Chapter 21

"So, who's coming? I could only get five plane tickets. One's for me, one for Stefan," I glanced at him to make sure that we were on the same page and he nodded back, "and there's three more. The flight is at ten pm, which gives us nine hours. Well, seven because we want to get there on time," I explain to everyone. The Cullens, Stefan, and Angela were staring at me.

"I want to come," Bella said, standing up from her seat next to Edward. He grabbed her shoulder and tried to pull her back down.

"Bella, no. You could get hurt."

"So could any of them, Edward. It's me that Victoria wants. If it comes to it, then I'm the only one who can stop her," she said with a brave look on her face.

"You aren't going to sacrifice yourself! I'm not going to let you-"

"Then come with us," I interrupted. "Victoria was able to get through the magic border because your type of vampire wasn't created by witches. We need you to help us, and seeing as you two," I looked between the couple, "are inseparable, you should both come along."

"Okay," Bella agreed. Edward sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"There's no way I'm going to convince you otherwise, is there?" he asked Bella, smiling crookedly at her. She grinned back at him and they stared lovingly at each other, Bella leaning toward him.

"Break it up, lovebirds." Emmett grabbed both of their shoulders and pushed them back onto the couch. "Caroline, Stefan, Bella, and Edward. I make five, correct?"

I shook my head. "Sorry, Emmett. The fifth ticket is for Angela. We're going to need a witch if we want to win this."

His face fell. "What's she going to do? Doesn't the magic border prevent her from using magic on Victoria as long as she hides inside of Magic Falls?"

"It's Mystic Falls. You're right, Angela isn't going to be doing offensive magic, but better safe than sorry."

"No, I agree with Emmett," Stefan interjected. "We're better prepared if we have someone who can actually get into the city."

"That's why we have Edward." I pointed to him, a little surprised that Stefan was arguing with me.

"There's only one of him and Victoria is strong. Since Angela can't use magic within the borders of Mystic Falls, her powers would be pretty much useless." Stefan glanced at Angela and then smiled sheepishly. "No offense."

"Then we'll lure her out. The second she steps out of the border, we'd annihilate her. Brute force isn't how we are going to win."

Angela adjusted her glasses and stood up. "I want to go. I could help protect Bella outside of the border as I did against her army," she offered.

"Isn't that what we will be doing?" Stefan argued. "There's not much that Caroline and I can do outside of the border other than protecting Bella."

"Stefan," I said, passive-aggressiveness seeping into my tone. "Victoria wants Bella so she's going to be going after her. She's stronger than both of us combined so we're going to need a witch."

He sighed, conceding. "Fine." The doubting look he gave Angela made me unsure whether he actually agreed or if he just didn't want to keep arguing. "So what do we do for the next seven hours?"

"You and I will pack what we've got since we're probably not coming back after," I instructed, my voice lowering near the end. The uneasy glances from everyone in the room made me regret stating the obvious but they had to know it was true; this wasn't our home. "Edward and Bella should stock up on blood and Angela should tell her parents that she'll be out." With a couple of murmurs, the room dispersed.

Yes, I am aware that this chapter is only a bit over 700 words. BUT I'm really just using this as a way to tell all you guys; I am so so so so sorry for disappearing for months. I got lazy over the summer and kept procrastinating on continuing. I was also very busy with a TVD/TO/Legacies roleplay on Discord (PM me if you wanna join lmao) I WILL BE CONTINUING THIS AND UPDATING AS OFTEN AS I CAN FROM HERE OUT! Hopefully, you guys are still here! The next chapter will be very Steroline-y and I have the rest of the story all planned out so I will try my best to update weekly or bi-weekly. Thank you for the kind reviews, they made me wanna come back. And again, sorry for the super short chapter.