Hello! This is just a little idea I had. Ever since the reboot of Fruits Basket was announced, I've just been in the mood. Even re watched the anime and manga to get in the spirit. Let me know if you would like me to continue this story. Hope you enjoy.

Another hit, another strike. Yuki fell to the ground in a loud thud. Coughing out a splat of blood, he heard the taunting of his nightmares behind him. "Get up rat."

He remained unmoved and shortly felt a blazing pain in his side. Yuki pulled his head to the side and through the blurred lines he could see one thing clearly. He always saw one thing clearly, that never changed.

Looking back at him was the same cold dead eyes he always knew and the long white hair that dragged on the floor. He reached out to her in mercy. Yuki didn't care who answered but he needed someone to save him and that moment.

They locked eyes and he muttered out a number of broken words. "Please..help me."

The girl didn't react to his plies and remained the same as she always had been. Watching his pain. Sometimes he would see her open her mouth just slightly, but that girl never moved to stop Akito's blows, only watched.

She looked to be about the same age as him but even though they looked so similar, she never spoke a word, always letting him continue the pain.

Everyday after that would remain the same until he stopped calling out to her all together. Every time he looked into those eyes, a crashing rage set in him.

He hated those eyes. And he hated her.

Tohrou approached the large Soma residence in apprehension. She held the small strip of paper with the address in her right hand as she placed her other in her pocket of her jacket.

She wasn't sure if she should be there or not seeing as Yuki and Kyo told her never to meet with the Soma doctor alone. She still wasn't sure why and maybe that's why she was here now.

She rounded the corner of the residence and found the address exactly how it was described on the paper but it seemed no one was home. Lightly tapping on the side of the door, she called out. "Hello? Hatori are you here? It's me, Tohru."

Not wanting to be rude, she gazed into one of the windows to find the room pitch dark. Maybe he forgot about their meeting.

Tohru stepped carefully into the space and looked around, expecting to see him round the corner any minute. She silently hoped Hatori wouldn't be mad at her for entering his home without permission.

She stopped when a dim light shone under one of the doorways, almost calling her to the spot. Complying, she moved closer.

Opening the small sliding door, Tohru found something she wasn't supposed to see, something secret. But of course, she had no idea at the time.

Laying on the floor, just a couple feet in front of her was a girl who appeared to be sleeping. She looked to be about Tohru's age except she displayed an unknown aura of royalty to her.

She was dressed in some kind of historical clothing, with a long purple and white kimono grazing her body and slowly sweeping across the floor. But that wasn't what Tohru noticed the most.

This girl somehow had extremely long white hair that pooled around her in a warm blanket. It looked like it was supposed to be up in some sort of fashion but it seemed small strands had broken away from their bonds, instead creating a messy effect. But of course that didn't lower the wonder in anyway, this woman was indeed beautiful. Almost like a porcelain doll.

Entranced with her wonder, Tohru forgot to look where she was and tripped on a small pile of books next to her, causing them to tumble down. That's when the girl awoke.

Tohru looked absolutely embarrassed and what she had done and of course started apologizing. "Ahh! I'm so sorry. I totally didn't see those books there. I'm sure you were sleeping very soundly and I just woke you up so suddenly I'm sorry..."

But when the woman turned around to look at Tohru, she shut her mouth right away and stared in awe.

The strange girl looked at her with crimson red eyes, something Tohru had definitely never seen before, almost like she was looking into her soul.

They just stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity before Tohru made the first move. Maybe she was a Sohma as well. "Ahh hello. My name is Tohru Honda. It's very nice to meet you. Are you a Sohma as well, if you don't mind me asking?"

But the girl just continued to stare at her, giving no response except slightly turning her head, almost as in question. The situation turned awkward quite quickly. "Sorry if that was personal. Do you know where I could find Hotori?"

Once again, the girl didn't make any response, once continued to stare. Tohru let out a little nervous laugh and suddenly she heard Hatori's voice carry over her. "Sorry for the wait. I was just finishing up a client..."

Hotori seemed to freeze when he saw the unknown girl and just sighed heavily. "What are you doing here? Were you allowed to roam around or did you escape again?"

The girl just casted her eyes down in response which gave him enough of an answer. He looked at her disapproving and scrolled. "I knew it. You can't keep doing things like this Aria. You know it will only make Lord Akito even angrier."

She seemed to understand his statement but didn't make any motion to move. Instead she just sat there, looking rather grumpy. Tohru heard the name and decided to probably introduce herself. "Oh, your name is Aria? That's a very pretty name. Are you a Somha as well?"

Hotori looked almost afraid when Aria's name came tumbling out, especially from such an outsider. He turned toward Tohru and gazed at her intently. "Tohru, it's very important that you never speak of this meeting or else I will have no choice but that erase your memories. Lord Akito is very strict about the relations of Aria."

Tohru took a step back in fear of his words, what did he mean she couldn't talk about this new girl? Was this supposed to be some kind of secret or something? "I don't understand. What do you mean erase my memories?"

Hotori shook his head with frustration and pointed towards the door. "It, it doesn't matter. Now isn't the time to talk about this. You can come back again another time."

Suddenly it seemed that he was on edge for something reason and Tohru quickly got the hint as he practically pushed her out of the door.

But as she started to reach the entrance, a new voice stopped her. "Miss Honda? Are you here?"

She turned to find Yuki staring at her worriedly for some reason. A strange ball of anxiety welled up in his throat as he saw her. "Miss Honda! Thank goodness. I thought I told you never to meet with Hotori alone. You could have been hurt!"

He paused when a flash of white shone in the corner of his vision as a million flashback played in his mind, each one of them painful. It was her, she was in front of him.

Seeing her standing behind Tohru brought a new sense of fear as he quickly reached forward and moved her away from that woman. "You. What were you trying to do to Miss Honda?!"

But Aria didn't seem shaken in the slightest. She just remained still, watching Touru being pulled away. Touru on the other hand, didn't know what was happening. "Yuki? What's going on? Do you also know Aria? Are you two friends?"

The very thought disgusted Yuki so much that his face scrunched up in a little ball of fury. "Friends? That's absolutely absurd. I could never be friends with such a low life like her. Someone that follows him, it's disgusting."

Touru was taken back by his hateful comment and opened her mouth to speak but was stopped by another voice, Hatori. "Now, there is no need for that Yuki. I called her over here to talk about some things. Aria had nothing to do with it."

Yuki laughed sarcastically and pointed a finger at Aria in anger, although the girl didn't seem shaken in the slightest. "Oh please. Do you really expect me to believe that this monster had nothing to do with it?"

Before he could carry on, Hatori cut of the rat, silencing him from his own hate. "Yuki that's enough. Just take her and go. Tohru, we can continue our talk another time. Just remember what I said earlier."

The human nodded her head once remembering the warning that Hatori gave which Yuki even more on edge. He slowly understood that now wasn't the time but knew he would question Miss Honda about the conversation as soon as they were out of sight. "Fine. Let's go Miss Honda."

Then, before she could argue, Yuki began to drag her away from the Sohma estate and back towards the exit.

When the two were gone, Hatori sighed heavily and turned to Aria who he realized was trying to tip toe away from him. "Aria. Stop right there. Don't you think you can run away from this."

She paused and regretfully turned around, giving him a childlike smile, almost as if to play it off.

But of course he wasn't having it and began to leachure her like he usually did. "First off, how did you even know I was meeting with Tohru today?"

Aria casted her eyes towards his calendar and he put two and two together. "You saw my calendar?"

She nodded her head once and walked over to his desk before pulling a blank piece of paper and pencil.

Then she quickly wrote various words down and turned it over so Hatori could see. The paper read: I just wanted to see her.

Hatori's eyes went from ones of annoyance to understanding as he tried to reason with her. "Do you realize how dangerous that was though? Letting an outsider see you. You know what Akito would do if he found out."

Nodding her head she scribbled something else on the paper and turned it around. Are you going to tell him?

The doctor put his hands in his pockets and groaned in frustration. "No, of course not. But that doesn't mean you can just break in here whenever you feel like it. Not everyone is as understanding as me."

Aria looked at her feet and wrote another sentence on the paper. Like Yuki?

Hattori smiled sadly and nodded his head once. "Yes, like Yuki. Of course I don't think he would go running his mouth about this to Akito so I believe you are safe for now."

Silence echoed through the area for a couple minutes until Hatori decided to speak first. "So I talked to Akito about you attending school with Kyo and Yuki..."

Aria put her hand up as if to stop him and wrote her feelings. And let me guess, he said no?

He paused for a moment before gazing her at and giving her the sad news. "Unfortunately yes. I'm sorry Aria. I did try."

She looked down for a couple moments before snapping her face back up in understanding. It's okay. Thanks for trying. Maybe it's for the best anyways.

Hatori hated those words. He knew that she had longed for just a day outside of the estate but he also knew that the risk was too dangerous. Who knows what could happen? But of course, she was just a kid. She deserve something

Suddenly a set of voices echoed through the hallways and Aria froze. "Lady Aria?"

The door then rattled open and she looked towards Hatori for help. They didn't have long to wait as a couple of maids entered the space.

They took one look at Aria and entered into a deep bow. "There you are Lady Aria. We have been worried sick about your disappearance."

Aria looked down and watched Hatori step in front of her. "I apologize, I heard throughout the estate that Lady Aria wasn't feeling well so I instructed her to visit my office today."

The maid narrowed her eyes and answered back. "Oh, we were not made aware of that. But all interactions with Lady Aria must be approved by Lord Akito first. We have been instructed to keep her in her room until further orders are given."

The white haired girl stepped out from behind her friend and just nodded once before moving over towards the maids in compliance. "Please remember that next time. Come on Lady Aria, you must return at once."

Aria listened to their words but before she left, she quickly turned around and run up to Hatori who looked surprised. Then she wrote down a few more words before crunching the piece of paper in her palm and handed it to him.

He just watched her slightly smile in sadness before bowing once and leaving with the pushy maids.

Looking down at the paper, Hatori straightened the edges and read its contents. The words made his own heart sink to to floor. It read: I'm sorry for ruining your meeting. Thanks again for trying to reason with him. I really appreciate it.

He brought his brow down to a scowl and crushed the paper in his palm. This poor girl didn't deserve this kind of treatment. Being locked away in one room for her entire life seemed extremely cruel.

Then, Hatori looked at the phone beside him and concluded something. He didn't care if she was dangerous, Aria needed a life away from this terrible house, and he was going to make sure that happened.

Yuki pulled Tohru until they were far past the gates of the estate. He seemed really unnerved about the conversation they had before. She didn't know much, but she thought it had something to do with that girl, Aria. "Yuki? Are you okay? You know you can talk to me if something is bothering you."

He stopped walked and let go of Tohru's arm, looking down at his feet. "Are you certain they really didn't do anything to you Miss Honda? It's okay, you can tell me."

She shook her head and put her hands out infront of her in defense. "No, they didn't, really. I'm fine. But if I may ask, why were you so harsh to the two of them back there?"

Yuki thought about how much he should tell his new friend but decided that he trusted her with the true. "That girl, Aria. She's Akito's right hand, his partner if you will. Whenever I would be 'punished' for various reasons, she was always there. I cried out for her help numerous times but she just, stood there, watching my pain. She is just as guilty as Akito and I will never forgive her."

The human girl couldn't help but remain silent at his words. What is was saying cut him deep and she knew that he harbored a lot of pain from it.

Suddenly, Yuki turned to Tohru and grabbed her arms gently, looking in her eyes with passion. "Miss Honda, promise me that you will never meet with that girl alone. She's dangerous. I just, don't want you to get hurt."

Nodding her head once, Yuki relaxed his muscles and breathed in a breath of relief. At least it was all over. He wouldn't have to see her again.

About a day or two later Aria was informed that she would be having a guest visit her which was certainly odd. The only person that was able to visit her was Akito and he wasn't always the kindest guest.

She was instructed to make tea for the stranger and await their arrival which Aria complied to, not wanting to displease Akito after her disappearance a couple days ago.

Making the tea and sitting down at the table, she didn't have to wait long as the stranger knocked slightly on the door.

Aria stood at the noises and the stranger walked into her room slowly, a goofy smile slapped on his face.

She knew this man from somewhere, but couldn't place exactly where. But somehow the air around him seemed joyful.

Bowing once at the stranger, the maid next to her welcomed the man. "Hello, Lady Aria is pleased to meet you."

The strangers brow went up in question. "Is she now?"

Aria casted her eyes away as the maid spoke for her again. "Of course Master Shigure. She is delighted."

Shigure? And that name Aria's eyes grew wide. Of course he looked familiar. She remembered Hatori talk about his high school friends once and awhile, along with a couple of them visiting him when she was there. So that' why he sounded familiar.

Shigure smiled at her face, knowing she now recognized him and continued speaking. "I'm sure she is. But I was wondering if I could speak to Lady Aria privately for a moment? You know, without you answering for her."

The maid gasped at his disrespect and tried to remain calm. 'I apologize Master Shigure but Lord Akito forbids it. And even so, Lady Aria is unable to speak for herself so I assure you the conversation wouldn't be what you're looking for."

He smirked and pulled out a paper from his pocket before showing the maid in question. "I spoke to Akito before this and he allowed me to speak with her alone. This is his confirmation."

Grabbing the paper, the maid read its contents before bowing quickly and moving towards the door. "My apologies! I wasn't made aware of that. Please continue Master. I will now take my leave."

The woman left the two of them alone and Shigure didn't take any time sitting across from her. Smiling with his hand on chin he spoke. "It's been a long time, hasn't it Aria?"

Aria just frowned and wondered internally what he was doing here. Everyone besides Hatori had stopped visiting her years ago, when she just a kid. And it seemed the rest of the family didn't even know of her existence. Why did he care now?

He must of noticed her grumpy behavior because he quickly pointed it out. "Aww come on Ari, are you not happy to see me? I know I've grown even more handsome in these past few years."

She looked at with the classic 'are you an idiot' face she always seemed to give him and wasn't impressed. He coughed a little bit in response and continued. "Right, well I'm just going to assume that's a yes. Here, I have a present for you."

Opening the bag next to him, he pulled out a medium sized sketchbook and a purple and white pen, her favorite colors. He placed them on the table and her eyes grew wide. They were for her.

Thoughts zoomed past in her mind and she remembered Akito's orders as clear as day. It was forbidden to communicate with any sort of material. Sure, she did break the rules a couple times with Hatori but that was different. This book spelled trouble all over it.

Quickly reacting, Aria pushed the book away from her, showing him that she didn't want his gift.

Shigure seemed shocked at first but slowly understood as he stopped the book from getting swept off the table. "Hey, it's okay. I got Akito's permission. You can use it."

She looked at him with apprehension and tried to find any sort of lie in his eyes. When she found none, Aria carefully grabbed the sketch book, opening it up to the first page.

Scribbling something down, she turned it over. Shigure, why are you here?

Pretending to be surprised he tripped on a few of his words. "Whaa what are you talking about? I just care about your well being. We were friends when I was in high school afterall."

She thought about the times he was speaking off and didn't really have a same opinion. Since when have you ever cared about my well being? And friends isn't what I say. You were just here cause you were obligated to.

Not really denying the fact, he nodded his head once and answered. "You're right. When I was a kid that's exactly why I visited you. But now, it's different. Now, I'm here for you Ari."

Aria remained silent as he continued. "I heard from Hatori, how they treat you, how you live. I-I didn't know Ari I swear."

Still more silence as Shigure reached out and grabbed her hand carefully. "How would you like it, if you came and lived with me?"

Aria, eyes widened as she processed his words. Live with him? That was impossible. She wasn't even allowed outside of the estate, never mind living in someone else's house.

She shook her head and ripped her hands away from him at the shock. Picking a shaky hand up, she began to scribble quickly onto the paper. It's impossible. I'm not allowed. Don't joke about that.

Shigure just smiled at her words and told her the news. "I spoke to Akito about it and he agreed. Only for a year, but still agreed."

The room spun around as she realized what he was saying. She could be free?

Tears welled up in her eyes and a couple landed on the paper below. If she had a voice then it surely would have carried in long wails, but unfortunately the sound remained just as silent as always.

Shigure patted her back slowly as she cried, stopping only for a moment and mouthing the words she wished she could speak Thank you.

As Shigure closed the door behind him, a couple maids greeted him with a bow. "Good evening Lord Shigure. We have been instructed by Lord Akito to give you these."

They pulled out a small box from behind their backs and handed it to the dog who gazed at it in question.

The woman seemed to recognize his confusion and spoke. "They are for Lady Aria in case she becomes unstable. If that happens, you are instructed to bring her back to the estate at once."

Opening the box slowly he internally gasped when he saw a row of about twenty vials with matching syringes and needles. They looked horrible.

He jokingly laughed everything off to light the mood. "I don't think this will be necessary."

The maid just narrowed her eyes and bowed once. "Just be sure her collar doesn't malfunction or breaks. If that happens, you must act quickly or you are as good as dead. Those are the direct words from Lord Akito. I shall take my leave now. Goodbye."

Then, just as quickly as she came, the woman left Shigure alone with that strange box, wondering just what he had gotten himself into.