
...the prank calls.

The soft tune of piano ringtone reached Blake's ears. As from the Faunus who was 'busy' watching and napping on the couch, it took her a while to reach the scroll. She took her time—laziness strikes back— to answer it. First, she stretched out from her very comfortable position—dang whoever called her, it was so cozy before she had to move.

Letting out a noise that most people would hear as a purr, the dark-haired girl spread her arms wide and glared at the gadget's screen. The glare quickly melted, though, as she read the caller's id; Yang's. A sigh that was a mix of annoyance and dreamy anticipation escaped from her lips. As much as she hated being disturbed on her personal nap time, she did miss Yang's voice. Texts could only help so far.

Wonder why is the blonde calling her at this hour? Weren't she going out?

Only one way to find out. Shrugging internally, she picked up her scroll and swiped on the screen. "Hello, Yang."

Yang's voice somewhat sounded off. And by off, it's like the blonde got drunk and started slurring; "Heyooo, babyyy~"

It was at that moment, Blake wanted to pinch the bridge of her nose. Nevermind that, she already pinched it. Also, don't forget the blush that smeared pink color over her cheeks. Of many reasons why she loves Yang, that's one of them. The blonde had the tendency to stimulate her... feelings.

Not that she minds; it helps her imagine the steamy scenes in her smut novels better—Yang's seductive voice is that hot. Somehow, Blake has more tolerance now than the first time she heard it, which ended up with her getting a very serious nosebleed.

"...I need you to come over and get several things. What do you say?" Yang's voice continued, "Blake?"

Blake snapped out from her daydream. Cursing silently, she replied, "Sorry, I got distracted. What were you saying, again?" She cringed at the last part.

"Ah, you dummy," her girlfriend included that favorite nickname of hers. "Seriously, what got you distracted?"

It only took several seconds before Blake decided to use a blatant reply; "You know who, Yang," she paused, then smiled. "Suddenly, I missed your voice."

That line surely will get the blonde to blush. Blake smirked, waiting for a flustered reply or some sort of it. Unfortunately, she's always wrong.

"I know you will," Yang responded. "That's why I rarely call you."

Inside Blake's head, all those beautiful pictures of a red-faced Yang vanished with a small 'poof!'. Why can't she just win this flirting game for once? Instead, the dark-haired girl could imagine Yang's grin mocking her. Damn it, Yang.

Blake snorted, "Yeah, whatever."

"Sooooo~" Yang's sing-song voice returned, teasing as usual; "Was it really about me, eh? You know you don't have to hide it, Blakey."

"Yes, yes, Yang. You know it all already," she muttered. "Now, what were you saying about getting stuff?"

"Mhm," came the muffled reply. Blake swore she could sense her amused tone. Faintly.

"Really, Yang?" the Faunus countered with her unamused one. "Are you calling me just for fun?"

"If you mean fun like this..." the sound that came next was unexpected; "Oh~ oh~, Blake, faster~, please! I'm close~ I need you so badly, baby~"

Her face boiled. Blake covered her mouth by instinct. She didn't know why. Maybe to stop her reaction from Yang? Maybe to shut up so she can hear the blonde better? Both, most likely. It's really, really turning her on.

Unfortunately, she wasn't the only one who heard that.


Blake's extra ears perked up as soon as the clearing throat sound reached them. She whirled around and almost jumped out of her skin. Her dad, Ghira, was standing behind her the whole time. Amber eyes widened in a mix of shock and pure panic.


Ghira gave her a chilling silent glare that said; 'Explanation. Now.'

Well, shit.


A/N: You all know Yang and Sun; they're the kinds who'd chime in a convo with our parents and pretend lewd stuff. It's not really the situation here, but—oh, well. Anyway, I just feel like I have to include this random chat transcript:

Ghira Belladonna unexpectedly joined the chat.
*wtf* D-dad, I swear, it's not what it looks like.
Ghira: *glares* So, are you on a scrollsex?
Blake: (shit)I'm gonna kill you next time, Yang.
Yang: *dabs and jumps on Bumblebee* c ya!
Yang Xiao Long has left the chat.

P.S. I wonder what would happen if Blake prank calls Yang instead? :thinking:

A/N #2: Thank you for reading this shorty one-shotty. As planned, this fic will updates regularly every 5 days. What will it be about? Yang and Blake's interactions based on my friends' real life stories.

Yes. You read that right.

I want something realistic, not some 'omg i stare at yang's eyes and i got flutters on my tummy' stuff. No. I want real meat-not that kind of meat tho. Moving on. This story is an AU, however it's not really that far-fetched. I won't focus on the setting or plot, tho keep in mind; Faunus exists, Grimm exists, but nothing bad happened. Ever.

Everything in this story is a separated episode yet connected, but no episodes.

Oh, and while you're at it, you can support me by favs/follows/reviews. Also donate. If you don't mind.
