Chapter one

Her bare legs were spread in front of her, an year ago she had been her most happiest at this hour, how does someone get so screwed up in two years, change so much that they can not recognize their selves, all because of him. Her toxic addiction. Frustration piled up in her tiny body as she looked at the flame of the candle on top of the two tier chocolate cake she had baked herself, her birthday had been over for four hours now. She turned in her silk robe reaching for her phone on the bed, dialing his number, even though she has his number saved , dialing it over and over had made her memorize it. The ring went on and on until it went straight to his voicemail. She clutched her phone tightly in her hand and the other second she threw it against the cake in front of her screaming at the top of her lungs. She reached for the champagne bottle with a red ribbon around it , which was plunged like a knife in the ice bucket , she wished she could be that ice right now. Her weak fingers held on to the bottle , she tore it's seal and pulled of the cork, attaching it to her mouth , it poured down on her robe but she didn't care tonight. Making sure she finished more than enough she got on her feet when she heard the house phone ringing.

"Hello? Miss Gilbert?"

Elena rolled her eyes "What do you want?"

"I brought the papers for the contract renewal, you should sign them before we pick you for the campaign."

If only she could scream her frustration.

" Miss Bennet called, Mister Salvatore has been wanting to hear about the contract."

That was what did it , she clutched her free hand into a fist, "THAT'S ALL HE CARES ABOUT? TELL HIM TO FUCK OFF, I DON'T GIVE TWO FUCKS ABOUT WHAT HE WANTS." She shouted it into the phone and tossing back the receiver, her trail stabled somewhat now that she walked to the table where the papers were placed , she picked it up and threw them into the fire place in frustration , clutching her messy brown hair, tears ran down her eyes as her eyes looked around at the apartment given to her , Six feet tall portraits of her, magazine issues with her photos , she knew she was running herself further yet she didn't care as she picked up the lamp on the table and threw it at the biggest picture in the room, screaming when the shreds of glass spread everywhere trapping her , she backed enough to stumble to her balcony sitting there on the cold floor against the glass door of the balcony. Clutching her robe close to feel some warmth.

Soon she could hear the chirping birds, narrow light hitting against her eye lids.

"Elena?" a faint soft voice kept calling her name , she threw her head back not giving it attention, because it wasn't the voice she wanted to hear. Sandal sounds annoyed her, as someone slid the balcony door aside, "Gosh what did you do to this place?" The blonde sat in front of her , brushing her hair away from her face, tapping it, "Hey?"

"Leave me alone." She managed out a whisper.

"Look I know that turning twenty two is kinda stressful but baby this is just too much." Caroline tried to understand why she did what she did, "It's still strange because you were so excited yesterday-"

Elena cut her off, "He didn't come Care. I thought we would but he didn't."

Caroline frowned , she sat down aside her, "Who? Your mystery boyfriend?"

She shook her head, "He's not my boyfriend , he kept telling me he's not." She wiped the tears escaping her eyes, "but there was this one moment Care, where I thought I meant everything to him. But I didn't."

Caroline looked up at her as she stood up , "I am leaving this place , can I crash at yours for sometime?"

Caroline held her wrist, "What happened? Can you at least tell me?"

She shook her head, "I cant cause if I did , there would be problems, you're a journalist after all."

Caroline stood up , "Stop shitting Elena , I am your friend first, I want to know what makes you so wreck less at times, you weren't this way before, to think the most calmest person I know can be so crazy over a break up."

"It's not a break up Care." She carefully went from the shreds of the glass to her attached room, "I don't want to talk about how desperate I am okay? Can you please not judge me?" she said in a snarky tone.

"Okay- but you'll tell me once your ready?"

"Sure." She said to ignore further talk. Elena took of her robe and the blood red lingerie she was wearing underneath tossing them away. Caroline clenched her teeth at the dress, When the brunette used the shower she came out wearing a white tank top and denim shorts , heading to her nightstand , she picked out her over sized sunglasses. "Let's go."

"So we'll just not talk about this?" Caroline asked looking at the destroyed cake, phone discarded open on the floor. She sighed deep, "I want to get out before the people from the company come to look for me."

"Of course , you're running from your job now? Don't forget the fact that they made you who you are."

"Exactly." She nodded , "They made me this wrecked, and I wanna run the hell away."

"Elena you can't just let them down because of your stupid boyfriend, why are you letting Mister Salvatore down?"

She flinched at the name.

"You're so unaware Care , I am letting no one down trust me." she zipped up her bag.

"Oh come on Elena?"

"You wanna hear it- It's him."

"What? Who?" Caroline walked after her in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

Elena turned around , "This, everything – it's because of the man you fear I'll let 'down'."

Caroline's eyes widened , "What? He's the man you've been with?"

She didn't answer turning around almost regretting telling her , Caroline held her wrist turning her around, "He- but he's married."

Elena hissed pulling her hand out of his grasp , "I know that."

"Your lying! He would never cheat on Mrs. Salvatore , he loves her so much." Caroline's words sliced her heart, "You don't know what he is on the inside Care , I know it , I've seen it."

Before Caroline could respond , they heard the door unlock to her apartment, of course his apartment , his key.

Her blonde friend gasped seeing the man they were just talking about enter the apartment, he looked around then to her , "What happened here?"

"I happened." Elena pulled over her cross body bag on her arm holding the blonde's hand , "Let's go."

"Hold your horses Miss Gilbert." He cocked his head to a side, "Miss Forbes do you mind if I have some privacy with my problemetic model?"

Caroline felt Elena's grip on her hand tightened. "Actually she's not well Mister Salvatore , can we go right now."
"I wouldn't be here but I was reported very – very bad behavior." He looked around the apartment , "Donovan called me and told me how you were very aggressive over the phone Miss Gilbert and if that was unavoidable, the security manager called over and told me all about – this" he looked around the apartment.

He smiled at Caroline , one of his fakest smiles that Caroline couldn't see through , "I would love to hear what that's about , Please Miss Forbes." He was softly telling her to get out. She turned to Elena then left her hand , "I'll be in the car waiting."

Damon gave her a nod, "Thank you."

Elena watched with her smoky eyes as Caroline give her a reassuring look as she closed the door after her , Damon stood their watching her till he heard the Elevator ring in dead silence , Elena swallowed thick as he started walking around , seeing the damage she did, she blushed as he leaned down to the grill picking up half burned plastic file , he dusted the ashes off it , "This speaks for itself right?"

She pursed her lips, "It's my answer."

He threw the file on the floor stepping over it , then dusting his hands, "When you turn down someone's call seventy two times , it means you don't want to talk to them."

"That's what I learned." She shrug.

"I wasn't home , we were out to-"

"I don't care – I don't care!" she said in a raced breath as the pain crawled back to her chest , "All I wanted was one night- just one." She walked over to him , "You cant avoid me like this- I know everything about you."

He narrowed his eyes, "Are you threatening me?" he held her chin , "My little kitten is all grown up,"

"I turned twenty two yesterday." She seethed. He bit the inside of his cheek , "You didn't spill your guts to Caroline right?" she sighed deep, "What if I did?" in a second he had her pinned against the wall , "Elena Gilbert you don't have any idea how much angry that would make me if word gets out and trust me you haven't seen me angry."

She coughed , "Why is it always about you Damon? Why is it always about your reputation?- your family , your company, why don't you care about me?"

"Elena don't act like you're the victim, I did everything I could – you wouldn't be living this fucking brilliant life if it weren't for me, this is what you always wanted – a fucking house from where you could see all these tini-tiny new York buildings , traveling , shopping till it tires you – I am the reason you don't have to worry about your taxes – your little brother – anyone!" he shouted at her, she flinched from his loud tone.

"Well now you know what I think about it. I don't want it – any of it." She spat. "I cant be living this way- I want my life back."

"By all means, but if you dare to tarnish my image like you did last night-"

She shouted, "ME! ME! ME! that's all you can talk about, you don't even care that I am leaving you! Why? Do I not do it for you anymore- why is it that you make me want so much and leave me with nothing! I spent hours baking you a fucking chocolate cake , waiting to just get a text from you, just one text for everything I ever did for you- when I was the only person you'd turn to for comfort and calm when that bitch screwed you over."

He held her tight, "That 'bitch' is my wife and if she gets a hint , she will ruin us both , this has to end! She's fucking pregnant."

Elena clutched her fists on his palms holding her back. "How do you know if it's even yours?"

"Listen to me! she's a very clever woman , she has done this to suck everything I have, now I know that this relationship has been a party sweetie but I cant afford to lose everything- it'll kill me."

She pushed him with the remaining strength in her , "Running away from your problem isn't going to fix it. Avoiding like it's not there wont do good either- I know your issues , I can-"

"It's too late for anything Elena, your choice , work and continue to live like this- or leave." He sighed. He reached into his pocket pulling out a box , he lit his cigarette , held it between his fingers. She held his wrist, "Will you be able to do that- seeing me and not tempted. Because I cant do that, I cant pretend that It doesn't break my heart."

She moved in between his arms, wrapping her arms around his waist , resting her head against his chest, "It hurts me so much when you do this Damon, it's so easy for you- but not for me, please, think about me, stay with me, I'll wait more , we'll figure this out." She looked up at him , he wasn't looking at her , her hands traced up his strong body to cup his face, "Please, I'll stay if you stay with me. We'll be like we used to be."

He held her hands on his face slowly sliding them down , not saying anything he kept on smoking , as he headed towards the door, "Damon don't walk away please."

Desperation and need kicked her from every direction, "I swear you walk out I'll tell everyone- everything about you, that you're not the perfect man media thinks you are, all of what has been going around in that company."

He didn't turn back , "Who will believe you?"

"I don't care who does, I'll do everything I can to destroy you!" she screamed throwing a vase on the wall.

Two years ago

"I've collected it." She handed the clothes she had received for Katherine Salvatore from the reception of their mansion, first day at work and she was a nervous wreck , she had spilled Katherine's coffee twice and changed into her 'emergency' clothes.

Meredith took the plastic covered clothes from her , "Did you called for the private plane yet?"

She shook her head, "Oh I forgot almost."

"Almost." The voice was sharp coming from the little peek of the huge room they both were standing infront of , "Send her in."

Meredith gestured her to go inside, Elena gulped going inside , she didn't want to lose the job , the money was good, good enough to pay for Jeremy's daily expense, after her parents died about eight months ago she had been looking for a job to stable things up. Since being an assistant to Katherine's manager wasn't that bad of a job she took it immediately when her aunt had referred her in.

"I am sorry mam, I'll call right now." she reached into her purse talking out her diary with all the details.

"You're little sorry isn't going to makeup for the time you've caused me , honey I get it- you haven't worked in such complex places before- but how will that excuse work for me?" she got up the cahr she was sitting it , her curly hair flowed down to her chest , she was as skinny as her body allowed , like she had to walk a dam ramp today, makeup on her face , more set than Elena's whole life, "This cant work."

"I am so sorry." She said to the woman.

"Meredith where do you get these college girls?"

"I promise I'll do better." Elena begged almost , Katherine huffed as if excusing her the millionth time, "How old are you?"

"Twenty." She said looking down.

Katherine looked over her , frowning , she flipped her hair , "Call in makeup and hair."

Elena turned to Meredith , "More hair and makeup?"

"Just call them Elena." Meredith glared at her. Elena nodded rushing out the door , her body crashed into a solid body , she gasped when she looked at the man, she had never seen anyone so handsome , his eyes a rare blue , his features so beautiful , like a perfect painting , she gasped seeing how she crushed Katherine's coffee cup between there bodies , his Armani suit was ruined , "Oh my God I am so sorry."

Katherine peeked in from her dressing room, "What the actual hell? God!" she walked to them seeing the man's suit ruined , "What did you do? I picked this out , you ruined it, you know how much it costs? Probably more money you've seen all your life!" she spat at Elena.

Elena felt her cheeks redden by the insult , tears coming to her eyes as Katherine shouted , "You've been ruining everything , just get the fuck out of my house!"

"Kat." She heard a soft voice between her sobs, "It's okay baby I'll get something else- why are you screaming at this poor girl?" he had his arms around Katherine , to calm her down. "This poor girl- Damon please." She told him to move as his dress shirt was staining her robe, "She's been messing up since morning."

"Well she's clearly nervous to work here." He eyed Elena's shivering body , "Honey why don't you go clean up- I'll talk to her."

Elena nodded rushing out of there as soon as she could , his voice , his aura did weird things to her, tingle her skin. The way he softly spoke , no one had not talked to her like that in months. She almost felt sorry for him , he didn't deserve this snappy woman.

"What are you doing?" Her blonde room mate Caroline peeked in on her laptop when she noticed Elena wasn't listening to her rant tonight, "Oh what is this?"

Elena shook her head , "Just snooping around a little- you know me."

Caroline chuckled slipping aside her in bed, "Emm Salvatore- they are the people you work for right?"

She nodded, "Um hmm once I get my journalism degree – baby I am outta there- I'll expose this bitch." She giggled zooming in on Katherine's photo, "Oh I want to so bad but Mister Salvatore is the sweetest man ever." She went on clicking his pictures, "He is so composed , so stable , so kind." She almost swooned.

Caroline laughed, "Man, get a grip – the Man's married." Elena shrugged, "I know okay- but for the nine weeks that I've worked there – he has been so kind to me- it's hard to see people who are rich and humble at the same time."

Caroline too started going through links and links of there news, information , alleged scandals .

"He's pretty gifted." Caroline gasped as they checked his multiple companies worth. "Oh but he also works so much." Elena added, "I never see him partying or drinking- the guy doesn't have a single wrong bone in his body."

"One might be wrong- he has been married for seven years with no kids." Caroline joked. Elena laughed , "No I don't think there's any problem , the bitch eats laxatives to keep her body- maybe she doesn't want to ruin that size zero of hers."

"Aren't you being way too defensive of Salvatore?"

"You would be too if you worked there – everyone who works there acts like they own people – Mister Salvatore is – hands down the best billionaire I have the pleasure of knowing." She said blinking her heavy lashed eyes.

Caroline huffed, " He's thirty two , is a billionaire , has a bitchy wife and the best behavior – hmm something is fishy."

"I thought that too- but maybe he's just a good man." Elena closed the laptop. "Maybe he meditates sixteen hours a day to tolerate that bitch cause I cant. She has asked for me at six o clock tomorrow so I'll be heading to bed now."

Caroline huffed as she lied down on the next pillow, "Can I sleep here? Me and Ty just re watched grudge?"

"Sure." Elena chuckled turning to the other side. Her mind haunted with a pair of blue eyes. It shivered her because she never felt this way before. Not for her ex boyfriend. Jesse had been bothered of her prolonged mourning over her parents. It didn't take long for him to cheat and honestly it was a relief because she never would have known that she didn't want to be with him until then , it hurt, yes, but it was over and she moved on

Waiting and waiting , as if she was already a journalist, not a very good one though , she carried Katherine's requested Pumps , her coffee , her Gucci bag. Sometimes she felt like she was some chair , that chair in the room people discard their clothes on till the weekend.

The huge door to her room opened and she reddened when she saw the man , whose blue eyes had been haunting her dreams , whose voice was better than any music. She could stare at him for hours without blinking.

"Elena- that's your name right?" he smiled looking at her , she blushed harder hearing him say her name like that. She nodded, "yes."

He held the coffee cup from her, his skin lightly touching hers in the process, Elena felt like her legs were turning into jelly, he had that effect, girls could faint with one touch of his skin, she pushed the thought away trying her best not to swoon.

"I know Kat's been giving you a tough time, Meredith told me about how you have classes to attend as well. I did talk to Kat about it , she was suggesting we let you go."

Suddenly wave over wave of feeling insulted passed through her body , she felt tears sting the corners of her eyes, "I am sorry Mister Salvatore , I know I am not good at assisting , but I am trying so hard."

"I can see that." He tried to take his wife's bag from her but she tugged at it as if holding on to a life line, "This job is all I have , my brother's still in high school- with the money my parents left us – we can hardly go an year- please don't take this job away." She pulled at the bag.

"Elena believe me , I did the best I could these few weeks to keep Kat calm, sorry this cant work." He sounded concerned.

"Okay but give me something else- I can cook, I can clean and bake , I can even drive, please give me a-" with a tearing voice , she saw the strip from Katherine's bag tore, she gasped , "Oh my God!"

"Damnit." Damon pulled the bag from her , he held up his hand to her , "Look , calm down.", his hand rested on her shoulder , "Shhh"

She looked up at his worried face, "She'll kill me."

"Don't worry just go-"

"But my job, I'll go broke." She yelped. His touch was calming her down , his hand touched the side of her face , "Okay I'll do something."


"Elena." he looked into her eyes, "Just go okay- trust me." She nodded seeing warmth in his eyes. She kept the stuff down and walked hurriedly out of the corridor.

Bonnie bennet's voice boomed in the cabin , "without an interview?"

"Without an interview." He stated sitting back with a pleasant smile, "She's a nice girl I've seen her work for my wife , it's time you divide your work."

"I don't get it Mister Salvatore , I haven't disappointed you." She sighed.

"I know Miss Bennet , but the girl can cook , she can bake , she can clean and drive." He chuckled going through some files.

"I don't get it, you don't need that stuff," putting some more files on the table. Damon nodded, "I don't need it , she needs it Miss Bennet."

Bonnie suddenly smiled, "Oh so its you helping her?" it was surprising how Damon was so generous, he tried to connect with everyone , tried to understand everyone. That's why he was so liked , so honored , so famous , there was no rotten word about him. Almost like he was perfect. "You have to be the great Damon Salvatore."

"You don't have to be a kiss ass." He closed his files , "I want you to work with her , help her so she can understand this environment , now I may not be bossy like Katherine but I am the boss." He grinned, "And if she makes any mistakes , I'll just cut that from your paycheck."


"Kidding." He chuckled , "But make sure Elena doesn't have problems , or I'll be forced to keep her as a substitute driver."

So I have no idea if anyone read this chapter since it's my first fic from this account , love it ? hate it?

Short chapter so review so I can write more for you guys. I am really liking writing this one, my inspiration for this story is 'every lana del rey song' but to tribute I named this story "Million dollar man."
