(Percy POV)
Saying I was disappointed was an understatement. You think doing your life over and over gives you new chances and so on, but that's not the case.
Poseidon and Zeus were fighting on the beach over the lightning bolt, dark and unknown voice laughing, been there done that. I mean come on. I've already seen this dream, can't I just skip it?
Sadly I just had to sit it out.
In the end I just had a conversation with Chaos talking about the weather.
Yes the weather, that's how bored I was.
I had random flashes of waking up for a second to see Annabeth leaning over my face asking, "What will happen at the summer solstice?"
I gave a vague "what?" before blacking out again.
I woke up later to see Argus staring at me from the corner before blacking out again to get a new dream.
This dream was different, I was alone. No Chaos or Nyx in my head to support me. Only darkness surrounding me. After a few seconds a sadistic girlish laughter filled the emptiness around me.
Then I woke up.
"So who's my father?" I asked innocently, putting up my best innocent smile, after the conversation. Mr. D and Chiron exchanged nervous glances before saying, "We don't know, he might claim you during dinner but there's a chance he won't." he said with sadness in his eyes.
"Where can I sleep?" I asked Chiron, ignoring the mean glares from Mr. D.
"The Hermes Cabin accepts unclaimed demigods." Chiron said.
"Hermes Cabin?" I asked like I never heard of it.
"Annabeth will give you a trip around camp." And he pointed at Annabeth who sat on a chair looking annoyed as she had the "new kid" around. Oh, the irony.
"Oh before you leave, Grover left you a note." Chiron said while giving me a piece of paper.
"Where's Grover Anyway?" I asked, I forgot completely about Grover to be honest. If I was correct with my assumptions Grover wouldn't be forced into my quest this summer. The only reason he went last time was because he had to be dragged over the borderline by me. Now I think about it, why don't they teach Satyrs to use weapons? It sure would help them retrieve demi-gods.
I made a note to myself: Teach Satyrs how to wield weapons.
I took the letter and opened it.
Hey Percy,
Thanks for rescuing me with the Minotaur.
I assume Chiron by now explained that I was sent to protect you from monsters and bring you safely to camp. If I would bring you save to camp I would receive a searcher's license, Now I have permission to go on my own personal quest to find the lost God Pan. The quest I'm on will be dangerous for me and a lot of other Satyrs have failed. However, I have the feeling I might succeed and find Pan. In case I don't make it I want to say I enjoyed our time together.
Stay safe.
Your friend, Grover Underwood
Satyr Protector.
'Well this is new.' Chaos commented dryly.
'Yeah, you think this will affect the timeline?' I asked worriedly. Would this mean Grover would stumble across the Golden Fleece too soon?
'Who cares?' Chaos said.
'I'll ask the Fates to keep him away from the Fleece till it's the time.' Nyx said, joining the conversation.
'The Fates listen to you?' I asked awestruck, I mean I knew Nyx was powerful but could she command the Fates?
'The Fates are my daughters remember? So every now and then I can ask them a favour.' Nyx said happy.
"Awesome!" I said out loud, I was such a lucky guy to have Nyx support me.
"Are you done drooling?" Annabeth asked.
'Rip her guts out and hang her friends with them.' Nyx yelled.
'We're kids remember?' I said looking at Clarisse and her 4 friends who were ready to drag me to the toilet.
'Didn't stop me.' Nyx commented.
No matter how annoying Clarisse was, she would play an important role in the war and I didn't want her to hate me. Otherwise, I would be stuck with an angry Clarisse on a boat next year traveling the Sea of Monsters.
"Please, he's just new." Annabeth said without much enthusiasm.
I smirked at Clarisse and her friends when I took out Riptide.
Sure I could let myself be dragged into the toilet like last time and use my Poseidon powers to splash everyone but it was too soon to reveal who I really was. I needed to keep a low profile until the missing Lightning bolt became a real problem.
"It would be dishonorable to attack a new kid with five people wouldn't it?" I said innocently, toying with Riptide.
Clarisse's face reddened with anger as she took out her spear, lamer. The other Ares kids took out simple bronze swords.
"Shut up!" Clarisse shouted, gaining a lot of attention from other campers who came to see what was going on.
She put the spear in front of her in an attempt to look dangerous.
"Bring it Prissy!" She yelled.
I lifted my sword and did my best impression of a famous scene.
"You underestimate my power." I said with a crackling voice. A few kids recognized the lines and laughed at Clarisse and her friends who didn't get the joke.
In a flash I lunged forward, stepping to the right of her spear and hitting her in the stomach with my elbow.
Caught by surprise she dropped to the floor. I spun around to hit her again with my fist in her face which was lowered. She dropped her spear in surprise. I caught it and broke it by slamming it into my knee.
Lamer broke with a satisfying snapping sound.
Seems like I'm ahead of schedule.
I walked away leaving the Ares cabin flabbergasted.
I saw Luke in the crowd looking at me with calculating eyes. I knew he wouldn't hold back when we were training this time. I left the crowd and went looking for the hearth.
I found a girl poking with a stick in the flames making the flames rise higher.
I sat down next to her, staring at the fire.
"Hello lady Hestia." I said.
A/N Thanks for reading this chapter; the next chapter will probably be a filler containing Percy training and making friends at Camp.
Since Percy has some free time till his quest is issued.
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No serious, just write it. It's easy!