Hello everyone and welcomd to a new story called the pessimist! This story was an inspiration of electron1877 own version of this story and in his story update he said he was only focused on a few scenes so I decided to capitalize on this and rewrite the ENTIRE GAME as Rex as a pessimist the story will be slightly different with Rex's pessimist attitude. Now that is settled so please if you want to see my inspiration for this story and the original go read the Pessimist by Electron1877 with that out of the way enjoy!

'The world was terrible and nothing in life is worth living... Alrest it's such a dumb name...'

Rex the young pessimist thought as he was walking up to Bana's Chairroom he apparently had been summoned by Bana for some unknown reason everyone glared at the salvager and he gave them death stares. Rex opened up the doors to Bana's room the large nopon sat there at his desk.

Bana: Ah you have finally arrived.

Rex: Hmph what could you possibly want?

Bana: Friend have very stand up attitude good good.

Rex: Get on with it!

Bana: Right of course Bana has job for Rex!

Rex: What kind of job?

Bana: Job that can get you 200,000 Gold!

Rex: You have my interest big fat and blue what is it?

Bana: Well you are to-

Bana was interrupted by a door opening revealing several people a cat girl with a tiger, a man in a mask, and a tall guy with a monster.

Bana: Ahh friends arrive! Bana was simply explaining job to Rex.

???: Really this guy are ww gonna have to hire a babysitter??

Rex: For your information cat girl your just about the same size as me are these guys your baby sitters?

Rex said this with a smirk and the cat girl got annoyed.

Nia: For your information my name is Nia not cat girl! and they are not my babysitters!

Rex: Really? They seem stronger than you bigger than you and most certainly older than you so Nia they are your baby sitters now stay out of my face ears! What was the job Bana?

Bana: Ahh Job is friends and you go on trip to salvage something.

Rex: That's it I have to go with group edge and their child to salvage something?

Malos: Well brat your one to talk the name is Malos nice to meet ya!

He said dashing at Rex swinging his sword at him as Rex pulled out his sword and blocked his attack and knocking Malos back.

Rex: What was that for?!

Malos: To test your reflexes kid and not bad for someone with out a blade.

Rex: I don't need your praises you brainless edge lord. *Sigh* tell me when are we going??

???: We are going in a few hours meet with us at the lower deck at 6.

Rex: Ok mask.

The group of drivers left the room just leaving Rex and Bana.

Bana: Friends are fiesty bunch when together anyways here is money i

use it to suit up!

Rex: Don't boss me around you fat blue berry!

Rex took the money tossing it in his hands as he left the room.

Bana: Jerkface...

Rex waited for a few hours waiting for his call as he went to the ship entering it and just hanging out.