"Wow, this place is nice!" Sayaka commented, eyeing the interior of the home. The owner of said home, Mami, smiled.

"I live alone, so feel free to make yourself at home. Though I admit you've caught me unprepared." The upperclassmen pointed towards a glass table, before walking towards the kitchen.

"Sure could've fooled me." Sayaka said. "I haven't seen a classmate like us be so orderly!"

"Surely you're exaggerating about that." Mami humbly retorted from the kitchen.

"No, really! Hitomi seems like she's the type to be prepared for everything, but she actually rushes to get all of her work done on time." She placed a finger on her cheek, cheekily smirking all the while.

"And Madoka, despite her quiet and calm composure implying a responsible girl, is just as messy and unorganized as me!"

"Sayaka." The blue haired girl jumped with an 'eep!' at the stern voice, who had somehow forgotten that Madoka was in the very same room.

Mami re-entered the living room to the sight of Sayaka sitting next to Madoka at the table, though the former's expression was one full of guilt and the latter's annoyed. Mami chuckled, before setting down the snacks and tea she had just prepared onto the table.

"Please don't be shy. I enjoy making food like this." Mami stated, before taking a sip of her own cup of tea. Madoka and Sayaka soon followed.

"Mami, this tea is delicious! This cake too!" Sayaka, guilt immediately forgotten, said in wonder.

"Thank you very much." Mami's eyes then trailed over to glance at Madoka, wanting Madoka's opinion as well.

"Mhm." Madoka voiced. "This tastes good."

After having been introduced to each other, Mami offered to explain more about Magical Girls at her house. Sayaka figuratively and nearly literally jumped at the opportunity. Madoka, meanwhile, knew more about Magical Girls than the girl who wanted to inform her about them did, but figured that leaving Sayaka alone with Mami and Kyubey was more risk than she would allow, so Madoka joined the two.

Madoka also had an objective to complete, which required her to come along, so two birds were killed with one stone.

"So," Mami began, setting her cup of tea down. "Now that we're all comfortable, I think that we should get you both caught up to speed. You've been chosen by Kyubey, after all."

From her hands, Mami unveiled a gem in the shape of an egg. It emitted a warm glow, and its interior was deeper and more beautiful than the ocean.

"This is a Soul Gem. When Kyubey forms a contract with a girl, a Soul Gem is born. It's both what identifies us as Magical Girls and the source of our power." Mami explained.

"What do you mean by contract?" Sayaka asked. Madoka couldn't help but shiver a bit, knowing what was coming next.

"I can grant each of you one wish." Kyubey, who sat in the middle of the table, stated. Sayaka's eyes widened.

"Wait, really? What kind of wish?" Sayaka continued to question.

"Anything you want. I can fulfill any miracle you wish for." Kyubey confirmed.

"So it could be gold, silver, priceless treasure, immortality… Maybe even a feast fit for a Chinese emperor!" Sayaka exclaimed in wonder. As Sayaka's mind wandered through the possible wishes she could have granted, Madoka bit her inner lip.

"In exchange for that wish, a Soul Gem is produced. Those who receive one are given the responsibility of fighting witches."

"So not only do I get to kick butt as a Magical Girl, but I get a free wish too? Sounds like a great deal to me!" Sayaka exclaimed happily.

Mami giggled, before turning to Madoka, who was staring at the tea swirling around in her cup.

"Madoka? You've been rather silent all this time." Mami commented with worry. Sayaka followed suit.

"Yeah Madoka, doesn't this all sound exciting? Chin up!" Sayaka added, her expression looking a bit soured from earlier. Madoka, after a moment, sighed.

To Sayaka, this just seemed like one of Madoka's many sighs of annoyance. However, this was actually Madoka mentally preparing herself.

"To be perfectly blunt with you… this sounds too good to be true. Getting the ability to perform magic is already a lot, but you get a wish on top of that?" Madoka reasoned, gazing at Kyubey and Mami. "I just can't believe that, at least without some sort of downside."

"I… see." It took a few moments for Mami to continue speaking, as she processed Madoka's words and carefully selected her own. "Your duty as a magical girl, if you become one, is fighting witches. And it's no laughing matter. Every time you enter a labyrinth, you're putting your life at risk." Mami made sure her tone was strict as she could muster without seeming harsh. "That is, essentially, the downside. That is why I want you two to weigh your options carefully. To decide which wish, if any, is worth becoming a Magical Girl for."

"That is a tough decision." Sayaka said, frowning. Mami smiled upon hearing this.

"If you need help making your minds, how about you two come along with me on a witch hunt?"


"That way you can see what it's like to fight a witch. And afterwards, you can decide whether you want to become a Magical Girl."

"I'm all for it! After all, you'll be protecting us, right?" Sayaka said excitedly.

"Of course. I wouldn't let my juniors get hurt, especially when I am the one making this offer." Mami assured. She then turned to face Madoka. "And what about you, Madoka? Would you like to come along?"

"..." Madoka had planned to make this decision a long time ago. Even still, it was a difficult one to make.

"...Yes, if you don't mind."

Madoka had returned home without any issue after that conversation. The sun was almost gone by the time she had arrived and the day's events had drained her completely, so after she had changed into her nighttime clothes she collapsed onto her bed.

As she waited for exhaustion to force her to sleep, Madoka thought about what had happened today.

From Homura's status as a magical girl, to her getting trapped in a labyrinth, almost nothing went according to Madoka's plan. That said, she was alive, so it could be argued that the day could've ended a lot worse for her. For now, she'd need to think about how to play the cards she had been dealt.

However, there was one thing that did go exactly as Madoka wanted.

That being, the conversation that took place at Mami's house, and her agreement to Mami's offer to watch her hunt a witch.

It wasn't because of interest in becoming a Magical Girl, of course.

It was to make sure Mami liked her.

Mami was incredibly strong, able to defeat most witches that she faced. She would probably even be strong enough to fight Homura. Though she hated the fact that she'd need to go back into a labyrinth, if it meant being able to be in Mami's good favor and protection, Madoka was willing to do it. Anything to survive.

After that thought, Madoka felt lethargy envelop her. Hoping that her slumber would be dreamless, she succumbed to her exhaustion and fell asleep.

And so ended the first day of the cycle.

Notes for Chapter 6: Shorter length of the chapter to get back into the groove of writing. Apologies for that, as well as for the delay.

Further notes will be added as necessary.