Over the next few days, my morning routine stayed the same. I woke up to my alarm at 6:00 sharp, sat up, ran to the bathroom, got sick, showered, got dressed and ready, got some coffee from Grace, and went to work.

At first I really thought not a lot of it, just food poisoning. But when I got to about the fifth day, my mind set changed. I thought of all the possible causes while at work: food poisoning, something from Jamaica, a stomach bug one of the kids had brought home from school. But then it dawned on me. I haven't been thinking about what I did before even the trip to Jamaica. Four weeks before the trip, was mine and Jared's four year anniversary. You know we had dinner at Terraci's, like usual, but never quite made it to dessert . . . But I vividly remember being a little, well um, extra eager that night, and I think we may have skipped the protection.

So the next thing that I did was ask the captain to cut my shift early, which he agreed to, and then was off to the nearest drugstore. Walking in, I will admit, I was a little nervous. The last time I had bought one of these tests was when I was in the academy with Jared. We had just started dating, and got a little bit tipsy one night, and it just happened. I got the same symptoms, but nothing ever happened.

I ran straight to the back where I knew the tests would be, grabbed about ten, payed and was on my way back to Ben and Grace's. But that was the next thing. How was I going to get these down to my room. I mean I guess I could just say that it was my "lady things" and most likely get away with it. Because at the same time it wasn't a total lie. And that is exactly what I did, and as always Ben fell for it because he got too awkward to ask any further questions.

As soon as I got away from Ben and down stairs, I took a few of the tests from the bag and did what I needed to do. But those five minutes were the longest god damn minutes of my life. So to pass time I made my bed because I hadn't that morning, and put away all of the laundry that was in the floor. I never realized what a mess I could make in the amount of only a couple days. But finally after my "cleaning", the timer on my phone went off and it was time to check the tests. When I walked into the bathroom I could literally feel myself shaking I was so nervous. I made my way over to the counter slowly not knowing what I would expect. I made my way through the tests carefully, really going over each one. Until I came to the last one, it was positive. Just as the other ones had all been.

An: ok so sorry that this chapter is so short but I didn't really know what else to add to it and that's the ending that I wanted. So sorry again. I think that I will be turning this into a story. :)


Ok but what did you think of that episode. I mean the ending tho!! I think Mick got shot and that Jared and Zeke are going to be like super worried and stuff. Also just going to put it out there that I DO NOT like Zeke. Like seriously he is kinda ruining all of my hopes and dreams. Like I know Mick said that she hasn't given up on her and Jared, but did you see that hug?!?!? It was pretty long looking. Anyways. But the show hasn't gotten renewed yet and that was the finale! Like even if they do get renewed ( which they probs will ) it's still going to be awhile until the second season premieres because they have to film and stuff. Sorry this AN is so long, just needed to rant.