Jo sat alone on a bench in the middle of the park. The afternoon sun felt good on her face. The weather was warming, with spring getting nearer and nearer, but there was still a bit of a chill in the air. A small shiver crossed over her body and she hugged her arms a little closer to her chest.
"I didn't expect to be hearing from you for a 'favor,' Kim's voice, pierced through the cool air.
Jo jumped a bit, startled by her stealthy approach.
"Sheesh, I forgot how good you are at sneaking up on people." Jo angrily replies.
"Wow! You're the one who called me, okay? I mean, I can leave right now if you changed your mind." Kim scowls and turns to walk away.
"Oh, believe me if I knew anyone else in this town, I definitely wouldn't have called you." Jo seethes. She lowers her head and takes a deep breath in to try and cool her anger. "Look, neither one of us wants anything to do with the other and I am happy to leave it at that, but I needed this information and you are the only one I know who could get it for me." Jo looks up quickly and gives a stern look.
Kim still looking annoyed, turns back around to face Jo. "You know for someone who wants my help you are sure insulting me a lot. Do you want this information or not?" She asks, holding out a manila envelope.
"Yes, please." Jo concedes. "As much as I hate to say it, I appreciate you helping me."
"Honestly, I didn't want to, but I was intrigued that you wanted information on Sam McCall. Why do you want it anyway?" Kim inquires, snidely.
Jo reaches out to grab the envelope and as she does, Kim raises it out of her reach.
"Kim, what are you doing? I thought you were going to help me?" Jo cries out annoyed.
"Well, I was, but now I'm wondering, what's in this for me? Why should I help you?"
Jo takes a few steps towards Kim shooting daggers at her with her eyes. She raises her arm up and grabs Kim's hand with the envelope in it.
"Because Kim, remember, I KNOW things about you. Things that I haven't told anyone, things, that if anyone were to research and find out about, it could definitely harm your 'good girl,' persona that you've developed for yourself. Wouldn't you agree?" Jo sneers.
Kim stares back at Jo with a desperate look in her eye and lowers her arm.
"Just take it!" She exclaims, shoving the envelope at Jo's chest.
"Thank you, I knew you'd see things my way. And just so you know, I just need to find out more about Sam, who she is, what kind of life she's had," Jo explains calmly.
"Don't thank me, thank Peter. He's the one that got the information." Kim plainly states.
"Peter, huh? He's still talking to you after what you pulled on him?" Jo chides while she begins to flip through the papers inside the envelope.
"Peter's my friend and HE'S a forgiving person. Unlike some people I know." Kim spits angrily.
Jo shot her head up quickly and moved in inches from Kim's face.
"I will NEVER forgive you for what you did. If you think I would, then you are crazy!" Jo quietly seethes. "If I were you, I'd remember, that you have a hell of a lot to lose if I tell anyone what I know about you."
Kim sneers at Jo and walks off towards the entrance to the park.
Jo, sits back down on the bench and once again begins flipping through the pages in the envelope.
"So, Sam McCall, what is your deal….."
"Higher Drew, higher!" Danny exclaims with pure joy. Drew pushes on the back of the swing with a bit more force, to make it go just a little higher. Drew smiles and laughs at how much fun Danny is having on the swings.
"Just a few more minutes and then we need to go, okay Danny?" Drew looks around the playground area. He couldn't get over this feeling they were being watched. He glanced around one more time to see if he could see anything suspicious. Not wanting to alarm Danny he replaced his worried look with a smile.
"Oh Drew, do we have to?" Danny whines.
"What? Since when do you turn down ice cream at Kelly's?" Drew asks with a giggle.
"ICE CREAM! Alright, awesome!" Danny excitedly replies as the swing begins to slow down and he drags his feet in the dirt to bring it to a complete stop. He hops off the swing and grabs Drews hand.
"Let's go, I can't wait for ice cream!"
"Okay, okay, hang on. Let's sit on this bench for just a minute." Drew needed to catch his breath. He couldn't believe an outing with a 5 year-old could make him so tired. He still hadn't gotten his full endurance back since the procedure and he was getting frustrated with it. He should be able to chase around a little kid, with no issue.
"Can we go now?" Danny asked, pulling on Drew's hand.
Not realizing he was sitting in a daze, Danny's prodding brought Drew back into the moment. Just then, he thought he caught something out of the corner of his eye, someone moving in the bushes nearby. He quickly turns to see who it was, but again, saw no one there. He just couldn't shake this feeling of eyes on him. Maybe he was just being paranoid, since he couldn't remember everything. "Everything's fine," he mumbled to himself.
"Drew! Ice cream!" Danny screamed.
"Yes, yes, okay, we are going. You lead the way." Drew let go of Danny's hand and guided him to walk up ahead a few feet. As Danny happily babbled and walked, Drew took his cell phone out of his pocket to text Jo. He was looking forward to seeing her after his excursion with Danny.
The uneasy feeling washed over him again and he quickly hit send on the text, so he could scan the surroundings for anything suspicious.
"Come on Drew, let's walk faster." Danny urged.
Not seeing anyone again, Drew shook off the feeling and raced up to take Danny's hand.
"So what kind of ice cream are you going to get?" Drew cheerfully asks.
"All of them!" Danny exclaims.
"All of them, huh, well we'll see about that, buddy." Drew chuckles and tousles Danny's hair. The two of them continue to walk and talk as they make their way out of the park towards Kelly's.
Just as the two were barely out of site, Kim comes slowly and quietly out of the bushes where she had been watching them. She continues to watch as they move out of sight. As she prepares to follow them, out of the park, she glances over to the bench where they had been sitting. She notices that Danny's small jean jacket had inadvertently been left behind. She walks over and sits on the bench, picking up the jacket and clutching it close to her chest. She sits there for a minute fantasizing about her and Drew being together and taking their own child to the park. She thinks about Drew holding her hand and imagining him gently brushing a piece of hair behind her ear. She smiles eerily and continues to enjoy her fantasy. After a few minutes she stands up from the bench and stealthily walks off towards Kelly's.
Sam sits alone at Kelly's biting her thumbnail and staring at her phone. She quietly whispers to herself, "ok miss Joanna Jenkins, what is your deal?" Sam begins to scroll through the information on the screen. "Date of birth, deployments, duty assignments, come on there's got to be something here useful," Sam exclaims to herself quietly.
"I doubt you'll find anything of interest to you."
Sam straightens her back, purses her lips slightly and winces her eyes. She knew that voice, it was Jo, standing right behind her.
"Anything you want to know about me, you should just ask," Jo retorts annoyingly as she plops down into the empty chair at the table. "I'm happy to share any information you'd like to know about me."
Sam, inhaled deeply and rolled her eyes. She leaned in across the table and looked eye to eye with Jo. "Oh, I'll definitely find out what I want to know, about you," she whispers sternly.
Jo stretches back away from Sam and folds her arms across her chest.
"What exactly is your problem with me Sam? I mean, you barely know me, what have I done to upset you?"
Sam leans back in her chair and runs her fingers through her hair. A sly smile crosses her face as she lets out a chuckle.
"Drew's an important person to me. I don't want to see anyone hurt him or take advantage of him."
Jo's eyes widen and she puts her head in her hands. She lets out a big sigh, "Are you serious right now? You DO realize Drew was a Navy SEAL, right? He's MORE than capable of taking care of himself and as far as being important to you, I question that," Jo sarcastically replies.
Sam was enraged by Jo's comments. This woman was pushing her buttons but Sam didn't want to give her any satisfaction by reacting. It was taking everything in Sam to hold it together and not fly off the handle. She decided she didn't want to engage in this conversation with Jo right now so she got up and began to put on her jacket.
Jo, realizing she had touched a nerve got up and stepped in closer to Sam. She leaned down to look her in the eye.
"What's the matter, Sam? Don't feel much like talking now? Seems to me, you don't want to admit how YOU'RE hurting him," Jo sneers, pointing her finger at Sam.
Sam flips her hair out from under the collar of her jacket and shakes her head.
"You don't know anything about me or my relationship with Drew!" Sam replies with disdain as she turns to leave.
Jo quickly steps in front of Sam and grabs her arm.
"Don't grab me," Sam shouts, wrenching her arm away.
Jo leans down so that she's inches from Sam's face. She snickers slightly and rolls her eyes at Sam.
"Maybe, you should realize that you aren't the only one who knows Drew. I knew him long before you were in the picture, he and I have history. History that he actually remembers and from what I've heard, you – well, you've been too busy taking him for granted and being in love with his brother to really pay attention to what is going on with him!"
Sam had reached her limit. She couldn't control herself any longer. Jo's truths, cut deep, but there was no way Sam wanted to hear any of this from someone she barely knew. Her emotions overtook her and she reached back and smacked Jo hard across the face.
Jo tried to lurch back out of the way but Sam's hand made contact with a loud crack. Jo, winced her face and rubbed her hand along her cheek to ease the stinging.
"Seems, like I hit a nerve," she scoffs.
Sam shot daggers at Jo and reached up to let her have it again, but this time Jo grabbed her hand in mid-air.
"Don't try it again. Remember, I've got military training. You're scrappy, but I'm pretty sure, I'd wipe the floor with you. I'd hate to do that in front of your son." Jo tilts her head toward the window showing Sam that Danny and Drew were just outside the door, ready to come inside.
Sam lunged her hand out of Jo's grip and straightened her jacket. She brushed the hair out of her face and plastered a fake smile on her face so that Danny wouldn't suspect anything.
Drew and Danny had had an awesome day at the park. Drew hadn't been able to shake the feeling that someone was watching them, but he didn't see anything out of the ordinary. He also couldn't figure out where they had left Danny's jacket. He thought it was at the playground, but when they went back to look, it wasn't there.
"YAY! We're at Kelly's finally!" Danny screamed with excitement.
"All right, buddy, you're ready for your ice cream, aren't you?"
"Yep! I'm going to get 3 scoops." Danny exclaims, holding up three little fingers on his hand.
Drew giggled a bit at the boy's confidence in the amount of sugar he was about to ingest.
"We need to ask you mom first if that's okay with her. I'm not sure since it's pretty close to dinner."
"Then let's ask her, she's right there, with your friend." Danny explains plainly.
Drew looks up and into the window of the diner. Just as he did, he saw Sam plant a fierce slap across Jo's face. He gasped with shock. "What is going on there," he mumbled to himself. Quickly, he remembered Danny standing there with him and he wanted to be sure the boy hadn't seen the outburst by his mother. Thankfully, a couple of dried up worms on the sidewalk had grabbed his attention and he was happily poking at the corpses.
Drew looked on for a couple seconds more when he saw Sam turn around and realize they were standing there. Figuring it was now safe, Drew pats Danny on the head, "Hey bud, let's go in and get that ice cream."
Danny raced in ahead of Drew and straight into his mom's arms.
"Hey sweetheart! How was your day with Drew?" Sam inquires, as Danny barrels into her for a strong hug.
"It was great! I want ice cream, 3 scoops!" Danny shouts emphatically.
"Oh, you do huh?" Sam laughs slightly as she tugs at Danny's collar. "Well, we'll see. Hey Drew, how was the day? Was he good?"
"Our day was great, it seems better than yours," he says, nodding toward Jo, in a silent acknowledgement of what he'd seen.
Sam lowered her head, embarrassed that Drew had seen her lose control.
"Oh, you saw that huh?"
"I did. Thankfully, your son did not," Drew coolly replies.
Sam wanted to talk with Drew and explain what he had seen, but she had little ears lurking. Quickly she decided to distract Danny with picking out his ice cream and directed him to sit at the table and figure out which flavor he wanted.
Drew, Sam and Jo all stood there staring at each other no one quite knowing what to say to break the tension.
Jo decided to excuse herself. She knew Drew would want to speak with Sam about what he'd seen and Jo knew those two had a lot to talk about. She wanted to give them some time alone, in hopes it would help Drew come to terms with all the feelings he'd been having since his memory procedure.
"Um, you two have a lot to talk about, I'm going to leave you to it." Jo interrupts the silence.
"Are you okay, JJ?" Drew inquires, wondering just what exactly had happened between the two women.
"Of course, I'm good. I'll just see you later." Jo feigns a smile and touches Drew on the shoulder as she brushes past him and out the door.
"I'm sorry you had to see that. It wasn't my finest moment," Sam sheepishly replies, folding her arms across her chest.
Drew, disappointed that the situation had evolved to this, decided this was not the place to have the conversation that he and Sam needed to have. They needed to really talk, alone, but somewhere, where they wouldn't end up in the same situation as last time. Drew knew he had a lot to tell Sam and he wanted to know from Sam where their relationship stood.
"Sam, we really need to talk. Somewhere, private, but not too private, if you get what I mean," Drew quipped.
Sam definitely knew what he meant. As much as she wanted to lose herself in a night of passion with him, she knew deep down that, that would not solve anything and probably just make the situation worse.
"What do you have in mind?" Sam asks coyly.
"I was thinking the Q mansion. It's pretty private, but as long as we stay downstairs, you can never know when someone will come walking into any room. It can actually be quite bizarre at times."
Sam let out a small chuckle. She thought the mansion was a good idea too. It would work out great because Danny could spend the night with Annabelle the second and Scout would probably already be down for the night anyway. At least she would be able to peak in on her while she was there.
"Sounds good. I can meet you there if you want," Sam says with a questioning tone.
"Well, if it's okay, I'd like to stay while Danny has his ice cream. I told him I would and I don't want to let him down." Drew shyly replies.
Sam was secretly happy that Drew would stay. She knew they wouldn't do any heavy talking with Danny there, but she did miss them all being together as a family. That was one thing that Drew had always prioritized, his family. Sam's thoughts were quickly interrupted when she heard Danny calling from the table.
"Mommy, I know what kind of ice cream I want!"
"I guess, we better get over there before he gets any louder," Sam sweetly replies.
"We? So, it's okay if I stay?"
"Of course, Danny…..and I would love it." Sam answers with a smile.
Drew snickers, quietly as he walks over with Sam to the table. He politely pulls the chair out for her to sit in and takes the seat across from her.
Danny squeals in happiness when he hears Drew was going to stay and have ice cream. Drew and Sam each stare across the table at the other for a few moments and then quickly take their minds to the task at hand. Neither one of them needed to get lost in the longing for each other.
Outside the diner, Kim emerged from around the corner where she had been spying. She had followed Drew and Danny out of the park and had been watching the situation inside, this whole time. Kim pulled Danny's jacket out of her oversized bag and held it close to her face. She caught a small scent of Drew's cologne waft off the jacket. She closed her eyes and imagined him holding her close. After a few moments, she remembered she was outside where others could see her and she quickly stuffed the jacket back in her bag. Pushing back her obsessive thoughts about Drew was becoming harder and harder. "One day soon," She whispered to herself. "I'll find a way to make you see me."
She smoothed a few strands of hair out of her face and took one last look at Drew before she scurried back into the alleyway and out of sight.