Daddy's Daughter
Part I
Summary: Dean finds out that he has a teenage daughter and how her life has been surrounded by supernatural. Not only has his daughter been prophesized to defeat the most evil wizard of all time, the angel of the lord is deeply infatuated with her. How will he handle the shit-storm?
AN: I do not own Harry Potter and Supernatural. They belong to their respective authors and writers.
I would like to apologize for any mistakes in advance. Please do not copy this story.
Sirius is alive and is about 40 years old. Timeline differs and ages along with it, which is why I'm not mentioning it. Pick whatever age you like for our boys.
She took a deep breath as she walked towards the motel door with a simple bag pack which held all the stuff she owned. Mary couldn't believe that she was doing this. It was the worst idea she'd ever had, but was she going to lose? Well, nothing, but a lot at the same time. She lost herself to grief after watching Cedric being killed in front of her last year. She wasn't close to him, but he was a kind guy who was killed because he tried to stand-up for her. When Sirius realized that she wasn't getting any better, he threw a bomb at her or at least it felt like that to her. Lily and James Potter weren't her parents. Well, they were, but they weren't able to conceive, so they had her by a procedure called artificial insemination, which she came to know about, after Sirius told her the truth. They selected a man for donation, who looked somewhat like them for the 'donation'. The man was an American and had no knowledge of her existence. Sirius showed her all the documents which even had the picture of her 'father'. A man named Dean Winchester, who seemed no older than 18 or 19 in it and had the same eyes as hers. She had also found out that her parents named her after Dean's mother who was deceased, to honour the man.
Why exactly was she doing it? She had no idea. The only thing that came to her mind was that she wasn't exactly an orphan and had a father. She had researched about him and had found out that Dean had a sibling, and neither brother was married, which was why she decided to come here in the first place. She knew that there was no use in doing this, these people will cast her aside as soon as they realize what a freak she was, just like Aunt Petunia, but she was a glutton for punishment. When she told Sirius that she wanted to find her father, he had been upset, but had refused to let her travel across the globe alone. So here they were – in front of the motel room where the Winchester's were staying.
She looked down and muttered, "Come on, Snuffles. Let's do this."
After which she took a deep breath before knocking on the door. A man with hazel eyes and long shaggy brown hair opened the door and looked at her and then down at her 'dog' with a frown. He had a muscular build with broad shoulders and was extremely tall. He gave her and awkward smile and asked, "Um… Yeah?"
"Hello. I'm looking for someone named Dean Winchester. Do you know him?" she asked him hopefully.
The smile vanished from the man's face and his eyes narrowed at her as he asked dangerously, "What do you want with him?"
She flinched back from the man, while Snuffles growled at him. Mary's hand went to Snuffles head as she patted him, trying to keep him calm and to settle her nerves as well. To make sure that no matter what, she will always have him by her side. The man's reaction worried her. Was he a criminal or in hiding? Why else would he be on edge by such a simple question? What happened next was purely because she couldn't keep her mouth shut when necessary.
"Are you Sam Winchester?" As soon as she blurted, the man pulled his gun out and aimed at her. Her eyes widened with horror as she backed away from him. "Now, tell me who yo…" he couldn't finish his sentence as Padfoot jumped forward and bit the man on his leg.
The man screamed with pain, while she said horrified, "Snuffles!"
And just as soon she heard another voice, "Sammy?!" and a man came barrelling towards them. She knew this one from the picture as he hasn't changed much. This was 'her father', Dean Winchester and he was aiming his gun both at her and at Sirius. But before he could pull the trigger, she shouted at him, "Don't hurt him!"
She had her wand in her pocket if needed, so she pulled Sirius back with difficulty, who was growling at the men.
Dean kept his gun pointed at her and asked the the taller man worriedly, "Sammy? Are you alright?" Sam grunted while inspecting his leg and glaring at the two of them simultaneously. Once Dean was satisfied that his brother was fine, he turned towards the girl and asked threateningly, "Who the hell are you?"
"Um… This was a mistake. We should leave." Mary muttered as she backed away from him, while Padfoot stayed where he was, still growling at the men.
"You aren't going anywhere kid. Not until you tell us who you are and what do you want?" Dean told her.
She cursed her luck and the moment she decided to come here. She could've stayed with Sirius after she turned 17 in a year more, but no she had to find the man who donated his sperm from which she came. He was definitely a criminal and was going to kill her. She squared her shoulders and said confidently, "I'm not telling you anything until you lower your gun."
The man frowned, before lowering his gun a bit and asked, "You British? What're you doing here alone? Where are your parents?"
The man was asking all the right questions, wasn't he? So, she was going to answer him truthfully. Mary looked him square in the eyes and said, "I'm your daughter."
Dean and Sam's eyes widened and they stared at her open mouthed. Padfoot gave her a look and shook his head as if saying – 'How dumb can you be? Could've handled it a bit better.' She took this time to look at the man himself. He had green eyes and with a jolt she realized that she had his eyes and not her mother's. Other than that, he had light freckles on his face and dark blonde hair which were short-cropped. He was shorter than Sam, but still tall, possibly 6'1 and was wearing a plaid shirt over a T-shirt with jeans.
Meanwhile, Dean and Sam stared at the girl, perplexed. She was a skinny thing, not more than 5'3 with wild red flaming hair which covered her forehead and looked about 13. She had the most striking green eyes hidden behind round glasses; their mother's eyes which Dean had also seen in the mirror all his life. But they weren't going to believe anything just yet and it was the most preposterous thing they've heard. They've dealt with girls younger than her which turned out to be a demon in disguise.
"What?" Sam chocked out after he came out of his shock, which brought Dean out of his trance and he asked, "Is this a joke?" then he looked at her and muttered, "Cristo!"
Other than a confused frown, the girl gave no reaction at all. Instead, her nose wrinkled and she asked, "What?"
Not a demon, then!
Mary didn't know how to explain the situation to the two, it was embarrassing as it is. So, she opened her bag to pull out the documents, which made the two men tense and she frowned, but pulled the file out, held it out towards them and told them, "These are the documents that I found last month. It explains everything."
The one name Sammy took it from her, while the other gave her a flask from his back pocket and ordered, "Here. Drink this."
She eyed the flask and then the man. After which she shook her head and said, "Um… I'm not old enough."
The taller man cracked a smile at that, while Dean stared at her with his jaw clenched. He took a sip from it just to show her and said, "It's just water."
There was definitely something wrong with these men, but she took the flask anyway and smelled it. He rolled his eyes at her as he crossed his arms across his chest, while still clutching his gun in his hand tightly. When she didn't smell anything, she took a sip and sighed when she realized that it was in fact water.
He wasn't going to take any chances. He already was getting a headache, so Dean pulled out his silver knife to check whether she was something else or not, but suddenly the girl pulled out a wooden stick out of nowhere and held it tightly in her hand. The action was so sudden that it startled the brothers.
Why would someone carry a wooden stick inside their jacket? But they let it go for the moment. What exactly would a stick do anyhow?
Mary backed away from them and said, "Look, I'm really sorry, but coming here was a mistake. Just let me leave and I won't bother you again."
"We're not gonna hurt you." Dean told her gruffly.
She raised an eyebrow at that and challenged, "Really? Because the gun and the knife were a dead give-away."
Both the brothers winced at the jab, but stayed quiet. They needed to be sure. This wasn't something that had happened with them before, so Sam looked at her and said placatingly, "We won't hurt you. We just wanna check something. It wont even hurt, just a nick on the finger. I promise."
Mary looked at the two with distrust and even Padfoot was on alert, but she had her wand and wouldn't think twice before using it. Everything was too suspicious in her opinion as it is. She kept her wand clutched tightly in her hand, while gave the other to 'Dean'. The dog almost snarled at them and the brothers eyed him warily. He had already bitten Sammy and Dean wasn't in a mood to be the part of the list. "He's not gonna bite me, is he?" he asked the girl.
"That depends." She answered as she motioned towards the knife in his hand.
Dean nodded and took her hand before nicking her finger lightly. She didn't flinch, but pulled her hand back once he released it.
"Come on in." he told her as he moved aside.
She hesitated, but entered inside when Sirius ran inside and jumped on one of the beds, making himself comfortable, no doubt to keep an eye on everything.
"No! Damn it! The bed isn't for you." Dean told the dog and Snuffles only made himself more comfortable. Mary wanted to laugh so badly at Dean, who looked ready to blow and Sirius, who only lifted his head to dare the man.
She turned around and saw Sam shaking his head at his brother before he muttered, "Dean."
Dean turned around with a scowl from where he was having a staring match with the dog and looked at the girl. "Do you have a picture of your mother? What are you, 13? How am I gonna remember someone that old?" he fired.
"Well, I don't think you've ever met my mother and I'm 15." She looked at him and said lamely.
Both he and Sam looked at the girl sharply and Dean almost snarled, "Look kid, I'm not sure whether you know how babies are made or not, but I'm positive that it involves two to tango!"
Mary looked at him annoyed and replied, "I know how it's done, but I don't think you do!" She closed her eyes and took a breath trying to calm herself. It wouldn't do any good if they start another fight and these men were definitely criminals. "Why don't you read the documents I gave you? It'll explain and then I'll be out of your hair. I'm already regretting it." She muttered.
Dean just looked at her, while Sam opened the file and started reading. A couple of minutes later Sam's head snapped towards his brother and he stared open-mouthed.
"What? What does it say?" Dean asked panicked.
"Um… Have you…? Did you ever…?" Sam turned red and stuttered, not knowing how to say it in front of the kid.
"Oh, for God's sake! You donated a sperm which was then inserted inside my mum. It's a common procedure known as artificial insemination! My guess is that he's," she pointed at Sam, "asking if you've ever donated the sperm or not?" Mary blurted out, frustrated.
The three 'men' stared at her looking somewhat uncomfortable with her description. "What? That's what it is!" she shrugged.
Sam cleared his throat and looked at his brother. "So, did you?"
Dean turned towards Sam and blushed. That was answer enough for Sam who stared at him in disbelief. "You did!" he exclaimed.
"I wasn't even 20 dude and I needed money!" Dean defended himself.
Mary looked at the two bracing herself, while Sam looked at Dean for a couple of seconds and started laughing. Dean just glared at his brother, but ignored him in favour of looking at the girl, his daughter?
"Dude, you're a fath…" Sam gasped between laughter.
"DON'T! Don't say it!" Dean snapped at his brother who was busy laughing. Then he stared at the kid for a long time and slumped on the nearest chair with a sigh. Father and daughter looked at each-other awkwardly, but then Dean cleared his throat and asked, "So, what's your name?"
"Mary Lily Potter." She told him and abruptly Sam stopped laughing, while Dean looked at her sharply. "What?"
She gulped at the look in their eyes and Padfoot lifted his head, sensing the change in atmosphere. "My parents weren't able to have a baby. But when I was born after the procedure, they wanted to honour the man who made it possible for them. So, they named me after your mother. It was listed in the form." She answered truthfully what Sirius had told her.
Sam blinked the tears away as he tried to keep his emotions in check, while Dean looked away, but then he looked back at her and asked, "Where are your parents? Why would they let a kid travel across the ocean alone?"
Both the Winchesters noticed the way she tensed and her gaze went to the dog, who stared right back at her. They frowned not understanding the silent conversation and how can anyone have a silent conversation with a dog?
She looked at them and whispered in a monotone, "They're dead."
That sobered both as they looked at her sympathetically. "I'm sorry." Sam said apologetically.
Mary just shook her head and said, "Don't be. It was a long time ago. I was a baby."
Dean and Sam went rigid after hearing that. They shared a look and Dean asked urgently, "When you were 6 months old?"
She looked startled at the question, but answered, "No. I was 15 months old."
"Do you know who did it?" It was Sam who asked.
"Yeah. It was… a criminal. Why?" she asked confused.
The brothers shared a look at the way she stopped and hesitated before answering, but left it alone for now.
Dean changed the topic and asked, "Where are your guardians? Wont they be worried?"
"No. They'll be happy than I'm gone." Mary told them with a bitter smile and both the brothers shared a glance at that.
Dean stood up and went to the fridge, opening it, "We don't have anything to eat beside beer."
"Don't worry about it. I wasn't planning on staying long. I just wanted to meet my family. We'll just leave." Mary told him as she stood up hastily, motioning for Padfoot to get his lazy ass up from the bed as well.
"You can't leave. I've just met you. I'm hungry. We are going out to eat. Come on, Sammy." Dean said abruptly and Mary again shared a look with her dog, which both the Winchesters noticed.
"I don't want to bother you." She muttered uneasily.
"The diner is right down the road. You and the dog could use some food." Sam said with a smile and she sighed.
Dean locked the door after Sam, who winced with pain as he got up. "His name is Padfoot." She muttered as she reluctantly followed them.
Dean walked to the impala and stopped short, eying the dog. "Can he follow?" he asked her and Padfoot barked at him.
Mary looked at him bewildered. "Seriously?"
"He's a dog. I don't want my baby to get dirty." He told her with all the seriousness in the world and she just gaped at him.
Sam gave his brother a dirty look and said to her, "Don't worry about it, yeah? Just take the backseat."
Padfoot bounded into the car as soon as she opened the door and Dean pouted the whole way.
They were sitting in the diner on the corner booth, while Padfoot stayed near Mary. Both the brothers were gawking at her as she looked around uncomfortably. No one knew what to say and were grateful when the waitress came to get their order. Sam ordered a veg salad, while Dean ordered a cheese burger with a side of bacon and fries and something for the dog as well. Mary was still looking at the menu, not knowing what to order when they all turned towards her. She hadn't tried most of the things as she only got leftovers from Dursley's if she was lucky and English food at Hogwarts.
The waitress was eying Dean, but when she realized that he wasn't interested, she huffed before looking at the girl and asked, "What can I get you, hon?"
Mary looked at her and asked with an awkward smile, "Do you have treacle tart?" Well, so she had a sweet tooth. Sue her!
Sam's eyebrows went to his hair when the girl ordered a dessert for lunch. He might not have tried it, but he had a hunch that it was something like pie for British people and he shook his head. If the eyes and that face wasn't a dead give-away, this was. This definitely was Dean's daughter.
The waitress looked at her apologetically and said, "Sorry we don't have it, but we have freshly baked apple pie?"
That seemed to bring Dean out of his gawking as his head snapped towards the waitress and he asked eagerly, "You have apple pie?" Then he looked at Mary and asked, "You like pie?" and before she could answer, he ordered, "We'll have a pie and make that two cheese burgers with extra bacon and fries." He had seen that the kid had no idea what to order, so he did it for her. She liked pie or some English shit similar to that, and if she was his daughter, then how different could they be? She'll definitely like pie!
Sam shook his head at his brother as the waitress left.
A horrible thought crossed Dean's mind and he asked, "You're not into rabbit food, like your uncle Sammy here, are you?"
Mary's eyebrows went up, while Sam glared at his brother.
"Um… No." Mary answered confused, ignoring the brothers' and Dean sighed with relief.
Sam cleared his throat and asked, "So, Mary, how did you find us?"
Her eyes widened as she paled, looking like a deer caught in headlights. What was she supposed to tell them? That she had used a tracking spell which allowed her to find any blood relatives she had? No, they would freak out and run as far away as possible. On the other hand, would that be worst? She already had Voldemort and the Death Eaters on her trail and would hurt these two if they ever found out about them. But wasn't it the reason why she was here? She wasn't sure if she would survive the war and she wanted to know her father, now that she knew that he was alive.
She finally blinked when she felt their gazes on her and shrugged, "I know someone who helped me and you weren't exactly discreet about your identity."
Their eyes narrowed, but the waitress chose that moment and placed all the food on the table before leaving. They shared a glance, but left it alone for now. They've always been discreet, so it made them anxious that someone could find them easily.
Sam gave the rare cooked chicken to the dog and started with his own food, while Dean started gobbling down his burger with a gusto. Once she saw everyone eating, she picked her burger and took a bite tentatively and her eyes widened. She'd never had a burger before and it was one of the best things she'd ever tasted. "Oh, wow! It's brilliant." She told Dean with a smile as she took another bite, thankful that she had tried it before she went back.
Dean looked up from where he was done with his burger and staring hungrily at the pie and joked, "What? You haven't had a burger before?"
"No." Even though she didn't look at the brothers, but she replied embarrassed as the smile dropped from her face.
The Winchesters noticed the way her dog stopped eating, nudging her with his head with a whine and she patted his head. Being a hunter for as long as they've been, one doesn't miss signs which literally flashed in front of them. Her guardians didn't like her which explained why she was here alone and what 15-year-old had no idea what a burger tasted like? Not to mention that the girl was skittish and smaller than anyone her age.
Dean understanding that she had a sweet tooth, placed a piece of apple pie and placed it in front of her silently. Startled, Mary looked up and smiled when she realized what the man was trying to do. She nodded her thanks and took a bite and then closed her eyes to savour it as she sighed. It wasn't as good as treacle tart, but it was pretty damn close.
The brothers watched wide eyed as she practically inhaled the piece before attacking the whole pie with enthusiasm which put Dean's to shame. The pie was finished even before Dean could take a piece for himself, but he had managed to snag a bite which he congratulated himself for.
Once she was done, she looked up and blushed before mumbling a quiet, "Sorry!" And didn't notice the twitch of Sam's lips and Dean grinning like a madman.
She was sitting on the backseat of the Impala with Padfoot lying beside her. She wasn't sure how these two had convinced her. One moment, she was telling the brothers that she should leave and the next, they were taking her to another town named Sioux Falls in South Dakota at their uncle's place. Someone named Bobby Singer. Dean have been very firm that she wasn't old enough and shouldn't travel alone in a country like America. Things escalated from there and now, 19 hours later, here she was. She was just glad that Sirius was with her because in all truthfulness, she was kind of afraid of her father and uncle. Terrified really. Who attack a 15 year old with a gun, nicked them with a silver knife and then there was the 'water'. Even though they had been nice, but she was positive that there was something wrong with these two.
Her nervousness grew when she realized that they've reached and it was even setting Padfoot on edge. It looked some kind of a yard which was covered in numerous stacked, wrecked cars.
Dean stopped the car in front of a two-story house and both the brother got out. She took a breath before following them and Padfoot followed. Sam gave her a smile which she couldn't return. She was a wreck and just wanted to run, but something stopped her. Dean knocked at the door and waited. A man with greying brown hair and a beard which were opened the door. He was as tall, was wearing a blue cap and was a bit gruff looking.
He had a gun in his hand as he handed a flask to her father, who took it without question and took a sip before passing it to Sam. He did the same and passed it to her and she too took a sip before giving it back.
As soon as they entered inside the man closed the door before glaring at the brothers and almost shouted, "What have you two idjits done now?"
Their eyes widened simultaneously, but before anyone could say a word, Sam blurted, "She's Dean's daughter!"
"Dude!" Dean shouted glaring at his brother, who shot him an apologetic glace.
Bobby's eyes widened and his mouth fell open with shock. "What?!" he asked perplexed looking at the three. He shared a look with the brothers which didn't go unnoticed by both Mary and Padfoot, as he asked, "Are you sure?"
"We did all the tests, Bobby." Dean told him seriously.
Bobby observed the girl and noticed that she did in fact, had Dean's eyes and her features were a mix between both Sam and Dean. The only thing different was her hair which she probably got from her mother and not to mention that she was way too skinny. "What's your name, girl?" he asked in a guttural voice.
What they weren't expecting were the reactions of the two individuals. Mary flinched violently as if she'd been hit and the dog, who had been quiet until now, started growling at Bobby.
Dean looked at Mary, his daughter worriedly. It didn't take a genius to figure out what kind of childhood she had, but what he wanted to know was how bad was it? He just hoped that it wasn't as bad as it seemed right now. Even Sam and Boddy noticed, but otherwise stayed quiet.
She remembered her uncle waking her up harshly with a harsh 'GIRL!' and the hitting her with one thing or the other whenever she did something wrong. But then she realized that she wasn't with the Dursley's anymore and could apparate anytime she wanted. And Sirius was right there with her. So, she squared her shoulders and answered, "It's Mary Potter, Mr. Singer."
"You from Britain?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.
"From London, Sir."
"I ain't no Sir. Call me Bobby." He told her and she nodded while noticing that both Sam and Dean were trying to smother their laughter's. "You can take the room upstairs and I'm making chilli for dinner whether you like it or not." He said and went back towards the kitchen.
The brothers looked just as awkward as she felt, while Padfoot was looking around, probably trying to make sure that they were safe.
"Do you want a hand? I can make dessert?" she asked Bobby hurriedly and three gazes snapped towards her.
Bobby stopped short and demanded, "You can cook?"
"Yeah. I've been cooking all my life." She shrugged nonchalantly and Dean gulped. On top of being abused, which she clearly was, what else has she been through?
Bobby frowned but nodded and motioned for her to join him in the kitchen. He told her where the ingredients were, which weren't much, but what she had made her incredibly happy. Bobby didn't have any fruit, but she found lemons and syrup which was enough. Vernon and Dudley loved sweets and she had been the one to prepare it from an early age. It was either that or a beating; but after seeing Dean's reaction as he eyed the empty plate of pie in that diner, like she had killed his puppy, she knew that he loved it and had never been grateful that she knew somethings' which he will appreciate.
She and Bobby worked quietly side by side, while Sam and Dean went outside. Padfoot on the other hand stayed where she was, so he could keep an eye on these men. It turned out that there was no need to call either of the men for dinner because as soon as she pulled the tart out from the oven, Dean came barrelling through the door with Sam not far behind.
Mary looked bewildered as the man, who definitely was a criminal grinned as soon as his eyes landed on the dessert. He looked like a boy who had been told that Christmas had come early and not like someone who had threatened her a day back.
"Idjits." She heard Bobby muttering as he set the food on the table.
"What's that?" Dean asked eagerly, meanwhile Sam shook his head and sat on one of the chairs.
"It's treacle tart. I'm sorry there wasn't any fruit or I could've made a pie." She apologised nervously and Sam shook her off with a smile, but Dean looked at her sharply and asked, "You can make pie?" At which she merely nodded.
As soon as they sat down to eat, Dean's hand went to the tart and Bobby slapped his hand away with a glower. "Were you raised in a barn, you idjit? Eat the food first."
Mary stared wide eyed as Sam ignored everyone and took the food and Dean glared at Bobby with a pout. She shared a look with Padfoot who laughed at the display. And Mary could bet anything that he was just itching to prank these men.
"I'm tellin ya. There's something wrong with that dog. He knows exactly what we're talking about." Dean muttered to Sam and Mary couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her.
Once they were finished, Dean almost jumped at the tart and took a huge piece for himself. Sam and Bobby did the same and Mary gave a piece to Padfoot, who licked her hand in thanks.
Sam looked at the dog and told Mary, "Sweets aren't good for Dogs."
She answered with a smirk, "Don't worry about it. Padfoot loves sweets."
"Oh wow! It's amazing. Almost as good as pie. Almost." Dean said between bites. Even Bobby and Sam finished the tart within record time before the men leaned back into their chairs and groaned with appreciation simultaneously.
Sam asked after a couple of minutes, "So, do you go to a school?"
She answered, "I go to a boarding school in Scotland."
"Wow! A boarding school in Scotland! It doesn't look like your relatives would send you off to some fancy school?" Dean observed, but Sam smiled at that, happy that she had a relatively normal life.
It startled Mary how much attention he had been paying to her words and whispered truthfully, "They don't! My parents – Lily and James Potter went to the same school and they made sure that I had everything I needed if something happened to them."
The men obviously understood the hidden meaning behind her words and felt their blood boiling at that.
"So, are you going to tell me what was all that about?" she asked pointedly.
"What?" Sam asked with a frown.
"You don't think I'm a fool, do you? You almost killed me with that gun and the knife. You forced me to drink water which I can tell wasn't 'water'. Who in the world forces a 15-year-old stranger to drink water even before asking their name? And you bloody cut me with a silver knife. Not to mention this," she said airily as she pointed around them and the brothers winced, "Everywhere you look, there are stacks of books. Books, books and more books. It looks like a library." She exploded.
The three men froze before looking at her wide eyed and exchanged a glance. "Many people have books." Bobby said suspiciously.
She stood up abruptly, went to the bookshelf, pulled the first book she'd seen when she entered and said, "I can read Latin you know and these aren't exactly your normal books."
"You can read Latin?" Dean asked flummoxed.
"I've been taught in school." She nodded.
Bobby looked at her dubiously, before he went to his table, picked a book and gave it to her. "Can you read it?" he asked.
She eyed him warily, but took the book before she opened it and started reading. The hunters watched as all colour drained from her face as she read. Her eyes which were filled with dread, snapped to them and she asked shakily, "These are rituals and spells, all related to demons in one way or the other. Most of this is black magic! Why do you have these?"
"Damn it! Bobby?!" Dean and Sam snapped at the same time.
Bobby defended as he found himself on the receiving end of two angry Winchesters. "Well I thought she was lyin'. She's a kid for God's sake!"
She backed away from them afraid and Padfoot kept himself between her and the men, ready to shift if needed.
"Let us explain and in turn you can tell us how do you know about black magic?" Sam said placatingly, meanwhile Dean and Bobby were looking at the girl worriedly. They hadn't been in this situation before and didn't know how to deal with it, so they let Sam handle it.
The three shared a look, knowing that they had no option but to tell her the truth and they wanted to know how she had the knowledge about these things. They had already seen that lying would be of no use as she was extremely perspective and Dean didn't want to let her go just yet, especially when she had no one to go back to and her relatives were abusive.
Mary nodded, but didn't sit and stayed near the door. After sharing another look, they decided that Sam would be best option to start what they wanted to tell her. They couldn't keep her in the dark now that she was already suspicious.
"Do you know anything about Demons?" Sam asked.
Mary raised a disbelieving eyebrow at that and huffed, "Demons? Really? You're telling me that demons are real?"
He questioned again sincerely, "You know about black magic. Where do you think it comes from?"
Mary opened her mouth to retaliate, but closed it as soon as it occurred to her that they were indeed serious. Then a thought came to her mind and her dread increased as she asked quietly, "So what exactly is that you guys do?"
"We gank those son of bitches – demons, ghosts, werewolves, vampires, ghouls, shapeshifters, witches. You name it, we kill it." Dean told her proudly.
"Dean!" Sam exclaimed at the same time Bobby yelled, "You idjit!"
Dean looked at them confused, not noticing how Mary had gone pale and how the dog had shifted closer to her discreetly. She was staring at the three men in terror. Coming here was a mistake. If they found out about her and Sirius, they wouldn't hesitate to kill her. She had no idea that muggles killed things here in America and she thought that Britain was bad when it came to magical creatures!
She cleared her throat to gain the attention of the bickering men and once she had it, she said, "It's late. I- I should leave."
"What?" Dean asked. "Why?"
Bobby slapped him on the head and said, "See I told you scared the kid!"
"I just wanted to meet my father. You clearly didn't ask for this and I understand. It's better if I leave." She stuttered.
"Look, Mary." Dean gulped as he said his mother's name out loud, looking at his daughter, "I know our circumstances aren't ideal, especially with what I told you right now. I'm fucked up and not exactly father material, I would like a chance to get to know you better. Sammy and Bobby are my only family and I won't be able to live with myself knowing that you're out there somewhere alone. You can go back to that fancy school of yours if you like, but we are your family and I want you to come back home." He told her earnestly.
Sam knew how much his family mattered to Dean and turned away, feeling his throat constrict at seeing his brother like this. Bobby smiled at Dean proudly, well almost.
Mary, on the other hand, stared at Dean, not knowing how to answer. On one hand, she wanted nothing more than to stay here, after all these people were her family; but on the other, she knew that they would kill her if they found out that she was a witch. She looked at Padfoot, who was looking right back at her, knowing exactly what she had in mind.
Dean waited for her to say something, anything with trepidation. When he saw her looking at the dog and added with a sigh, "The dog can stay too, if he stays away from my baby."
One look at the hopeful expressions on her father's face which made him look boyish and she found herself nodding. Yeah, she was sure she was going to regret it, but the blinding smile that she got from him maybe worth it.
Dean, Sam and Bobby were sitting in the living room, discussing about Dean's daughter; while Padfoot was sprawled on the sofa, getting a belly rub from Sam. Mary had retired for the night and Bobby had given her the spare room. Even they were tired and about to go to their respective rooms, when they heard a loud scream from upstairs. They didn't wait and stood up hastily. Dean was the first one to reach the stairs, but fell when the dog pushed him and bounded up the stairs.
"Son of a bitch!" he cursed, but hurriedly stood up and ran after Sam who was right behind the dog.
None of them waited and barrelled through the door with their guns in hands, pointed towards the intruder. They stopped short when they saw Castiel standing near the wall facing Mary who was again pointing the wooden stick at the angel; but there was another man, who had similar wooden stick and was pointing it at Castiel too.
"Cas?" Sam sighed with relief.
"I felt a powerful presence inside your home. I thought you were in trouble." Cas told them in a detached voice not looking away from the girl.
"What?" Bobby asked with a frown.
Dean, on the other hand was focused on the intruder as he kept his gun pointed at the man and snarled, "Who the hell are you?"
Mary moved in between Sirius and Dean, carefully keeping his wand at the winged man and stated, "He's my godfather. But what the hell is he? He has wings!"
"You can see his wings?" Dean asked incredulously.
"These two are one of the few individuals who are gifted by my father and can see my true form if I take it." Cas answered helpfully.
Sam frowned and questioned, keeping his gun pointed at the man as well. "How did he enter the house? We've been in the living room the whole time."
Mary's eyes widened "Um…"
Bobby's brows furrowed as he stared at the man. He couldn't remember, but he was sure that he had seen the man somewhere. He was tall, would have been handsome in his younger years, had fair skin and greying black hair which reached his shoulders. There was something wrong in the way he was holding himself and even though he had a gaunt, sunken face, but behind that Bobby could see that he had an air of elegance, something he had only seen in fairly rich people. Then Bobby's eyes widened as he remembered him from the wanted posters, he had been seeing from past 2-3 years.
"Wait just a God damn minute! I know you. You're an escaped convict! Everyone's been searching for you ever since you escaped the prison 3 years back." Bobby shouted suddenly, setting the brothers on edge, ready to shoot the man.
"No! He was falsely accused! Please don't hurt him! He's the only family I have!" Mary cried out, pleading the men with her eyes and Dean couldn't mask the hurt that he felt at that. He was her father, damn it and, he and Sammy were her family Not this man!
"Where's your dog?" Sam asked as he looked around. He had seen the dog entering her room and he was nowhere around.
Seeing no other way out, Mary kept herself situated between the men and Sirius, who was also ready to either curse or run taking her with him, she muttered quietly, "It was Sirius."
The Winchesters and Bobby tensed, clutching their guns and knife tightly, "He a shapeshifter?" Dean asked sharply.
She hastily explained, "What? No! He's an animagus."
"It's a kind of shifter if he can shift to a dog!" Dean summarized, aiming his gun at the man.
"No! It isn't exactly easy, but every witch and wizard can turn into an animagus." Sirius snapped. He was getting irritated with these people, not to mention Mary wasn't safe here which was setting him on edge.
Dean's eyes widened and he was just about ready to shoot the man. He looked at the girl with narrowed eyes, not knowing if anything she'd told them till now was true or not. Sam and Bobby went rigid and demanded, "You guys are witches?"
Sirius saw the look in their eyes and held Mary's hand to manoeuvre her behind him, whilst pointed his wand between the brothers'.
"Yeah." Mary breathed but answered anyway, not anticipating what happened next.
One second, she was standing beside Sirius and in the next, she saw Sam pulling the trigger and without much thought, pushed Sirius aside. She heard the gun shot and only realized that she'd been shot, when Sirius and Dean screamed simultaneously. Pain exploded into her stomach right after that. It felt like something was burning her from inside out. She couldn't hold her weight and collapsed.
"Immobulus!" Sirius fired at the taller man who had shot Mary. He caught her just before she hit the ground. He felt her blood seeping into his clothes as she gasped for air and didn't notice the tears that fell from his eyes.
Dean stayed rooted at the spot, feeling his heart constrict inside his throat as he stared at his daughter's bleeding form on the floor. He didn't know what to think. It was as if his mind had stopped working. And what had the man done to Sam? He wanted to scream, kill the man, wanted to know if she truly was his daughter? He wanted to know if she was evil or they had a misunderstanding? They've faced younger children eviller than any demon out there.
Bobby was just as shocked at the scene in front of him. He couldn't believe that Sam had fired without inquiring anything.
Sam's eyes were fixed on Mary from where he was paralyzed, as well and the crying man who was holding her. He was trying to shoot the man and the next thing he knew, she pushed him out of the way. His breaths were coming in short pants as his eyes fell on the blood pooling on the ground. He didn't know if she was a witch or not, neither had she tried to harm them. He just killed his 15-year-old niece.
Suddenly, Castiel moved from where he was and kneeled near the girl. The man growled, but he ignored him and pressed two fingers at her forehead, and the wound stopped bleeding as it closed itself. Mary took a breath and passed out. Then he waved a hand towards Sam, freeing him from his immobilized state, who fell on his knees gasping.
"What did you do?" Sirius snarled through his tears, eyes never straying from his goddaughter.
"I healed the worst of her injury. She lost a lot of blood and would be sleeping till morning." Cas answered monotonously.
Sirius's head finally snapped towards the winged man, eyes showing nothing but gratitude.
"She's fine?" Dean asked with a quivering voice and Sam looked at Cas hopefully, eyes red-rimmed.
Cas nodded, "She's alive. Yes." He told them, while Sirius laid her down on the bed and changed her blood-soaked shirt with his wand.
The three men stared wide eyed as the man waved the wooden stick and changed Mary's clothes. The same stick he had used to attack Sam.
"What are you? We haven't seen anything like that before. What kind of demon gives a stick to perform magic?" Bobby asked as he motioned towards the stick, keeping his guard up.
Sirius growled, "We're born with our magic you piece of shit. We didn't get our magic from any demon."
"Yeah? Why haven't we heard of it before? You lying son of a bitch!" Dean asked stubbornly after gaining his composure, now that he knew that Mary was fine.
"My mother certainly was a bitch, but I'm not lying. You're a muggle and we're not allowed to tell anything to you lot. And for good measures." Sirius eyed them and said through clenched teeth. He wanted nothing more than to take Mary and run, but wasn't sure how it would affect her right now. One thing he was sure about – he wasn't moving anywhere from between these men and his girl. One move towards her and he would be going to prison for the murder of three muggles.
Before anyone could say anything else, Castiel looked at Sam and asked curiously, "She hasn't harmed an innocent in all her life. She is one of the purest souls on Earth. Why did you shoot her?"
"I- I wasn't aiming for her." Sam answered pathetically. "She said they were witches and I just- didn't think." He finished, eyes down, unable to face anyone.
"You bloody bastard! You almost killed her! She's just a child." Sirius exploded before jumping at Sam and punching him in the face.
"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Dean and Bobby rushed forward and held the man away from Sam, who wasn't even trying to defend himself. "Stop!" Dean ordered.
"She was so happy when she found out that she had a family out there. You're worse than those muggles who raised her." Sirius spat at the brothers who flinched.
This wasn't going anywhere, so Bobby intervened, "Where did you get your power from if not from the demons? I don't buy the crap of being born with magic."
"He isn't lying. There are people who are born with the ability to do magic. It was a gift given to a couple of humans by my father. It's not uncommon." Cas answered and added with a nod, "Like Sam."
Three heads shrivelled towards Cas with mouths hanging open. "What're you talking about? Sam can do shit because of the demon blood." Dean snapped, while Sam stared wide eyed and recoiled at his brother's words like he had been slapped.
Cas told them in a bored voice, "True. But there was a reason Azazel chose Sam. He had powerful magic inside him, but because of some reason, instead of increasing his powers, it destroyed his magical core. As you already know, only some of it remained."
"Magical core? And they aren't evil?" Bobby asked before the brothers could. He was more than curious to know about these new people who were born with magic.
Sirius's hand went to his heart and he said, "This makes a person decide if he's good or bad. Having powers doesn't make anyone evil."
Sam, Dean and Bobby stayed quiet, unable to counter the man's words. There was some truth in that after all. Cas was the perfect example of that.
Sam cleared his throat after a couple of seconds and asked softly, "I had magic? So, I'm not a monster?"
"Sam…" Dean opened his mouth, but Cas cut him off. "No. My guess it that Dean's daughter gets it from Sam, who himself inherited his magic from Deanna Campbell. She came from a long line of wizards and witches. I'm not sure about your mother, but it obviously skipped Dean." Cas informed offhandedly.
"You're a squib?" Sirius asked in disbelief.
Bobby asked confused, "Squib?"
Sirius supplied, "Non-magical person born in a magical family."
Dean's head was whirling with all the information and even Sam looked overwhelmed. Dean shook his head trying to clear it. He looked at Cas and asked feeling deceived, "Wait! So, you knew about Sam's magic and you never told us?"
"I assumed you knew." Cas shrugged.
Then another thing occurred to Dean and he sat up straight, "How do you know she's my daughter?"
Cas frowned and looked at Dean like he was crazy. "I didn't, but you share the same DNA."
Sirius's looked at the man who had saved Mary and eyed his black wings. "And who exactly is the bird?" he asked earning a snort from Dean.
"I am an angel of the Lord."
Despite the situation, Sirius couldn't control the laugh that escaped him. He had stopped believing in God a long time ago. Not that he had anything to believe in after everything he had seen and faced all his life. He stopped when he realized that the men were serious and weren't fooling around. "I think your Lord's long gone, mate." He chuckled humourlessly.
Castiel along with Dean, Sam and Bobby looked at the man, who was once again focused on Mary. Neither said a word, instead waited for her to wake.
EN: I know I have pending stories, but this one was literally struck in my head for such a long time. It will possibly have 3 chapters and a probably a sequel as well. Tell me if I should continue this one or else it's going to be abandoned and will be removed in a month's time.
Feb 17th, 2019