Well, this is it. The last chapter. The thought of it makes me sad, yet satisfied. I hope you guys have enjoyed this and cried a lot with me.
One last time, I don't own Hamilton.
30 Years Later
As he died, his children came into the room. One by one. None of them said a thing. They brought his grandchildren with them. From the oldest to the youngest. Alexander was very old, they said. He was going to die soon, they said. Alexander knew it was all true.
But Eliza was there. Watching him. Soon Philip joined her. With his son and wife there, Alexander was ready for any pain. Any suffering. With Eliza there, he could do it. Alexander was strong. Eliza gave him that hope. After all the years of having to live without her, this was paradise.
"My dear children," he whispered, only loud enough for his children to hear him, "Let me see you."
As they had done years before, the Hamilton children, all grown now, lined up by the edge of the bed. Alexander saw how they had grown. Annie was able to recover. She had married and had nine children of her own. Alex had been as successful as his pops. With his own family and job. James with his dear wife, Mary was trying not to cry. John was holding his three year old daughter, Elizabeth. William hadn't married, but he looked at his father with disbelief. Eliza was rubbing her swollen stomach. Alexander wouldn't be able to meet his grandchild. Philip held his sister's other hand.
"Remember…" Alexander was going to say 'me', but that didn't seem right. Not on his deathbed. They didn't need to remember him. Someone else was much more important. "Your mother. My Betsey."
Each person in the room watched as he faded away. Tears were shed. Even a few screams rang out. Everyone in the room was allowed to say goodbye somehow. Eliza Holly went last.
"Goodbye, Papa. I promise that I won't forget either of you. My namesake or my dear father. Who raised me to be like my mother. Thank you. I am planning to name this child after you or Mama. You changed my life. So, thank you," Eliza told her father, "For everything."
Meanwhile, Alexander was there. Watching each of them. After he left, Eliza immediately embraced her husband. Philip wasn't too soon after. He cried for them. His tears were out of joy. It had been too long since he saw his wife.
"There's so many people waiting for you," Eliza informed her husband, "I can't believe that I'm seeing you again!"
"I've missed you were so much, Betsey," Alexander replied, "You too, Philip. Your brother is doing an amazing job at upholding your legacy."
"We can go back as soon as you are ready, Alexander."
"Can we watch for a second? I don't want to leave them quite yet and I don't exactly know how this whole 'dead' thing works."
Eliza giggled. Alexander had missed that sound. "We'll leave once you're ready. We have all the time in the world."
Time. Alexander had run out of time, just as his Eliza did. But now they had so much more time. He didn't know what to think of it. For now, they waited. The trio watched the family mourn Alexander. Annie kissed his forehead before his body was taken away. When Annie looked in their direction, she beamed and waved. They waved back.
"I think I'm ready now," Alexander whispered to Eliza.
His wife nodded. She took his hand and Philip's before guiding them away. To home. Heaven. Paradise. The place where so many people were waiting for him.
It had been enough.
In case any of you were wondering the stats are (at least from when I'm publishing this chapter):
5,848 reads, 49 reviews, and 8,261 words
Thank to everyone who contrubited to this sum.
I am thinking about doing a sequel to this. Please tell me if you would be interested in it!
Thanks for reading! Please review!