[ 06 His Guardian ]

Third Person POV

Zero panted, using the wall as support.

"I know you're there," He called out, "Come out, whoever you are."

He watched as a vaguely familiar girl nervously step out from her hiding place.

"Uh.. umm... Kiryū...! I wanted to thank you for saving me this morning." She shifted nervously holding up a box of chocolates, "And since today you're supposed to thank people with chocolates... this... I made it myself..."

"Go away."

The girl blinked surprised. "Uh... huh?"

"Forget about it," Zero clenched his fist, "Go away! Now!"

At the slam of his fist on the wall, the girl dashed away, a stuttered apology passing her lips. In her fear, she didn't notice the blonde woman she passed in her escape.

Zero collapsed against the wall, gripping his throat as he panted, falling to the ground.

"Must you have been so cruel, Zero?"

The hunter stared painfully at the intruder through an open eye.


"Vampires can be identified by their craving for human blood, their longevity, and their nocturnal behaviour," Kaien lectures as he stared out the window, "It's a generalization, but most vampires are also unusually beautiful. They are extremely proud. They have superior mental and physical abilities."

The blonde man was unusually serious as he surveyed the interactions between the Night and Day class.

"Hmm... looks like the students from the Day Class are still causing a fuss. The Night Class' lessons will have to start late tonight. Well then, Zero?"

The Headmaster turned his attention to the young hunter collapsed by the bathroom. He watched impassively as his eldest ward knelt beside the boy, always caring with her constant support, but wary with her hand in reach for her weapons.

"You can fight it or try to ignore it, but it won't change anything," Kaien scolded, "Why do you keep doing this to yourself?"

"Shut up..." Zero shuddered as the pain intensified. Ayame frowned, holding back her urge to hold the boy she had come to care for like a brother.

"Zero, if you drink this, the pain will stop."

Zero stared at the glass of water and package tiredly. "What is it?"

"You know what it is."

Ayame winced as Zero tossed the glass from the Headmaster's hands causing it to shatter.

"Zero!" She scolded, gripping his hand tightly.

Zero winced, frowning at her as he crumpled back against the wall.


"The fits are occurring much more frequently now, Zero," Ayame murmured, "As much as I don't want you to, you know it will only get worse if you continue like this. Please Zero, I don't want to see you get hurt or end up doing something you'll regret."

Zero shuddered, wrapping his arms around himself, bowing his head.

"Even though you've endured it this far, you won't be able to keep it up much longer." Kaien reasoned, "But... you already know that, don't you... Zero?"

Yuuki wobbled down the hallway to the headmaster's bathroom, thoroughly exhausted from having to take care of the Day Class girls.

"Geez~ I can't believe Zero and Ayame just left me there!" She complained, "What the hell are they doing?"

Swinging the door open, she was surprised to see the subject of her complaints drenched as he leant against the wall just outside the bathroom.

"Zero! Where the-" Yuuki cut herself off noticing he was more solemn than usual, "What's wrong?"

She stared concern, kneeling by her friend's side. Rather than push for an answer, she sighed, grabbing the towel around his shoulders.

"Silly... you'll catch a cold," She scolded lightly before moving to help with his shirt, "At least dry yourself off. C'mon... I need some help to get the sleeves on, right?"

Zero remained motionless, allowing Yuuki to continue her care. Shifting through her pocket, she pulled out a messily wrapped chocolate. Unwrapping it, she pressed it against the hunter's lips.

"Here! It's for you. Chocolate," She smiled, "But you're not allowed to say that it's as bad as when I was in primary school, okay? It's the only one that actually turned out right. So it's a super special world-exclusive delicacy! I bet you're really grateful, right?"

Seeing the scowl on Zero's face as he chewed the chocolate made Yuuki glare.

"Why are you looking so revolted?!"

Yuuki jumped when a sudden laugh erupted from behind her.

"Ah! Ayame, where did you go!? You left me with the Day Class girls!"

Ayame smiled in amusement, carrying a tray of food. "I promised Zero I'd make him some miso ramen," She placed the steaming bowl by Zero's side, ruffling his damp hair as she stood.

"If you want some, the pot's on the stove-" Ayame watched in amusement as Yuuki immediately ran out before she could even finish.

"She's such a glutton." She chuckled, glancing down at her fellow hunter. Frowning, she picked up the blood tablet that had fallen earlier. She sighed, moving to dispose of it, feeling the slightest bit relieved when she saw Zero eating the ramen.

"You need to be more careful Zero," She whispered knowing he could hear her, "We don't want Yuuki finding out."

The hunter said nothing as he curled over his bowl of ramen.

Ayame's POV

It was four years ago on a cold winter night that I returned home with Zero by my side.

Yagari-sensei and I had gone off to visit the Kiryū's for our monthly training session, only to find a destroyed home and the scent of blood, flooding the air.

The Kiryū family I have come to think of my own was no more; in their place was a survivor and a traitor.

I walked alongside Zero as we made our way out of class.

"Hey Yuuki," He called as we passed.

For once the brunette woke at the first call as she groggily sat up.

"Hmm..? What's up? Zero...?" She murmured, rubbing her eyes.

"We're going now. Prefect's duties and all that." He informed, "Once your extra classes are over, hurry up and join us."

"Don't fall asleep again. Saito-sensei can only take so much," I teased over my shoulder.

I chuckled as Yuuki huffed, pouting but nodded nonetheless.

Walking down the hall, Zero and I paused as girls began squealing. We both tensed, hands moving towards our hidden weapons as a vampire presence drew near.

"I didn't expect to meet you here, Kiryū, Kimura," The pureblood greeted, "Yuuki isn't with you today?"

Zero gripped my arm, dragging me pass Kuran.

"She has extra classes today, Kuran."

"Kiryū, how are you feeling?"

Our eyes widened, turning in shock to stare at the pureblood. Kuran gazed at us over his shoulder. I glared, gripping Zero's hand in my own, pulling him back. Kuran spared a glance towards our hands a tiny frown on his lips.

"Take care now..."

We watched as the pureblood left, my eyes meeting those of Kuran's toffee-haired follower, Sōuen.

Zero's POV

I panted, covering my face as the pain cut through me. Hearing the tapping of footsteps, I slipped Bloody Rose from its holster, clicking off the safety.

"What do you want?" I glared, pressing my gun to the female vampire's throat, "The Night Class."

"Why is Kaname so interested in this human?" The vampire glared at me, fangs flashing at me, "I can't stand it."

"There's no point in getting jealous, Ruka. The same goes for the rest of you. If Kaname finds out, he'll be furious." I glanced at Kain as he made his way closer to me, motioning towards my weapon, "Kiryū, you should put that away, too. Okay?"

Grabbing the vampire, I twisted, flipping him over my shoulder. I frowned when I didn't hear the satisfying sound of a body slamming against the ground.

I blinked finding Kain standing perfectly on his feet, staring at himself in confusion.

"Heh, how cool..." the model duo's lips quirked into near-identical smirks, "Ayame."

I frowned as my sister figure moved from behind Kain, making said vampire jump away in surprise.

"Keep the violence to a minimum Zero," Ayame ordered, "And towards those who deserve it."

She glanced behind me. Following her gaze I found it trained onto the female vampire I had held at gunpoint. I nodded in understanding.

"So Kaname Kuran," I adjusted my armband as Ayame positioned herself back to back with me, "Is the reason why you've suddenly all decided to gang up and take me down?"

I smirked darkly, cracking my knuckles as Ayame armed herself with her knives. "I'd like to see you try, vampires. I've been waiting for a chance like this."

Just as many were prepared to pounce, a loud cry intervened.


Yuuki leapt in, using Artemis to make her way to our side.

"No fighting allowed! Didn't you read that in the student handbook?" Yuuki reprimanded, "So regardless of whether it's Zero or a student from the Night Class who's trying to pick a fight, as a prefect, I simply will not allow it!"

"Always a daddy's girl," I heard Ayame murmur with a chuckle, her form relaxing at Yuuki's intervention.

"Look, can't we just drop this already?" Kain huffed.

The female vampire glared, before sighing. "Fine. It's not worth it anyway. Let's go back to class."

We watched as the Night Class retreated back into the school building.

"What's going on, Zero? Whatever it is, you can talk to me about it," Yuuki frowned, "I don't understand why... But lately, you haven't been acting like yourself."

She stopped in shock as I glared at her. Feeling her reach for my arm, I jerked it off.

"Just leave me alone."

I ignored Yuuki as she tried to follow after, only to be held back by Ayame. It was times like this that I appreciated having such an understanding sister like her.

Ayame's POV

I remained with Yuuki as we continued out patrols. I could tell she was deep in thought, probably about Zero considering how deeply she was frowning.

Just as I was about to get her attention, she suddenly ran off. My eyes widened as I dashed off after her. I turned the corner, frowning when I lost sight of her. Cursing under my breath, I bounded off to find Zero knowing that wherever he was, was where Yuuki was going to be.

My heart beat rapidly in my chest as I desperately searched for my brother. In his state, Yuuki finding him is the last thing he needs. Bounding up the staircase my eyes widened spotting Yuuki wrapped in Zero's arms. With no other choice, I flung my knife burying it into Zero's arm.

He growled, dropping Yuuki as he painfully ripped out the knife from his arm.


"YUUKI GET OUT OF THERE NOW!" I ordered, rushing up the steps.

Seeing Zero about to pounce the defenceless girl, I tackled him, struggling to pin him down.

"W-what's going on?! What's wrong with Zero?!" Yuuki cried.

I stabbed another knife into Zero's arm, hoping to weaken him just a bit.

"YUUKI LEAVE!" I commanded. Seeing her hesitation, I glared, "NOW!"

The girl had tears streaming down her cheeks before she ran off.

I grunted as Zero pushed against me, eyes red with bloodlust. I yelped as he suddenly turned us over, so I was the one being pinned down.

Lost in his bloodlust, he didn't hesitate as he buried his fangs in my neck. I groaned, the sensation of having my blood drawn out strange and painful with how deep his fangs were.

"Z-Zero, you have to stop..." I whispered feeling myself become lightheaded, "You have more control than this, please Zero."

Biting my lip, I used all my strength to knee Zero in the stomach and kicked him away. I panted, pressing a hand against my wound as Zero slammed against the opposite wall of the stairwell.

Blood stained his lips and the front of his uniform, eyes glowing and fangs extended. Licking the blood off his hand, he stared at me horrified,

"Nee-san... I'm sorry."

I winced keeping a hand against my neck to maintain pressure. I didn't really think it through when I kicked Zero away, but by doing so, I made the wound worse as Zero didn't have time to remove his fangs from my neck correctly. What would have been two neat holes was now two large gouges across the right side of my neck.

"I-it's okay," I smiled weakly, "It's okay Zero, remember our promise?"

The boy nodded weakly, the red glow in his eyes fading the slightest to reveal his lavender orbs.

"Nothing's changed," I assured him, "Remember, always?"

Zero nodded, echoing my words. Just as he moved forward to assist me, another vampire made themselves known.

"So you've finally fallen to the bloodlust of the beasts, Kiryū Zero."


It's 1:58 AM. I woke up remembering I forgot to post this chapter yesterday so here it is. Late but it's here. Not much to say but welcome to new readers. Leave your comments down below and I'll see ya all next week.

3 Lala

Updated: 19/03/21