I edited this chapter

Hello everyone! This is a story I've been playing with for a while. It is about how I think the Kingdom Hearts story should have gone. Now before I begin, there are a few things I must tell you to help you guys to understand my version of the story.

First, you must know that Vanitas won't be Ventus's darkness. He will still be in the story; just not like he was before. This goes with what I feel should have happened after Xehanort's little experiment. Ven was dying because his heart was broken, so it stands to reason that the same would be true for his darkness. So the darkness part of Ven dies and becomes a heartless, and Xehanort found a new way to make the unversed.

Second, I will be giving Sora a bit more help. I wont spoil to much, but I will ask you. We know what happens to the darkness in one's heart when they are lost, so what happens to the light?

Next, this will be a Sora/Kairi story. I am a firm believer that there is something between those two. The third game just gave us even more clues to it. Also, Kairi will be playing an even bigger role than just a princess of heart in this story. What role is that? Well, every king needs a queen.

Lastly, while Sora will still be a goofball, he will be a bit more serious in the story. He needs to be for the role I am giving him. You know, being a king and all.

I do not own Kingdom Hearts, Disney, or any other work I use in my story.







All around there was only darkness. Sora didn't know what was going on or where he was. All he knew was there was nothing. He couldn't tell if he was falling or if there even was a ground to fall to. For there was nothing but darkness.

Sora was a boy with brown hair and bright blue eyes. He wore big yellow shoes, a red baggy jump suit, a black and white jacket, and a necklace shaped like a crown.

Suddenly, Sora felt what he assumed might be solid ground under his feet. He looked around the dark abyss. He found nothing. He decided to see if he could walk around, and as he took his first step, the ground erupted into light. The ground transformed into a flock of birds made of darkness and flew away. The ground under them was a stain glass tower. On this tower he saw a picture of himself, asleep holding a strange key like object, with his friends in the back ground.

"What is this place?" Sora asked, hoping someone in the abyss could answer.

So much to do, so little time.

"Wha…Who's there!" Sora shouted to the abyss.

You have a long path in front of you. Your journey will be perilous.

"Okay then. Don't answer my question." Sora said with a huff.

You are not ready to embrace your duty yet. Your destiny awaits.

"My destiny? What are you talking about!?" Sora again shouted to the voice.

Do not worry, my liege. You won't have to fight alone. For you have your army behind you.

"Army? Seriously, tell me what is going on!" Soar was getting impatient with the voice.

First you must choose what kind of king you will become.

Before Sora could ask a question that would most likely go unanswered, three pedestals rose up from the ground. On those pedestals, in a flash of light, was three golden crowns. Each of the crowns were different from each other. Sora approached the first crown. It had an iron fist the color of blood as its center piece. It was also covered in what Sora hoped was not blood.

Crown of the tyrant king,

A ruler with an iron fist,

Crushing all who oppose you.

Is this the form you seek?

"NO!" Sora yelled. Why would he ever want something so…so horrid.

He quickly set the bloody crown down and went to the next one. This one was much more peaceful looking than the last one. It was made of golden branches intertwined with golden leaves. For the center piece it had a golden symbol that, if Sora remembered correctly, meant peace.

Crown of the pacifist king,

Preferring to find peace than war,

And lets others fight his battles.

Is this the form you choose?

"I don't think so. If my journey is going to be as dangerous as that mysterious voice that won't answer my questions said, then I think I'm going to need a bit more power." Sora said putting the crown down and turning to the last one.

This crown had a sword made of gem stones as its center piece. It was covered with depictions of heroes and epic battles all around its base. It was, in Sora's opinion, the most beautiful of the three crowns.

Crown of the hero king,

Great courage and power,

Leading the army into endless battles.

Is this the form you choose.

"Well…It is better than the other two." Sora said as if trying to give another reason other than 'I want to be a hero'. "Yes! This the form I pick!"

The crown disappeared in a flash of light. Sora looked around and found the pacifist crown crumbling away and the tyrant crown vanishing into darkness. Sora still had a bad feeling about that one.

Suddenly a flash of light appears in his hand. When Sora could open his eyes again, he found himself holding a sword. It was a pretty basic broadsword, with a gold handle and a strange symbol made from three circles.

Beware, for danger lurks in the shadows.

"What? What is that supposed to mean?" Sora once again received no answer, but he then noticed shadows crawling about the floor.

"Whoa! What are those!" Sora yelled while jumping back and readying his new sword.

The shadows stood up and formed these weird, small, black thing that were twitching and had two big yellow unblinking eyes. Before more could be said the strange creatures jump towards Sora. He was able to roll out of the way and quickly slashed the first one. It seemed to disintegrate into small dark particles as he did so. Then the others just melted into the ground and disappeared.

"That was weird." Sora said, not letting his guard down in case they came back. He looked around the abyss to find nothing. That was when another flash of light came from behind him. He quickly turned to find…

"A door?" Soar asked. There was a very decretive door just standing in the middle of the tower, with nothing to hold it up. Sora slowly approached the door. As he approached, it started to open with a blinding light. When it was fully open, Sora decided to walk through.

While in the blinding light of the door, the voice spoke.

Hold on. The door won't open just yet.

'But didn't that door just open?' Sora thought in confusion. When he could see again, he found himself in a field of strange key shaped swords. They stretch out for miles in every direction. All different in size, shape, and color. Some were large and more sword like. Others were short and looked more like wands. The ones that were left were somewhere in the middle. Not as much reach as the large ones, but more than the short ones.

"where am I?" Sora asked. He noted that he was asking a lot of questions lately and getting no answers.

Sora started to walk through the field. After he got in a few feet, one of the key shaped weapons started glowing. A light erupted from the sword and, after floating around for a few seconds, came flying towards Sora. As the light hit him, he felt himself being moved. When he opened his eyes, he found himself back into the abyss, while on the tower from before.

"Great. I'm back here." Sora said in despair.

Suddenly three more shadow creatures crawled out of the ground. Sora summoned his sword and readied himself. Before he could say anything, the shadows jumped him. He dodged, rolled, and slashed at the shadows. One by one the shadows were slain.

"Finally. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up." Sora said tiredly.

He then saw something appeared in the abyss. There was another tower, and floating steps showed up, leading up to the new tower.

Sora decided there was nothing else to do, besides, he came this far. Sora started making his way up the stairs. Along the way fighting a few of them shadow creatures. Making quick work of the shadows now that he was getting use to it, Sora came to the next tower. He turned to look back the way he came, only to find the steeps and tower were gone.

Then he felt a light behind him. He turned to see a glowing…something. The light was too bright to see what was making it. He slowly started to approach the light.

Beware. For the closer you get to the light,

The more the darkness will try and stop you.

Hearing the voice again, Sora stopped. He slowly turned around to find his shadow coming out of the ground. Unlike the others, this shadow creature was much bigger. It was tall with wavy hair and small wings. And in the center of its chest was a heart shaped hole.

Seeing the massive beast Sora began to panic. But he had nowhere to go. So, setting his nerves he faced the beast and summoned his sword. What fallowed was Sora's hardest fight yet. He jumped and strike the beast hands, but to little effect. The creature merely waved it off and was left ineffective.

Sora would attack and attack, but it did nothing. No matter what he did he could not bring the beast down.

The beast then reached down with one of its giant arms, as if to grab something. From that hand a ball of darkness formed, and the beast reached back and slammed the orb into the ground. The area around its hand turned black and shadows were crawling up from the darkness.

The shadows attacked Sora and was soon destroyed with a swing of his trusty blade. Soon the beast lifted his arm from the floor and knelt down on his knees. Another orb of darkness formed in the heart shaped hole in its chest. From this sphere of darkness, smaller orbs shot out and started to rain down upon Sora as he hacked and slashed at the beast.

Sora was able to dodge all these attempts to end his short life, but it was all useless. Nothing he did seemed to phase this goliath.

As he jumped back to catch his breath, his sword disappeared. That was when the panic fully set in. He was out matched in every way. Suddenly the beast sunk into the floor, and his darkness took it over. Sora was slowly being sucked in.

But do not be afraid, for you not only weald the mightiest weapon, but a great duty as well. For you are the one who will open the door.

Sora was fully taken in by the darkness, that was when he woke up.


The first thing Sora felt was the sun on his eyes. He slowly opened his eyes to see the clear blue sky once again. He sat up to look around, and to his joy he was back on the Destiny Islands. He then decided that the whole thing was a crazy dream. I mean, what else would explain what he just went through. So with that thought, he decided to lay back down. Only to have a face appear within his vision.

"Whoa!" Sora quickly sat up again and heard a familiar giggle from behind him. "Give me a break Kairi."

The person in question was a young girl with red hair and blue eyes. She wore a white shirt, short purple shorts, and white and purple shoes. To Sora she was the perfect girl. He also had a crush on her, but never acted on it in fear of ruining their friendship.

"Sora, you lazy bum. I knew I'd find you snoozing down here." Kairi said with mirth.

"I just had the weirdest dream. I was fighting these shadow creatures and... ow!" Sora said quickly but stopped in the middle after realizing that a beach may not be the best place to sleep. "It was…so bizarre."

"I bet. I've never seen you that restless while sleeping before." Kairi said while walking towards the ocean.

"Hey Kairi. What was your hometown like? You know, where you were born." Sora asked.

"I've told you before. I know just as much as you do about where you are from." Kairi said, still happy.

"True." Sora was just as much as a mystery as Kairi.

Many years ago, Sora was found as a baby after a bad storm. No one knew were he was from. He was soon adopted and named Sora because his joy was as vast as the endless sky. He was also known as the perfect child. He never cried or got upset. He was kind to everyone, and most would say he was too trusting.

Sora was also a big dreamer and would often dream of other worlds. It got to the point where people began to think he came from another world. Then, Kairi showed up one day after a meteor storm. After that, the rumors that there was other worlds skyrocketed. But unlike Sora, who was too young to remember anything of his home, Kairi had amnesia. She remembered nothing but her name and was soon adopted by the mayor of the town.

"Do you ever wonder were we came from?" Sora asked.

"Of course I do, but I'm happy here. But you know, I wouldn't mind going to see it." Kairi answered.

"I want to know were I came from, and why I came here. I also want to see all the other worlds out there!" Sora said with enthusiastically.

"So what are we waiting for?!" Kairi was also excited.

"HEY! Aren't you forgetting about me?" A voice said from behind him. "So, I guess I'm the only one working on the raft."

The owner of the voice was a boy, slightly older than Sora. He had silver hair and green eyes. He wore a yellow shirt and blue pants. The name of the boy was Riku, Sora's childhood friend.

"And your just as lazy as he is!" Riku told Kairi.

"So you noticed." Kairi said with a giggle. "Okay, lets finish it together! LET'S GO!"

Kairi took off down the beach. Sora and Riku shared a look before chasing after her.

The trio of friends were laughing as they ran.


The three friends spent the rest of the day hunting for supplies to finish the raft. Sora himself had to find some logs, rope, and a tarp for the sail. It wasn't long till the raft was completed. But they still had much to do before they could start their journey. It was decided that tomorrow they would collect the supplies they would need to survive on the journey. Sora and Riku decided to spend their free time sparing.


They both readied their wooden swords and charged at each other. Riku jumped over Sora, hoping to hit him from behind. Sora rolled out of the way and struck Riku in the side but left himself open for strike. Sora retaliated and hit Riku a few more times while he was stunned. Riku recovered and struck Sora with enough force to send him reeling. This went on for a while, but Riku was able to pull out a win.

"Dam. I'll get you next time." Sora said in frustration.

"Ya right. You could never bear me." Riku said a bit arrogantly.

They spared a few more times, Sora wining a few of them, and hung out at the Paopu tree till sunset.

"So, me and Kairi's homes are out there somewhere, right?" Sora asked.

"Could be. We'll never know by staying here." Riku replied.

"But how far could a raft take us?" Sora asked.

"Who knows? If we have to, we'll think of something else." Riku said, not entirely sure himself.

"So, suppose you get to another world. What would you do there?" Kairi asked while giggling. She giggled a lot in the first game.

"Well, I haven't really thought about it. It's just…I've always wondered why we're here on this island. If there are any other worlds out there, why we ended up on this one?" Riku started.

"You make it sound like you were never supposed to be on this world." Sora whispered.

"And suppose there are other worlds…Than ours is just a little piece of something much greater. So we could have just as easily ended up somewhere else, right?" Riku finished.

"I don't know about that, but for some reason I feel like I was supposed to come here. But I suppose your right." Sora said.

"Exactly. That's why we need to go out there and find out. Just sitting here won't change a thing. It's the same old stuff. So let's go." Riku said.

"You've been thinking a lot lately, haven't you?" Kairi asked.

"Thanks to you two. If you guys hadn't come here, I probably would've never thought of any of this. Kairi, Sora, thanks." Riku said.

"You're welcome." Sora and Kairi said at the same time.

After a while the three friends decided to head home. Kairi was a ways away due to Riku wanting to talk to him about something.

"SORA!" Riku said loudly while throwing something to him. Sora quickly turned and caught the object. It was a star shaped fruit. "You wanted one, didn't you?"

"A Paopu fruit…" Sora began.

"If two people share one, their destinies become intertwined. They'll remain a part of each other's lives no matter what. C'mon, I know you want to try it." Riku said while walking off.

"What are you talking…" It took him a few seconds to figure out what he meant. After all, Riku was the only one he told about his crush on Kairi. (Even though it is pretty obvious)

Sora's face exploded into a blush as he heard Riku's laughter, he then he threw the fruit to the side. They ran off for home. None the wiser about what tomorrow would hold for the tree friends.


Meanwhile, in a far-off castile a…duck? Said duck wore a mages outfit, making him possibly a wizard. Making his way to a large door. He knocked on the door and a much smaller door in the bigger door opened up. The duck walked in to great the king.

"Good morning. Your Majesty." The duck said in an almost unrecognizable voice as he walked through the massive throne room. "It's nice to see you this morn…WHAT!"

The king wasn't there. Before the duck could go look for him, the kings trusty dog came from behind the throne holding a letter in his mouth. It bore the mark of his king. The duck read the letter and was shocked to see what it said. He ran out of the room screaming.


The duck ran to the garden to find a sleeping…dog? The dog-man wore armor and had a shield beside him, marking his as a knight of some sort.

"Wake up, Goofy, wake up! This is serious!" The now identified Goofy did not stir from his slumber. And the duck decided to take an easier approach.

"Thunder!" The duck cried out, proving that he was a wizard by calling down a bolt of lightning. The thunder bolt struck the sleeping dog, waking him up from his nap. Goofy rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and searched for what woke him.

"Hey there, Donald. G'morning." Goofy said cheerfully.

"We've got a problem, Goofy! But don't tell anyone." The now identified Donald.

"Queen Minnie?"

"Not even the queen."


NOOOO, it's top secret!"

"G'morning, ladies." Goofy said.

Donald froze at this, and slowly turned around to find said ladies looking right at him.

Donald laughed nervously.


Back on the island, Sora landed and joined his friends.

He and Riku had a little disagreement about the name of their raft. Riku wanted to call it High-wind while Sora wanted to call it Sea-dragon. So Riku challenged Sora to a race. Kairi, seeing the argument, decided to be the judge of their race. They were to race to the star shaped tree and back.

"If I win, I'm captain! And if you win…" Sora began.

"I get to share the Paopu with Kairi."

"Huh?!" Sora said in surprise.

"Deal? The winner gets to share a Paopu with Kairi."

"Wha…wait a minute…"

"Okay. On my count: 3. 2. 1. GO!" Kairi shouted.

They took off, Sora more motivated than ever. While Riku was bigger and stronger, Sora was faster. Sora ran and jumped over the bridge and climbed up the tower to the zipline. He zipped down the line and jumped onto a tree. He didn't know where Riku was as he was too focused. He was first to make it to the tree, but Riku was not far behind him, so Sora ran back as fast as he could. The trip back was class. They were neck to neck. But Riku mis-timed one of his jumps across the bridge and Sora made it back first.

"Ya, baby! I'm first!" Sora shouted in excitement.

It was decided that the raft would be named Sea-dragon.

But it turned out that the Paopu fruit thing was a prank. Not cool bro, not cool.

Sora then spoke to Kairi about what they would need for the journey. He was in charge of getting a seagull egg, three mushrooms, two coconuts, three fish, and fresh drinking water.

Sora was able to get the fishes pretty easily. The seagull egg took some climbing, but he was able to get it. He was able to track down some coconuts by hitting a tree and for the water he went to a spring they had on the island. The mushrooms were a bit tough to find though. He was able to find two but was having trouble on the third.

Sora decided to check out the secret spot he and Kairi often went to when they were young. After crawling through the cave he came to a small room covered in drawings. Years of his and Kairi's drawings were in that room, including the portraits of each other. As he found a mushroom, he looked at the drawing. Wishing he could tell Kairi how he felt, but not wishing to ruin their friendship if she didn't return his feelings.

If he couldn't work up the nerve to tell her, then he would draw his feelings. He took up a rock and got to work. He drew him giving Kairi a Paopu fruit, hoping to be apart of her life forever. That was when he felt it. A dark presence behind him.

"Wha…Who's there?" Sora asked. He turned to find a man in a thick brown coat.

"I've come to see the door to this world." The man spoke in a deep dark voice.

"Huh?" Sora had no clue what the man was talking about.

"This world has been connected."

"Wh…what are you talking about?"

"Tied to the darkness…soon to be completely eclipsed."

"Well, whoever you are, stop freaking me out like this. Huh? Wh…where did you come from?" Sora asked.

"You do not yet know what lies beyond the door. There is so very much to learn. You understand so little." The man said.

"Oh, yeah? Well, you'll see. I'm gonna get out and learn what's out there!" Sora said with confidence.

"A meaningless effort. One who knows nothing can understand nothing."

"But that's why we seek answers. So we could understand things. If we lived our lives thinking we can't understand anything than we will never learn anything!" Sora said.

"A wise answer." The man said while turning to look at a strange door like structure at the back of the cave. Sora turned to look at the door too, but when he turned back the man was gone. Sora got out of that cave as fast as he could.

Sora returned to the raft with his bounty. Handing it all over to Kairi. Later Sora found himself sitting down with Kairi while watching the sunset.

"You know, Riku has changed." Kairi said.

"What do you mean?" Sora asked.

"Well…" Kairi stopped herself from saying.

"You ok?" Sora asked in concern.

"Sora, let's take the raft and go…just the two of us!" Kairi suddenly said.

"Huh?" Sora was lost.

"Just kidding." Kairi said while giggling again.

"What's gotten into you? You're the one that's changed, Kairi." Sora said while chuckling.

"Maybe…You know, I was a little afraid at first, but now I'm ready. No matter where I go or what I see, I know I can always come back here. Right?" Kairi asked.

"Yeah, of course! You know, I wonder if I can find were I came from too." Sora replied.

"Sora, don't ever change."


"I just can't wait. Once we set sail, it'll be great." Kairi said.


Meanwhile back at the castle, the queen just finished reading the letter. She was shocked at what it said.

"Oh, dear! What could this mean?" Daisy asked.

"It means we'll just have to trust the king." Queen Minnie said.

"Gawrsh, I sure hope he's all right." Goofy said

"Your highness. Don't worry. We'll find the king and this 'key'." Donald said.

"Thank you, both of you." Minnie said.

"Daisy, can you take care of…" Donald started to say.

"Of course. You be careful, now, both of you." Daisy said, cutting him off.

"Oh, and to chronicle your travels, he will Accompany you." Minnie said while pointing at the desk.

"Over here!" Came the voice of a cricket. "Cricket's the name. Jiminy Cricket, at your service."

"We hope for your safe return. Please help the king." Minnie said.

Donald then noticed that Goofy was giving him a goodbye salute.

"You're coming, too!" Donald yelled and dragged Goofy with him.


Later they are descending a stairwell and into the Gummy ship garage. Goofy was talking about getting new clothes for the trip while Donald was ignoring him at the moment.

"Hello up there? Donald duck to flight crew! Anytime you're ready." Donald yelled. They were soon picked up by giant hands and loaded into the ship. A bay door opened in front of them. Donald prepared to shoot forwards, only for an arrow to point down. They started to fall downwards. They screamed as they fell down the shaft. Once they cleared the world the shot off into space, on a mission to find the missing king.


Sora was awake late into the night. Unable to sleep due to his nerves about what they were going to do tomorrow. He then looked outside into the night. Only to see a storm.

"A storm? Oh, no, the raft!" Sora jumped out of bed and ran into the night, hoping to save the raft. Sora arrived on the island to see a giant orb of darkness over it.

"What's that?!" Sora said. He then noticed something. "Riku's boat. And Kairi's!"

Sora also saw the shadow creatures from his dream appears in front of him. Stopping him from advancing.

Sora tried to fight them with his wooden sword, but it had no effect. Nothing he did could hurt them. So he decided to run instead. After a while he noticed Riku and ran to him.

"Where's Kairi? I thought she was with you!" Sora yelled.

"The door has opened…The door has opened, Sora! Now we can go to the outside world!" Riku said while sounding weird. As if he wasn't in completely control.

"What are you talking about? We've gotta find Kairi!" Sora yelled, trying to reason with his friend.

"Kairi's coming with us! Once we step through, we might not be able to come back. We may never see our parents again. There's no turning back. But this may be our only chance. We can't let fear stop us! I'm not afraid of the darkness!" Riku said while holding out his hand.

"You've gone crazy Riku, it doesn't matter if your afraid of the darkness. It's still darkness!" Sora tried to reason with him, but he was to late. Riku was being swallowed by the darkness, with Sora too.

Just as the darkness completely swallows him, he saw a light. His world returned to normal, but he found himself holding a giant key shaped sword. Just like in his dream. It had a gold guard with a long silver, rounded blade. The end had a crown shaped hole and it had a chain at the bottom with three connected circles.

You wield the mighty KEYBLADE. King of light.

"That voice?! Keyblade, is that what it's called. No…your name is…Kingdom Key. What's this about a king of light? Why do I never get answers?" Sora yelled/questioned.

Sora turned to find more shadow creatures, but to his surprise, he could hit them now! He wasted no time advancing through the creatures, slaying all who came too close. But he turned to see two shadows jumping at him, but he wasn't fast enough to react. He thought that was the end of him.

If it wasn't for a flash of light. Sora opened his eyes to find two knight like creatures had protected him. They were as tall as he was and wore white with gold lining armor. They had glowing blue eyes behind their visors and had a weird symbol on their foreheads. It was a heart that swirled with an X in it. (Think of a Kingdom Hearts logo with Roxas's X through it.)

"What are you?" Sora asked, but received no answer. So he and the knights fought threw the waves of enemies. They ushered him into the strange door that now blocked the way into the secret place. He decided to listen to the knights, so while he entered the cave they fought on.

As he entered the room in the back of the cave, he saw her.

"Kairi!" Sora yelled.

"Sora.." Kairi said while sounding extremely tired. She reached out to him just as the door behind her opened and a blast a air came out. Kairi went flying at him. Hen tried to catch her, only for her to disappear as they made contact.

Before Sora could comprehend what just happened, he was sent flying out of the cave. He landed on a little path of land floating in an abyss. Sora knew that was all that was left of his home. He turned around to find something he hoped he would never have to see again. It was the giant creature from before.

Sora summoned his Keyblade and prepared himself for a fight, knowing he had nowhere to go. He charged art the beast, striking his hands when they came into range. The beast didn't seam to notice as it launched orbs of darkness at him. He did his best to dodge the orbs, but a few got in and did damage. The beast then called forth those shadow creatures.

Before Sora could enter a fight with the shadows, he felt a pull. The two knights from before appeared in a flash of light next to him. They fended off the shadows so he could consternate on the big one. After he got a few more hits in, Sora saw the beast swinging his hand towards Sora. He knew he didn't have the strength to block it nor the time to dodge.

But before he was hit, there appeared three more keyblades. They had different shapes and sizes. The first was short. It was mostly blue and reminded Sora of a wand. (Rainfell) The next one was the longest. It had a blue handle and a brown blade. (Earthshaker) The last was probably the shortest and had a unique appearance. It was mostly black and looked like it was meant to be held backwards. (Wayward Wind)

The three new keyblades guarded Sora from the attack. Sora saw the opportunity at he struck. He ran and grabbed the wand looking Keyblade and stabbed it into the beast he followed up by grabbing the long one and delivered a devastating downward attack. He then grabbed the last one in a reverse grip and slashed the giant shadow creature. Jumping back Sora started to run at the beast once again with his Kingdom Key. And with a great yell, stabbed the beast with everything he had.

The beast looked very injured, but before Sora could finish him, it was taken by the dark orb above. The orb acting like a black hole. Sora held on as long as he could, but he couldn't forever.

Then he was also taken by the darkness.


There, I'm done with the first chapter of my new story. I had a few problems writing this chapter. Mostly due to all the things I added in. I won't say too much here now that I will be posting information about my stories on my profile. I mean, you don't NEED to know all about me, so might as well make some use of it.

That's all for now. Piece out.