I stared at my reflection. My light brown hair is tied back into a two braids so that I can see the blonde streaks at the front. My blue eyes shown back at me reflecting the light. I can't believe Kealey talked me into this.

Taking one last glance at my outfit which consisted of a leather jacket, black singlet, ripped jeans, combat boots and a silver necklace with the letter M on it. I take a deep breath and walk out of my room.

"Leaving so soon?" My mother asked me. Well, she isn't really my mother, but as far as I can tell she is the one who raised me, so she is the one who is my mum.

"The party is staring at seven so I won't be that early," I told her. She nodded her head and smiled.

"Ok, be safe. Don't let anyone but Kealy's mum drive you anywhere," my mother is such a caring women.

"I know mum. Bye, love you," I opened the front door and step out onto the porch.

"Love you too," I heard my mother say before closed the door and walked over to the black car.

Opening the door I was immediately attacked by the one and only, Kealey Parker.

"Stop hugging me so tight," I groaned.

"Sorry," she said, "You look amazing." I smile and look at her outfit. A grey crop top with denim shorts. Her short brown hair was tied up in a pony-tail, barely reaching her shoulders.

"Thanks, so do you."

"I know," she replied and flicked her hair.

"Ok, well start going as soon as you stop acting all sassy," a voice from the front said.

"Sorry mum," Kealey said shamefully.

"It's alright darling…are you guys ready to party!" Her mum screeched.

"Hell yeah!" I yelled. The cars engine started and we were off.

- - - - - - - - - - Line break- - - - - - - - - - - -

Loud music blasted into my ear drums.

"I seriously can't believe I am here!" I shout to Kealey. I've been here for 3 hours and so far have had only one drink. I think that is an achievement.

"What?" She yelled back.

"Why am I here?" I said even louder.

"Cause you need to get out more!" She replied, "Maybe you'll finally meet a guy!"

I rolled my eyes at her. Will she ever stop trying to get me a boyfriend? I'm only 16, it's not like I'm 30 and desperately need a boyfriend.

"Come on!" She screamed, grabbing my wrist. I let Kealey drag me to the dance floor.

"DANCE HOPE ANDERSON!" Kealey yelled at the top of her lungs. I laughed and started to wriggled my body and sway my hips.

Kealey grabbed my hands and started to spin me around crazily. We move across the dance floor dancing like mad-men. I feel something soiled behind me and I tripped. Turning my body I see a drunk teenager stumbling, trying to regain balance. He falls harshly onto the wooden floor…..head first.

I saw blood coming out of his mouth pouring like a waterfall. His skull cracked along the side.

My hands cover my mouth and I shriek in shock.

"Oh crap, someone help!" Kealey yelled, the music blocking out her voice. Breaking out of my trance I rush forward and look at the body. Trying to remember my science class, I placed two fingers on his wrist and feel nothing, no pulse.

Trying to breathe normally I slowly got up, by now a crowd had formed around us. The music had stopped.

"He's dead….Oh my god, I killed him!" I cried out between tears.

Kealey embraced me in one of her hugs.

"It wasn't your fault, it was just an accident," she reassured me.

Just and acciedent….an accident that lead to a boy's death.