"Hey bro I'm back, I made you an sandwich" Luna said as she walked into the room, while lincoln had sat back up with a small smile.

"Heh thanks" lincoln said as he held out his hand and Luna had placed the sandwich into his hands so he could start eating.

The room was quiet while Lincoln ate, making him stop and clear his throat "I'm sorry for this Luna, I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything" he said out loud.

"You not making me uncomfortable Lincoln... this will just take time to get used it" Luna told him, making him nod as he knew what she meant.

"Luna... Do you think violet really know what she was talking about" Lincoln ask her quietly, wanting Luna opinion about her.

Luna sighed quietly "I... I don't know Lincoln, a part of me believe her but another part is not sure" she sighed "but Lincoln, please don't get your hopes up, I don't want you to get your hopes up only to be let down" she told Lincoln making him nod.

"Yeah... I wasn't planning on it" Lincoln told her honestly "um... what time is it?"

"It is 8:10" Luna said as Lincoln had yawn and nodded.

"Alright then, I got a few more hours before I got to go" he said he had quickly finished his sandwich and laid down.

"Alright bro, I'll let everyone know you are sleep so they won't be so loud" Luna told her as she had for the door.

"Actually, could you not say anything heh it kinda weird but I feel like I can sleep better when they are loud" Lincoln said with a small chuckle.

"Oh alright then, I'll be back in a few to check in on ya" Luna said and watched as Lincoln had nodded before she had left, closing the door behind herself, while Lincoln had smiled slightly and easily went to sleep as he had listened to the noise that was his sister's.

No more then 4 hours had passed before there was a knock on the door, making Lincoln wake up with a yawn "come in" he called out as he heard the door open.

"Hey mate, it is 12:10 so it time for you to get ready" Luna said making Lincoln nod and get up.

"Alright but umm... Could you get me a change of clothes along with some underwear" Lincoln asked kinda embarrassed

"Heh sure mate" Luna said with a small chuckle as she had went to his dresser and got him some underwear and went to his clothes to get him some clothes, before placing them in Lincoln arms

"Thank you, Luna" Lincoln said quietly.

"Heh no problem mate, do you need help in the shower, if so then I'll call ma" luna joke making Lincoln turn even redder "I'm just playing mate" she said as she rubbed Lincoln head.

"A-alright, I can make it to the bathroom by himself... Thanks for the clothes" Lincoln said as he walked out of the room, trying to use an layout of the upstairs that he was came up with in his head while trying to secretly use his right hand to guide him "come on, Lincoln it is a simple straight line..." He mumbled quietly to himself as he had walked to the bathroom, not bothering with dragging his feet as he had just trusted that the his path was clear.

"Heya Lincoln" Lynn said as she had saw Lincoln walking though the hallway.

"Oh what up, Lynn" Lincoln smiled, hoping that he was at least looking her way.

"Nothing much bro" Lynn said as she had looked at him, seeing his clothes in his hand "you going to take a bath?"

"Yeah, heh I pretty sure I smell by now" Lincoln chuckled softly

Lynn chuckled as well "then you might want to hurry up before all the hot water is used up" she told him, making him nod.

"Heh alright, thanks for the head's up" Lincoln said as he had headed for the bathroom again, after a few moments he had finally reached the bathroom, feeling that the door was already opened, he walked inside and closed the door behind behind him.

Lincoln sighed and dropped his clothes "...damn it" he mumbled, hating the feeling he felt, he shook his head and felt for the tub before turning the water on, feeling for when it was hot enough before he gotten in, letting the hot water wash over him as it made him let out a small sigh.

Lincoln stood under the water until he could feel the water, slowly changing for hot to cold, making him hurry up and felt around until he felt a bar of soap, he smelled it to much sure it was soap, and the scent of roses had filled his nose, which had confirmed his thought just before he had started to wash himself and his hair.

Lisa sighed as she had continued to look though her notes, trying to fix this problem that she caused as she had decided to stay away from anything that could potentially blow up.

"Lisa..." Lori called out as she decided to check on her younger sister as everyone was worried about her, Lori had saw her working in her notepad, mumbling to herself as she was in her own world "Lisa" she said again but this time louder, making Lisa jump and looked at her.

"O-oh hello first born sibling" Lisa said as she went back to her work, making Lori frown a bit "can I assist you with something?" She asked as she kept working.

"No but... We are going to go meet violet in a little bit" Lori said hoping to get some sort of reaction but nothing came "so I was checking if everyone is ready to go"

"I would rather stay here, instead of wasting my time with that ludicrous person" Lisa told Lori.

"Lisa there is a chance she can help Lincoln" Lori said making Lisa scoff at her

"I can fix this by myself, I just need time" Lisa said making Lori frown

Lori had walked to Lisa and hugged her making her sigh softly "Lisa, I can only imagine how stressful this is for you... But you have to stop pushing yourself, it is not healthy for you" she told her little sister.

"Neither is Lincoln getting his hopes up, in a vain attempt only for failure" Lisa countered her.

"Or maybe you just don't want him to get help from someone else because you think this is something only you can fix" Lori whispered making Lisa tensed up "...Lisa is it okay if it take you time, you'll find a way around this"

"N-no it not okay" Lisa said quietly

"Neither is you rushing yourself" Lori told her, making her sigh in defeat at the fact that she was right, Lori had stood up and pulled out her phone to look at the time "is it almost time to go" she said making Lisa nod.

"Okay... I'll go get ready, I suggest you go check on Lincoln, he been in the shower for awhile" Lisa said while pulling off her glasses, rubbing her eyes.

Lori took one last look at her and nodded and she had left the room, heading for the bathroom, once there she was about to knock on the door but before she could the door had open and Lincoln had walked out, making Lori quickly move to the side so he would bump into her.

The sound of floor creaking had cause Lincoln to stop as he knew someone was near him "umm... Sorry I had used up all the hot water, my bad" he told them, wondering who was near him.

"Oh it is okay" Lori said as she had looked at him "come on, it is almost 1" she said making Lincoln nod.

"Alright, I'll go get my shoes" Lincoln said as he walked passed her.

"Lincoln..." Lori said causing Lincoln to stop.

"Yeah?" Lincoln asked but didn't bother to turn around.

"...nevermind, it nothing" Lori said lying to him and herself.

"Oh, okay then" Lincoln said as he made his way back to his room while Lori sighed and went to her and leni room.

After everyone was ready and near the door Lori had spoke up "okay so unfortunately mom and dad couldn't come, so it'll just be us" she said making everyone nod "alright so let's go"

The group had slowly made their way to the park while staying close to Lincoln, occasionally talking among each other, after a few minutes they had made it to the park, everyone but Lincoln was looking around for the girl they was supposed to be meeting, but didn't see her.

"Where is she? We are here at 1 like she said" Luna said as she checked her phone.

"I swear this better of not of been a sick joke or I'll swear I'll find her and -" Lynn growled but was cut off.

"And what?" A voice said behind them causing them to look back and saw Violet walking up to them, smirking "heh s'up" Violet said as she walked passed them, going straight to Lincoln as she wrapped her arm around his shoulder, making him tense up but soon relax

"V-violet" Lincoln said and a bit nervous

"Heh what up Lincoln" Violet grinned as she had lead him into the park, not paying his sisters any mind "time to start your first class"

a side from sorry I don't have anything to say but I hope y'all enjoy this chapter