Hello dear readers!

Happy friday! since I'll marathon all the Tolkien movies this weekend I decided to grace you with the re-written chapter 1. You'll find that some things remained the same, yet others did not. I hope that you guys enjoy this new take of this story :)


I opened my eyes lazily, the sun was hitting me exactly on my face, I grunted as I closed my eyes trying to avoid the damned light, I remembered closing the blinds the night before so, what the actual fuck was going on? I tried to push myself to a sitting position when I felt grass beneath me, and let me tell you, there's nothing more fucked up than waking up on plain grass, I stood as fast as my legs allowed me and proceeded to examine my surroundings. As far as I could see, I was in the middle of nowhere, great just great.

To make things marginally worse, I was wearing the same short dress and heels that I had been wearing last night, had I been kidnapped? Assassinated in my sleep and this was some sort of purgatory? Who knew? I sighed, took my heels off, because there was no way I was going to damage my Louboutin's with this fucking ground, and started walking, perhaps I could find someone to show me the shortest way to civilization.

An hour later and I was still walking, I was tired and thirsty and absolutely ready to be done with this shit. Honestly after I found civilization I was never EVER, going outdoors again, it was going to be office life for me. I kept walking until I found a little stream, there I drank some water, because I was seriously on the road to dehydration. After sitting on a rock for a few minutes I decided to follow the stream upwards because I was bound to find something at some point.

An unimaginable amount of hours later, I was ready to murder someone, the sun was about to go down, I was hungry and water wasn't cutting it down for me anymore. Honestly, I thought it was all lost until I heard voices; at this point I was probably hallucinating but it was worth a shot. I hid behind a bush and I could see five figures huddled in the semi-dark light, it looked like a single father with four kids camping, they seemed safe, so I decided to get out of the bush and head towards them.

"Hello," I greeted lifting my hands so they could see that I carried no weapons, just my shoes, the father stood, he seemed rugged and his hair reached his chin, I had a feeling that I had seen him before, hopefully not in a Police's News report; he was dressed in some weird clothes.

"Who are you, stranger?" He asked as he unsheathed a knife; yep, I was going to be killed.

"I mean no harm, truly, I'm lost," I explained rapidly, he pocketed the knife and stared at me.

"Are you no spy from the dark lord?" he asked, I looked at him blankly. A cosplayer? Really? Fuck it.

"Who?" I asked incredulously, he seemed thoroughly confused. He walked closer to me and I could swear he was checking me out.

"You're an elleth" he murmured, and I had to do a double take because I knew just what that word meant.

"No" the word flew out of my mouth before my brain started to comprehend what was exactly happening "Fuck no" I repeated, the man, who I, now, recognized as Aragorn frowned.

"Something ails you my lady?" He asked concern showing through his voice, I shook my head as I tried to think of a thousand ways that this could go wrong, "Can you tell me your name?" His voice was soft, as if that what going to make me trust him.

"Alexandra," I answered softly, he lifted an eyebrow and took a look of my form again, he seemed uncomfortable with my presence.

"Lady Alexandra, how did an elleth came to be so far of elven settlements," he inquired, I cocked my head to the side, while I could admit that my hair was extremely long I didn't have a, I paused my train of thought and lifted my hand slowly, I touched the tip of my ears, they were pointed; realization crept slowly to me, my head started feeling faint and that was the last I knew of me.

I groaned as I opened my eyes for a second time, I pushed myself to sit on the grass, staring at Aragorn who seemed concerned for my wellbeing. I took a moment to analyze everything that was happening; I was in the middle of nowhere with Aragorn, not that bad, it could have been a band of orcs; I was also an elf now, an immortal motherfucking elf. Great. I mean, I knew it could have been worse, way worse, but still, I was not happy about my current situation, not one bit.

"You are awake" exclaimed Aragorn as he gave me a once over, I rolled my eyes, a little annoyed, I did not want to be here, not that I hated Lord of The Rings or anything, I really, really liked it, I just didn't want to be here, I wanted to be home with a book and a glass of wine.

"I am," I answered politely, I looked into Aragorn's eyes and raised an eyebrow, "you never told me your name," I said pointedly, Aragorn smiled.

"I am called Strider in the wilderness," he answered, I crossed my arms in annoyance.

"Right, Strider, do I need a name for the wilderness too?" I asked imitating his speech form. He laughed but didn't answer; we sat in comfortable silence as the hobbits talked to each other.

"This are yours," he said after a moment, handing me my shoes, I looked at them relieved; but then again if I was really here, I doubted that Middle Earth appreciated a good pair of heels. I frowned and then remembered what exactly I was wearing. A short black skintight dress, I smiled to myself; now I knew why Aragorn looked so uncomfortable, not that my dress was inappropriate, it had sleeves and it was not backless, it was just skintight and reached my mid-tight, it was probably very inappropriate for these folks, but it had pockets, so yeah, bonus.

"Where are you heading to?" I asked trying to make conversation; he gave me a side-glance.

"Towards Rivendell, it's an elven settlement, perhaps there they can help you find your way," he said, I smiled bitterly, while Aragorn had good intentions I was sure that 'my way', or at least the way that I wanted to go, was unavailable to me, with that realization in mind I was suddenly feeling very tired.

"Perhaps," I murmured as I looked around me, then back at Aragorn, "Where are we again?" I asked.

"This was the great Amon Sul once, you surely remember its greatness," he said cocking his head to the side, I shook my head and ran a hand through my hair.

"No idea, amigo" I said as I took in my surroundings the thing looked like a very destroyed dome, like the one in… oh my fucking god, this wasn't even the Tolkien's verse, it was Peter Jackson's in all its glory, which meant that Arwen was going to steal Asfaloth and save Frodo from the morgul blade, huh? better her than me. Aragorn shrugged and started handing weapons to the hobbits, I observed the small beings with interest, they surely looked like children, save for their weird feet.

"Hello," I greeted softly gathering their attention, four pair of eyes turned to me and I couldn't help but to smile.

"Hello," they chorused and I had to stifle a giggle, they were adorable.

"My name is Alexandra, but you may call me Alex, as my friends do," I said with a gentle smile on my face.

"Well met, Lady Alex," said Sam almost bowing, "I am Sam."

"A lovely name," I answered with a smile, I sneaked a look at Aragorn who was smiling, Frodo introduced himself next and then Merry and Pippin, I shook their hands graciously and helped them as they chose an area to rest for the night.

"I'm going to have a look around, stay here," Aragorn announced after a moment, I looked at the hobbits, then at him.

"May I go with you?" I asked, Aragorn seemed to ponder it before nodding, he also offered to put my shoes inside his satchel/man-bag/hobo bag or whatever the hell they called it here, I agreed before following him around.

"You have never been here, Lady Alex?" asked Aragorn as we walked, the grass felt soft underneath my bare feet, I briefly wondered how much had my physical form had changed, as I knew that elves were usually much more durable than normal humans.

"Not at all," I answered as I took everything around me, the night was falling and it was probably going to get dark very soon, I glanced at Aragorn, "I do know some of its history, not all mind you, but I do remember that it had something to do with Elendil, or something he did in the tower that once stood here."

"It does, Elendil hid the palantir in its chamber, you met him?" he asked after a while, I chuckled and shook my head.

"I am quite young, for an elf, that is," I said, a small smile on my face, Aragorn raised an eyebrow, there was no way that I was going to tell him that I was twenty-seven.

"How young?" he asked and I laughed.

"That's not a question you ask a Lady, Lord Strider," I said, Aragorn glanced in my direction and I smirked at him.

"I am not a Lord," he said, I hummed as I ignored his statement, he was not a Lord, it was worse, he was a King.

The place got creepier as it got darker, chills went down my spine as we walked, I was ready to run in any direction as far as I could from this fucking place; Aragorn was a good sport as he kept pointing out things and answering my questions patiently. I knew that he could feel my uneasiness and was trying to distract me and honestly it was partly working.

"So you've been here before," I asked, Aragorn nodded.

"Many times, I know these lands like the back of my own hand," he said, a proud smile on his face.

"Really? Makes you wonder how you found the time, you don't look a day over thirty-five, weren't your parents overprotective with you?" I asked, Aragorn smiled as if he was remembering a fond memory.

"I had a protective father," he said after a moment, I smiled at him.

"By the way, I forgot to ask, what day is it?" I asked, Aragorn looked at me skeptically.

"October the sixth of the year three thousand and eighteen, third age," he said, I nodded at him, right, Tolkien kept the same calendars, "Is your birthday soon?"

"It passed, actually, the twentieth of August," I answered, Aragorn nodded.

We kept walking through the darkness, time flew when you were having fun, I was sure of that, because suddenly we heard a screech. Aragorn and I tensed and exchanged glances.

"I am no fighter, Lord Strider, no swords or anything," I said quickly, Aragorn gave me an exasperated look before handing me his bag.

"Hold this for me and find a place to hide, now!" he ordered, I nodded and scurried rapidly trying to find a non descript place to hide, when I realized something… I was an honest to goodness independent woman who didn't need no man to protect her. I could kick some wraith ass and probably wearing my heels if I wanted to. I tried thinking of several things when an idea popped into my mind, I patted down my dress and smirked when I found out what I was looking for.

While I really hated outdoors in general I was not a complete wimp when it came to camping or being outside in general, thanks to dad, of course, who had basically trained me to face any situation, and then sent me to military camp when I had been old enough to attend one summer. So with my lighter in hand I started rummaging in Aragorn's bag until I found something akin to yarn, perfect. Taking several leaves from the closest tree next to me and fabric from what looked to be Aragorn's spare shirt I made seven little balls. I checked to see if my lighter had any gas and smiled when the flame flickered, smoking had been an on and off habit that I had, although I preferred nicotine patches, but I had lots of friends who smoked regularly and were always asking to borrow a lighter.

I ran back to the ruins as stealthily as I could with my handmade ammunition and as Aragorn fought the wraiths I took seven shots, lighting some of the fuckers on fire. The first wraith that took my hit caught on fire immediately and left almost instantly, I smirked and threw the rest of them safely from my corner hitting one more wraith several times until I felt a cold presence behind me; I tensed and closed my eyes slowly praying to every deity that I knew that it was not what I thought it was, I was not lucky, it was another wraith, I jumped out of my hiding spot clutching the bag, the fucking thing following me as I tried to get away from it.

"Strider a little help here would be nice!" I shouted as I swerved a couple of rocks that were on the way, I could feel Aragorn rolling his eyes in annoyance.

I tripped with Sam's frying pan when I had another great idea, if it had worked for Rapunzel, it could work for me too. I grabbed the frying pan, it was still a bit hot, and mustered all my strength, hitting the wraith straight in its face, and it fucking worked the thing ran the opposite way. I must have looked like a deranged psycho when I cracked up laughing but it had fucking worked, Aragorn was finishing the last wraith when he looked at me with an amused look on his face.

"No fighter?" he asked, I smiled sheepishly.

"Fine, occasionally a fighter" I answered, then I remembered Frodo and he had been stabbed, shit.

We ran to his side, he was writhing in pain, poor thing, Aragorn looked at me expecting me to heal him; I shook my head. I was a lawyer not a doctor, and while I had learned first aid from Maggie I doubted that I could do anything for Frodo.

"He was stabbed by a morgul blade, he needs elven healing," Aragorn said looking at me.

"He needs help from more knowledgeable elves," I said looking at Aragorn, he seemed to nod.

Aragorn was quick to pick Frodo up and start running down the hill. I looked at the other Hobbits and ushered them down closely behind Aragorn. I ran behind the hobbits, holding the sword that Frodo had been using, we stopped once we had reached the bottom of the weathertops, hidden between the trees. Aragorn placed Frodo on the floor and I crouched next to them, feeling completely useless.

"We are six days away from Rivendell, he'll never make it," Aragorn said, I could feel my eyes getting teary, the stressful vibe of the situation getting to me.

"He must, we must do something to save him, there has to be something," I pressed, Aragorn looked at me, and Sam crouched next to us and placed his hands on Frodo.

"He's going cold," the hobbit cried.

"Strider," I said warningly.

"Athelas, do you know althelas?" Aragorn asked looking at Sam, the hobbit looked at him a puzzled expression on his face, "kingsfoil, do you know the herb?"

"It's a weed," Sam answered.

"It might be able to stop the poison from spreading fast," Aragorn said, "But we must hurry."

Aragorn and Sam stood and began looking for the herb, Merry and Pippin replaced them next to me as I held Frodo's hand.

"Is he going to die," asked Pippin, I shook my head.

"He's becoming a shadow, a wraith like them, if he crosses into the darkness, then he is lost to us," I explained before looking up to see Aragorn who suddenly had a sword at his throat.

It was like something out of a movie, ethereal and too shiny, I sincerely hoped I was not shining like she was cause she was looking like a beacon, a majestic otherworldly beacon, damn she was hot. She approached me and Frodo and I smiled at her and moved back so she could treat Frodo, I didn't want to be on her way, Aragorn returned with the plant and placed it on Frodo's wound. I stood and ushered Sam, Pippin and Merry back so Aragorn could lift Frodo onto Asfaloth.

She and Aragorn got all gooey eyed and discussed Frodo's wellbeing in perfect elvish, which I could now understand to perfection and not as fragmented as I did when at twenty had I decided that it was a good idea to spend my summer learning a fictional language. It had been an enlightening experience. After finishing a discussion with much more sentiment than necessary Arwen carried Frodo and galloped into the darkness, leaving Aragorn and me alone with the three other hobbits.

"We should rest a little more," I suggested once Arwen had disappeared from our view, Aragorn looked at me, a puzzled look on his face, "Frodo is as safe as he can be now, and the wraiths have no business with us, how far are we from Rivendell?"

"Six days, four if we try to hasten our pace," Aragorn answered, I nodded at him and motioned for his sword, he looked at me amused but handed the sword to me.

"You and the hobbits sleep now, with all the fainting I've been doing I feel well rested, I'll wake you up once the sun comes out," I said as I tried to twirl the sword in my hand, Aragorn snickered at my failed attempt but rounded the hobbits and the four of them huddled under a tree.

I sat on the ground close by, sword on my lap. It was unbelievable, my situation, I was en route to Rivendell in Middle Earth, Arda, and I just couldn't believe it, my mind was still in a state of shock, taking everything as it came. Aragorn was sleeping less than five feet away from me and so were Sam, Merry and Pippin. I pinched myself several times during the night, just to see that I wasn't dreaming, but it seemed that I was not, this, whatever this was, was as real as I was, and I was honestly scared of what was to come.

The rest of our walk to Rivendell was done as quickly as we could. I could honestly say that I was exhausted, something that Aragorn and the Hobbits didn't fail to notice, on the plus side, my calves were looking fantastic, my personal trainer would have been so proud of me if he had known. I was longing for a warm bath, hell, I would have been happy with a warm shower. Unfortunately for us, it seemed that my wish for said shower had been heard by the wrong person because the last day of our cross country trek to Rivendell, it rained up a storm, so not only was I tired, but I had a skin tight dressed clinging to my skin and mascara running down my face, so I probably looked like a cross between a deranged psycho and a raccoon, but I was unharmed, so thanks god or the Valar, hell, thank you Santa Claus for small mercies.

It wasn't that I was not expecting a border patrol party when we arrived to Rivendell's borders, I was actually waiting for us to come across a few elves, what I was not expecting was to meet the biggest asshole in the history of elves.

Aragorn had been the one approached by the blonde asshole, the fucker walked past me as if I was nothing more than dirt of his boots and started talking to Aragorn in sindarin. I remained silent as Aragorn answered questions about our trip and our encounter with the wraiths, Aragorn had mentioned how I had helped him and how I had offered for a few of the watches while he and the Hobbits slept; Blondie took a dismissive look at me and said something about human wenches that was the drop that tipped of my metaphorical glass.

"Excuse me?" I asked in perfect sindarin, "What the fuck did you just said about me?"

Aragorn tensed upon hearing my voice, I was not fucking around, I was wet, tired and hungry and I was not going to let some sparkly ass twilight wanna be elf talk shit about me. The asshole had the balls to actually look surprised.

"My lady apologies," he started, I walked up to him, ignoring the fact that my head barely came up to his chest and poked said chest with my index finger.

"Don't you 'my lady' me you fucking asshole, I understood perfectly what you said to Strider, you have no right to demean a woman for the way she chooses to dress," I said through gritted teeth.

Goldilocks looked annoyed at me, "Well, if said woman was wearing something appropriate, then I wouldn't have confused her with something that hurt her frail feelings,"

"Bitch please, you take that something appropriate and stick it where the sun doesn't shine, maybe you'll find some space next to the stick you so clearly have up your ass," I snapped before walking past him, my shoes in hand, into the Last Homely House, leaving a stunned group of Elves, three Hobbits and a Duneidan behind me.

"My lady, may I help you?" asked a voice behind me, I turned to find myself staring to Lindir, or at least who I thought Lindir was, he seemed friendly enough.

"I… Could you point me to a bathroom, bath chamber, Jacuzzi, thermal pool or whatever you guys call it here?" I asked, I really wanted a warm shower, I needed one, he smiled at me and motioned for me to follow.

"Estel did not lie when he told Lord Elrond that you were a character of your own," he mused, I raised an eyebrow and he smiled again, "My name is Lindir, and I am leading you to your new chambers should you decide to stay here in Imladris," he explained as we walked, I smiled for the first time since arriving here.

"Thank you, it's a pleasure to meet you," I said, the rest of our walk was in relative silence until we reached a beautifully carved door.

"This is your room, Lord Elrond had it prepared, for the Valar informed him of your arrival and sent your belongings," he said, I stood there confused, my belongings? Just what the hell was going on here, I didn't have any belonging here in middle earth, "Should you need anything, Lord Glorfindel's room is the one to your right and Erestor's to your left, my room is the one after Erestor's," I nodded and rolled my eyes at the mention of Goldilocks, as if I needed anything from that dickwad.

"Thank you, Lindir, this is a lovely place and I hope to enjoy my stay here," I said, the elf smiled at me and nodded before continuing his walk down the hallway.

I opened the door and walked into my new room, a large bed rested in the middle of it and in front of the bed was my suitcase collection, and it looked so out of place in this room that I marveled how it had gotten here. I walked around the room, a frown on my face, I placed my Louboutin's on my new bed as I admired a beautifully carved desk on the left of the room just below a window that was currently closed, I walked towards it and ran my fingers along its smooth surface stopping at a rolled parchment with my name on it, my frown deepened but I decided to open it dreading the message that awaited me inside.

Dearest Alexandra:

We, the fates, have decided to give you a gift. You have been transported to the world created by Tolkien and modified by Peter Jackson. The Valar have been warned of your arrival and accommodations were made, they have decided to gift you with the life of the Elves, that being the reason of the small alterations to your physical appearance. How many times were you bored out of your mind, or fed up with your world's ever growing stupidity that you wished to be in a different place? Your wish has been granted Alexandra; make the best of your new life.

Lord Elrond was also informed of your arrival to this world, thought he was not informed of where you came from, or who and what you were, to him you are an elven Lady who came from Valinor to offer your input in this coming war. Don't look confused when other elves treat you with respect as according to the information Lord Elrond has received you are the only offspring of the late King Gil-Galad, that making you the Princess of the Noldor, don't ask questions and accept it as it goes.

You have also been granted the ability to speak and understand sindarin and quenya. Have fun in the new life that waits for you, whether you decide to do nothing or to change the course of the upcoming war, remember that you shall deal with the consequences, as every action leads up to one consequence. If by any chance you are brave enough and decide that you want to live up to your new father's name, you know exactly what you must to do,

Have a long and happy life tithen-pen,

The Fates & The Valar.

The parchment slid off my hand into the floor, wonderful, just wonderful, not only was I a she elf living in a mythical land, no, no, I was an infamous she elf, daughter of a guy who had been the last King of the Noldor, a legitimate daughter at that, and apparently a big deal. What if they suddenly started calling me princess? I shivered. There were some things I could not accept, some things that I wasn't certain that I wanted from this new life, I sighed and bent down to pick the parchment and ripped it off in many little pieces before throwing it in the small fireplace that my new room had. There was, apparently, no way out from this one.

After pondering my existence for a couple of minutes, I noticed that in the far corner of the room, there was also a bathtub filled with warm water. I smiled as I dipped a finger in the clear water, I was quick to unzip my dress and take off my underwear; I slid slowly into the tub, my body feeling extremely great against the warm water, I sighed in content as I submerged myself completely. I relaxed for a few minutes and then proceeded to test the different tubes of soapy substance, I rubbed a green rag against my skin until it had gained a pinkish hue and washed my hair for as long as I could. The once clear water looked slightly murky when I decided to get out of the bath. After the bath I wrapped myself in a fluffy towel and sat on my new bed as I rummaged through my suitcases, I smiled as I found everything I needed and then started the task of actually getting ready. I grabbed a light blue dress from the drawer, it seemed to be made of silk, but the material was much more flowy than silk and I loved it at first sight.

I wrapped my hair in the towel and got into the dress, having a little trouble with all the laces, but I managed, I also slid my favorite pair of leggings under said dress as it made much more comfortable, the pair of elven boots that I had chosen were concealed by the dress too, but I honestly didn't care, they were comfortable and that was all I could ever hope for. I then dried my hair to the best of my abilities, the towel helped a lot and a couple of minutes later I found myself brushing my absurdly long hair with an intricate looking hairbrush.

I walked outside of my room once I was completely happy with my appearance, it was probably mid-afternoon and so I decided to try and find the kitchens as I was famished. It took me a good couple of minutes to find the aforementioned kitchen but there the elven cooks were gracious and presented me with a cheese and fruit platter with a glass of elven wine. I sat at a table that they had there and asked a couple of questions as I ate, they seemed at ease with me there and they even showed me how their bread and cheese was made, I left with the promise to return so I could teach them how to make pizza, as they didn't understand the concept, I was sure that between us, we could manage.

After my lunch stop I decided to explore Imladris as there was nothing else for me to do, I walked through several corridors and asked a few elves for directions, they were usually polite and happy to help.

"My lady, I see that you now look rested," said Lindir as he appeared from seemingly out of nowhere.

"As opposed to looking like if I had been chased like a pack of rabid wolves?" I said with a smile on my face, he laughed, it was a lovely sound.

"That too, my lady, enjoying Imladris so far?" he asked, I nodded a grin on my face.

"This place looks simply magical, reminds me of stories I used to read when I was young," I said as we walked to a balcony that oversaw most of the courtyard, I couldn't help but to admire the magnificent view.

"In your exile?" he asked, I furrowed my brow, exile? So, that's what we were calling it, right, I probably needed to talk to Elrond.

"Yes," I answered pensive "Can you show me where lord Elrond is? I need to speak to him," I said softly, Lindir smiled kindly and nodded offering his arm to me.

He guided me through Imladris, speaking a little about its history and answering my questions to the best of his ability. Elrond's office was beautiful and interesting, and if I ever had the chance to go back to my universe I was going to do some redecorating. The place radiated peace and everything was in sync, it was the ultimate interior designer's dream, I loved it.

Elrond was sitting behind a desk, and surprisingly he did look like Hugo Weaving, it was amazing in a creepy way. He seemed to be writing a letter, although Lindir didn't let that stop him and walked up to him while I waited near the doorframe. Elrond nodded at whatever Lindir was telling him and looked up to me, his eyes were wise and there was kindness reflected in them, he motioned for me to sit in one of the chairs available in front of his desk, I did so minding my steps carefully, I smiled at Lindir once I was seated and he smiled back at me before nodding to Elrond and departing the room.

"Your arrival was unexpected," Elrond said and it startled me a little, his voice was calming, paternal, I nodded at him, I could feel blood rushing to my face in embarrassment, I felt like if I was fifteen again sitting in the principal's office for some prank I had pulled.

"It was unexpected for me too," I murmured, Elrond looked a little bit surprise.

"According to the letter I received from the Valar, you were secluded and kept safe in a place very different from our world, reason why, and I quote them 'you will find some of her actions very strange'," I frowned at him as he said that, true, I would probably come across as a little eccentric, but I didn't think that the Valar needed to tell him that, I could behave, I was not a child, but trust the Valar to make me seem like an unruly kid that had just gotten out of a madhouse "I knew your father, but I never knew that he had a daughter or any children, for that matter," he said, and he seemed lost in thought, there was also something is his voice, perhaps regret, "who was your mother?"

"I never knew her" I answered honestly, which was true, I hadn't known the woman who was supposed to be my mother here, she was another nameless woman to me, Elrond frowned and gave me a weird look. I looked down to my hands, I was about to bullshit my way through this meeting when I felt a strange sensation take ahold of me "I was born in Valinor, my mother left after being with my father, for she was afraid of the outcome of what was happening here in Arda, unfortunately she died in childbirth and I was then raised by Nessa, the Vala, until I was old enough to be sent to the place where I lived until the Valar called for me again" the words flew out of my mouth and I had no control of them, there was a comforting tint to it, and I'm pretty sure I was being possessed.

"You lived with the Valar?" Elrond now sounded very surprised and my body nodded slowly, it was like having an out of the body experience, like Insidious.

"Gil-Galad had many enemies and being his daughter would've meant trouble for me, exile was the only option" I felt the control of my body returning to me and suddenly I knew that Nessa had been the one talking to Elrond, she had solidified my cover. And if I didn't get to leave to my universe and got the chance to visit the undying lands I was going to search for her so I could thank her for being there for me.

A/N: So here it is, I would to read your thoughts on it.