Hello Everyone

Welcome back to

Still Waters

Yes I know I was surprised too, but sudden strikes of inspiration can happen at any time beware upcoming fluff as hearts continue to thaw. After the heavy last chapter a little something lighter before we charge back into the plot is called for so enjoy!

As promised this chapter is dedicated to 01Katie and SilverTail13 who granted this story its 160th and 65th reviews

I own nothing recognizable

Now with the formalities concluded I bring you

Chapter 11. Birthday Wishes and Kisses


"Love is the voice under all silences, the hope which has no opposite in fear; the strength so strong mere force is feebleness: the truth more first than sun, more last than star."

Bella inhaled the noonday breeze as she sat curled against Marcus's side a smile tugging at her lips. Warmed by the sun and pleasantly full from the contents of the tray he had recently moved to the side she had been lost in her thoughts as the melodies of Yanni drifted out from one of the hidden speakers Jane had to recently given her.

"My father would have liked you"

A soft rumble of acknowledgement was her only answer as he was tugged out of the scroll he had been pursuing about the war tactics of Greece and back to the present moment

"I regret not having met him. From your memories and all reports he was a good man and credit to his chosen professon"

His voice rumbled pleasantly in her ear as he pulled her gently to his chest and she let out the breath she hadn't been aware had been held as his fingers ran gently through her hair seeming to revel in the peace.

"Are you happy here my Bella?"

The murmured question so unlike his usual tone caught her off guard, the hesitant tone most unlike the confident regal king she knew. She was wise enough to know the many layers he carried and when the mask slipped they were moments to cherish and so picked her words carefully after considering.

"Yes despite...everything I can't remember a time I have been more so Marcus. Everyone has been so kind and patient with me through recent events and I am grateful for that. You beyond them all Marcus have been my rock and there is nothing I can do to.."

Her words where cut off abruptly as he kissed her. not the firey new kind that had been their first but this was deep sweeping away the end of the sentiment entirely and as she returned it he gently pulled away nuzzling her cheek affectionately.

"Every breath, Bella and I have counted each of them since you arrived, is a gift to me one I can never hope to repay there is never any need to speak of it on either side. Every vampire mate considers the care of their beloved the highest honor and something to be carried with pride"

"Even with the age difference?"

He smiled outright at her question and she was struck at the change, it was like seeing the first sunrise of summer after a long winter.

"Are you saying I am old Bella?"

the Affectionate teasing caught her off guard but she laughed anyway flustered a bit she stuttered her answer but kept his graze bravely.

"Well I mean...maybe Marcus being an actual Roman and all perhaps...so"

His laugh boomed out across the courtyard at her response not at all bothered by her assessment as his eyes twinkled in amusement.

"Oh my Bella what a joy you are! attempting to spare my feeling even now I am not afraid to admit it so do no worry I was only teasing you little one."

She felt an unaccustomed rush of pride in making him laugh and smiled back as she rose and stretched he following her lead and offering an arm to continue their stroll before she finished the motion.

"I'm glad to hear that, I need to ask you one day how Romans celebrated their day of birth but I feel l may not like the answer"

"that's putting it mildly dear one, suffice it to say it would be very out of place today in the world you know."

She grinned deciding to push her luck just a little this time with her knowledge.

"So, what I have read of..the temple orgies and things of the like actually happened?"


It was her turn to laugh outright as he was the one caught off-guard and the expression of dawning horror and shock was worth it as he tired to get out of the corner she had just created without getting into trouble. Still attempting to catch her breath from laughing she held up her hand to cover his lips as he opened his mouth.

"it's okay Marcus, I don't really need to know forgive me but I couldn't help myself the look on your face was worth it. just don't tease me in future without knowing I will return the favor now and again alright?"

He nodded as she removed her hand he smiled widely looking not at all sorry to have lost this round in the least as they resumed their stroll respect having been gained on both sides today.

"Well played little one I will remember in future not to provoke you without cause"

"You are a very wise vampire Marcus"

They had just reached the fountain in the back of the yard when he spoke again as if realizing something a rather wicked smile tugging at his lips as he suddenly stopped and knelt at her feet.

"I wonder, given that it is usual when Mates celebrate a birthday to give a gift and with the passing of your father taking place during the accustomed time. you have but to name your desire dear one and I will move heaven and earth to grant it so I Marcus ask of my mate.

"What would my Bella like?"

So ends Chapter 11- dodges the thrown napkins-

I know I am positively evil but you love me for me.

Whomever grants this story its 180th review shall earn Chapter 12's dedication

Stay tuned therefore for Chapter 12 Answers and Agreements
