Summary- Harry after the final battle ends up unwillingly taking the title of the master of death. Though he finds it plays no big part in his life. At least not until he dies and finds himself reborn into a whole nother world. With all his memories and magic in tack. However, it seems this world or should it be said the life Harry know has might turn out to be just as unfortunate as his first life; especially considering the family he finds himself being reborn into. Teen wolf/ Harry Potter crossover. This will most likely be a slash story, or have some type of slash in it.

Disclaimer- I do not own or make any money off of either Harry Potter or Teen wolf.

Chapter Prolog

Harry would have really loved to have been able to say that after the final battle, and defeat, of the Dark Lord Voldemort that things got better for him. That he finally, at long last, gotten the happily ever after he had been wanting all along; that so many people seemed to think he deserved.

But in the end Harry really couldn't do this because saying something like that would be nothing but a lie; a sweet one but a lie none the less. Seeing as Harry's life didn't get any better after the war like he had believed it would, in fact only seem to get that much worse worse.

With it all ending in a rather bloody gory fashion when Harry found himself being repeatedly stabbed to death by his dear 'loving' wife almost nearly seven years after the final battle had ended. A wife whom Harry, just before she had gotten stab happy, had confronted. Alone and not really able to bring himself to drag up much feelings to actual care, or even really be too surprised about her reaction to it.

Seeing as the confrontation had been about Harry finding out that their so-called love had been all thanks to several very powerful love potions his 'dear' wife had been drugging him with since he had been around fifteen years old. Along with potions that made weakened his magic, potions that were pretty much poisons as well as potions that made Harry to compliant to any demand his 'dear' wife may had.

Making Harry feel as if he had been nothing but a puppet for years, after he got all the potions removed from his system. Though perhaps he really should have confronted his wife so soon after having the potions removed; especially with how weak he had been afterword's. But again, after the potions had been removed confronting her had been his first reaction. Making Harry wonder if perhaps there had been some spells on him as well considering how numb he was to everything else afterword's.

Not that it really mattered after that seeing as Harry was dying by his wife's hands, having been stabbed over a good twenty times, with no way to heal as he had drained his magic before he had even found himself in the situation, he was in by removing all the potions that had been in his system.

Then his 'devoted' wife, as if to rub salt in the wounds and spite in his face at the same time, decided just as Harry had found himself drawing his last breath, that Harry just had to know that none of the children they had, that Harry had found to actually be bright spots in the dull worlds that seemed to suck all the joy he had out of him, had actually been his like he had believed.

Meaning not only had his 'wife' not only drugged him to love her and only her, made him a puppet that danced to her tune, but had also cheated on him as well. Though in that regrade Harry knew he'd be getting the last laugh as only Potter blood, living willing Potter blood at that, could open the vaults his wife was bragging about finally getting control over.

Now after closing his eyes and hoping that may now, he would get his happy ending. That he would finally be able to meet with family that actually loved him, and those that actual cared for him as Harry and not the boy-who-lived; like everyone around him seemed to do. That at long last he would finally get his own slice of peace and chance to happiness.

However, as it turned out, despite wanting nothing more than to actually die and join his family in death, Harry found that he wasn't going to get that; not at all. In fact, Harry as the darkness completely consumed him, found a sudden burst of information being forced into his skull. Information that let Harry know that he was going to be reborn, reincarnated and that he would be able to keep his memories and his magic due to the fact he was the supposed master of death. Harry couldn't help but wonder if it was punishment for collect all the Hallows in the first place; even if it had been accidental for the most part. This was a feeling that would stick to him for a while.

Then all Harry knew was a bright flash of light that blinded him and left him completely unable to do anything even more. Afterwards all Harry knew was that he had supposedly shrunk, was now wrapped tightly in a blanket of some sort and was currently being handed to someone.

Being handed to a certain someone that Harry now knew instinctively was now his current forms mother. Something that actually had Harry hopeful for a moment as he remembered his other Mother, as he remembered Lily and the love, she must have held for him.

However, as Harry was passed to his new mother, and as he took her in as best as he could considering his new circumstances, Harry found his hopes quickly crushed. Because as soon as he looked into his new 'mother's' eyes Harry couldn't help but immediately start screaming at the top of his lungs. Something Harry noticed, with a bit of dread, that his mother actually seemed to be rather happy about said reaction.

A reaction that happened because Harry upon seeing his mother's icy brown eyes knew without a shadow of doubt in his mind that this life most likely wasn't going to be any better than his last; most likely just as bad or even worse. An assessment his exhausted magic echoed faintly in the back of his mind. As if reaffirming Harry's believe in this. Though even as outwardly screamed, and inwardly cursed the unfairness of it all, Harry was able to hear what he assumed to be the doctor speaking to his mother.

"So, Kate, what are you going to do with him, and what do you want to call him" To which Harry heard the woman holding him replay; her tone raising every alarm bell in Harry's head as she did so.

"It's going to be called Harrison Gerard Argent, and I'm going to make sure that it makes the Argent family proud, not matter what it's father may have been."

As this was said Harry couldn't help but wonder several things. One why did his mother, this Kate, refer to him as an it even when she was giving him a name. Two, just what was going on with the Argent family, that his 'mother' wanted him to do it proud, and most importantly why did the feeling of dread he had gotten since he had first laid eyes on his 'mother' only seem to grow that much stronger with every word that was spoken?