For newcomers: Please read my other fanfic, Dragon Ball Super: Dead Zone. I did not complete it, but this story continues from there, hence the brief summary of the never-made second part.
Following the Super Saiyan Squadron's assault on Garlic Jr.'s Castle, Cabba, Saonel and Pirina all fought Garlic Jr. inside while Sansho and Frost fended off an enraged Kale. This showdown was interrupted by the first use of the Dead Zone cannon, which sucked up all of Namek and most of it citizens into the Dead Zone. While Cabba and the Saiyans regrouped on Sadal, Saonel and Pirina fled in shame to Universe 7 where they trained with Piccolo to control their Super Namekian power. Meanwhile, Frost convinced Sansho that Garlic Jr. had totally lost his mind as their castle headed towards Sadal. They attempted to confront him, but were sealed by his magic. Eventually, Garlic Jr. reached Sadal, and while the Dead Zone cannon warmed up, the entire Sadal military charged into his base for the final battle. Cabba and Kale had trained and fought together against the tyrant, and during their engagement, Caulifla entered the fray to provide further support. For the first time thus far, the heroes had the upper hand against Garlic Jr. However, the Makyan was able to draw the power of the Dead Zone in one last attempt to win, and attained a muscular, more powerful state resembling Toppo's Hakaishin mode. Saonel and Pirina returned from their training session in the nick of time and helped their friends. Eventually, Saonel absorbed his long-time partner, using his new power to defeat Garlic Jr. once and for all by banishing him to the Dead Zone with a decisive Special Beam Cannon he had learned from Piccolo.
After it was wished back via the Super Dragon Balls, Saonel returned to Namek, where he was promoted to tribal chieftain and put in charge of doing the chores his components would've done.
Upon having Garlic Jr.'s magic seal wear off, Sansho and Frost stole a Super Saiyan Squadron ship and flew off into space, deciding to become brothers-in-crime.
2 days later, the celebrations on Sadal went as planned, with Cabba, Kale, Caulifla and Saonel all participating in the festivities. Little did they know, however, that a new threat was lurking in the shadows: One with motivations far more profound than mere vengeance.
On an unnamed world, 140.6 million miles away...
The planet's skies were a deep shade of violet and littered with scarlet clouds just like any other day. Purple lightning crackled and descended on the ground near the stalactite-ridden cave mouth, a humanoid, reptilian figure sitting inside a rock fashioned to resemble a throne. The figure himself had a horned, serpentine head, his slender, glistening bronze eyes staring intently and counting the bursts of lightning out of sheer boredom. He wore a somewhat scratched but otherwise fairly well-maintained blue suit of armor, the body of which was dotted with faded gold, sharp-looking tribal markings. Concealed underneath the neck region of his armor was a faded, black piece of cloth resting upon his shoulders, embedded with a polygonal jewel in the center and painted, dark blue lines. This collar was not unlike the ones Gods of Destruction were known for and often depicted wearing.
The serpentine man's period of concentration was interrupted by the sound of footsteps entering his lair. He looked on with a sly smile as a very short, elderly-looking woman with frizzly white hair and light gray skin with moderately pronounced scales walked up to him. Her robed figure was supported by a wooden cane, and the shiny red jewel centered on her forehead called attention to her face, occupied by a dangerous pair of slitted eyes, a crooked nose and a fanged smile. Upon getting closer to the other man's makeshift throne, she began to speak.
"Greetings, Derma. We haven't talked in quite a while. This is because I have been intently eyeing my crystal ball these past few days after detecting some newfound disturbances. I have some wonderful news to share." After saying this, the woman reached into the folds of her dark cloak with her right hand. When it came back out, it was wielding a dark purple, glass crystal ball. Immediately, by staring at it closely enough, Derma could see visions of a familiar little green man inside of it. "First off," she continued, "that fool Garlic Jr. finally decided to go along with that little revenge plan of his. It went about as well as you would expect." she lightly cackled as a replay of Garlic Jr's muscular Destruction form being skewered by Saonel's Special Beam Cannon and limply getting sucked into the Dead Zone appeared within the magical orb. Derma couldn't help chuckle at the sight, too.
"But that's not even the best part." the witch said. "Garlic Jr. was just a nuisance; even if he ended up being too strong for us, we could've still beaten him or waited him out. For you see, while scanning neighboring Universes, I found something rather remarkable. I'm afraid looking at it through my crystal ball wouldn't do; you need to be given a closer look, my dear."
After concluding this statement, the glass of the witch's crystal ball began to slowly flap open, revealing a spherical purple spark of energy inside. The energy began to pulsate and flicker. As it did so, the scenery around Derma and his accomplice Mamba began to change. The rocky plains of their planet turned into a landscape of ice and snowy mountains, the purple, cloudy sky into a clear blue one. Derma was a bit concerned, but immediately calmed himself as he realized this was just another one of Mamba's illusions of the past. His train of thought was suddenly interrupted by a deep, primal scream coupled by the sounds of fists clashing. The serpent turned around to see two warriors clashing. The former was lanky with a firey aura, orange gi and spiky scarlet hair and eyes, designating the power of the Super Saiyan God.
But this was not the one who caught Derma's attention: it was the God's opponent that caught his fancy. Unlike the composed, relatively small divine Saiyan he was facing, this one was massive, with wild golden eyes and black hair frozen upright. His most distinguishing characteristic, however, was the bright, fuzzy green pelt wrapped around his waist. Unlike his foe, his attacks were far less subtle and far more violent. Finally, the Super Saiyan God stepped back, held up a ball of red Ki in his hands and charged at the feral Saiyan. To Derma's shock, the latter grabbed the God's attack, not indicating he had been phased by it at all. He then proceeded to cling to his opponent, tossing him about and smashing him into the icy terrain they were dueling on. The divine Saiyan's agonizing screams rung through Derma's head as he tried to process what he was seeing before he was flung, his stiff, barely conscious body landing at Derma's feet. Even though it was all a vision and couldn't hurt him, the snake man couldn't help but shudder a bit. How could any being aside from an Angel reduce the legendary Super Saiyan God to wailing in such a mixture of fear and pain, only to be tossed away like a crumpled up, useless paper ball? The other Saiyan seemingly wasn't even using the normal Super Saiyan state.
Just then, a flash of recollection passed through his mind. Could it be... no, the one known as Kale already took on that demonic moniker, despite being noticeably weaker. Unless...
With a tap of her cane, Mamba changed the scenery again, interrupting Derma's thoughts. The battlefield remained much the same, only now it was later in the day, sunset having just dawned. Once again, a different pair of warriors clashed in front of the reptilian duo. The former was thinner with upright cyan hair and a vest which Derma immediately recognized as that gained during the Metamoran fusion technique. But like the Super Saiyan God earlier, this one wasn't the one who caught Derma's attention. It was his opponent who did so: The feral Saiyan from earlier, only with even broader muscles, his chest armor gone and his hair emerald green with blank white eyes. Derma's mouth went agape at this monstrous sight. He knew deep down what this meant. It had been so long since he had thought about this sight; this sign.
Mamba saw the shocked look on her compatriot's face. With one final tap of her cane and with her crystal ball closing, they returned to their home. Derma took a while to think about what had been shown to him before speaking, not facing towards Mamba as he did so:
"What was that man's name?"
"I believe his name is Broly, my dear. As you can see, he too has that..."
"Your job, Mamba, is to get Broly to Sadal alive in any way possible." The witch did not need further orders or explanation: He already knew from the course of her many eons of living what Derma was plotting. Indeed, he had been preparing for and awaiting this day his entire life. Nodding, she began to walk away. Derma began to head back to his throne as well, muttering one final sentence as he did so:
"The 13th Prophecy shall be fulfilled."