Knuckles stared into the darkened tomb, hat snug on his head. His breath came out in icy puffs while his shawl kept the surprising cold air off his shoulders. This was a bad idea. A horrible idea, really.


Maybe, maybe, he could learn something that would help him be more than a gullible idiot. Maybe learn more about his heritage….?

Knuckles! Tikal's voice echoed in his head. You mustn't go down there! I can't protect you from….. HIS influence.

Knuckles was caught off guard by the strange bitterness that tainted her sweet voice.

"Then tell me. Tell me who HE is. Tell me how you know him. Tell me why I haven't been able to get him out of my head since I dug that stupid hole." Knuckles hardened his voice and his resolve, determined to get answers one way or another.

Digging into these mountains was his greatest mistake. Of course, the young Guardian couldn't have possibly predicted the dark tomb beneath, filled with carvings of madmen and emeralds and rage at the defeat by the hand of the chieftain's daughter - by Tikal.

Knuckles couldn't have expected the silky, dark voice, that promised him everything he wanted and more, to haunt him weeks later.

When Knuckles lashed out at Sonic, he knew he needed to get some answers.

The silence Tikal left to his questions was huge.

Knuckles….. I'm sorry but it's too painful to remember. The sorrow in her voice left Knuckles' chest aching but he refused to give up now, when he was so close. Please, Knuckles, let the dead remained buried.

Knuckles did what he did best in times like these; he acted on impulse.

"Well, if you can't tell me," The red echidna growled before adjusting his cowboy hat. "I'll find someone who can."

Without another word, Knuckles charged, descending into the unearthed grave.

No! Knuckles, please! You- You're the last, Knuckles, the last Guardian, you can not shrink your duty! Knuckles?! KnuCKLES, COME BAC-

And like that, the young echidna was alone.

Knuckles wasn't alone for long.

Aaah, Boy…. You've returned to my home.

"I came here for answers," Knuckles got out around the knot in his throat. "Answers only you can give me."

He turned to face the speaker.

"Enerjak." Knuckles greeted, looking up, up, up at the pillar of smoke, the golden mask where a face would be glinting in an absent light.

Enerjak chuckled, the smoke and shadows circling Knuckles, tendrils clinging to him.

No. That's not what you want. What you want is to protect your home, protect the Master Emerald and your people's legacy. To protect your friends.

Knuckles froze, feeling vulnerable. Enerjak hummed, clearly sensing his rising fear.

Three friends, in particular. You care for them deeply.

This. This was a bad idea. This was an absolutely terrible idea. He shouldn't have come down here!

Of course you shouldn't have. Enerjak rumbled. He was laughing. But I wanted you to.

The shadows surrounded Knuckles, suddenly pressing into him. Knuckles let out a scream as the darkness crushed him.

I can't breath, Knuckles' mind informed him unhelpfully. The golden mask and Knuckles fell to the ground.

He could still hear Enerjak but now he could hear more. Voices he recognized as friends and deceased family. All crying out. All screaming.

Oh, my, you have such great fears! No wonder, after your entire tribe, no, species' demise.

The voice came from inside him now. Knuckles tried to remember the tactics he had learned from his time battling Infinite's mind tricks but all he got was darkness and the sound of his own panting breath in his ears.

Including your own parents ... a shame they sent you away before you could say your final goodbyes.

He knew what Enerjak was doing; he was forcing Knuckles' fears and insecurities to the surface to leave him emotionally vulnerable, he knew how it worked, so why was it working, WHY WAS IT WORKING?!

That's why you've hesitated in calling your dear friends…. Family, though that is what they are to you.

The spirit was practically purring, wrapping his voice tightly around Knuckles, trapping the echidna. Knuckles froze again, not caring how the voices sounded oh so similar to the two hedgehogs and two tailed fox he'd grown to care deeply about.

Be a shame if your two families should share the same fate……

"Don't you touch 'em!" Knuckles snarled, his protective streak burning through his fear.

Enerjak laughed. The echidna's resistance was…..


So protective, Guardian! But I'm not the enemy here. I can not harm your friends…… but there are outside forces that can.

He...he was right. There was worse, more constant threats to those he cared.

Amy screaming, crying, begging as metal squeezed her, loud and echoing laughter coming from Eggman as he tightened his machine's grip."Someone, please, help me! Anyone, please- !"

Tails desperately pulling levers, pressing buttons, burning, burning, burning, as metal he lovingly shaped into wings curling around him into a fiery tomb."I'm going down! Mayday, mayday, I repeat- !"

Sonic teetering towards the edge, always one step away from falling, tripping and pitching into darkness with a sharp toothed smile and confused tears."Knuckles, there's something wrong with me, please you have to stop me, you have to- !"

Scenarios, situations bounced around around the red durred mobian's skull, things he worried over for a minute before dismissing now coming back to haunt him.

There was so many things that could hurt them, so much he couldn't protect his friends from.

But surely you'll be able to shield the Master Emerald, your people's burden, the last link to your heritage, the controller of the Chaos that could ravage the world?

The words, accompanied by traitorous thoughts and memories, hit Knuckles like a hot flash, bringing him to his knees. Memories rippled to the surface, making Knuckles let loose a pained growl.

He's mocking me, Knuckles' mind burns with the thought, rage filled him for one hot second before shame at realizing he's right fills him.

He doesn't move, curling into the fetal position, hoping Enerjak would just shut up.

He didn't.

He didn't shut up for a long time, reminding Knuckles of his shortcomings and failures, mimicking his friends and family, all the while laughing.

It wore on Knuckles, chip after chip to his armor.

Finally, Knuckles cracked, shivering and whimpering.

The spirit was silent at last,shadows loosely swirling around. They suddenly wrapped around the trembling echidna, almost like the comforting hold of a parent.

Oh ... poor Guardian…. If only there was some way I could help…

The darkness nudged tge golden mask towards Knuckles. Shaking gloved hands pulled it closer wordlessly. Enerjak chuckled.

Yes, there's an idea…. Go on, put it on. I wonder if it'll fit you.

Knuckles hesitated but brought it up to his face.

The tomb was eerily quiet.

Knuckles suddenly screamed, trying to pull the mask away, trying to move his hands but his body wasn't listening to him, why wasn't it listening to him-?!

Silence swallowed up the chambor once more. While Knuckles' hands shook,Enerjak stood. It took him a moment to figure out Knuckles' legs but before long, he was leaving the burial chamber that had held him for hundreds of years.

Sunlight glinted off the sharp edges of his shimmering mask.

Enerjak smiled.

"Time to 'save' the world."