This is only a non profit fan based story. Spyro the dragon is created by insomniac games, and is currently owned by activision, and toys for bob. Please support the official releases.

Chapter 1: The world of the Dragons.

In the Artisan's world, in the Dragon cave, was where there was a couple of little Dragonlets that took a seat on some steps. Initially they talked among each other, smiling, telling jokes, and stories about today and other stuff, etc.

Then they were silent when an elder Dragon was now present at the front of the classroom.

"Now pay attention class, for i have a story to tell all of you." An old elder Dragon with dark pink colors, holding a walking crook with a golden hook shape on the top, and wearing a hat and necklace, by the name of Astor, said as he began his lecture about the Dragon worlds.

"There are five worlds in this realm of the Dragons, the ones of which harbored their own secrets, cultures, powers of magic or breaths, and even their own special type of Dragons that lurks in their landscapes."

"The first one that we're in right now, is the Artisan homeworlds. Where the Dragons like me, have a culture of art, and crafting beautiful works. Whether it be statues, architecture for castles and temples, or paintings that hang on the walls. Not to mention, designing birthday cakes. We may not have much in physical strength, and we have only some talent in casting spells compared to the Magic Crafters Dragons, but we make up for it in grace, flexibility, spirit, and more heart than any other dragon in the other Dragon realms."

"The second world, is the Peacemakers world. Where unlike us, there are plenty of Dragons there that are quite strong in physical strength, and fires that they breathe. Basically showing themselves as soldiers and generals of any army in the Dragon realms. With their culture showing them as strict, hard and hot headed yet also having some even heads with them, sharp and short tongues, and good old fashioned brute strength. Proving to all that they are not the type to be trifled with."

"The third world, is the Magic Crafters world. Where the Dragons there are basically the opposite of the peacemakers. They are the more calmer and quiet of the bunch. Being the more magically strong and even headed Dragons of the Dragon realms, casting spells with ease, as well as having more variety in the element of breath they breathe, like ice or lightning breath. While they're also entranced by the magical wonders of the world around them, and content to dream the days and the nights away in their little secluded mountain top paradise. Though that place did seem quite cold, last time i visited there. I often wondered how they kept warm there. But i digress."

"The fourth world, is the Beast Makers world. Where the Dragons there, are… to put it politely, known for being pretty much less civilised, compared to the rest of us. Sure they are kind and affable to be around, but they also feel rough around the edges. While also hanging out in that swamp of theirs. Which, and don't tell them this, they might go berserk, basically quite gross and dark for my tastes. But they are the salt of the Dragon realms, and even their swamp has their share of beauties. So i shouldn't complain."

"The fifth world, is the Dream Weavers world. Where… well what could i say about them? They are basically bizarre as their imaginations run wild there, and they have the character of humor, and mirth, and their dream weaving magic surely do leave a mark on the world of theirs. Plus it is quite a beautiful place to visit for vacations. Just don't go to Dark passage." Astor lectured.

"But little do the younger Dragons know, yet we older ones have been believing is true, is that there is a sixth world out there. One that we don't travel to, since it is fraught with dangers." Astor said while suddenly having a haunting vibe to him.

Which the little Dragonlets that listened intently to his lecture ended up shivering in fear at his more haunting vibe. All except for the three certain little Dragons that instead, pawed a little boredly at the ground, and for the fourth one who was distracted. All simply lacking in fear of astor's vibe.

The first one, was purple scaled with fiery orange horns on his head, matching with his wings, and his tip of his tail that was shaped like a sharp spiral cone, while having a yellowish orange underbelly. He also had purple eye colors in his eyes that seemed pretty cocky and unphased by the atmosphere. His orange spines began at the top of his head between his horns, and to the back of his head, like a mohawk design. His name was Spyro.

The second one, was like him in design, only he was red scaled, and a little younger, with yellow horns matching with his wings and his spine, and having a paler yellow underbelly. With his tip of his tail having a sharp arrowhead design. While also having spines on his head that also looked like a mohawk design. His name is Flame.

The third one is a Dragoness, which happens to have black scales, and a ruby red underbelly that matches with her wings, and two white shackel like bracelets on her forelegs, and one on her tail, and her tail's tip being a sharp blade like a curved dagger, which had a matching pair on her wings's thumbs. She also had three horns in a row on each side making a bigger horn on her head, the smallest horns being on her cheeks. And there was a symbol on her forehead that could be described as a pie shape, that has two quarter pies separated from the half pie. Her name is Cynder.

The fourth and last one is also a Dragoness, this one being pink in color of her scales, while having a yellowish white underbelly, and looking more cute. Her horns were more curled, her magenta spines trailing down her back to her tail tip, being a heart shape, or a spade. And her wings were also pink. She wore a golden necklace that held a ruby also in a shape of a heart, and having a gold bracelet on her left foreleg, holding a ruby also in a shape of a heart. Her name is Ember. And she was staring at Spyro, not really paying attention to the lecture.

All 4 of them turned up to the lecture, and three of them had a similar thought, being "So boring." While the fourth one simply thought "So cute."

One of the Dragonlets then asked, "What is that sixth w-world like? Is it as pretty like this world? Is it as dark as the beast makers?"

"Nobody knows." Astor said dragging the O sound out on the last part. "For there isn't a Dragon there for miles, that would tell us. Because of the dangers there."

"And why is that?" A female Dragonlet asked astor.

"Well… you see, a long time ago, there was a Gnorc named Gnasty Gnorc. Who used to live with us Dragons alongside his er… Gnorcs. Who now lives there in the junkyard."

"What's a Gnorc?" Another female Dragonlet asked.

"What's a Gnorc you say? Well… let's see, what's a Gnorc, ah! They are green skinned creatures who happen to be quite barbaric, even by Beast Maker's standards. Also rumour has it, that they had a short temper of a certain creature of myth that are called gnomes, and the chaotic barbarism of another creature of myth known as orcs. Which could be why they're called that, since they're mixed together, but i digress again." Astor said.

"Was he a bad guy? If so, then is that why he's in the junkyard?" A male Dragonlet asked.

"Oh he is, undeniably. Now Gnasty Gnorc was not a pleasant character by any stretch. He used to live in the beast makers world, but he then moved to the Dream Weavers world later on when he grew tired of digging around in Terrace Village. But the Dream Weavers resented his presence and his antics of drooling on their treasures, using magic for some no-good misdeeds, and even his horrid table manners." Astor said feeling grossed out at the last part before continuing.

"Not to mention his magical casting caused a disturbance in the balance of their dream magic. Which eventually was when enough is enough, so the dragon leaders of each world ended up uniting and drove him out of the realms and into the unknown of the sixth world. Which is where the junkyard is. And where Gnasty Gnorc lives to this day." Astor said.

"There was a junkyard there?" Another Dragonlet, this time a male asked.

"Of course little one. Where else do we put our garbage? The incinerators?" Astor jested. "Anyways, it was said that after he was exiled there, he ended up taking his Gnorcs, and had them build a home with him, which is a fortress that they live in, and guard to this day."

Then he ended up acting more paranoid, casting a more haunting atmosphere. Speaking in a dramatic whisper. "Where while there, it is said that he's planning on taking over the Dragon realm as we speak. And he may be right here… RIGHT NOW!"

Then had a fake dummy that looked like Gnasty Gnorc himself dropping down to the floor, only to remain elevated above it due to the ropes. Nevertheless, all the little Dragonlets ended up screaming like girls and galloped out of the room. Except for the three little Dragons who remained stoic, while the fourth one was startled out of her staring by the stampede.

"W-whoa! What's happening?!" She thought. Then she saw the dummy of Gnasty suspended by ropes. "Oh. That's what." She thought with quiet giggle. Knowing that the dummy of Gnasty was fake.

"HOHOHOHOHO! I do love a good little scare. For it's quite fun, and does my heart some good sometimes." Astor said. Then he focused on the little Dragons that remained in the room with him. "Though of course, as typical of four of you, you all are quite hard to scare." He said deadpan, though proud of their bravery as it made them pretty heroic looking.

"And why not? I'm not scared of any Gnorc that i might face." Spyro said while standing up on four of his legs. (Since young Dragons his age are quadrupedal. At least until they grow to adulthood.) "Bring him on. He won't stand a chance against us!" He boasted.

"You said it bro. With us at your side, not even he can stop us. Right guys?" Flame said to his friends Ember and Cynder who nodded in agreement.

Flame had a brotherly sort of friendship with Spyro all the way from his birth, to this day. Becoming fast friends with him as well as Ember and Cynder, who was also with him after his birth when they visited his world.

Though they aren't actually brothers, since Spyro's parents are unknown, and Delbin was Flame's father. But every Dragon agreed that his parents have either become deceased, or are still out there somewhere. And Spyro was simply an egg that a bunch of thieves attempted to take from the Dragon temple, but all of them got scared off by the Dragons that ambushed them, saving his egg from them.

Afterwards, Spyro hatched and was born with his notable purple scales, then he was raised in the Artisans world. Raised together with his friends, like his figurative brother Flame, who was also Artisan born, Ember, who hailed from the Dream Weavers that visited her friends, and Cynder, who was from the Magic crafters who also visited her friends. While they all were friends, Ember though felt herself as more than that towards Spyro.

"Right Flame, even if Gnasty is up to no good, he'll never win when we face him together." Cynder said in response.

"Easy on the ego there little ones, Gnasty may be pretty stupid, but he might exploit your arrogance if given the opportunity." Astor said.

"He's got a point you know." A new voice said coming into the lecture room. He then shown himself as a green scaled Dragon with a cape trailing over his left shoulder and ending on the upper back, who also wore an artist long sleeved shirt that seemed renaissance, and a satchel on his hip. He seemed well built and strong looking for an Artisan Dragon, whose name is Nestor.

"Oh hello friend. Nice to see you come by." Astor said while herding Spyro and his friends to Nestor.

"Likewise old friend. Though i can tell that you're up to your usual tricks." Nestor said disappointed at astor's scaring tricks. "But nevertheless Spyro, you know that there is a downside to boasting about yourself."

"But i wasn't boasting. I'm legit not afraid in the slightest of those Gnorcs. Or any other foe i might face in the future. Unlike those other Dragonlets. Not counting you bro, or my two other friends." Spyro said causing Nestor to lecture Astor about risks of any trauma that the Dragonlets might face, that Spyro along with his three friends would miss. While Spyro and his three Dragon friends walked out of the cave into the open Artisan lands.

While that was going on, Sparx the Dragonfly who was born alongside Spyro, in his own egg, ended up flying near him. Alongside the other Dragonflies that flew near Cynder, Ember, and Flame.

Their names were Spryte, Starr, and Sira. Spryte belonged to Cynder, Sira to Flame, and Starr to Ember. Spryte was a bright teal blue, Starr was a lemon yellow female Dragonfly with a small flower on her head, while looking slightly different from the golden yellow of Sparx, being at least a darker shade, and Sira was a neon cerise pink. Ever since Spyro and Sparx have bonded well from childhood, the other Dragons who watched over Cynder, Ember, and Flame, decided to adopt some orphaned Dragonflies to bond with all three of them, hoping that they'd have the similar effect.

So far, they have succeeded.

Then Sparx buzzed to Spyro in a Dragonfly language that only Spyro and his friends can understand. Since the other Dragonflies speaks the same language.

"It isn't my fault that I'm this awesome Dragon. I'm just that good, that's all." He said to sparx, much to the amusement of Flame and Cynder. And the admiration of Ember. "Besides Sparx, you're the Dragonfly of the best Dragon of the Artisans world. Thought you'd be more excited."

"It'd possibly more exciting, if there was stuff to do for somebody of your class." Cynder said.

That had Spyro being quiet after he had to think about it some more. Making him realize that she had a point there. Considering that during the time of peace, it would make it quite hard to prove yourself, not to mention going to the war-torn peacekeeper worlds and finding no jobs for a hero to do there. (Which he often did with his three friends, much to their guardian's as well as Nestor's horror and dismay. But they always return safe and sound much to their relief.) "Fair play." Spyro sighed.

"Don't worry though. Should a time come where Gnasty is on the loose, it'll be the time to prove yourself." Ember said, putting her paw on his shoulder, keeping Spyro from feeling down.

"She's right. You'll play your part someday." Cynder said too, putting her paw on his back.

"Especially if it's with us at your side." Flame said smiling at him. Also putting his paw on his back.

Which had Spyro smiling back at them too. Feeling happy and not minding that his friends would be along for the ride too. "Thank you guys." He said.

"WAIT SPYRO!" Nestor called speed walking out of the cave. Thudding footsteps sounding behind him.

Causing Spyro and his friends to turn to him. "What is it pops?" Spyro asked.

"You weren't scared in there, were you Spyro? As well as your friends?" Nestor asked.

Spyro ended up looking at him like he told a joke. "*Pptptpt* Like I said in there, of course not. No Gnorc scares me. So bring them on if they're up to no good. Cause I am the hero they'll be dreading to meet. Especially Gnasty, once I give him a little butt roasting." He boasted. Once again amusing Cynder, and much to Flame and Ember's delight.

Nestor rolled his eyes while smiling at him. "I guess I should've known about you with Gnorcs."

"Well you're my dad. So you should know me quite well, ya know?" Spyro responded.

Ever since Spyro's birth, Nestor volunteered to become Spyro's guardian and father figure, alongside his friends like the gruff red Artisan Dragon named Delbin, as well as the other more soft spoken lute playing yellow Dragon named Tomas, till the Dragons are able to search for Spyro's parents, and find out who they were. Though so far, no success was made to finding their whereabouts, and they weren't able to find out if they're Artisan, Peacemaker, Dream weaver, etc. And to this day, they were believed to be dead. Though some Dragons still look for them, not willing to give up.

Though judging by Spyro's attitude, it was commonly believed that Spyro's mom could've been Peacemaker, and Spyro's dad could've been Artisan, or vice versa, but it wasn't really confirmed.

Which is why Nestor and his friends raised Spyro to this day, and found him to be a cocky, rambunctious child, as well as a pain in the tail on occasions, but has a heart of gold. And he does listen well to Nestor and his friends when being talked to.

Not only that, but Spyro is quite athletic as well due to his size. Being able to pull off his strafes, his jumps, and even rolling around with the greatest of ease. He was also pretty strong enough to break through some walls if they had cracks. Though his three friends were able to keep up with him, all of them agreed that he is strong for a young Artisan. Reinforcing the belief that his mom or dad is a Peacemaker Dragon.

All in all, he did enjoy being Spyro's guardian, regardless of the hardships. So if you are to ask him if he'd be a guardian to another Dragonlet, he'd say yes without hesitation.

Nestor couldn't help but smile back at Spyro. "I'm aware Spyro, I'm just hoping that this Gnorc business wouldn't be happening too soon. Especially while you're still maturing." He said. Giving Spyro and his friends some playful pawing, as well some hugging.

"Okay okay pops, I get it. No hunting for Gnorcs until I'm more older." Spyro said in between his laughter.

Nestor smiled more. "That's my son." He said, putting Spyro and his friends down.

"B-besides Mr. Nestor, it's not like Gnasty is on the prowl as we speak, right?" Ember said.

"Yeah, I'm sure that Gnasty is still not powerful enough to take us on. Right?" Flame said. With Cynder agreeing with him.

"Of course not. I have plenty of doubts that Gnasty is unable to strike back at us as we speak. Otherwise you four would stop him." Nestor said relieved.

But Nestor still didn't hesitate to give some discipline to Spyro, just to stop him from getting arrogant.

"Though by the way Spyro, now that Astor is done failing to frighten you, i feel that you should resume your training." Nestor said. causing Spyro to deflate. While unfurling his wings with a frustrated sigh. Though he did enjoy gliding lessons, and was getting better at gliding, he still felt pretty sore about the fact the he was unable to fly as well as the older Dragons. Which had him disappointed in himself for being unable to do so.

Which had him also wondering why and how he couldn't fly. Though in Nestor's eyes as he reluctantly believes, it could involve Spyro's small size. Which since Spyro was in the middle of growing up, it could be the major reason why. Either way, Spyro wished he could fly sooner or later.

Though he did feel relieved that he's not alone, since he had his three other friends that had similar issues with flying. Which all of them also felt annoyed about too, but the relatable trait among other stuff, was what also held their friendship together. With each of them promising each other that whoever flies first, becomes leader of the quartet.

Besides, as Spyro learned through his long hours of charging through anything that gets in his way, (Unless its strong walls, and titanium boxes, that is.), as well as setting sheep on fire, It's that practice makes perfect. And he knows he'll fly before too long.

After that, with determination, he decided to go with Nestor to his training area while followed by his friends.


In a fortress in the aforementioned lost world, there lived the aforementioned Gnorcs. But most of all, there was the head Gnorc that is the biggest Gnorc of all. The aforementioned Gnasty Gnorc, who was sitting down watching a news broadcast from the Dragons. Eating a chicken leg, surrounded by some motivational posters, and has a pile of love letters to his right, behind him.

"Cursed beasts. I hate those fire breathing lizards. Banishing me to this place." He said to the tv, still being angry about being exiled here, regardless of the well intentioned reasons why they did it.

On the tv, there was the same old Dragon Astor that was being interviewed. "Oh! It's been peaceful here in the five worlds or is it six, …for the dragons age. We now have twelve thousand treasure… or is it fourteen thousand?"

That left Gnasty smirking at the screen. "It was actually more than that, but I fixed that after I left for the Dreamweaver's world." He thought.

"What about this G-nasty G-norc character?" The Dragon asked, causing Gnasty to frown.

"Silent G sounds. Is it too much to ask for?" He thought.

"Now i understand that he has found a magic spell to turn gems into warriors for his cause."

Gnasty smirked again at the mention of that. "It's good that they now know that the magic crafters aren't the only ones that know how to cast spells." He said to himself, remembering that he was able to find such a spell as a result of his desperation to lead, and his obsession with the Magic Crafters, and Dream Weavers Dragon treasures, just shortly after he was banished. Now with the wave of his macelike scepter that he forged with some gems, from the fires made from the forges of the Gnorc Gnexus, he was able to transform any of the Dragon treasures in his sight into loyal and mindless Gnorcs. "Quite a handy spell to have around." He thought again. Then he got another chicken leg put in his hand by a Gnorc minion for eating, after he finished his last one.

Then a different blue Dragon wearing goggles, wearing a belt with clocks hanging on it, and a scarf that also has clocks on it, as well as a pouch, named Lindar, got into frame brushing away Astor. "I'll take that question. Now Gnasty Gnorc is a simple creature…"

"Simple?!" He angrily asked before he could take another bite.

"He's been contained in a remote world, and is of no threat to the Dragon kingdom…"

"No threat!?" He angrily said, as he stood up, then threw his chicken leg aside.

"And besides, he is ugly."

"U-UGLY?" He said at first dejected and shocked at what Lindar said, alerting some other Gnorc minions who saw Gnasty's shocked and dejected form looking at the tv with his shoulders slumped down, and hearing him starting to sniffle like he's stopping himself from weeping, before they quaked at the calm lagoon of rage that then flowed through his body, his arms being limp, yet had twitches on his hands like he was clenching his hands a few times, as well as the breathing patterns, and the quaking of his body that they all knew was surely building up to the impending flaming rage that was coming next. "THAT DOES IT!" He then yelled out enraged.

Getting up and grabbing his helmet to put on, then his macelike scepter, he then shot a dozen bolts of energy into the sky with the intent of hitting all of the Dragons in the Dragon kingdoms. "I'll show you all who is really no threat here!" He yelled while casting the spells.

*Back with Spyro and friends*

In the area of the Artisan Home world, Spyro and Flame was in the middle of jumping on the flat stones in the pond. While Nestor, Cynder, and Ember were spectating.

After they trained Spyro's gliding in Stone Hill, they then went back to the homeworld of the Artisans where Nestor had both Flame and Spyro jumping on the stones in a pond, to train them for balancing their jumping, and their acrobatics, and with the promise that something will happen if they land on every stone in the pond.

It wasn't really easy for Spyro and Flame, since both of them weren't really flexible in jumping then turning in the air to a different stone instead of the one in front of them. Not only that, but they also collide with each other in the air at least once, causing them to tumble into the water.

They didn't argue in the slightest though as they both know that it's merely an accident. That, and they were more concerned with getting out of the water, since they couldn't swim well. Which is where they also relate with each other, as all four of them couldn't swim. Which wasn't a big deal to them initially, since they thought all Dragons couldn't swim, but a trip to a beach in Stone Hill convinced them otherwise. Nevertheless, the mid air collision was pretty funny to their friends.

"Alright okay, laugh it up guys!" Spyro said annoyed while getting out of the pond, Flame in tow. Once they were both out, they then shook themselves like wet dogs trying to make the water fly off their scales.

"Hehehe, sorry Spyro, it's just comedic gold to see somebody just slam into each other in the air like cartoon pancakes." Cynder said, while Ember did agree with her on that one. Though no comedy accident shall take away from the coolness that is Spyro the Dragon… in her eyes at least.

"By the way pops, what is gonna happen when we touch all of the flat stones in this pond, anyway?" He asked after finishing getting the water off his scales. With Flame not far behind in doing that too.

"Ummm… I shouldn't say right now Spyro. It's a surprise for you. Which shall show itself once all of the stones are touched." Nestor said trying to hide the surprise from Spyro.

Though Spyro was annoyed that Nestor is not telling him, he didn't try to push hard enough for answers, as he knew that it's not too long to see the surprise once he touches the stones. But he wanted a hint at the very least. "But does that surprise involve flying at least?" He asked.

That had Nestor caught off guard as he should've expected that question from the get go. Which had him wondering if he could lie his way out of that one, or to just say yes to that. Which on one hand, by the time Spyro finds out otherwise, he and his friends would be angry at him, and would refuse to speak to him. Or worse, refuse to listen to him when he tries to warn them of the legit threats that he believes would kill them.

On the other hand, he could find out about the flight realm that comes as a challenge to his people, sort of like an obstacle course that they partake in to test their skills in flight. Not to mention the reward of gems that goes to the most skilled Dragon that executes all of the objectives within the time limit. Which he knew is not an easy task for Spyro no matter how skilled he is at gliding, yet he would be too stubborn to listen to Nestor when he tells him to stop before he overexerts himself.

Suddenly a gruff voice sounded behind Nestor. "Old friend! Nice to meet you again!" Which he knew belonged to his friend, Delbin the red Dragon.

"Saved by the bell." Nestor thought as he turned around.

Delbin is a gruff but friendly red Dragon. Having red scales with a more white underbelly, and having a physique similar to him, only pretty bigger, while having an attire that is similar to Nestor's renaissance shirt. He also had a painter's apron and was holding a canvas that held a painting. He may be a burly strong Dragon with a gruff deep voice to boot compared to Nestor, but compared to Gavin, he's nothing to write home about.

"Delbin! Nice to meet you again! How's your painting pilgrimage?" He asked. While Spyro and Flame got curious as well, forgetting about the hint they wanted answered.

"Oh it's doing swell. I was able to get a view of town square as well as the sunset. Which inspired me to create a work of art." He said while showing his drawing, as well as his small splash of color to Nestor.

Long story short, it was a drawing of a large castle town, with a purple sky sunset over it, where the splash of purple color is. While having a so far blank rainbow over the town. It was a work of art.

"Woah uncle Delbin, it looks great!" Spyro said amazed. He may act like more of a Peacekeeper Dragon, but Artisan work was still beautiful enough to grab even Spyro's attention. Which is the reason why every Dragon does admire the work of the Artisans. They are known as the Artisans for a reason, as every Dragon seems to agree on.

"It's a work in progress." Delbin said while smiling. "I just know that this is gonna be my best work."

"Good for you Delbin. I just know that too." Nestor said "Now Spyro, mind if you continue the training on those stones? I promise that the surprise is just behind-" He tried to say.

When suddenly, Delbin ended up getting hit with a spell that suddenly rained from the sky. Much to the surprise of the Dragons as they wondered where the bolts came from. But that was the least of Spyro and his friends worries. As they then saw Delbin turning green in color while glowing, then he suddenly started to crystallise all over his body.

Soon in a span of only a few seconds, or in real time only a nanosecond, Delbin suddenly was frozen in a glowing green crystal that is shaped like a Dragon. Much to the shock of Spyro and his friends.

But then immediately after, Nestor also got struck by the same spell and ended up getting frozen solid in crystal too, while he had his hand out to Spyro hoping to protect him from the bolts. In fact, every Dragon in Spyro's surroundings was getting struck by the similar bolts of magic and also got frozen in crystal.

Excluding himself, Ember, Flame, and Cynder of course.

Soon Spyro and his friends stared in horror as the Dragons ended up getting frozen around them. Which is a huge shame for Spyro as he was hoping that the bolts wouldn't hit him too, as well as his friends.

Luckily for them though, the bolts didn't hit them since they were too small to hit. Which little did Gnasty know, is gonna bite him in his butt someday.

Right now though, they were reeling from the unexpected thing that happened to them. As due to the unexpected nature of the crystallization of Dragons, it resulted in Spyro and his friends getting stunned out of shock. Once the minute of shock was out of their system, they ended up getting scared. "Dad?" Spyro said, afraid that he has lost his father to the crystallizing curse that he got hit with.

"Nestor?" Flame, Ember, and Cynder also said in horror at what happened.

Sparx then said another sentence in his language. "I know that Sparx! I just had a moment, so lay off!" Spyro said trying to have his stubborn attitude overtake his fright.

Then to make matters worse, the crystal figures of the Dragons started to wobble left and right while letting out a sound of crystals jingling. Like Nestor and Delbin was aware of their trapped state, but is unable to do anything about it. Which had Spyro more frightened at the sight of it.

"Dad! Can you hear me!?" Spyro asked scared of what happened to his father and Delbin. Then he ended up touching the crystalized Nestor, and then suddenly a rumble was seen on the crystals and next thing Spyro knew, the crystal Dragon shattered like glass and out came Nestor. Who was unharmed and alive, if only a bit tired.

"Dad!" Spyro yelled out while running to Nestor's side, and hugged him the way a young Dragon does for the older one.

"I'm alright Spyro. Just a little tired. But what about Delbin?" He asked concerned for Delbin.

Right off the bat, Cynder ended up going up to him and put her paw on the crystal. Then the similar thing happened with the crystal, and soon Delbin was also free. With Flame rushing to his side to hug him too.

"Uncle Delbin! Are you alright?" Spyro asked.

"Fine, fine. I'm alright Spyro. I'll be fine." He said smiling down on Spyro.

Then he got serious. "However, I fear that this power that was casted on us, feels familiar. Like we know of some creatures that casted this before."

"Yes. I fear the same thing. This is a crystallization spell that so few of us knows how to cast. And I know that no dragon from the Magic Crafters would be willing to cast it on eachother. Let alone all of us." Nestor said also fearing what could be possible.

"Then who would cast that spell?" Delbin asked as both he and Nestor wondered who could be the culprit. While Spyro and his friends also wondered who could be the one, but had a feeling who it is.

And if it's true, then Spyro was excited to stop whom that casted the spell.

It was a few minutes when Nestor and Delbin ended up having a similar thought that set off an alarm in their heads. "No! It couldn't…" Delbin said in shock.

"But I'm afraid it's true. And I hoped that it's not too soon for Spyro to face. Now I fear that he couldn't be ready. At least right now."

"But I am ready! Ready for what?" Spyro asked though he had a feeling what they are about to say.

Nestor basically sighed once he realized what Spyro is gonna do, once Gnasty strikes. Which had him scared of what Spyro and his friends might face that Gnasty could dish out against them.

But it seems like Nestor has no choice. Spyro and his friends might just be the one to do it. They just have to try to beat Gnasty. "I'm afraid that this is Gnasty's work. And it means… that he has struck." He said hesitantly, knowing what's happening next.

"Gnasty did this!? Finally! Sounds like a party for us! Where's he now!? We'll torch him!" He said, hearing the confirmed news that got him excited.

Not only him, but the others ended up having other reactions to the news. Cynder was at first nervous, but she ended up agreeing with Spyro when he said that he'll torch Gnasty. Getting excited herself at the possibility of taking Gnasty out. If only to impress Spyro, and show him that she is more than just a gothic Dragoness. As well as proving to Spyro that she'll make a great friend and charging buddy. And… perhaps something more.

Flame also was initially nervous, but more so than Cynder was, as he secretly wasn't ready to take on Gnasty Gnorc yet. Not only that, but Gnasty was like a scary fairy tale monster to him, being told stories about him from other Dragons, which scared him when he was little. Now that he's more bigger than last time, he was also excited that Spyro and their friends are gonna be the ones to take out Gnasty as he is now gonna be out for revenge against him. Especially since as he grew up with Spyro, he got more braver of Gnasty due to Spyro's influence.

Ember on the other paw, was almost as excited for adventure as Spyro is. She too waited for the day that Gnasty was gonna strike against them. If only for the chance to prove herself to Spyro as his potential girlfriend to him. And if she plays her cards right, a potential mate for him once they both grow up. Though she did have a soft spot for Flame, and a small part of her brain did end up hoping that Flame would impress her to where he would become her boyfriend instead. But it seems like a small chance for him in her eyes. She could be wrong though.

"Before you four get ahead of yourselves, I'm afraid I mean it when I said that none of you are ready to face him." Nestor said somberly.

"But pops, like i said, I am ready to face him! Me, Flame, Ember, and Cynder, alongside our Dragonflies were waiting and dreaming for this day! And I know that we can take on that Gnorc no problem once we fight together!" Spyro said.

"Yeah Nestor, we were prepared to face off against him once he strikes." Flame said in agreement to Spyro. Which had Ember and Cynder nodding, agreeing with Flame.

"Let me finish please!" Nestor called out causing Spyro and his friends to quiet down. "I said that none of you are ready. But I know that all of you could be, once all of you work together and free all of the Dragons in this realm."

"You mean, we're freeing Dragons first?" Flame asked as he realized what they also should do, before or once they fight Gnasty.

"Way ahead of you pops! We're saving the Dragons in this world, then we're facing Gnasty together. Right guys?" He said, with his friends nodding in agreement.

Nestor and Delbin smiled at them. "Thank you Spyro. I knew that you all had a warm heart inside." Nestor said.

"Okay! First, all of you are saving the Dragons of this realm, then we'll have the balloonist send you to peacekeepers world. But only after you all save the Artisan Dragons." Delbin said, like a drill sergeant.

"While you're all at it, Delbin and I are flying to the different worlds, to see what's going on, and see if it is really Gnasty's doing. You all can catch up once you're done here, and in the other realms." Nestor said.

"You can count on us!" Spyro said while sitting down to lift his paw in a salute motion, like he did with the Peacekeepers. With his friends doing the same.

Nestor and Delbin smiled at them once again, feeling proud of their bravery. "Good. Oh and one more thing…" Nestor said before he decided to whisper in Spyro's ear. "And to answer your question you had, before Delbin came along, yes Spyro. That surprise behind those falls indeed involves flying." He whispered, leaving Spyro surprised.

"Now do me one favor. Whatever all of you do, be careful." Nestor said seriously before taking off into the sky with Delbin. "GOOD LUCK LITTLE ONES!" He called while flying away.

Which led Spyro to his own devices with his friends. With him grinning to where he's showing all of his white teeth to his friends. "Well guys, know what?" He asked his friends.

"What?" They asked back.

"Looks like we got some things to do!" He answered, causing them all to grin too.

*Later on*

They all decided to separate into different worlds. Just to make their journey to rescue dragons go a bit faster. Spyro took on stone hill, Flame took on town square, Cynder took on dark hollow, and Ember took on the sunny flight at Spyro's request.

With Cynder in dark hollow, Cynder and her dragonfly walked through the beautiful night. She may be a gothic dragoness who did feel like she was different from the other dragons in the magic crafters thanks to her black scales, until she made friends with Spyro and his two other friends, she always did like the beautiful places. And dark hollow didn't disappoint. With a beautiful blue sky and moon, the glowing lights all over the place, and of course, the ambiance was simply soothing. It is simply a beautiful world in her opinion.

And considering that this is an Artisan realm, is saying something.

She ended up entering the place, and was surprised and shocked that there are Gnorcs in the dark hollow. "What the heck?! The Gnorcs are here?! Guess they were coming sooner or later after Gnasty struck, but not this far to this place!" She said as she was approached by a Gnorc that had a steel shield and dagger. Who then had his shield on the ground and was just daring her to come close and fight.

Which she did, by charging into him. Which is all she needed to kill the Gnorc. Once the Gnorc landed on the ground lifeless, he disappeared. And in his place was a green gem. Which Cynder knew was worth at least two red gems. (Which the red ones are worth only one gem total.)

"Ha! This is what I'm talking about!" Cynder said briefly celebrating, before quickly focusing and jumping onto the platform where the treasure chest is.

"Oh look. A treasure chest. Hoped it's not locked." She said deadpan, then she pushed at the top of it hoping that it'll open.

"No good. And judging by the strength of the chest, it would be too tough for my horns to pierce through. Not to mention too tough to charge at, to shatter it. And flaming's out of the question, since it's possibly gonna melt the treasure inside too. If my flames can melt it that is." Cynder thought correctly guessing that even her fire can't melt it, to get the treasure inside.

"Guess I better get the key. If I can find it that is." She thought, then looking to her left, she saw a big Gnorc and two small ones. All of them near the crystal Dragon. Which is one of the Dragons that she should free.

So she ended up leaping to the section where the small ones were looking at the Dragon, then cowered behind the big Gnorc. Where the big Gnorc lifted up his club, and was preparing to swing it downwards to squish her.

She cockily thought that she's at least strong enough to take out the big Gnorc the same way she did the other one. So she lowered her horns and charged the big Gnorc, only to merely bounce of the tougher than expected skin of the bouncy belly of the Gnorc. Who then squashed her flat.

Which turned her Dragonfly a darker shade of blue. "Ouch. That didn't work. Might as well try this then." She said after unflattening herself, then breathed fire at the Gnorc. That did the trick as the big Gnorc went down lifeless.

That left only the smaller Gnorcs cowardly hiding behind their shields, as the ones that separates her from the Dragon in crystal. So she knew she should take them out first. So she charged against them, knowing that they're small enough to take out with her horns. Though she wondered if she could flame them too.

The Gnorcs both got felled in a few seconds by Cynder, and then turned back into gems, which Spryte picked up. Once they were in Cynder's pockets, she proceeded to free the Dragon.

Soon afterwards, Cynder then got to the crystal Dragon, and touched the crystal to free Alban. Who was balancing on his tail, with an ink bottle on his belly, and holding a feather and parchment. Wearing a scarf on his neck, and a monocle on his left eye.

"Oh, hello Cynder. Nice to see you here in this realm out of the Magic crafters. I wasn't sure of you being able to escape those annoying little creatures. Of course they'd never bother me, but here's a hint. Their metal shields are fireproof. But charging them should do the trick." He said.

"Uh yeah, way ahead of you." She said. "But I would like to know where I can find the key to that chest over there." She pointed to the steel chest on the platform.

"Hmmm... Well why not check the library. I'm sure Oswin might have a key with him." He said, before continuing his writing on a parchment.

"Thank you. I owe you one." She said before galloping along to where the library is in the dark hollow world. Collecting more gems with Spryte along the way.

Unfortunately, she ran into a problem on the way there. Where in the halls leading to the library, she ended up having her path blocked by huge Gnorcs patrolling the halls, that took up almost all of the spaces of the hall to where they were blocking her path. To make matters worse, they had armor on their bellies, making her fire breath useless against them. Pretty much is where she curses her strength of her fire breath not being strong enough compared to the Peacekeepers, or even the strongest fire breathers of her home realm, and the Artisans.

"Damn. What'll I do, if I charge at them, they might clobber me with their bellies, or their hands." She said to herself, knowing that what the Gnorcs lack in intelligence, they make up for in brute strength, being able to wrestle an Artisan Dragon to the ground, or for the toughest Gnorcs, being able to stand toe to toe against the Peacekeepers at least in fisticuffs. So she had to think up a plan.

Only to see an opportunity show itself, when the Gnorc turned around and showed his uncovered back, and butt that was covered by a straw cloth. So with a smile on her face, she charged fast to the back of the Gnorc, and flamed his butt. Causing him to fall forward, and turn into a blue gem which is worth five red gems total. Then she was falling down laughing at the apparent stupidity of the Gnorcs in the hallway for not wearing full body armor. Not that she's complaining, since she was relieved that the big Gnorcs didn't do that, otherwise her journey to the library would've been more harder.

"Ah the lack of intelligence for these Gnorcs. Gotta love em." She said, then she saw one more huge Gnorc patrolling the hall that leads to the library. Causing her to smile again, before waiting for him to turn showing his straw cloth and bare back, then charging to him and flaming him from behind making him fall and turn to another blue gem. Before she fell over laughing again at the stupidity of the large Gnorcs.

It was minutes of that, when she was done laughing, before she proceeded to the library room. Where she just had to stop and take in the sight of how beautiful the library is. And considering that it's nighttime, that makes dark hollow more pretty to take the sights in.

Truly pure eye candy in her mind.

Once she was done looking around, she then saw another crystal Dragon that she correctly guesses, belongs to the librarian, Oswin. So she galloped to the crystal Dragon to touch it. Causing it to shake for a second, then shatter. Releasing none other than Oswin himself. An orange scaled Dragon wearing a turban.

"Thank you for releasing me Cynder. Say! Wanna know a secret? You can use your Dragonfly to help you look for gems. Just have her use her senses to point you to the direction of the treasures that you missed."

"Oh, thanks. Your secret is safe with me. One more thing, where is the key to the chest?"

"Why it's right there." He said, pointing to the platform across the water, that had the golden colored key on it. "Try to take any gems you see, while on your journey. For who knows, you could own a lot of gems, and G-nasty would be unable to turn them into his warriors while they're in your possession."

"Thanks Oswin. I'll make sure of that." She said as she glided to the platform to get the key, then jumped on the other platforms while collecting more gems to get to the exit and left the library through the now Gnorcless halls while oswin walked around the library to check on the books.

Once outside, Cynder ran her way to the treasure chest that she needed to open, then used the key on it. Causing it to shatter like glass and cause all of the gems inside to pop out of it, which Cynder picked up with Spryte.

"Well, that's taken care of. Now to explore the rest of this world." She said before continuing onwards, and then meeting three shielded Gnorcs, and one big Gnorc with a club.

"I'm in a surprisingly good mood today. So if you Gnorcs wanna live, then you all better step aside." She said, seeing if there's at least some intelligent Gnorcs, or at least smarter compared to the ones in the halls. Unfortunately for the Gnorcs, they all just stood their ground and dared her to come fight them. Which Cynder had to admit, it was almost admirable of them to be courageous enough for them to wanna fight a Dragon like her… almost.

"Okay then, have it your way." She then said before she ended up charging the middle Gnorc with the shield, then quickly flaming the large Gnorc, taking them both out and turning them into gems. Before focusing on the last two. They were cowering behind their shields, but they were still ready for Cynder to charge them. Which she obliged and did so from the side, just so she'd line them up for charging through, and take them both out and collecting their gems. Before continuing on in dark hollow.


In stone hill, Spyro was taking in the sights of the daylight sun that shone through the world. He always thought of stone hill as a beautiful place to hang out in with friends. He even had a get together with all three of his friends one time, for hide and seek, and a sheep toasting competition.

"We had some good times here." He thought as he then galloped his way through a tunnel to a room, charging a ram along the way. Then once he got to the room, he saw a crystal Dragon that was surrounded by treasure chests, some being fragile gold, some being metal that could be broken with a charge.

Spyro though had a more important job to do first. He ended up touching the crystal Dragon, causing it to shake, then shatter to free Lindar. The aforementioned blue Dragon with clocks that insulted Gnasty, causing the Dragons to be frozen in crystal to begin with.

"Hey Spyro, when you free one of us, and step on one of our pads, you're setting up your saving spot, which will save your life. That could be useful if you run into trouble. Not that you ever run into trouble, Spyro. Unlike me." He said sadly on the last part.

"Hey come on Lindar, don't blame yourself. I'm pretty sure that Gnasty was planning this beforehand." Spyro said.

"I know that Spyro, it's just that I believe that this was partially my fault at least, since he must've had television, and watched an interview about me and Astor. Especially when I called him ugly." He said as he sulked and looked at the floor.

"Well, what are the chances of Gnasty watching the interview, and hearing you call him that? I think that it's just coincidence that made this happen." Spyro said, finding the disproportionate revenge that Gnasty did, just plain crazy to the point of being funny. Even though he still feels scared, and sorry for the Dragons that got caught by the spell that had them trapped in crystal.

That had Lindar smiling. "Thanks Spyro. Maybe I was just being too hard on myself. By the way, try to take every gem treasures you find around here. That could stop G-nasty from making more Gnorc minions."

"Sounds good to me." Spyro said as he ended up breaking every box in the room, and taking the gems inside, before he left the room while lindar stayed to sulk for a bit. As much as he likes to hunt down Gnorcs, and flame them for fun, he isn't an idiot. He knows that fighting an army of Gnorcs would end up being the death of him, if he isn't careful. So he's making sure that he won't face off against the large army of Gnorcs that Gnasty might make from the gems lying around.

So he raced off through the green grasslands, while picking up the gems along the way as he headed to another indoor chamber. Then he ended up taking out a ram that was in the way, turning it into a red gem that Sparx picked up for Spyro.

While inside, he ended up taking out another ram for its gem, then broke the other boxes for their gems inside. All while making sure to leave no stone unturned inside the room beforehand.

Then he went to another doorway that had the crystal Dragon in front of the vortex that sends him back to the main home of the Artisans world. So he ran to the Dragon in crystal, and touched it to make it rumble and shatter to free Astor the elder lecturing Dragon as his next Dragon.

"Remember Spyro, if you want to return to the main world in the Artisans, just jump in this vortex… thingamajigger, and it'll send you back. But first let me tell you a story…"

"No thanks! See ya!" Spyro said, not in the mood for another one of his lectures. And jumped off the balcony into the beach below, knowing where to go and grab more gems. Which is into the cave entrance.

Going into the cave, he grabbed more gems, and a key inside while wondering what he's gonna unlock, and where he's gonna find it to unlock it. Nevertheless, he left the cave while making sure to pick up the rest of the gems on the beach, before taking the whirlwind up to the balcony. Before running back into the room he entered the balcony from, relieved that Astor left stone hill.

Going back to the section of stone hill that he entered, he saw a well in the middle of the section that was open for him to jump inside of. Which he ended up doing, curious of what's inside. Once inside of the well he ended up seeing that he's in a room with a chest, which Spyro quickly knew is what he should open with the key. He also saw some gems lying around.

Most of all, he found another crystal Dragon figure. Which he immediately touched and had it rumbling and shaking, before it then shattered like glass, and out came a blue Dragon that was burly and muscular, who had tattoos all over his right arm as well as his bicep, and his wings, while his horn on his head were bent back while being pierced like earrings, while he also had bushy hair on his head and had a bushy moustache while having some fins that wrapped around his jaw to his horns, like a beard. He wore some suspenders that held up a bum bag that held some coffee mugs, while holding a can of coffee on his tail, and another mug on his hand which he proceeded to fill with the can, before taking a drink, now that he was free.

His name was Gavin, who had a job as the barista of the Artisans, and he who happens to be the strongest Artisan of them all, if his muscles are indicating something. Some believed that Gavin was born as a Peacemaker before he joined the Artisans, but he was purely Artisan born as his friends proclaimed. Not only that, but his job as a barista was a booming business among the tours given to the other Dragons from the other realms, and he enjoyed his job, as well as his buff body that he believes steals the show alongside his coffee recipes.

He was also famous, when it was said that three mean big Gnorcs appeared out of nowhere and rampaged across the Artisan realm, before Gavin ended up knocking them all out in one punch to the head for the first one, his breath of fire for the second one, and using his mighty tail to trip one before putting it in a headlock with his mighty arms.

Which of course, was what had him also becoming famous among the Artisan realms as well as the other Dragon realms, as the most badass Artisan out there. And he knows it.

"Watch the Dragonfly Spyro." He said after finishing his coffee drink. "His color indicates his power. When he eats butterflies, he stays strong. Like me." He said, while flexing his muscles.

"Uhh… sure." Spyro said. Then he opened the chest with the key... or tried to when Gavin ended up smashing the chest's lid, breaking it open and having the gems falling out of it, much to Spyro's awe. "Woah! Thanks Gavin."

"No problem Spyro." He said smiling while flexing again.

Now Spyro took the gems now outside what's left of the chest, then took the gems lying around, then exited the well while Gavin kissed his left bicep.

Now Spyro ended up exploring the rest of stone hill, making sure to find the gems to pick up with Sparx's help. Ensuring that Gnasty doesn't make more Gnorcs as a result.


Flame ended up exploring town square. Which was known as a gathering place for the Artisan Dragons for festivals. As well as mardi gras, and art competitions. Which Flame ended up joining a few of those there. They were pretty fun, and they had beautiful artworks that he remembers seeing being made, courtesy of his father, delbin.

He just hopes that he could join some more of those later on with Ember once she visits the Artisan realm again.

He was running through the road after he freed a sculptor who was a green scaled Dragon with a slimmer build, wearing a small red scarf, and a beret, named Nils. Who accidentally knocked over a statue of Spyro shortly after being freed, and tried to pick up the pieces while muttering how about how Nestor's gonna kill him.

Where while there, he came across some bulls of town square that ended up seeing him. And they instantly ended up getting ticked off and prepared to charge him. Flame was nervous, and he briefly wondered why he's here. "Geez. Those bulls aren't friendly." He thought. Till he reminded himself that he's a Dragon, and a brother to a soon to be greatest Dragon of the realms, 'Spyro' himself. "Wait what was I thinking?! I'm a Dragon! And even these bulls should bow to Dragons like me, or get grilled like hamburgers!" Flame boasted as he charged at the bull that ended up charging at him too.

Then they collided, with Flame as the winner and the bull sent briefly flying till it landed on the ground horns first. Which is what happened to the other bull that charged him too, only for the same fate to happen to it. Causing Flame to roll on the floor laughing, after he got over his surprise. He laughed a little harder when he saw the bulls attempting to pull their horns out of the ground.

Once he got over the laughter, he noticed that there is a way to the other section of town square that he ended up gliding to. Only to see that there is a gap between him and the other side leading to the fountain, if memory serves. And in the gap, was deep water. "Oh great, I forgot that we had a flood here a few days ago, and we're still draining the waters." He thought as he contemplated whether to look for another way to the other side, or just jump for it.

He went for the latter, seeing that the other side was lower than his side. Causing him to gain confidence that he was gonna make it there. So with a running start, he jumped and glided to the other side, and easily made it there. Causing him to laugh inwardly at himself for hesitating, before running along to the fountain. Only to see a crystal Dragon on the way there.

So he touched the Dragon and it rumbled before shattering, releasing Devlin. A blue scaled Dragon wearing a French toque, oven mitt and a white apron, who was a famous Patissier who made cakes, like the ones for his and Spyro's birthdays. He currently held a cake that said happy birthday, and large wooden spoon he uses for making cakes with. "Thanks Flame. I just had a bad itch on the tip of my wing. I gotta ask, did you know that you get your best glides by opening your wings at the very top of your jump?" He asked.

"Of course I do. Spyro taught me that." He said smiling, while walking past him, it being a little bit hard due to Devlin's large gut.

"I thought so." He said, before he flew to where he could place the cake.

Flame was now at the fountain. And he giggled at the sight of a Gnorc who wore a Taurus outfit, getting chased by a bull. Flame ended up deciding to take out the bull with his charging, taking out the bull and saving the Gnorc. Flame then ended up seeing that the Gnorc was relieved that he got saved, but then got ready to attack Flame when he gets close. Which ended up being his undoing since Flame decided to charge him too, taking him down and turning him into a red gem. "Typical Gnorcs. They get saved, but they don't give thanks, or end up being grateful. Wonderful." He said deadpan.

Then he ended up looking up to the higher section of the town, and saw a blue thief with a pink egg in his grasp. Which upset Flame since he remembers being told about how Spyro was born, and wondered if the thieves had anything to do with Spyro's parents disappearing. But he decided to save him for later.

At least he tried to, when he ended up hearing the thief taunting him. Which caused him to snort angrily at the thief. "Oh it is on!" He yelled, before he ended up going up the stairs, then used an extra elevated platform to jump and glide off of to land where he can chase the thief. Which he ended up doing when the thief tried to run, which it did a good job at since it was fast. Which was hard and frustrating for Flame, but he kept going to try to take out the thief. Which he ended up doing, when the thief led him to the section he was originally at, and tried to trick Flame to fall back to that section's lower levels, only that Flame didn't fall for that despite his anger. So he strafed with his claws and breathed fire at the thief, barely hitting it in the back. Causing it to fall down and disappear, leaving the egg to fall into Flame's pockets for safe keeping.

Smiling at his victory, Flame proceeded to collect the gems at his location with Sira's help. Then he leaped onto the elevated part to grab more gems. Then once he was now at the point where he could glide to the part of the town that he couldn't jump up to at the beginning, he glided to that section where he charged the bull down, and proceeded to release another Dragon named Thor, the elderly ceramicist yellow scaled Dragon who was currently holding a ceramic vase full of water.

"Thank you for releasing me Flame. Remember that you can check your guidebook to check your progress in these worlds. Also your Dragonfly can locate gems laying around, which is useful if you don't know where to find them." Thor said before flying to where to put his vase.

"Thanks Thor!" Flame called out before he then jumped down to where another crystal Dragon is. Then touched it to release Alvar, who was a red scaled Dragon chef wearing an apron with a fire pattern on it. He was currently holding a spit that held a chicken and apples, and he was alarmed.

"Hey Flame. Did you ever see a character wearing blue running around here?" He asked before stabbing the spit that held the chicken into the ground. "HE'S A THIEF! And he's stolen the Dragon Egg! You g-got to track him down and get that egg! RUN! RUN!"

"Hey easy there, Alvar! Already taken care of." Flame said, taking out the same blue egg and giving it to alvar.

"Oh, goodness. I was feeling a little winded there. Thanks Flame, I owe you a meal after this." He said taking the egg, then flying with the chicken that he pulled out of the spit.

Now Flame defeated the bulls, the Taurus Gnorcs, collected all the gems, and then jumped in the vortex returning him to the Artisans.

Everyone was now back in the Artisans Homeworld, and has freed Argus the blue scaled poet/scholar. Who also had a side job as a taste tester if the watermelon on his left arm is indicating. He ended up warning the four Dragons that there is a boss in the Dragon mouth's portal that would only open if they completed one of the Artisan lands. Which since they already completed all of the Artisan worlds counting the flight realm's challenge, they were now worthy to face the boss.

First though, they ended up making a circle that means that a meeting is taking place between them. Which all Dragons knew better than to interrupt unless it's important to do so. They were currently talking about their adventures.

Flame talked to Spyro and Cynder about his run in with the thief in town square. And how they stole some Dragon eggs, which is much to Spyro and Flame's dismay. Since Spyro was such a Dragon that nearly got stolen by the thieves, and they were widely associated as to why Spyro's parents is missing. Which is why all of them vowed to chase and burn every thief on sight, so no other Dragon egg shall get stolen. Oh, and Gnorcs were in town square.

Which is where Cynder was next, and she talked about the fact that Gnorcs are in the Artisan worlds, which she expected to happen when Gnasty turned the Dragons into crystal statues. None of them thought that they'd be this far in the Dragon realms though, but they knew that they should've expected that since the Dragons were in crystal. Also Cynder told them about the treasure chests that all of them agreed to unlock, to get the gems so that Gnasty would be unable to zap them and create another Gnorc from them.

Spyro ended up telling them about his journey in Stone Hill, which involved meeting Gavin as he broke the chest that Spyro needed to open and grab the gems from them, as well as chasing another thief that was in Stone Hill, before he took the egg, and gave it to Gildas the spontaneous artist for safekeeping. And of course, he calmed down Lindar who felt guilty about what he said about Gnasty, that caused this situation to begin with.

Ember on the other hand was exhausted yet smiling that she was able to complete the Sunny flight world, and gain treasure from there as well. Which Spyro praised her for that since it'd mean that they'd prevent Gnasty from gaining more minions. Though she does admit that it was quite a hard challenge that she wanted to quit, but she was determined to complete it to impress him, and she didn't resent Spyro in the slightest for sending her on that challenge in his stead. She just hopes he'll impress her back in the next flight challenge they come across.

Once they were done resting, talking and listening, they prepared for what to fight from the boss, named Toasty. So with gusto, they all jumped in the portal to the world where Toasty resides.

What they first saw in the world, was that there was a large castle in view that was white with blue roof shingles, which had all of them wondering why this would be Toasty's place since it was actually Nevin's, though they quickly realized that he must've stole it from Nevin when Gnasty struck. What they also noticed, was that there were sheepdogs and shepherds that Spyro remembers fighting the latter back in stone hill. And they were ready to fight the Dragons like they were either protecting Toasty, or they just hate the Dragons and just wants them to get toasted.

Unfortunately, they aren't gonna have their wishes granted.

Instead, Spyro and his friends are merely taking them down making sure that none of them are left standing by the time they were done.

The sheepdogs though were pretty irritating foes that took two flame attacks from them to take down, since the first one only singes their fur. Which had them getting in some free cheap shots against the Dragons as a result. By the time they were dealt with, all three of whom Sparx, Sira and Starr was blue, while Spryte was still bright teal colored since Cynder was usually the second one to flame the sheepdogs, before they could crush her too. Which had all of them agreeing that the sheepdogs were the real danger of this world.

Once they were inside the castle, they looked at all the paintings that had them impressed at Nevin the painter who painted a lot of the Artisan realms and made sure to give them a beautiful drawing that complimented their beauties. Proving to them why the Artisan realms are known as the realm of beauty. But they still had to focus on the shepherds and the sheepdogs while they were at it.

Once they were done taking out the shepherds and the sheepdogs, taking at least one more shot from them, leaving Sira and Starr green as well, they collected the gems, and made sure no stone was unturned in gems, even going to a walkway where Cynder nearly got hit getting more gems, then they got to the doorway that had a crystal Dragon statue. Which they touched to free Nevin, who they knew was the painter of those art paintings they saw.

"Gnasty Gnorc has put his most devious henchmen in charge of the Artisan's world." He said with a gesture towards Toasty himself, who was a scarecrow that happens to be a mix between a jack o lantern with a grinning pumpkin head over a robe, a witch with a witch's hat on the pumpkin head, and a reaper due to the robe and wielding a scythe, rolled into one.

"Bring him on then! I think we smell an upcoming barbeque!" Spyro boasted, making a pouncing motion. With his friends doing a similar motion too.

"Be careful Spyro, this boss has tricks up his sleeves." He said before walking past Spyro and his friends to check on his paintings.

While Spyro and his friends, despite their hurt Dragonflies, were still ready to take out Toasty. Whom was daring them to fight him. And they were willing to do so.

"Okay you feisty lizards, I'm taking you all down with my surprises." Toasty said, gesturing to his sheepdog, whom he believed gave Spyro and his friends trouble on the way to him.

First though, they had to take out the sheepdog, so they can take out Toasty no problem. "Okay Toasty, either you surrender, or we get to flame you. Your choice."

"Or, how about I defeat all of you and turn you all into Gnorc food." Toasty responded threateningly, trying to choose a different option.

Unfortunately for him, they aren't giving him that option.

Instead, they just torched the sheepdog and was now threatening Toasty, who was trying to run in circles around them. Unfortunately for him, they were fooling him into running from one of them into another's path of flames. Causing him to be unable to dodge their flames, and get hurt in the process. So he opened up a wall to run to another section of the stage with the Dragons in persuit, where two sheepdogs waited. Much to the Dragon's dismay.

"Try getting pa-a-a-a-ast this. Dragons." Toasty said, making a bah sound, which had Spyro feeling like he knows who this Toasty really is.

"Say, is it just me, or do I know who this guy is?" He said to his friends while smiling, which had them feeling like they know who this guy is too. Resulting in laughter.

"STOP LA-A-A-AUGHING! I'll kill you all!"

Then Toasty ended up throwing a mini scythe at them like a tomahawk. Yet they were able to dodge that, while making sure to take out the sheepdogs to leave Toasty alone. Though this time, Cynder got hit by them, leading to Spryte turning blue. Yet Toasty was more stubborn, as he swiped them with his scythe, hitting all of them. Leading to Sparx, and Spryte turning green, and Sira, and Starr turning invisible. Signaling to the latter Dragons that another hit would mean their doom.

Nevertheless, Toasty got hit too. Leading to him losing the robe and the jack o lantern pumpkin to that hit. Showing Spyro and his friends, that underneath the robe and jack o lantern, was actually a sheep on stilts. Albeit an unhinged sheep with wool that happens to be darker than normal, twitchy eyes, horns that curled, and crooked teeth, and wore a cowbell around his neck, but a sheep nonetheless.

Which despite the invisible Dragonflies on a hurt Ember and Flame, they couldn't help but laugh again. "Oh so that explains the sheep noise Toasty made while screaming! Didn't think we'd meet again." Spyro said smiling.

"Well I'm gla-a-a-ad we did. Cause with Gnasty's power, I get to take my revenge for all the times you turned my precious beautiful white wool, into an ugly black mess!" He said angrily, remembering Spyro's pranks that resulted in his singed wool.

"Well let's be fair here. The other sheep's suffered too, but hey, that's been that way with Dragons around. Keeps our Dragonflies fed… well mine and my friends anyways. What makes you so special?" Spyro asked, seeing that he flamed the sheeps for a long time, and none of them were out for revenge like Toasty was.

"Why it's my stylish wool of course. I used to be an idol for the other sheep herds, I even had beautiful yoes for girlfriends and became the beauty king of fashion two years running, until you and your lizard friends came along and ruined my good looks! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH WORK I PUT INTO LOOKING PRETTY!? I even had a fashion show to enter, and you four did this to me!" Toasty said, gesturing towards his singed wool that was darker than normal wool.

Cynder couldn't help but smile at the memory. "Well having a beauty contest at a Dragon's stomping ground wasn't much of a good idea for you, wasn't it?" She said, curious about how Toasty of all people didn't have much thought about where to go that is safe from Dragon territories for such an event.

But what does she expect from a hedonist? Actually having a brain?

Toasty however, turned redder at what was said. "Even if you all have a point, I'd rather not take these insults from any of you! You hear me Dragons?! ALL OF YOU ARE JUST TALKING NAPALM ON ALL SIXTEEN SCALY LEGS!" He ended up huffing to get air back in his lungs, before he spoke again. "And I'll make sure that I extinguish the fires, and the lives right out of you all! Even as I'm reduced to this." He said, before he ended up running with his stilts to the third section of the world, this time with three sheepdogs.

"OH COME ON!" Spyro and Cynder complained since they too were hurt, but not to the extent that both Ember and Flame were.

"Sorry Spyro and Cynder, we should let you both handle it. Just please, don't get killed." Ember said somberly as both she and Flame stood back due to their pain.

"No problem Flame and Ember, we'll be careful."

Now with both Spyro and Cynder on the last section of the world, both of them got very careful as they took down the sheepdogs one by one. Making sure to take their time a bit, even with Toasty trying to mock them into screwing up. Which didn't work since he was a coward who let the sheepdogs do most of the damage. Soon, all of the sheepdogs got taken out leaving Toasty alone with both of the Dragons.

"Curses! I didn't think both of you would be good enough to take out my dogs! No matter, I'll just kick your scaly tails!"

Then he tried to use his stilts to take out both the Dragons with the kicking motion. However for him, he only felt wind, since both Spyro and Cynder dodged the swipe from his stilts, causing him to twirl in place to leave himself open, and proving how impractical his stilts are as weapons.

That cost Toasty dearly, as both Dragons let out their fire breath at him, leaving him falling down with a bleat and then vanishing from view as he turned into soot, leaving behind gems where he once stood.

Toasty was defeated.

Once the Dragon quartet caught their breath, they ended up celebrating their first victory against one of Gnasty's minions. Proving themselves that they could stand up to him and have him see, that he has made a mistake in attacking the Dragons with his spell.

And that mistake, is gonna cost him dearly once they get to his world to fight him.

Once they made sure that they got all of the gems that they missed from the worlds including Toasty's, and once they fully healed their Dragonflies with the meals of butterflies, they were now at the balloonist and preparing to leave the Artisans realm for the peacekeepers. With all of the freed Artisans staying behind to fix the damage that was caused by the chaos that ensued when they all got frozen, after they drove the Gnorcs out of the Artisans. They were currently saying goodbye to the four Dragons as they were getting ready to board the balloon to the Peacekeepers realm.

"Goodbye little ones! Pleasant journeys on your adventures!" Astor called out to them among the Dragons as he said goodbye.

"Good luck little buddies! Give Gnasty some hotfoots to his keaster for us!" Gavin also called out smiling. "And once you all come back, you can expect some free drinks from me, they're on me!"

"Goodbye, and remember, make sure that you all collect all the gems you find so that Gnasty won't make more minions!" Argus also called out, shedding a tear.

That had all four of the Dragons shedding a tear of their own as well since they were about to leave Spyro and Flame's home where they usually hang out in when they visit each other, not to say that they never visit the Dream weavers, or the Magic crafters home worlds, it's just that they often hang out in the Artisans together. And now they're in a balloon big enough for four young Dragons, and about to travel together to the peacekeepers, and they were doing it alone together, and for a different reason entirely.

Which is to defeat Gnasty Gnorc, and free every Dragon in the other realms doing it. As well as find and take every gem along the way.

It may be hard, and they may end up finding themselves in danger often, and Gnasty may have tricks up his sleeves despite his stupid nature, but they don't care about that. Since Spyro and his friends are about to become legends among the Dragons. Because they are about to save the Dragon worlds from Gnasty and become heroes because of it. Though they aren't gonna ignore the dangers that comes with their journey. Since they know that doing so, would mean their doom, and in this case, the doom of Dragon kind.

But they aren't gonna think about that too much for now, as they now relaxed in the balloon, on their way to the next world.

Being the Peacekeepers.

And done.

This is my third fanfic that I've released.

In case any of you might not know, this is a fanfic that is a retelling of the original Spyro trilogy and the reignited trilogy that was released a few months ago. Only in this, it has spyro working together with not only sparx, but also his dragon friends, which is Ember and Flame from Spyro A Hero's tail, and Cynder from the legend of spyro series, that are also adventuring alongside him.

And the other dragonflies that they have, are made up by me. Just thought it'd be interesting for them to have their own dragonflies alongside Spyro. I hope any of you guys don't mind.

As for pairings, …well I'm still pending who to pair with, though I confess, I'm leaning towards




Minor SpyroxElora.

I hope none of you mind the pairing in this fic.

I hope that you enjoyed the chapter,

please give constructive criticism, just don't be rude,

And do not forget to read and review,

and once again, I do not own spyro the dragon. It is owned by activision and toys for bob, and vicarious visions.

Theodore the poet signing out.