. "Unless you want me to," he added playfully and smiled.

"I think I am just gonna spare you some time and agree to put them on," she said, taking the box with her without further explanation.

As usual, Castle didn't keep his word. Beckett saw how he secretly took the remote out of his pocket and turned it on while she was doing paperwork right next to him at the precinct. And then Kate smiled mischievously. Poor Castle was looking confused and surprised, still trying to turn the vibrating panties on, scrutinizing her face for any reaction. She got up and went near his chair.

"Don't hold your breath, Castle," she whispered in his ear. "It's not gonna work."

"What?" Castle played it clueless, pretending he didn't know what she was talking about.

"Ha! You're so gullible, Castle. Did you think that I am wearing them now? I am not falling for that again."

"Bu-but you promised you will put them on, Kate" he said, pouting.

"Yeah. And you promised that you won't use the remote, Castle."

Castle pouted, disappointed. Solving a crime can be boring, too.