Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: ANGELS and DEMONS.

One day, war broke out between the two races.

After a long battle, the angels were victorious.

They sealed the demons underground with a magic spell.

Many years later...


A young child was running, panting for breath as they raced across the terrain.

They came across a small cave in the mountainside, it's opening warm and welcoming despite its dark tone.

Slowing down, they crept into the cave and walked lightly across the ground.

Too busy looking at the walls around them, they failed to see the many vines crawling across the dirt.

Taking another step, they tripped, falling down the large hole.

With wide eyes, they desperately called out to the power within them, attempting to summon their small wings.

With luck, they succeeded, however, they were falling too fast to stop.

With a loud *THUMP* they landed in the dirt, their fall echoing throughout the cavern as bouncing off walls.

Legends say that those who climb the mountain never return...