He supposed he should be used to getting born. As the second coming of the sage he had been reborn a number of times, each to a different family, time or war. Never once, though, was he born after his original birth.
He had been everything from a simple farmer to a Daimyo in the land of wind. Ninja or even a monk he had done it all.
He didn't choose when he moved on from one life to the other. The process was completely unbeknownst to him. Sometimes it was death, others when he had accomplished something major.
As lives went on, known by the same name, oh how it haunted him, he began to get used to living, dying and being reborn. It wasn't all that bad. Every life contained a new challenge for him to complete.
His previous life had dropped him off a century before the birth of Madara, Hashirama and the hidden villages. Born to a family of fisherman on a small island in the land of water. He lived that life without accomplishing much of anything. That was always a sign that something big was coming.
He was not looking forward to it.
Cold air hit his body and Naruto cringed. Voices pierced his ears from all around him.
"-not a screamer, unusual-"
"-there's nothing wrong with him, is there?"
"Oh no, he's a very healthy baby. One of the healthiest I've seen."
Naruto felt himself jostled about, all the blurry images that made up the world around him swaying about as he was moved into a comfortable embrace.
"-decent size-"
"-so cute-"
"-blue eyes-"
Naruto was traded into his new fathers' hands and was raised into the air. "His name is Naruto Uchiha. Heir to the Uchiha!"
He opened his tiny eyes back at his father and stared. He remembered that face.
Fugaku Uchiha stared back.
Naruto screamed.
The chakra, his chakra, that followed him throughout every life flowed out of his body in response to his emotions, shattering windows and cracking the walls.
As he struggled to reign in his chakra the entire room erupted into complete pandemonium.
"Kami," someone breathed, "that was chakra!"
This life was going to be... Interesting to say the least.
Hopefully chapter size will increase as I go.
Do not expect constant updates. I write when I feel like it.
This was just something that has been on my mind for a while.
Hope you enjoyed.
Dulce et Decorum est is a poem written by Wilfred Owen during World War I, and published posthumously in 1920. The Latin title is taken from the Roman poet Horace and means "it is sweet and honorable...", followed by pro patria mori, which means "to die for one's country." and I thought this title fitting considering that Naruto will grow up in the war and, yes, he will be strong.