Whoa what's this? Another Naruto/Gx crossover? From me? Who woulda thunk it! I honestly thought I was done with Naruto fics after the nonsense that was Kaguya (and the less said about Bort the better), but for a while now the idea of doing another Naruto/Gx story has been poking my brain.

I've actually made a couple of attempts at rebooting Get Your Game On, Dattebayo!, but it never got passed half a chapter. So I decided to just take a concept I had for a reboot and turn it into a new story.

I should be working on my DxD story, Devilry in Motion, but I've really gotten into Yu-Gi-Oh! more than ever recently. For the last few months I've been getting involved in a local group that do tournaments, and they meet like 15 minutes down the road from where I live. I have to say, Tournament level Yu-Gi-Oh! Is a whole different beast to casual, but I've been having a blast regardless. One of my better decks is a Destiny Hero deck, and they've had a really good boost in usefulness lately. I also watched season 2 of the dub again on YouTube, and have been getting into Duel Links again, so all of this stuff has really lit a fire in me for Yu-Gi-Oh! stuff.

Went off tangent there. What I was trying to say is that this is another attempt to get back into writing after the massive gap between updates for DiM, as well as an excuse to go down memory lane and dive back into the Naruto/Gx scene. I intend to take a different direction with this story—Naruto won't start in Yellow, won't have an original deck, and won't have a dark alter ego. The deck he uses is one I felt fit, mostly because of a pun with the archetype. I'll be trying to represent a more educationally challenged Naruto as we all know in canon he can barely even pick up a pencil until he becomes Hokage (when he can't put the fucking things down for two seconds to spend time with his family smh). And the Yami stuff in the original story honestly came out of nowhere and would have gotten in the way of my plans for season 2, so that's out.

Oh yeah, and FYI, I'll be using the Japanese names for characters, but the English names for cards. This is because I'm using Crunchyroll for my reference, and for some reason that's how they do it. Since I'm not going to look up every single card to find their Japanese names (I want to enjoy writing, not hate it lol) that's how it'll be. Sorry if that's annoying.

Anyway, I hope you like what you see, I hope there's some interest for this, and I hope fans of Devilry don't lynch me.

(Update: An minor edit has been made since first upload, more details below.)

Chapter One—The Name is Naruto—Uzumaki Naruto!

The Duel Academia exams were underway.

Well, to be more specific, they were halfway done with. A week before the written exam had been held in a KaibaCorp facility, and dozens of markers were hired by Kaiba to score the examinees as quick as possible. With this done, those who passed the written exam were given an invitation for the practical exam at Kaiba Land.

As the first few potentials duelled their proctors, a young man sat in the stands, his fingers tapping on his crossed arms. It was all he could do to sit still, he was quaking so much. Another young man noticed his shaking.

"Yeah, this is pretty nerve racking, huh?" The short boy fiddled with his glasses, glancing back at the duel field as already a couple of duels had finished. Judging from the downcast looks on their faces, they hadn't gone well. The boy gulped, "I barely passed the written exam, so I'm really worried that I might fail this one."

The shaking teen looked at his shorter companion. He blinked, "Nervous? I'm not nervous at all!"


"I'm shaking with excitement!" The bright grin nearly blinded the shorter boy.

"R-Really?" He wilted, staring at the floor with a sigh, "You must have gotten a great score to be so confident."

Before the other could respond, a voice rang out over the intercom. "Could Examinee #119, Marufuji Shou, please make his way to the duel field."

"Well, that's me." Shou said, standing up as the intercom repeated the message. "I guess your duel won't be until much later, huh?"

Yet again, the other boy was cut off before he could reply. "Could Examinee #118, Uzumaki Naruto, please make his way to the duel field."

"One-hundred-and-eighteen!" Shou gasped, staring at the other boy, mouth agape. As the other stood, Shou realised that he was way taller than he was. "Your score is barely any better than mine! How can you be so confident!?"

"Easy." Naruto grinned down at Shou and punched his palm. "Cus I'm gonna be the next Duel King!" And with that, he strode down the stairs, walking straight passed the stunned Shou.

"So confident…"

"Would Examinee #119 PLEASE make their way down to the duel field!"

"Wah! I'm coming!"

Above the stands were many teenagers, standing behind a railing to watch the practical exam. These teens were already in their uniforms, a mix of blue and white jackets, some mostly blue, and a few mostly white. Two such teens stood side by side; one of them perked up as she heard the announcements. She shook her head.

"No wonder he didn't want to tell me his score. One-hundred-and-eighteen after all that studying?"

"I doubt you need to worry about him." The boy next to her said. He was both taller and older than the girl, and you could say, at a stretch, that he resembled Shou. "His skills are the real deal, even if his grades are lacking."

"Wow, a compliment from you? That's rare."

"People rarely deserve them."

"What about your brother?"


"Well, guess we'll see."

"Alright, #118, this'll be pretty straightforward. All you have to do is win this duel and you'll be in the running for a spot at Duel Academia." A woman in a dark blue jacket explained, holding her duel disk at chest height. "Best of luck."

"Heh, thanks, but I don't need luck! I've got this in the bag!" Naruto said, readying his own duel disk with a grin.

The woman's lips lifted a little. "Well, aren't you confident? Let's see how well-founded that is, shall we?"


"I'll go first," the Proctor said, drawing a card. "Since this is a test, let's see how you respond to this. I summon Beautiful Headhuntress in attack mode." A woman with dark blue hair dressed in a light blue kimono appeared on the field, grasping a gigantic sword in hand as if it weighed nothing.

#Beautiful Headhuntress—Warrior—1600/800#

"Then I set one card face down and end my turn."

"Alright, my turn, draw!" Naruto pulled the top card from his deck and grinned. "Alright, it's one of my favourites! I summon SPYRAL Gear – Drone in attack mode." A high-tech looking drone appeared, hovering at Naruto's eye level.

#SPYRAL Gear – Drone—Machine—100/100#

Despite trying to maintain a professional neutrality, the Proctor's brows rose. "I understand that your confident kid, but this is too much. That thing only has 100 attack points."

"Yeah, that's true, but I didn't summon it for its attack points. I summoned it for its effect! When my Drone is summoned, I can look at the top three cards of your deck."

The woman gasped as the drone flew over to her and little arms extended from its 'head'. It drew the first three cards from her deck and flew back over to Naruto. He took them from the machine and looked them over. "Once I've done that, I can put them back in whatever order I want." He re-arranged them and gave them back to the drone, which flew back over to the Proctor and put them back. It then returned to Naruto's side.

"Ok, but what was the point of that?"

Naruto rubbed his nose, still grinning, "Well, now I can activate an effect in my hand. See, I get to declare one card type, and if the top card of your deck is one of those cards, then I can special summon a certain monster from my hand."

The Proctor gasped. "But, you already know what the top card of my deck is!"

"Yup! So, if I were to say that the top card of your deck was a spell card…"

The Proctor drew the card and looked at it, and sighed before revealing it to be a Polymerization, "Then you'd be right."

"Yup! So, say hello to another one of my favourites; my SPYRAL Super Agent!" A well-dressed man with a briefcase in hand appeared on the field.

#SPYRAL Super Agent—Warrior—1900/1200#

The Proctor eyed the monster up. 'That's a decent amount of attack points. Of course,' Her eyes wandered down to her face down card, 'this trap card should deal with that.'

"Now, the other effect of my SPYRAL Super Agent activates."

The Proctor looked up, "It has another effect?"

"Yup! When my SPYRAL Super Agent is special summoned by a SPYRAL card, I can target one spell or trap card you control and destroy it!"

"Oh no!" She watched as the Agent pulled out a gun and shot her face-down card. It flipped up to reveal Mask of Weakness before shattering.

"And I'm not done yet, because I activate my SPYRAL Gear – Drone's other effect as well. By tributing it, I can increase my SPYRAL Super Agent's attack by 500 for each card you control! One card means an extra 500 attack points!"

SPYRAL Gear – Drone faded away, and SPYRAL Super Agent grew a bit bigger.

#SPYRAL Super Agent—Warrior—2400/1200#

"SPYRAL Super Agent, attack her Beautiful Headhuntress!" The debonair man ran towards the beautiful swordswoman. She swung her blade, but he deflected it with his briefcase, which he then slammed into her head, causing her to shatter to pieces with a cry.



"I set one card face down and end my turn."

"My turn, draw!"

"I activate my trap card, Mind Crush!"


Naruto grinned, rubbing his nose as he explained. "Mind Crush lets me declare a card, and if you have that card in your hand, then it goes to the graveyard! I choose Polymerization!"

The Proctor clicked her tongue as she sent the card she just drew to the graveyard. "You may have gotten rid of my Polymerization, but it wasn't the spell card you should have picked! I play the spell card Fissure! This card destroys the monster on the field with the lowest attack points, and seeing as your SPYRAL Super Agent is the only monster..."

"No! My Agent!" Naruto watched as his SPYRAL Super Agent fell through a crack in the ground. The gap closed, and a muffled shattering could be heard. "Damn it!"

"Next I summon Hibikime in attack position." Another woman with dark blue hair appeared on the field, this one wearing a green dress and holding a giant musical note. Naruto couldn't help but notice that the top looked sharp as hell.


"Hibikime, attack his life points directly!"

"Eek!" Naruto flinched as the female monster slashed him with her scythe-like musical note.



"I set one card face down and end my turn."

"Urgh, he was getting cocky." The girl sighed, resting her elbow on the railing.

The boy said nothing as he watched his little brother get hit directly by a giant worm monster.

"He always gets cocky."

"Geeze, I better recover from this." Naruto muttered, looking at his duel disk. "Asuka-chan will kick my ass if I lose." Shuddering at that image, he drew a card. Looking at it, his grin returned, "Nice! I play the equip spell card SPYRAL Gear – Big Red! This card lets me choose one SPYRAL monster in my graveyard and special summon it to the field!"

The Proctor frowned. "Let me guess, your SPYRAL Super Agent."

"Yup!" In a flash of light, a red sports card came into view. Sitting in the driver's seat was SPYRAL Super Agent, gripping the wheel with a charming grin. "And since my SPYRAL Super Agent was special summoned by a SPYRAL card—"

"Before you do that, I'll activate my trap card; Fusion Reserve! By revealing one fusion monster in my fusion deck, I can add one of the materials listed on that card and add it to my hand from my deck."

Naruto huffed, but watched as she revealed Empress Judge in her extra deck. 'Damn, now I don't know what the next card in her deck is going to be. Since she's added a card from her deck to her hand, her deck gets shuffled.'

"Next, I can add one Polymerization in my graveyard to my hand."

With that done, SPYRAL Super Agent brought his gun outside the window of Big Red and shot the Fusion Reserve trap card, destroying it.

Naruto huffed again, "SPYRAL Super Agent, run her monster down!" The car's wheel span before Hibikime found herself slamming into the hood, causing her to shatter. On its way back to Naruto's side, it kicked up some virtual dust that hit the Proctor.



"I set one card face down and end my turn."

"My turn, draw! I play the spell card Pot of Greed! This card lets me draw two cards from my deck." The Proctor drew the two cards. "Next I play The Warrior Returning Alive. I can select one warrior monster in my graveyard and add it to my hand. I choose Hibikime. Next, I play the spell card Polymerization!"

"I chain my trap card! Cloak and Dagger!"

"What?" The Proctor's eyes widened.

"I declare one monster name, and if that monster is summoned, it and this card are both removed from play." Naruto grinned. "Thanks for showing me it; I choose Empress Judge!"

"Grk!" The Proctor grit her teeth as she was forced to resolve her Polymerization, now that she had activated it. And with only one option available to her… "I fuse Hibikime and Queen's Double in my hand to summon Empress Judge."

Empress Judge was a dark-skinned woman with red hair and purple face tattoos. As soon as she appeared, however, a red dot sight appeared on her forehead and with a bang her head flew back. Empress Judge vanished before her body could hit the floor, and Cloak and Dagger faded away.

The Proctor looked down to two cards left in her hand. 'Sonic Maid and a De-Fusion spell…useless in this situation, but let's see how he handles a bluff.' "I summon Sonic Maid in defence mode." The monster that appeared looked just like Hibikime, only with a palette swap.

#Sonic Maid—Warrior—1200/900#

"Next I set one card face down and end my turn."

"My turn, draw!" Naruto's eyes widened slightly at the card he drew. 'Perfect!' He looked at another card in his hand and got the same sense of nostalgia as he did every other time he saw it. 'This might not fit with my SPYRALs that much, but even so, this works perfectly.'

"I summon Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke in attack mode." A ninja with a blue ponytail and a white mask appeared on the field, wielding two kunai.

#Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke—Warrior—1800/1000#

The Proctor raised a brow. "Is that all? Because even if you destroy my monster, you don't have enough attack points to finish me off."

Naruto grinned. "Maybe not right now, but that's why I'm gonna play this spell card; Monster Reborn!"

"Monster Reborn?" The Proctor's eyes widened. "Oh no!"

"I summon SPYRAL Gear – Drone in defence mode!"

#SPYRAL Gear – Drone—Machine—100/100#

"I won't be activating his first effect, because its his second that I'm interested in! By tributing SPYRAL Gear – Drone, my SPYRAL Super Agent gains 500 attack for every card you control. This time it's two, so that means…"

"1000 attack points!"

"Guess that's why you're the Proctor!"

#SPYRAL Super Agent—Warrior—2900/1200#

The Proctor, said nothing further, wondering what he would do next. She glanced at her face down card, before quickly looking back to Naruto. He still had one card left in his hand. Would he play a spell/trap destruction card, or would he be cautious and not attack? 'Or perhaps, that was why he summoned Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke? On the off chance that I have another card like Mask of Weakness, Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke can ignore points and just destroy a defence position monster when it battles one. It would definitely increase his chances of success...'

"Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke, attack her Sonic Maid!" The ninja leapt into the air and threw his kunai at Sonic Maid, causing her to explode. "And now SPYRAL Super Agent, finish her off! Big Red Drift!" SPYRAL Super Agent drove towards the Proctor and before he could hit her, performed a perfect drift, leaving only the virtual dirt and gravel kicked up by the tires to hit the Proctor. She covered her face as her life points dropped.

'Looks like I was right! Even though I didn't activate my supposed trap card on Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke, he still attacked with his other monster! Instincts, the sense to prepare for any outcome, and the courage to attack when needed; this one will go far!'



"Hell yeah! Who's the man!" Naruto threw his hands in the air, waving to an audience that were somewhat interested in his duel.

"That guy's pretty good."

"Yeah, what do you think, Manjoume-san?"

"Please, he's nothing. There's no way that someone with a score like that will be anything more than an Osiris Red. And it's not like beating am exam deck is anything special. He's not even worth my time."

"I guess we'll have to wait for #1 for anyone worthwhile, then."

The girl sighed, slumping ever so slightly in relief. "Thank goodness he passed. Guess I was worried about nothing. Still," she narrowed her eyes and cracked her knuckles, "I think I should have a word with him about his written exam score."

Down in the field, Naruto's waving paused for a full body shiver.

"I told you, Asuka. His skill speaks for itself." The tall boy said, watching as his younger brother barely finished his own duel. "Besides, if these applicants can't even beat these test decks, they have no place at Duel Academia."

"Harsh, but true, I guess."

"Heh heh." Naruto was back to grinning and waving.

"Well done, #118." The Proctor said, regaining Naruto's attention. She had a slight smile as she powered down her duel disk. "With skills like those you could get into Obelisk Blue one day. Not to mention at the end there with my face down; good instincts, the courage to make your move, and the foresight to prepare for as many variables as possible are all the signs of a great duellist. Just make sure to get your grades caught up with the rest of your skills."

"Grades?" Naruto froze, a pallid expression crossing his face. "Oh man, Asuka-chan is gonna kill me now she's heard my score." Sweat poured down his face. In his panic he completely forgot everything she said beforehand.

The Proctor hid a small laugh behind her hand. "Sounds like you really care about this Asuka's opinion."

"More like I'm scared of her wrath." He muttered, looking shiftily off to the side. "I just know that she'll make me study more than ever now."

"Sounds like she's got your best interests in mind." The Proctor said, and Naruto got the feeling he was being chided a little. "Make sure you don't take her feelings for granted."

Naruto looked down, eyes solemn. "Yeah, she and her family have done a lot for me." He looked back up, eyes now blazing with determination. "Trust me, the last thing I ever want to do is take her, or them, for granted. I'll make sure to pay them back for everything."

"I see." She gave him a full smile. "Then I wish the best for your time at Duel Academia. And best of luck with Asuka-san."

"Hee, thanks, I'll need it when she gets hold of me, ha ha!" He rubbed the back of his head with a grin.

'He's utterly oblivious, huh?' The woman sweat-dropped. 'Maybe I should be wishing her good luck instead…'

Shou sighed as he sat back down in his seat. "Oh man, that was a close one. That Proctor was tough."

"Hey, Shou right?"

"Huh?" Shou looked up to see Naruto approaching. "Oh, Uzumaki-san! Did you win?"

"Yup!" Naruto dropped into a seat next to him. "She got me that one time, but I pulled it back quick enough!"

"Wow, sounds like you had it easy." Shou sighed, slumping over. "I barely won my duel. I wonder if they'll even let me in…"

"Hey, you still won right?" Naruto grinned and folded his arms behind his head. "I used to lose loads of times—I used to duel against two of the best duellists I've ever met, they always whooped me." He closed his eyes and tilted his head, screwing his face up in thought. "Not really sure what that has to do with it…" He shrugged. "Eh, anyway, a win's a win, right?"

"I guess…" Shou muttered.

"Excuse me, Uzumaki, was it?"

"Hm?" Naruto looked over to see a boy his age with black hair approach him. The teen extended a hand out to shake.

"My name is Misawa Daichi, and can I say that your duel was rather impressive. The way you dealt with that bluff at the end was particularly good. Even though it had been a bluff, the fact that you had a potential counter in mind for a possible repeat of a Mask of Weakness-like card was astounding."

Naruto blinked, before grinning and slapping the hand with his own. "Heh, thanks! I'd say the same but you ain't duelled yet. What number are you, anyway?" He asked, trying to shift attention away from Misawa's second statement. 'I totally forgot about that face down! Thank kami it was a bluff! And what does he mean by a potential counter?' He let out a nervous chuckle. 'Eh, I'll just let him think what he wants.'

Removing his hand, and shaking it to ease the stinging pain, Misawa gave a small smirk. "Actually, I'm #1."

"Wow, really?!" Shou exclaimed, staring with wide eyes. "You're the top scorer!"

"Indeed." Misawa nodded, before looking back to Naruto. "I was impressed that someone with such a low score did so well in that duel. Your tactics are quite interesting."

Naruto gave a sheepish chuckle, rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah, me and tests don't get on. But just because I don't get good grades, doesn't mean I can't duel."

"Trust me, you don't need to convince me of that." Misawa said, a small smile pulling at his lips. "Still, I've been hoping for some good rivals at Duel Academia, and I'm glad to see I won't be disappointed. I look forward to creating a deck to duel your own."

"I'm always up for a challenge." Naruto said, his grin growing. "That goes for you, too." He said, turning to Shou, who yelped at the attention. "Any time you want to duel, just say so!"

"Erm…sure…" Shou agreed, not really meaning it.

"If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and observe the duels until my turn. I'd like to see if there's anymore competition out there for being number one." Misawa turned to leave, but Naruto grabbed his arm.

"Hey, no need to be all cold and distant, sit with us." Naruto waved at the seat next to him, letting go of Misawa's arm to do so. "I wanna watch too, so why not do it with like minds."

The #1 considered it for a moment. "Would that be all right?" Misawa finally said, looking to Shou.

"E-Erm, yeah, sure, why not…" Shou didn't really have a problem with it. He just wasn't used to people wanting his opinion.

"Alright, I don't see why not." Misawa took the seat next to Naruto and stared at an ongoing duel. "I suppose it would be nice to have some company while I'm here."

"Exactly! Being alone sucks." Naruto said, with a certainty that came from experience. "By the way, just call me Naruto." The other two nodded, Shou being more reluctant that Misawa. As the three fell into silence to watch the duels, Naruto tried to spot Asuka in the arena. Spotting Asuka was usually easy; just look for the largest boobs and you'd find her. Those things had certainly been a surprise a couple of years ago, that was for sure.

Finally, he spotted her, and he wasn't so shocked to see her standing next to Ryo. Now that he thought about it, something about his surname was bugging Naruto.

"Hmm…" Naruto scratched his head, but just couldn't think of it.

"Yes, that was a rather suspect choice." Misawa nodded, staring at one of the duels. "Personally, I would have used Rush Recklessly during the battle phase rather than the main phase."

"Eh?" Naruto blinked, looking down at the duel in question. "Well that was dumb."

Shou said nothing, having thought it had been a good move until Misawa spoke.

"Looks like he's making friends already." Asuka nodded in Naruto's direction. "Hey, isn't that your brother?"

"Yes." Ryo nodded, actually looking a little pleased. "Naruto would be a good influence on Shou."

"Look at you, you do care." Asuka said, grinning a little.

"Pot, kettle."

"I make no secret of it."

"Which is why Naruto has noticed."

Her cheeks went the slightest bit red. "There's nothing to notice." It went away as a sombre expression took form, "Besides, we've got other things to worry about right now."

Ryo said nothing, just looked back down.

Taking another glance at Naruto getting along with some boys his age, Asuka smiled, before returning her attention to the field.

At that same same moment, a certain teen was running as fast as he could to make it to the exam on time. Or rather, to try and not be any later than he already was…

Chapter End

Well, that was chapter one, what do you guys think? Was it good? Garbage? Or is there not enough for an opinion? Either way, I hope this goes down well and I hope my interest in writing this stays. I would like to think so, since I'm always thinking of GX story ideas and wanting to write GX stuff, but I've long since learned to not promise anything.

Also, I'll let you guys have a say-Should I write Judai's duel with Cronos, or should I skip to them arriving at the Academy. I can go with either, so it depends what you guys want more.

Please review and thank you for any support you give.

Ciao for now!

(Update; Edit: I changed the last half of the duel slightly, as well as some character dialogue, to fix a mistake I made before in regards to the second activation of SPYRAL Gear - Drone's second effect.)